Wherever the wind takes us
Rain and Shine Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Wherever the wind takes us: Rain and Shine

T - Words: 1,229 - Last Updated: Dec 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/8 - Created: Dec 09, 2012 - Updated: Dec 27, 2012
780 0 2 0 0

Blaine sipped at his coffee gloomily as he stared out the window.

Stupid boys, with their stupid hair, and their stupid clothes

The rain pounded the sidewalk and rattled the windows.

But thanks to the internet (and Rachel’s amazing skills at finding gossip) Blaine knew that the boy wasn’t dating Sam. 


At least that was a plus side. But that could also mean the boy was straight, which was even worse. Blaine had had a crush on a straight guy before, and it had ended in heartbreak and pain.

He pulled the blanket tighter around himself, and continued to stare out.


‘Blaine, honey?’ Rachel’s soft voice brought him back to earth. 

‘You’ve been there for nearly he whole day. Don’t you think you should get up?’

Blaine turned to her and gave her his best puppy eyes. Unfortunately, the effect had worn off some time ago, and she simply sighed and sat beside him.

‘At least he’s not dating Sam.’ Blaine said nothing.

‘I found out some more stuff about your mystery man though.’

Finally she had a reaction, and Blaine looked at her, eager.

‘His name’s Kurt Hummel, he studies design and history of fashion.’

Blaine knew he was being stupid for sulking all day. The truth was, he was just humiliated and above all, he was lonely.

Rachel was his best friend in the world, but he wanted someone more than that. Someone he could curl up with and kiss, someone he could say ‘I love you’ to.

After a while, he got up, stretched, and headed into the kitchen.

‘You’re right, Rachel.’

She followed him, confused.

‘Um, thanks?’

Blaine beamed at her.

‘I’m being silly. I shouldn’t give up now. He could be gay and attracted to guys in polos with a bad addiction to hair gel, for all I know.’

He swept around the small kitchen, grabbing the necessary ingredients for an omelette.

‘Er, yeah, I guess.’ Rachel was obviously confused by Blaine’s sudden mood swing. 

So was he, to be honest. But he rolled with it, determined not to sink back to being gloomy. He hated being sad.

Throwing her one last grin, he began to grate some cheese.


This was it. Today would be the day. Blaine Anderson was going to talk to Kurt Hummel. He was armed with wit, jokes and a getaway plan if need be. 

His green bow tie clashed horribly with his purple polo, but he didn’t care. 

He even surprise himself when he was up and dressed before Rachel. Which was saying something, because Rachel Berry didn’t appear to need sleep. 

He was functioning solely on the coffee that coursed through his veins. Maybe if he cried his tears would be tiny coffee beans. But he wasn’t planning on crying, so he would never know.

He threw down a $5 note to the homeless man who lived by the subway.

He helped a man with a large box down the stairs.

Blaine Anderson was on a roll. He felt like he was made of rainbows and sunshine. Today, he concluded, had to be a good day. He could feel it. 

It was when he arrived on campus that he regretted that fourth cup of coffee, as his fingers wouldn’t stop twitching. That was just a minor spanner in the works however. 

Whistling a random tune (which somehow morphed into Katy Perry) he ambled along to his first class, before stopping dead. Because Kurt Hummel was standing less than 10 feet away.

His whole plan was disintegrating. He was supposed to be seen leaning casually against the wall outside his second class. Kurt would see him, and obviously be taken aback by his sheer beauty. 

Then, after ten minutes of successful flirting, he would ask him out. Kurt would, of course, be delighted, and then they’d get married and have beautiful, perfect children. 

But this was never going to happen, because Kurt was standing right there. 

He closed his eyes for a moment, to try and regain his calm. He seemed to have closed them for longer than he thought because he heard a voice nearby.

‘Excuse me? Are you okay?’ His eyes sprung open.


Shit fuck

Kurt Hummel was directly in front of him, a look of concern painted across his godly features. 

‘Um.’ Kurt said. Blaine realised he was grinning manically at him, a side effect of the coffee, and he had to discreetly check his pulse to check he was still alive.

‘Yes. I’m fine. I was just..er..’ He looked around wildly, as if he was expecting a squirrel to tell him a good pick up line or something. ‘praying.’

Goodbye cruel world, my life is officially over

‘Oh, okay.’ Kurt said. He hadn’t moved, but he looked a little more concerned for Blaine’s wellbeing.

‘I wasn’t.’ Blaine blurted out. ‘I wasn’t praying. I was just trying to..to stay calm?’ 

‘Why were you not calm?’ Kurt asked politely, though it was obvious he was slightly alarmed. 

‘I was just….er.. I saw you, and I..I wanted to say something, um, smooth, but I couldn’t think…and.. you’ Blaine babbled.

Whoosh. That was the sound of his witty introduction flying out the window, along with his will to live

Then he realised Kurt was smirking and he felt his stomach drop.

‘Sorry.’ He said quietly. 

Kurt smiled kindly at him.

‘My name’s Kurt.’ He stuck out his hand and Blaine stared at it. 

Did he want to hold hands? Maybe he was European

‘Are you European?’



He grasped it, maybe a little too tight, and Blaine prayed Kurt couldn’t feel his jittery coffee fingers.

Kurt looked at him expectantly. Oh yeah.

‘I’m Blaine. My name’s Blaine. I go here.’ He gestured around him with his free hand, and refrained from hitting himself with it.

Kurt laughed, and pulling his hand away.

Ohmygod he wanted to shake hands you iDIOT

‘So do I.’

Blaine felt his cheeks heat up.

‘Oh, yeah of course, because you’re..’ He waved his hand towards Kurt, before giving up on speech.

‘Riiight.’ Kurt said slowly. ‘Well, I have to go to class now, but I’ll see you around?’ 

Blaine blinked at him.

‘Or not.. only if you want to.’ Kurt shuffled his feet awkwardly. 

‘Oh yeah of course! I’ll, er, see you around! Because we go to the same college and, er, where was I?’ He nodded vigorously to establish his point that yes, he would see him around. 

Kurt walked off, looking more than a little confused, but happy all the same. 


Ha ha.

Blaine took a deep breath. He had spoken to Kurt. Yeah, it hadn’t gone quite so well as he had expected it to, but he could always try again? 

Swinging his satchel back over his shoulder, he rushed to class.

Blaine: It happened!!! I spoke to him!!!!!!!

Rachel: When’s the wedding?

Blaine: It went really well!!

Rachel: Really? Did you remember what I told you? Did you babble?

Blaine: …

Blaine: Only a little..

Rachel: Blaine

Blaine: Fine, I forgot everything you said, but it went kind of well

Rachel: What do you mean by kind of? Your kind of is very different to my kind of.

Rachel: To any normal persons kind of.

Blaine: He said see you around?

Rachel: And did he look pleased at that thought or not?

Blaine: >:(

Blaine: Yeah, I guess

Blaine: But I was hyper on coffee.

Blaine: I told him I was praying.

Rachel: Why were you praying? I thought you were an atheist?

Blaine: I wasn’t. I just had my eyes shut, to regain control and all that.

Rachel: Ah. Were your inner demons running rampage again?

Rachel: Then what?

Blaine: He thought I was crazy. Then I asked if he was European.

Rachel: Why did you ask that? Don’t tell me you sung the song…

Rachel: Is he gay or European

Blaine: No! I thought he wanted to hold hands, I dunno.

Blaine: Maybe it’s a European thing?

Blaine: He wanted to shake hands, in case you’re wondering

Rachel: I am shaking my head at you now. 

Blaine: Class if over, gotta run. Speak later x


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This was really good. I find Blaine nervousness and babbling to be really cute and funny at the same time. I also like that he is really close friends with Rachel. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thank you thank you! I'm writing more right now!