March 12, 2012, 6:59 p.m.
March 12, 2012, 6:59 p.m.
His fingers trembled as he tied the bowtie onto his neck and turned it around. Blaine looked at himself in the mirror; he watched his hands straighten his bowtie before he fixed his collar. It was almost as if he were on autopilot, watching himself do these things without really feelings himself do them. He knew it was because of the nerves, the nerves that hadn’t really left his stomach for days. They were present in everything he did now, ever since he had decided to go ahead with his.
Blaine was afraid he looked too cheesy, afraid he looked stupid and Kurt was going to end up laughing at him the entire time. Their styles of dressing were so different, and Kurt had really only ever seen him in his uniform and his pajamas. But Blaine had decided he wanted to look his best while he did this; he just wasn’t sure if his best was good enough for Kurt’s standards.
It was crazy that he was doing this. It was stupid of him to just assume that Kurt felt the same way he had in February. But then again, Kurt had put himself out on a limb when he had told Blaine he liked him, and it was wrong to hold back from saying the same thing if only because he was scared. It was the first step towards what he could only hope was a lot of things, but Blaine wasn’t going to get too carried away with his hoping.
He looked at mirror again, trying to calm down as he checked if his hair looked alright. It was slicked down again after his shower, and while he would usually just run a bit of pomade through his hair after his shower for when he spoke to Kurt later simply because he didn’t want it to look too unruly, he had smoothed it down completely today. He ran a comb through his hair to get everything down, or perhaps as just as an excuse to prolong moving on to his laptop.
Blaine took in a deep breath, trying to calm the shaking of his body as he did. Dark honey eyes looked at him in the mirror, and Blaine stared back at himself. He searched for something in his eyes that told him he needed to stop. He looked for that part inside of him that knew this was going to fail and found nothing. Yes, he was nervous, but Blaine Anderson didn’t want to not go through with this.
“You can do this,” he said in a hushed tone, smiling at himself lightly as he stepped out of the bathroom.
The sun was setting over the city, and Blaine just hoped it didn’t make everything seem too overly orange on his camera, although that was almost always the case. He crossed the space from his bathroom to his room, and sat down at his desk in front of his laptop that was on standby. Taking in a deep breath, Blaine literally had to reassure himself that this wasn’t something he would end up regretting.
And how could he regret this? If everything went according to plan, Kurt would finally know how Blaine felt. Blaine would finally be honest with him, and they could try to figure things out together as to how they were going to meet. They could move past the giggles and guessing of feelings and onto something else. Because although Blaine could live with waiting a little longer to see Kurt, he knew he wanted to see him as soon as possible. He was past the fear of long distance, but now that his feelings had escalated, Blaine knew he wanted to know what it felt like to really be around Kurt.
However, if it didn’t go according to plan, Blaine would end up looking like a fool. But it wasn’t fair that he wasn’t being honest. He told himself that either way, confessing how he felt was going to make him feel better. Licking his lips slowly, he kept reassuring himself that there was going to be something positive out of this.
His laptop finished loading, and Blaine sucked in a breath as he opened his recording software on his laptop. Maybe it was stupid the way he was going to go about this, but it reminded him of when Kurt and he had first started talking. He smiled softly, chuckling as he remembered that night that he had sleepily stumbled into the Wicked tag only to see a video posted by someone with an Audrey Hepburn icon saying that they were sorry for butchering the song. Something had compelled Blaine to press play though and not continue scrolling past and it had been the best decision of his life. Blaine hadn’t even hesitated to tell Kurt how wonderful he had sounded, and that message had started all of this.
So maybe a video really wasn’t the worst idea ever.
He looked down at the script lying beside his desk, before sighing because he knew it by memory. It was pathetic for him to realize that he had actually gone through the trouble of writing a script when he was 99.9 percent sure he was going to forget the entire thing once the light on his laptop turned on and indicated that his camera was recording. Blaine knew that everything he had wanted to say was going to get jumbled up in his head and that there was basically no reason for him to worry because it was going to be a train wreck either way.
Blaine just hoped he could make it onto a charming train wreck, if only so that Kurt didn’t laugh at him the entire time. With a nod, he moved his curser over the button that said start recording, but didn’t press play. He breathed for a moment, not because he was having doubts but because he physically couldn’t breathe right then. His breathing was labored, and he told himself to calm down because if he kept feeling like this he was going to end up fainting from lack of oxygen.
It was like a performance, and soon those jitters would leave and Blaine would feel energetic and pumped up because of them. He waited for that moment, trying to prepare himself much in a similar way by taking in a deep, long breath. Only he didn’t picture the audience smiling as he sang. It was Kurt’s face smiling at him as he spoke that he imagined in his head, and he almost felt sad that he couldn’t see Kurt’s face as he watched the video. Closing his eyes, he let out that breath slowly. Blaine felt his heart start to quiet down, although the blood in his veins was still warm and rushing. But the mood inside of him changed, and he pressed down on his left finger, causing the cursor to press record.
Four hours and all Kurt had gotten out of his massive shopping trip with himself were two bags of clothes, one which just had one scarf in it. But it wasn’t his fault that everything he liked hadn’t been in his size or that with spring just around the corner all the winter clothing was already leaving and he was left shopping through the scraps of what was left. Usually he was able to deal with that, but frustration and nerves wasn’t a good combination of feelings to shop with.
Of course, the shopping was supposed to have calmed him down, and even if it had made him happy as he ran his fingers over the lush fabrics at the many stores he had entered, Kurt was still nervous. It was a different sort of nervous than he had felt the day before at the audition. It was that type of nervousness that stayed with you no matter what you did. The type that settled at the bottom of your stomach, but let you go about your day only to surprise you later when you had nothing else to occupy your time with.
Which was exactly why Kurt had decided to go shopping in the first place. And although he had turned up a bit shorter than he would have hoped, it had been worth it.
“Someone’s home late,” Kurt heard his father say as he walked through the front door.
Shaking his head as he took off his boots, Kurt walked into the living room and looked at his father who sat on their couch with an arm around Carole. He smiled at the scene, ignoring the empty feeling his heart got whenever he saw a happy couple and just let their ease warm him. “Last time I checked, it was still light outside. It’s Saturday too. You just think I’m late because you had a shorter shift at the garage,” Kurt answered as he leaned against the archway that connected the main hallway with the living room.
Burt nodded, but didn’t tear his eyes away from the television screen. It took him a moment to speak, and he finally opened his mouth just as Kurt was ready to dodge the question and head up to his room. His eyes met Kurt’s as he spoke, raising an eyebrow at his son as he asked, “What’s up? You never come home after four hours of shopping with only two bags.”
He sucked in his lip for a moment before he let out a sigh that he had been keeping inside of himself for a while. Resting his forehead against the wall, Kurt closed his eyes as he answered, “It’s been two days and they haven’t called me back from the theater.”
On the couch, Burt and Carole shared a look. Their lips pulled into a tight line, and her hand moved to Burt’s knee where she squeezed it. Her little gesture helped Burt find the reassuring words for Kurt. “Hey, they probably are just trying to figure out which part you’d be best for, kid. That’s what happens when someone comes in who is really talented.”
A scoff escaped Kurt’s lips, but he smiled either way as he opened his eyes and looked at his father. Carole next to him was smiling wide and nodding her head, and Kurt’s smile only got bigger. Shaking his head a bit, Kurt sighed again but it wasn’t heavy anymore as he said, “Right. I’ll keep thinking about it like that.”
His sock covered feet took him upstairs as he called out from the top that he’d already gotten a salad at the mall when his father reminded him to have dinner. He put down his shoes near his bed before dumping the two bags on his bed. He’d pick things up later when he wasn’t so tired from walking around. Rolling his neck to try to get rid of the slight ache in it, he couldn’t help but wondered if he should hop into his bathroom and take a nice warm bath with that bath bomb from Lush that he had ordered online. But then his eyes landed on his laptop that lay on top of his glass desk.
With a yawn, Kurt glanced down at his watch and sighed because it was too late for Blaine to be online. They had spoken to each other last night, and through text while Kurt had shopped, but somewhere in between hour two of his shopping trip, Blaine had disappeared without so much of a warning. He could only assume Blaine had been texting him as he lay in his bed and had fallen asleep with the phone in his hand.
Smiling as he imagined Blaine sleeping, his lips parted slightly as he breathed, Kurt walked over to his desk and opened his laptop. He’d take a bath in a bit before he went downstairs and watched television with his father and Carole as he also read the new Vogue issue. Long fingers traced over his phone’s screen as he placed it down on the top of the desk, wondering if he should wish Blaine good night even if he was already asleep. He decided against it as his laptop finished loading and he clicked to open a new browser window, his fingers instinctively typing Tumblr into the address bar.
Ever since he had started speaking to Blaine through Skype, he had needed Tumblr a lot less than before. He logged on periodically to check Blaine’s blog or to see what the latest fad on his dashboard was. Mostly he logged on after he had kicked Blaine off his laptop to go to sleep.
Like many afternoons and nights before, Kurt’s fingers guided his cursor to pull the dashboard down as he looked through the posts. It wasn’t until a few minutes after he had reblogged a pair of Dr. Martens that Kurt really paid attention to what he was doing. Because then a few minutes later a familiar little red box appeared over the white envelope on his dashboard. And despite the heavy dejavu, Kurt clicked the box.
The message was from a girl who he followed, but not someone he spoke to often. She was one of those people who had followed him back when Blaine had kept reblogging him, not one of the people who had followed him for his fashion posts. He furrowed his brow as he read the message.
Kurt! You’re online! What did you say?!
Aside from the simple fact that it made no sense, Kurt just stared at the message before he shook his head. Something had happened and he didn’t understand what was up. A soft sigh escaped his lips before he clicked to move onto his dashboard, unsure of what that would reveal before he gave up and asked her politely what she meant by her vague message.
It was only now as his eyes searched his dashboard for a sign of something different that he noticed the little one next to the tag of his name on the sidebar of his dashboard. He blinked, but his fingers moved across the touch pad of his mac to drag the cursor there either way. His heart didn’t go faster, his breathing wasn’t small.
Kurt didn’t have any idea what was waiting for him.
It was his move.
Kurt did nothing about it till morning. He’d let Blaine continue sleeping deciding that although his heart was racing and every molecule in his body was on fire, their impending conversation could wait a few hours. He had texted Blaine good night either way, and told him he’d be awake early tomorrow and that he’d text him when he woke up. And with that, Kurt walked downstairs and continued with his night as if everything he had been waiting for hadn’t just happened in a video that was under ten minutes long.
But he didn’t forget when he woke up. The sun peaked through his curtains, and he stayed in bed for a few minutes, a ridiculous smile on his face the entire time. It was different now, even if nothing was certain, if only because he could put a name to the feelings Blaine had for him. He could put a name to what they were going to be once Kurt found the courage within himself to face Blaine and talk to him about the video. It was only a matter of time, and Kurt pressed his face against his pillow for a moment to compose himself before he checked his phone.
There was a message waiting for him, and something told him it was from Blaine. Reading it, he smiled at the words that had been sent a few hours ago. The two simple words of: Good morning.
With steady fingers, he replied quickly.
From: Kurt Hummel
Good morning to you. Are you home?
It was that silly smile that was plastered on his face that gave away any of his inner nerves that were so different from the ones he had been feeling over the auditions. These made him soar with happiness, and Kurt put his phone into the pocket of his robe as he got up and put it on to go down stairs.
It wasn’t until he was almost done eating breakfast that he got a text back from Blaine. Kurt stopped eating at once, which caused his father and Carole to look up at the same time seeing as Finn was still sleeping. Putting his fork down, he took a quick drink of his milk before opening his phone and reading the message.
From: Blaine Anderson
Hey! I went for a walk, but I’m back now.
Kurt’s heart did a flip, and his father must have noticed something was up from the smile that lit up his face when he went to reply to Blaine’s message asking if they could talk after he got ready.
“Who’s that?” Burt asked, raising an eyebrow before going back to eating his breakfast.
“Just Blaine,” Kurt said, trying to sound calm but knowing that his voice came out a little too happy. Even if he liked being open with his father, Kurt wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell him exactly what was happening. He took a bite of his toast, before standing up and saying, “I’m going to go shower.”
Burt frowned a bit, before pointing to his plate as he said, “But you haven’t even finished.”
“I’m full already,” was Kurt’s quick reply as he got up and put the dish in the sink. After throwing away the little piece of bread he hadn’t eaten, he washed off the plate. The smile hadn’t left his lips though, and Burt and Carole gave each other a very confused look that he missed as he walked out of the kitchen and bounced up the stairs.
From: Blaine Anderson
Of course we can. Just text me when you get out…
It was as if he could feel Blaine’s nervousness through the text, and Kurt wanted to reassure him that there wasn’t anything to be afraid of. He put the phone down and entered the shower, not wasting any time even though Kurt hardly ever took long showers. He was out and dressed within minutes, picking out a simply outfit over something that would impress Blaine. Kurt’s hair hadn’t even dried properly as he brushed it back and sprayed it down.
The only person he would rush through his morning routine for was Blaine Anderson.
By the time he was done, Kurt’s heart was beating out of his chest and his laptop was ready to go. He sent the text and opened Skype, hardly having to wait a minute before he got a message from Blaine requesting a video call. He wasn’t the only one who was rushing, and it made him chuckle a bit before he answered.
It took a moment for Blaine’s camera to work, but Kurt smiled as it did. His hair looked close to what it had in the video from last night, but he was now just wearing a blue polo. He was smiling back at him, his eyes wide with what Kurt could only hope was anticipation. Kurt wanted to laugh because he knew what he was going to say and he could only imagine Kurt’s nerves right now, but he stayed his cool and just smiled back at him.
“Hey,” Blaine said, breaking the silence as he leaned forward slightly. His eyes were sparkling, and Kurt was glad that for once everything in his room wasn’t orange like it usually was.
“Hi,” Kurt breathed out, nodding as he met his eyes.
They smiled at each other and said nothing again, before they started laughing. Neither one of them was sure what to say or do, neither one of them was ready to bring it up but they both wanted to. It was a mess, and yet they couldn’t do anything but smile.
“Did you…”
“I was…”
Laughing in unison as they spoke over each other, they shook their heads. Taking in a breath, Kurt gathered himself first and said softly, “You first.”
Blaine just nodded, and cleared his throat before he asked, “Did you hear back from the theater yet?”
It was the first time Kurt had thought about the theater since he had watched the video, and he literally blinked before he checked his phone for any missed calls. Shaking his head though, he glanced over at Blaine, his voice slightly dejected despite his previous elation, “Not yet. There were a lot of people though, so I guess they have a lot of people to place.”
“I’m sure they’re just trying to figure out which role they should give you, since they can’t really put you in all of them,” Blaine said, his voice teasing as he smirked at Kurt.
He laughed, shaking his head a bit at how silly that had come out. Looking up at him though, he raised an eyebrow before he mumbled, “My dad said the same thing, actually.”
“It’s true,” Blaine said, his tone small but clear.
They were silent again for a minute, Kurt licking his lip and a bit lost in his thoughts again. Life didn’t end just because the boy he liked had finally admitted his own feelings to him, and that had only just hit Kurt. They still had a lot more to deal with.
“What were you going to say, though?”
Kurt blinked at Blaine’s voice, before he realized what the conversation had been about before Blaine had gone and been polite enough to ask Kurt about the community theater. He smiled again though, remembering what he had been about to say before. Looking up finally, his voice hushed somewhat as he said, “I watched your video.”
“Oh,” Blaine said, his voice trailing slightly. Kurt bit his lip as he watched Blaine. He ran his fingers through his hair, before he buried his face in his hands for a brief moment. Kurt though it was because he was blushing, but it wasn’t until Blaine moved his hands and looked up again was it that he realized it had been out of frustration. He opened his mouth to say something but Blaine spoke first.
“I’m sorry, Kurt. I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have dumped my feelings onto you, and I’m sorry. I didn’t even once consider the fact that you might not even feel the same, and I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable. I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same anymore, and I just hope we can still be friends…”
Kurt had interrupted him by laughing, and he was too busy clutching his stomach as he did so to notice the completely baffled look on Blaine’s face. It was just simply too endearing to hear him say something like that, and he couldn’t help but laugh at him. Or more so at the fact that it was so something Blaine would say, and every time Kurt realized he knew him that well it swelled his heart.
His voice sounded somewhat broken as he asked, “What’s so funny?”
Composing himself, Kurt had to wipe away a tear from his eye from laughing before he was able to look at Blaine again. With a happy smile, he looked him in the eye and said, now that he could breathe properly, “You. You’re hilarious because you think I feel different from the way I did a few months ago about you.”
“A lot of things have changed for you, Kurt,” Blaine said, his voice still small although the smile on his lips now was beautiful as it kept growing with each passing moment.
Although Kurt nodded in agreement, his smile only widened with Blaine’s. This was that feeling Kurt had stopped thinking he would ever get. He had given up on the idea of ever having any sort of feelings reciprocated by any guy he liked, but this was that feeling he thought he’d never get the chance to feel. He shrugged though as he said, “Yeah, but my feelings for you haven’t changed. At all.”
They looked at each other again, smiles wide as they said absolutely nothing. There was still one question left unanswered, and neither was sure how to phrase it.
It was Blaine who took the leap to ask, something which Kurt was glad he did because Kurt wasn’t exactly sure what he was supposed to say now. His cheeks were burning and the amount of butterflies in his stomach was enough to make him float. But Blaine’s voice was soft and grounding, carrying him back down from the clouds and into the arms that he wished were closer.
“So, what now?”
The question was simple, and Kurt wanted to somehow lean forward through the computer screen and kiss him. There was only one answer, and as he rested his chin in his hand, Kurt answered in a voice that was happier than he had ever been in weeks, “We try to make your plan work.”
Neither one of them made acknowledgement to what they were now, because neither one had to. They both knew what that meant, and it made their stomachs flip and reflected off their dopey smiles that they were giving each other. In their heads, they were imagining a scene where they could hold each other’s hands, where they could reach over and kiss each other. Even if they had accepted the reality given to them, the reality that set them oceans apart from each other, they both knew what they wanted to be doing even if the other wasn’t aware of it.
They knew that they only had a few months to plan things, and time really was pressing. But in that moment they wanted to delight in the moment, because after months of dodging each other, they had finally met halfway. Their smiles didn’t get any smaller, both of them looking at their boyfriend on the other side of the screen, and knowing that soon enough they would start on trying to close the other distance between them.
Love it!
You don't need to worry at ALL. This was amazingly written(: just ignore te haters and know youre amazing
Simply wonderful
I love this story!!!
that was really beautiful. I´m not much into AUs but yours is just so heartbreaking in a positive way (lol?) well...please keep writing and let people never tell you to stop!i love that story and I can´t wait for the moment they finally meet...awww.
Yay!!!! I'm so excited that they're finally together!!! There's girl on tumblr that I think I have feelings for so every time I think about this story I think about how realistic it seems to me. I love it:) no one ver taught me the rating scale for the website so I gave it a 10. I hope 10 is the best...
Hey! Amazing story! :DI really hope you update soon though :C *puppy dog eyes*
That's really cool so far! I can't wait to read what happens next!