Dec. 27, 2012, 12:06 a.m.
Dec. 27, 2012, 12:06 a.m.
He didn't remember much. There were screams. Slamming doors. His vision faded in and out. He was moving. People were shining lights in his eyes. And always, the constant pain in his stomach.
Machines beeping. Urgent voices. Then, unconsciousness.
When he awoke again, he was in a bright room. At first he thought he was alone, until he saw a lone figure, curled in on itself on the chair. He looked around him.
There were tubes in his hands and things stuck to his chest. Monitors and machines surrounded him. The whole place smelled sterile and chemically.�
Then he realised he couldn't move. A strangled cry escaped his throat, hoarse and rough.�
The person in the chair moved, waking up and- oh. It was Kurt. Kurt Hummel. His boyfriend. His boyfriend with eyes like the sky and porcelain skin.�
'Blaine.' Kurt immediately stood up, rushing to his side.
'You're awake! How do you feel?'�
Some of the fog had cleared from his head now and he opened his eyes wider.
'I can't move.' He rasped. He struggled again, but his muscles were ignoring him.
Kurt laid a hand gently on his chest.
'Shh, you can't. You have about twenty stitches and if you rip then, then you'll be in trouble. I'll be in trouble.'
Blaine didn't speak, he sat in silence and watched Kurt.�
'So he was your ex, huh?' He asked. Kurt laughed weakly and ran a hand through his hair. This action alone told Blaine a lot, for Kurt never mussed up his hair unless he was stressed or angry.�
'Yes.' He said no more, his lips set in a thin line. The bed dipped as he sat down.�
'I called the police station when you were stable. They found him easily enough.'
'Was he arrested?' Kurt nodded.
'They found the knife in the dumpster with your blood and his DNA. He was taken to the station two days ago and-'
'Two days?!' Blaine struggled to sit again, but was held down by a gentle hand on his chest.
'Wait. He was diagnosed with EAD, or explosive anger disorder. Which explains what he did to me and why he stabbed you.' Blaine nodded, not really taking in the words. He enjoyed listening to Kurt, and focused on his lips moving. 'Meanwhile, you had major surgery to repair your internal injuries, and have been out for a three days.'
Kurt took a deep breath after his recitation and his shoulders slumped.�
'I'm so sorry.' He whispered. Blaine watched as Kurt's face crumpled, and he reached out to his hand.�
'Kurt. If you dare blame yourself for any of this, then I will stab you.' Kurt chuckled. 'It's my fault. I got drunk, I went outside with him, it was all me.'
'But I left you. I should've stayed.'
'You had no idea he was there. Besides, he could've hurt you.' Kurt nodded and finally met Blaine's eyes.
They didn't speak again for the remaining time of Kurt's stay. Nurses popped in and out, checking heart rates and blood pressure. No one commented on the way they were curled up together, hands entwined.
�Their hearts were entwined too. An invisible thread connected them, and although it was still early in their relationship, Blaine knew it was Kurt. He suspected he had always known, since the first time he saw him.�
Kurt didn't believe in soul mates, but Blaine did. There was a Chinese belief, the red string of fate, that he particularly liked. The idea was, that a red thread was tied around your little finger, connecting you with your soul mate. The thread could stretch and tangle but it would never break.�
Then there were the things his mother would tell him when he was a child. She told him how when a child is born, their soul is split up into many different pieces. These pieces fly out of you and into the souls of those who matter most to you and who you are destined to meet, and would match up like a jigsaw. Blaine knew who held his soul. His mother had a large part, his brother and father had some, Rachel held some. And Kurt. He held the biggest part.�
By Thursday, Blaine was out of hospital, clutching flowers and chocolates as he was helped into the car.�
He was still on pain meds though, and the side effects made him slightly loopy, something Kurt and Rachel found hilarious.�
He sat on the sofa as they buzzed around him, fetching blankets and soup.�
'Kuuuuurt,' Blaine slurred. 'You are a bee.' He giggled. Kurt rolled his eyes and stirred the soup.
Rachel sat next to him and started to speak, but Blaine wasn't listening.
/Rachel's a bee too. buzz buzz buzz./
He poked her face.�
She laughed.
He looked at her sincerely, trying to make her stop spinning. She probably wasn't, but in Blaine's head she was.�
'You know Kurt?' He whispered loudly. Kurt looked over, a smile curling on his face.
Rachel nodded and leant closer.
'Let me tell you a secret. Some days ago.. I think maybe seventeen. Kurt. He kissed me.' He put his fingers on Rachel's lips. 'On the lips.'�
He looked at her, eyes wide, before falling backwards onto the sofa, giggling hysterically.�
'What did he say?' Kurt walked over carrying a bowl of tomato soup.
'That you kissed him.' Rachel smiled fondly. 'On the lips.'�
Kurt simply smiled and put the soup down. He was happy. Well, as happy as a person could be when their boyfriend had just been stabbed.�
The rest of the day passed quietly, with random interjections from a drugged up Blaine.
'Woah, the little people on the screen are moving, what the fuuuck.'
'Kurt, Kurt, Kurt. Your hair, it feels like clouds. The nice ones, not the rainy ones, happy clouds. Kurt, your head is made of happy clouds!'
'If...if I had a lizard...I would call it Kurtzard. Geddit? Because..because I love you..and I would have a lizard..who I would love...but not as much as you.'
And just before he fell asleep, he said one thing that made Kurt's heart stutter.
'Your eyes are really blue. Like the sky.' He closed his own eyes dreamily. 'I want to marry someone with eyes like the sky.'
He didn't remember saying any of it the next day.