Far From Here: A Klaine Tumblr AU
Prologue Next Chapter Story
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Far From Here: A Klaine Tumblr AU: Prologue

K - Words: 913 - Last Updated: Mar 12, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 07, 2012 - Updated: Mar 12, 2012
1,935 0 7 0 0

Author's Notes: Most parts are either going to be shorter, or longer than this. I really just needed to set things up, first. Think of this as a prologue.
There was a message when he logged in. Kurt wasn’t used to seeing any messages. With only 134 followers, Kurt had stopped even reblogging those silly posts asking people to ask you anything or to leave a number and you would answer the question that went with the number. He simply enjoyed reblogging the latest fashions, occasionally posting mini rants, and every now and then a video or two of him singing, but that was very rare.

But the red square with the rounded edges hovered over the white envelope, and Kurt’s eyes went huge. Something in the pit of his stomach told him not to click it. He’d seen how awful those anonymous people were to some of his other followers. What if this was an evil anon come to troll him, come to ruin the only place where he felt safe? School was already bad, but what if they had found his tumblr, which he was trying to keep hidden at all cost.

It took him a full five minutes to click on it. His eyes were closed as the page reloaded, and Kurt Hummel took a long, deep breath as he waited. Opening his eyes, the light blue spheres peered onto the message.

‘Hey! I just wanted to say that your cover of Help! by the Beatles was…amazing! I really liked it. You should post more videos! Well, yeah, now I feel like a creeper, so I’m going to go…..P.S. Cool blog :)’
He stared at it and read it again. He looked at the over use of exclamation posts, the smiley face at the end. Kurt’s eyes wandered to the name ‘Warbler-on’ and the black and white picture of a bird. This person was certainly not a troll, and Kurt even laughed because he had just been paranoid. So without giving it much of a second thought, he replied.

‘Thanks! Beatles covers are sort of my thing. That and show tunes. Well, I’m not too sure about posting more videos, though. You’re the only person that’s ever even commented on them. It’s not creepy, it’s flattering and just means you have good taste! P.S. Thanks :)’
He sent it privately, before clicking on dashboard and scrolling down. After reblogging two pictures of Alexander Mcqueen’s Armidillo heels, that red square with the rounded corners and the white number one popped up again and glared at him. Kurt clicked.

It was them again, and this time Kurt smiled slightly.

‘Are you serious?! That’s it. I’ve got to reblog those videos, I’m sure some of my followers will comment. Well, I knew I had great taste…but thanks! I’m serious, you should post more. I sound too pushy o.O I just like your voice.’
Kurt laughed, absolutely convinced this person was crazy. But in a good way. Clicking answer, he typed back.

‘What, are you like, tumblr famous or something? ;) I’d like you to know, good sir, that I have plenty of followers. They just…never pay attention. You do sound pushy, but I’m trying to take this as a compliment.’
He hit answer privately, and went back to his dash. Within minutes there was another one, and for a good couple minutes it went back and forth, and back and forth. ‘Warbler-on’ would continue to compliment him, while Kurt thanked him. They talked about musicals, because ‘Warbler-on’ had noticed him reblog Rent. They even spoke about fashion. But after a few minutes ‘Warbler-on’ stopped replying.

Kurt got nervous, and worried that he had somehow offended him and annoyed him and he had gotten bored and left. In his head, although he had no idea if this was a girl or not, he pictured them as a boy. Maybe he wanted them to be a boy. Sighing though, Kurt glanced out his window at the setting sun before entering ‘warbler-on.tumblr.com’ into the address bar.

The layout was plain, with light red, almost pink accents. In the corner, just over his information, was a gif of a dog walking closer to the screen. The only thing Kurt could tell about this person so far was that they loved animals. His eyes wandered down, and he read the information under the gif. Their name was Blaine, and from what he could see, they were the same age. They mentioned Harry Potter a few times, and Rent, and Kurt could feel the edges of his lips tugging into a smile as he looked at the post, which were actually mostly either pictures of actors such as Marion Cottilard or pop songs. But in the margin, at the bottom of all the information about them and the banner of Gryffindor’s colors was the small little image.

His heart leapt a bit, but it wasn’t like he had expected anything new. Most people from tumblr felt the same. Still, sometimes it felt nice to be accepted. Just as he went to exit out, he refreshed by accident. At the top, there was a new post and it read.

‘Kurt! I’m so sorry I stopped sending you messages. Stupid ten message rule. Damn you, Karp! But I have to go to bed now anyway, it’s past midnight. Goodnight everyone!’

There was a gif of Lady Gaga blowing a kiss, and Kurt couldn’t help but laugh and like the post, before going back to his dash and attempting to go back to blogging and doing his homework at the same time. But somewhere in between conjugating French verbs and a picture of a Chanel bag, Kurt couldn’t shake the feeling that ‘Blaine’ was actually a girl.


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ahhhh..this story is so good!(:

You tease. Of course I'll keep reading.

Okay, first off, I have been keeping this fanfiction open in a separate tab on my laptop at all times since I started reading this. It is absolutely amazing. Definitely one of the best fanfictions I've ever read. Second, I check every time I use my computer to see if this has updated. And it NEVER DOES. So you need to write more, soon. Kay? Kay. Bye.

So... when is the next chapter gonna be out? ;D I check for it like three times a day!

Hi! I was just dropping by to say that I really hope that this hasn't been abandoned, because it hasn't updated in a couple months and it would make me sad because I really love it! :)