Wherever the wind takes us
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Wherever the wind takes us: Stars

T - Words: 2,753 - Last Updated: Dec 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/8 - Created: Dec 09, 2012 - Updated: Dec 27, 2012
608 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Quick note, the formatting went very strange on this. Apologies for random smaller text and dodgy italics.


Kurt spent the rest of the day with Blaine, words occasionally drifting through the air, but mostly flicking through channels, idly watching what was on.


The peaceful atmosphere was interrupted, however, when a flushed and beaming Rachel burst through the door.


She was about to launch herself into what was probably going to be a detailed description of her day, when she saw Kurt.


'Oh,' She said breathlessly. 'You must be Kurt.' 


She extended a gloved hand and Kurt shook it politely. She didn't notice the way he tugged his sleeve down before he did.


'You were saying?' Blaine prompted. 


Rachel eyed Kurt.


'I don't want to bore you..' She said uncertainly, but Kurt shook his head, mouth curving into a smile.


'Oh no, please, I'd love to hear about your date!' He did sound truly interested.


After one more hesitant look, Rachel fell back onto the chair, hair splayed around her head.


'Ok. So we went out for lunch first, at this lovely little Italian place on the corner, called Bellissima and-'


'Wait,' Blaine interrupted, ignoring Rachel's huff of annoyance. 'What does he look like? I need a mental image first.'


'Oh, well he's got brown hair, kinda cropped, and he's really tall. Here, I have a picture on my phone.' Kurt sniggered and Blaine elbowed him in the ribs gently.


Rachel handed them the phone. 


'Well.' Blaine said. 'He is definitely..attractive.' Kurt gave him a quizzical look. 'But of course, he's- he isn't my type really, and he's, er, straight, so, um-' 


He blushed and returned the phone to Rachel, not looking in Kurt's direction.




'Anyway,' Rachel said purposefully. 'So after we ate, he took me to the theatre, oh he's so lovely, and we saw wicked, which is my favourite musical of course, so how could I not like him? And after that he..' Rachel giggled and hid her eyes, 'He kissed me!'


Kurt clutched his hands together.


'What a beautiful testimony of romance. You, Rachel Berry, are one lucky girl.' 


Rachel giggled like a schoolgirl and kicked her feet in the air. Blaine rolled his eyes.



'Are you gonna see him again?' 


Rachel gave him her patented look.


'Nah, probably not, because I obviously had such a horrible time, I'm never ever going to see him again.' She said dryly before throwing her hat at him. 


Kurt laughed again, and looked at his watch.


'Oh, I think I should head home now.'


Blaine's shoulders sagged a little.


'Will I see you tomorrow?'


'Definitely!' Kurt winked, and Blaine felt like a fish.


why do I feel like a fish? Can fish feel? Maybe I should ask...wait, why am I thinking about fish? Why am I comparing myself to a fish? 


Blaine cleared his head of any amphibian type thoughts and walked Kurt to the door.


'So, um, thank you for listening today.' Kurt said simply, shrugging into his coat.


'Thank you for telling me.' Blaine mumbled and looked at his feet. 


Then Kurt pulled him into a hug and Blaine forgot how to breathe. He hoped it was one of those automatic things. It would be a shame if he died right there. Actually, he'd be quite happy to die in the arms of Kurt Hummel. Preferably naked. But he hoped he wouldn't die anytime soon.


He had just started thinking about how he could feel Kurt's hands on his back, how he could feel his breath on his neck, and his chest against his own when Kurt pulled away. 


'Um, so, bye.' He gave him a half smile and left.


Blaine smiled giddily to himself. He felt dizzy. 


He turned around, well, more spun around, with a dopey look on his face, and caught sight of Rachel smirking at him with her arms folded.


'Shut up.' He tried to glare, but his face muscles couldn't stop smiling.


 Rachel put her hand over her heart dramatically.


'My name's Blaine Anderson and I am so obviously in love with Kurt Hummel, he is the most beautiful, hilarious, amazing, guy in the whole of New York, and his ass is frankly stun-'


'Ok, Rachel, now you're just speaking as yourself.' Rachel snorted.


'Admit it, Anderson, you know he has a nice ass.' Blaine blushed and didn't answer.


'I need to have a shower, thank you very much, so I hope by the time I'm back you have remembered that you are not a five year old.' He stalked off into his room, albeit, grinning from ear to ear,  while Rachel laughed hysterically to herself. 




Less than two hours after Kurt left, he called. 


'Hey Kurt.'

'... How did you know it was me?'

'Oh, er, you know, caller ID.'

'Oh yeah.'


'Did you wanna ask me something?'

'Yeah, I was wondering, because our last date didn't go particularly well, would you like to go on another?'


Blaine nearly skipped with glee.

'Yes! I'd love to!' He hoped his voice wasn't too shaky.

'Great, well, I'll pick you up from your apartment at 7pm.'

'Where are we going?'

'Ah, well, that's for me to know and you to find out.' 

Blaine laughed.

'Well, I'll see you at 7 then!'



He put the phone down and exhaled happily. A date with Kurt Hummel. He hoped it would go better then last time.




'RACHEL.' He hollered. 'WHICH SHIRT?' She came dashing in. He was holding two shirts up together. 


'Um, the black one, because it goes with your eyes.' 

'Are you sure?' Blaine looked down at the shirt. 'With these jeans?' He shook his leg at her.


'Sure whatever. Anything will look fine on you. Anyway, it's what's on the inside that counts.' She winked and skipped away, and Blaine narrowed his eyes at her as he caught onto the innuendo. 


He hurriedly pulled on the black shirt, and rushed into the bathroom. Hair gel. Check. Casual yet stylishly combed down. Check. He looked in the mirror one final time, patting his hair down at the sides nervously, before rushing back out. 


'RACHEL.' He shouted again. She ran in looking more flustered than him.


'What is it this time?' 


'Which shoes?' He pointed at his array of footwear, ranging from plain brown suede lace ups, to ratty toms. Rachel chewed her lip before pointing to a pair of charcoal grey shoes with red laces. 


'Those ones.'


Blaine nodded and tugged them on. 




He nearly toppled off the bed, but Rachel caught him. 


'Ohmygod he's here- RACHEL HELP ME GET THIS SHOE ON.' She knelt down and laced it up for him, batting his quivering hand away.


When she stood up he looked in her eyes.


'I'm not ready.' 

'You are, Blaine. You can do this.'

'But what if something bad happens like last time?'

'It won't. Don't worry!'


 She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and pulled him out into the hallway.


Knock knock



'Coming.' His voice sounded three octaves higher than normal. 

'Go!' Rachel hissed. 


He drew in a deep breath, smoothed his shirt anxiously, opened the door, and nearly fell over again.


Kurt was standing there, and Blaine was pretty sure there was some sort of godly light surrounding him. Oh wait, that was just the hall light. But it /could/ be the light of God.


let there be li- shUT UP


 He was holding a bunch of red and yellow roses, which tied in nicely with his red lapels. He was dressed in a white shirt, dark jeans and a light grey coat.


 Blaine didn't ever want to look away. But finally he dragged his eyes away from where they had settled quite happily on Kurt's thighs. They both blushed.


'These are for you.' Kurt thrust the flowers in front of him, looking away shyly. 


'I..Thank you!' Blaine was lost for words, so he gratefully took them. But then he was stuck holding a bunch of flowers that were flopping to the right dangerously.


Luckily Rachel appeared at his elbow, with a vase of fresh water.

'Thanks,' He murmured. 


'No problem!' She said brightly. Her eyes darted between the two of them, spending longer on Kurt, but really, Blaine couldn't blame her, before wishing them good luck and heading back to the kitchen. 


'I'll just fetch my coat, then we can go!' Kurt nodded, standing just on the edge of the threshold. Once he had grabbed his warmest winter coat (he did not want to freeze half to death again) they were off.


Blaine shut the door, and followed Kurt down the hallway. 


'So, when are you going to tell me how you know where I live?' Blaine asked.

A sly smile crept onto Kurt's face.


'Lets just say I know some people, who know some people, who know a certain Blaine Anderson.' Kurt stared.


'Who?' Blaine racked his mind for anyone who knew his address.


'My friend Santana has a friend called Brittany who is in one of your classes. When I told Santana about you, she said that Brittany had mentioned you. And she managed to find your address and passed it on to me!'


Blaine was thoroughly impressed, though slightly alarmed at how Brittany, who wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, had found his address.


'My my, Mr Hummel, you have done your homework.' He smirked at him.


Kurt laughed, right from his stomach, and Blaine never wanted him to stop; He looked so full of pure joy, his eyes crinkled up, lips stretched in a grin, and Blaine wanted to capture this moment and carry it around with him forever.


They exited the building, and Kurt opened the door to his not too shabby car, gesturing for Blaine to get in. He went round the other side, scrambled round to the wheel and started the ignition.


'So, do I know where I'm being taken or is this like an episode of Dexter?' 

Kurt laughed lightly.


'I know what you've done, Blaine Anderson.' Kurt put on a mock scary voice, looking up at Blaine in what could only be described as the least menacing thing Kurt had ever seen.


 'It's a surprise, and because it's a surprise you are not allowed to know until we arrive.'


Blaine hummed.

'Does this mystery destination have popcorn?'

'I cannot give away any of my secrets. But no.' 

'Food of any sort?'



'Hmmm...alcoholic beverages?' Kurt laughed again.


'You've got me. On first dates I take my date to a bar to get him as blindingly pass out drunk as possible before taking him home to have my wicked way with him.' He looked sideways to see Blaine's mouth open in horror, before adding,

 'I'm joking! It was a joke! I would never take advantage of anyone like that!' 


Blaine cracked up laughing.

'I guess you've never heard of acting before, Hummel.'


'Shut up,' Kurt elbowed him gently in the side, and Blaine had to admit, this was going far better then he had expected. 


Fifteen minutes later, the car stopped and Kurt turned to him. 


'Close your eyes.' Blaine raised an eyebrow.


'Now I'm worried.' 


'Just do it.' He obliged.


'Ok, wait there, I'll come round your side and help you up.' Blaine's stomach flipped. 


Helping him up? That almost certainly meant physical contact. The sort that involved hands and arms.


 He heard the door open beside him, and yep he was right, a warm hand took his and led him carefully out of the car, guiding him with his voice as well.


'Ok,' Kurt said, closer then Blaine had expected, and he shivered. 


Slowly, he pulled Blaine along by the hand, his other covering his eyes. It was cold but not as cold as last time, and Blaine was grateful that he still had feeling in his extremities.


 He could feel something springy under his feet, not pavement or gravel, more like..grass? And he could feel branches or brambles catching on his jeans and brushing against his sleeves like children's hands plucking for attention. Where was he? 


'Nearly there,' whispered Kurt. A rich earthy smell combined with Kurt's cologne washed over him and he breathed it in deeply. 


Then Kurt dropped his hand, and Blaine opened his eyes slowly, his mouth falling into a perfect 'o'.


They were standing in a field, situated behind a cluster of trees. But the sky was the main feature. It was like someone had spilled ink over the sky, dripping  down to blot out the last shards of sunlight, only to be replaced by the glowing moon. Stars were sprinkled above them, no apparent pattern except when you noticed a constellation. 


Blaine only then remembered that Kurt was at his elbow, waiting for him to say something.


He could think of a thousand words to describe the sight in front of him, none of which did it any justice. So he settled for the simplest. 


'It's beautiful.' He felt rather then saw Kurt smile, and finally scraped his gaze away.


'Wait here,' Kurt said quietly. A few minutes later he was back, a blanket over his arm and a huge coat dwarfing his frame. 


He spread the blanket down on the frosty grass and lay down on it. Blaine stood awkwardly above him.


'It's nice down here.' Kurt said, patting the blanket next to him. Blaine smiled and lay down beside him. This was hands down the most romantic thing ever in the history of romance. Not even the Notebook could beat this, which was saying something.


Kurt turned his head slightly and Blaine did the same. They were almost nose to nose, and rather than go cross-eyed Blaine fixed his eyes on Kurt's lips. 


'Do you like it?' Kurt murmured.

'I love it.' Blaine replied. Kurt had nice lips. He wondered if they were as soft as his hands or as warm as his eyes. 


They lay there an infinite number of seconds, occasionally raising there hands to the heavens to point out constellations. 


'That one there, is Delphinus.' Kurt waved vaguely at a section of the sky. It all looked the same to Blaine.


'And what does that mean?'


'Dolphin. They're such happy creatures. I'd love to replicate the joy of a dolphin.'


Blaine laughed. Kurt was...flawless. That was the only word for him. He was funny, charismatic, gorgeous, everything Blaine could have ever wished for. 


After a while, Blaine started shivering, and he cursed himself for not wearing a vest like Rachel had advised.


This was a problem because he was perfectly content to just lie there forever, but then again, he would rather have a third date (well, second proper date) with Kurt, then die of hypothermia. 


again with the hypothermia. winter is not a good time for dates.


Kurt seemed to know, or maybe he could feel his shivers or hear his teeth chattering. 


'Here,' Kurt sat up suddenly, bringing Blaine with him. 


'Ok, I hope this isn't too forward of me since this is only our third date, but me and my friends did it all the time in high school,' 


Kurt took a deep breath, 'Ok, undo your jacket.' Blaine obeyed, and Kurt did the same,

 'Now turn to face me, oh good your coat has buttons too. Ok,' They were kneeling facing each other, and Blaine watched in fascination as Kurt buttoned Blaine's buttons through his own button holes, and so on, until their coats were buttoned together with them in the middle.


'What kind of kinky high school did you go to, then?' Blaine smirked, and Kurt snorted. 


'Better?' He asked, and yeah, Blaine could say he was better. Being buttoned in a coat with Kurt Hummel would probably always be better then freezing.


 Heck, it would probably always be better than anything.


 They smiled numbly at each other. Kurt's nose was red, as were his cheeks, and Blaine worried his were too. He tried to bury his face as subtly as possible, into his coat lining. It didn't work.


'What are you doing?' Kurt raised an eyebrow.

'I..'  He lowered his eyes, realised he was looking directly at Kurt's crotch, and they shot back up again. 'My face is cold.'


'So's mine. But mine goes really red and I look like some stupid china doll. My high school nickname was porcelain.'


Blaine looked away, hoping this wouldn't lead to more bad memories and a ruined date. But then Kurt's finger was on his chin tipping his head up.


Blaine hummed quietly, and Kurt's finger was still on his chin, and oh, now his hand was cupping his jaw.


'Happy New Year, Blaine Anderson.' Kurt whispered. Oh, that's right, Blaine thought.


 He'd forgotten about New Year, what with all the Christmas drama. And if his mental clock was right, then midnight was any second away.


'Kurt,' Blaine breathed, his eyelids fluttering shut of their own accord. He could feel Kurt's breath warm against his lips, and he had butterflies in his stomach.


He better remember this well, because Blaine Anderson was about to have his first kiss, aged 20. 


Then Kurt's lips touched his, and they were even softer than he had imagined. They tasted like vanilla, coffee, mint and cinnamon. Kurt would never had thought those flavours would work together, but combined, they were the essence of Kurt, and Blaine wanted to get drunk on it. Blaine was about to move his lips, to fire up this kiss, when suddenly, 




They leapt apart in shock, Kurt's cheeks even redder than before and Blaine's ears felt like they were on fire.


 He pulled his phone sheepishly from his pocket, and glared at the screen. 


Rachel Berry 12.01am






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This chapter was absolutely amazing. I love the dynamic between Kurt and Rachel when she was explaining how her date went. I also really enjoyed Blaine and Kurt's date and found myself thinking that Rachel was definitely going to hear about that text message since it interrupted his first kiss. I can't wait to see what happens next.