Far From Here: A Klaine Tumblr AU
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Far From Here: A Klaine Tumblr AU: Chapter 2

K - Words: 1,085 - Last Updated: Mar 12, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 07, 2012 - Updated: Mar 12, 2012
1,620 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Soooo Kurt centric! You'd think for a Blainestan I would write from Blaine's POV. I'll remedy that in future Parts, I'm sure. But here, have a simple chapter to make your hearts go whee!
He literally sat there for hours after Blaine had gone to sleep debating whether he should do it. Blaine had begun to beg him over ask, even posting a picture of him pouting and tagging it with Kurt’s name, begging for Kurt to post a video so he could listen to it and so that the rest of tumblr could hear him. He had giggled at the picture, trying not to think about how adorable and ridiculous his pout was, but rolled his eyes at his comments. He’d lost two followers since Blaine and him had started speaking regularly, which now was a good week, and he severely doubted anyone really cared about what he had to say, let alone watch a video of him.

But something inside of him thought that maybe, someone would care. Blaine had cared enough to message him about his video, and if he hadn’t posted that one song, Blaine never would have known he existed. His reason for well…not being completely depressed wouldn’t be talking to him.

It was sad, that someone miles away and on another continent was Kurt’s main source of comfort. But Blaine didn’t know what he was going through. Blaine didn’t know that every day, Kurt was thrown into lockers and called the f word. He had no idea that getting up in the morning was a pain for him because he hated his school so much. Kurt didn’t have the heart to tell him. And he didn’t want to tell him. His tumblr was supposed to be a place for him to escape, a place for him to hide in, and that meant not mentioning it. Unlike other people he followed who constantly spoke about their lives, Kurt took another approach to his time spent on there. He mentioned little about his home and school life, and just enjoyed himself. He literally lost himself in a world that didn’t have anything to do with him.

But the little circle above his Mac that held his camera called to him. It told him to open it and press play. Kurt took a deep breath, before yelling down at his family to not come in his room if they heard him singing. Or more so, he cordially informed them that if they so much as stepped into his room while he was singing, he would not make his brownies for a week. He only wanted to do this once. Like a bandaid. Rip it off at once and get it over with.

There was that red square again. He had been expecting that. What he hadn’t been expecting, was the number three instead of one over it. Kurt’s face instantly scrunched up in confusion, before he opened his inbox.

The first wasn’t from Blaine. It was from a someone with the name ‘Rent-wicked-queen’, and Kurt could only roll his eyes as he read it. But his eyes wondered down, and he suddenly felt awful for doing that.

‘Wow! I’ve never heard a guy sing Defying Gravity before! But you hit every note so well. Haha, instant follow. Hope you post more videos!’

He blushed, before sending her back a message thanking them. Kurt didn’t want everyone to read that, it was much too embarassaing. Even though he did have to agree with them, after the whole incident with the song last year, he wasn’t exactly as proud of it as he had once been. Still, the message brought a smile to his lips, and his eyes dropped down to the next message.

It still wasn’t from Blaine, and that made him frown, but the message was the same as the one above. There was nothing but sweet words and compliments, saying he was an instant follow and even adding that his fashion sense was impeccable. He smiled at her word choice, and sent her back a nice thank you message, before reaching the last ask.

‘Thank you for tagging me in the video! Or else I would be really, really hurt that you didn’t link me to it….Well, not really. I sort of check your blog regularly… Um. But, wow! Kurt…you sounded…wow.”

That was all he said, and Kurt blinked at the message. It took him a while to figure out what to write back, because he had no idea. He was used to Blaine always knowing what to say. Even if he had to agree that the boy over used exclamation points, Blaine tended to always have some wise, little piece of advice to say. The dots, although he had no idea how to read them, meant volumes.

‘No problem. I didn’t know if I could send you the link, is your submit on? I’m really glad you like it. But just ‘wow’? What does that mean?’

He was tentative about sending the message, but he figured it didn’t matter. While Kurt Hummel in person was sure on his talent, he didn’t have to use the fa�ade of his confidence while online. He didn’t have to see Blaine every day. Talking to him online was different than seeing him. He could ask him that.

While he waited, he clicked on his title ‘No good deed’, and gasped as he saw he had literally gained twenty followers since the last time he had checked. Scrolling down, Kurt looked for the video, before clicking on the notes. There were fifteen notes, which was a lot more than his typical two or three, and his heart literally leapt as he found Blaine’s, the first one right after the one that said the video had been posted by him.

Following the link to his blog, Kurt’s eyes began to feel a bit misty as he read the electronic words.

‘Guys! This is Kurt. He’s like…amazing. And you need to hear him, he’ll blow you away. He blew me away! He’s one of the nicest people I know, and yeah, I only know him over tumblr, but he’s really great. Listen and follow or spread the news! He’s going to make it big one day! :)’

Wiping back the tears that had trickled down his cheeks, Kurt laughed as he saw the red square once again over his inbox. Without a doubt, it was Blaine, his newly appointed fairy godmother. Or was it fairy godfather? He tried to avoid the fact that Blaine had never mentioned he clearly had a lot more followers than he lead on, and clicked the message with the first genuine smile he had worn all day on his face.


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