One of a Kind
Chapter 6: The Hardest Part Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One of a Kind: Chapter 6: The Hardest Part

M - Words: 4,885 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: May 17, 2012 - Updated: Jul 30, 2012
309 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello everyone!It took longer than I expected, but finally here it is!Enjoy

Exorcised, how childish of him, what does that mean?
I sigh, rubbing my hands with the hand sanitizer. As I've said before, I hate hospitals. I don't care if I'm a doctor, it sounds ridiculous, I know but there’s no way I can stand one. They remind me a lot about my mother, who was left to die in one of these hospitals. Personally I liked to attend people in tents, as I did in war... War. It seems so far right now. I hear a pain shriek. The people in the lobby turn their heads to the entrance.
There's a man whose left side is covered in blood. He is being carried by four men. I realize they are all workers, from the unfinished building a few blocks away. The injured man has his arm and left leg's skin completely pilled off. I can even see his bone rising through all the scarlet jelly. They scream that it is an emergency, that the machine failed and it fell over his bud's body. The bored secretary makes confusion faces, unable to answer. Another one answers that the doctor is busy. The injured man keeps screaming in pain.

"How come you don't have more doctors in here uh?" one of them asks, desperate. There’s too much noise in this place.

"They are busy right now sir, you'll have to wait...!" the nurse screams. I stand up. I can't let this man unattended. I feel like I really need to help him.

"I'm a doctor!" I shout, running to their side. "I'm a doctor! Please, bring me some alcohol, badges, forceps... “A nurse nearby is carrying some of those. I intercept her. “This will do, thanks" I say, taking those things. She looks at me surprised. Time to work.

Flesh, bone, blood, pour some alcohol here, clear the area. Careful with the remaining tissue, there is hope for his leg, I'm not so sure about his arm. The bone is splintered at the side of impact, small bones are found between the two main fragments. Comminuted fracture, nothing I can do for him. Hold the flesh, stitch, left then right... I'm concentrated.

After a while, when the man has already stopped screaming thanks to the anesthesia, a pair of doctors grab him and take him to a proper room. My hands are all covered in blood, as well as my chest. I look creepy. Everyone in the room is looking at me, frowning, maybe scared, or maybe they just never thought I could do something for that man. I take a sit between two elderly women. I'm really sorry about my outfit, anyway that man couldn't be left without any assistance. Besides, it's just a McQueen jacket. . . Nothing I can't buy later.

"Kurt Hummel?" A woman asks in a loud voice. I stand up, cleaning my hands with the jacket, trying to erase the blood. She looks at me over her glasses, her eyes wide open. “Please come in, to room 35 the one on the left". I nod while she hands me my yellow envelope where I kept my curriculum. I walk in.

There is a man sitting behind a dark wooden desk. When he looks at me he smiles (at least one person who thinks I don't look creepy). He is wearing a navy blue Westwood suit, with a red tie and a very elegant watch. I can see his big green eyes looking at me behind those thick Ray Ban nerdy glasses. I have to admit he is somehow handsome. His blond hair is brilliantly stylized back.

"Kurt Hummel right? Please take a sit". He points the chair right in front of his desk. I sit. He reads my file while I remain staring at him. I think I definitely find him handsome.

"So you are an army doctor... That's new" he says after a while. I blink, getting out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, umm but I'm not active since I guess... A year almost" I hesitate. He frowns. His eyebrows look lovely. After another small pause he returns to his habitual casual smile.

"Okay, so you want to apply as a locum then? Why is it so?" He asks a bit surprised.

"I'm almost broken; I even have to share a flat with a freaking maniac who talks to skulls..." I complain. I guess it could have been worse. He laughs.

"Oh, poor you Doctor Hummel, how come did you end up like that?" He asks, very interested. I'm flattered; no one has ever asked me that.

"Umm, I spend my entire army pension buying designer clothes, some more in my books and most of all in an attempt to keep me alive..." I summarize. He seems a bit surprised, still.

"Well, then it was wisely spent" He says. I've never been good in decoding faces, but his face is like a mash up between tenderness and pity. He sighs and continues. "And I see that you studied in Harvard... Wow that's also new" He says. I smile. He continues watching my CV. I try to wash the blood with discretion, using my hand sanitizer. When he is done, he sighs one more time.

"Your curriculum is excellent Kurt; you're a brilliant doctor but... I'm afraid we can't hire you, all our posts are already taken" He says with a pity smile. I understand. Getting a job isn't easy, and. Things get a bit harder when you're gay, all the time.

"Well, thank you for your time" I say, grabbing my things and almost running to the nearest exit. I really need to get out. That's when I feel something is grabbing my arm. The guy is stopping me.

"Wait, Kurt please..." He begs.

"Is it because I'm gay?” I ask, in a whisper. He shakes his head. His eyes are so charming. He holds my arms in his hands.

"I'll talk to my boss; he can hire a part time locus... Because the current one wants him to. He owes me a favor" And he winks. I smile, I really don't like pity, but I can't deny some help, it would be very useful.

"Really?" I ask skeptically. He nods, letting my arms go.

"I saw what you did with the injured man from the building, I really admire that. And I also admire your accurate fashion sense, it's pretty sexy" I blush, he covers his mouth immediately. Uncomfortable silence again.

"Umm, let's just forget what I've just said, okay?" He babbles his face all red.

"Okay, I'll just forget about it" I mumble, with a shy smile. Though I'm flattered by his observation I get easily red with praises. He clears his throat.

"I'm a mess with words sorry... How about a coffee sometime?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

"S-Sure, I'll love to" I stuttered, to tell the truth I'm not so sure, but since he offered to talk to his boss about hiring me I have to do him a favour. He keeps staring right at me. I hold my folder closer to my chest. I'm nervous. "Anytime"
He offers me his hand.

"Chandler Kiehl by the way"

I open the door. I can hear a violin playing, which melody is this? I guess it's a classical. It is strong; I don't know how to describe it. Every stroke from the violin sends shivers through my entire spine. I walk upstairs. Every note played makes my heart jump wildly. I open the door. The song is coming to an end. Blaine is standing at the middle of the room, wearing a blue dressing gown, bare foot. His curls are a bit more released than yesterday, and he is also wearing glasses. I stare at him without moving from the entrance. His arms move strongly, his eyes are tightly closed; his frowned eyebrows seem to show he might be angry. Suddenly, Blaine stops playing.

"I told you to bring me my phone" He says. I frown.

"No, when did you ask me that?" No way had he asked me that!

"About an hour ago" He says, throwing himself to the couch, laying his back against it while put the tip of his fingertips together.

"I wasn't here an hour ago!" I complain, grabbing his phone from a table nearby. I throw it to him. He catches it.

"Get ready, we're going out tonight"

"Are you asking me out?" I say out loud, I didn't mean to do that.

"Yeah, I'm asking you to get out with me, what's the big deal with that?" He asks a bit annoyed while he texts something. I look at him. "What?" He asks.

"You seriously need to improve your manners Blaine..." I scold him like a mother scolds her spoiled little son.

"Neh, manners, that's boring... Unuseful bunch of rules for hypocrites" He mutters. "Do you have something more in mind for tonight? I scheduled an exorcism for you, remember?"

Schedule an exorcism, that’s not something I hear every day…
"How couldn't I Blaine?" I ask, with a sarcastic tone. He places his violin gently next to him and rips his dressing gown off... I close my eyes and turn back.

"What's wrong with you? You're really weird.” he says. He is fully dressed in a dark purple Dolce & Gabbana shirt and his black suit.

I huff. I really thought for a moment that he would be naked... He is right, what’s wrong with me?
"Come on Kurt, you don't want to be late..." He grabs his violin and my arm and pulls me outside. I grab his arm back. Why am I doing this? He seems not to notice it, how could someone do that? I need to ask the question. He comes closer to me. He points at me.

"Take it off" He says, with no kind tone. I blush, what does that mean?

"I beg your pardon?" I ask him with my eyes wide open. He places his right hand in my shoulder. I can't talk, I'm not even sure I am still master of my brain...
He raises his free hand, hesitating a little. I see his eyes look down. For some strange reason, I close my eyes.

"Your..."He doesn't finish the sentence. I feel his hand unbuttoning my jacket. I don't know if I want to pull back... What the hell is going on? I remain stiff. Is he going to...? He takes off my jacket.

"You can't go with your jacket all soaked in blood. I think you might freak someone out..." He says throwing my jacket to the side. I huff, swallowing the weird thoughts I had in mind just a while before.

"You could’ve just told me you know..." I complain turning back, I need to breathe.

"Why are you so red?” He asks, tapping my back.

"I'm not red"

"Yes you are, even your ears are red" I'm impressed by the seriousness in which he says this.

"It's kinda hot in here" I justify, waving my hand as a fan.

"Kurt, we live in a place with several heavy rain falls and a temperature of low 10° Celsius… don’t try to mock me”. He left me speechless with this.

"Okay! Just leave it there will you?!" I raise my voice tone a little. He squints at me, and then he turns to looks at his watch.

"It's late Kurt, come on..." And he grabs my arm. We walk downstairs, then I don't know why, but I squeeze his arm back. He remains still, not even looking at me. He is looking for his keys.

Why isn't he pulling back? Why am I not pulling back? Questions, lots of hem, but the most important has to be done, right here, right now. I take a deep breath.

"Blaine, are you...?"

"No I'm not" He answers immediately looking at me coldly. I pull off my arm. I feel like my heart is freezing, I really don't know why. Maybe he didn't want to be rude, maybe all he wanted to do was to pull off and tell me he was straight and really not interested in any relationship. I regret holding his arm back, touching his face, almost kiss his forehead... Dreaming about him.

"Kurt, I'm not going to kidnap you, if that's what you wanted to ask. I’m not like Cooper." He assures, seriously. I remain speechless. He opens the door.

"Uh, yeah, that's what I was going to ask you" I say. Right in front of the door there is a gray BMW, waiting. Right beside the car, Officer Mike Chang is waving hello.

"Where are we going?" I ask, a little worried. Great, another case, right in the middle of the night.

"To the hardest part" Blaine says, pulling me inside the car.

This seems to be something like an old building. Mike left us here while he went I don't know where. I can't find Blaine either. It's pitch dark in here. I see a small light sign at the end of the hall. I enter to a huge palce, an auditorium. All the chairs are covered in a thick layer of dust. There is also an old black piano.

"Blaine!" I shout, if only I could get out of here, it's kinda creepy. Suddenly I hear a violin. It sounds powerful, passionate... I recognize the song. Paint it black from the Rolling Stones.

I spot Blaine.

He is in the upper part of the auditorium, walking downstairs, right to the stage. There is something mesmerizing about that... The violin seems to be singing, loudly, wildly. Blaine's eyes are closed, his steps accurate, his arms moving soothingly, strongly... There's too much inspiration right now. I sit down in the front row, which seems to be clean of dust for some strange reason.

I just stare at him. He finishes playing. I hear a loud clap. Mike Chang, another Asian girl and six more people are clapping.

"Bravo! But I don't see why you don’t sing it... Cooper says you have an amazing voice." Mike says. Blaine smirks.

"Well, I'm afraid I'll have to tell you that the only thing I've ever sang was Happy Birthday" Blaine said, soberly. He jumps down the stage and joins me in the front row.

"Okay, who's next?" Mike asks. I spot Rachel Berry jumping slightly.

"We inspector! It's our turn." She says raising sergeant Fabray's hand. They sing a funny duet. I don't know from which play is it or if it really exists, but hey sound good, really animated and competing against each other. It’s something I haven’t seen for 10 years or more, I feel so helpless.
I want to cry and it's not strange. I always liked to sing, but I can't now. I need to think in something else. I look at Blaine, I can't see his eyes, light reflects from the stage directly to his glasses.

"I didn't know you wear glasses"

"I broke them a couple of days ago, I wore contacts then. And of course I wear glasses, I have a nearsighted eye, due to an elongated eyeball." he explains.

"You could just say you have myopia" I’m a doctor Blaine, you can’t impress me with that.

"I know" He answers without taking his eyes from the stage.

"You're just showing off" I spat. Mike turns his head and looks at me with eyes wide open, and then he exchanges quick glances with the other Asian girl.

"I know" And he smiles. "And I also know you really want to do something in that stage". He leans closer, his mouth next to my ear.

"I want to exorcise the demons of your past" He returns to his place. Mike Chang offers me his hand. When did the music finish? I didn't notice.

"It's your turn Kurt" Blaine says looking at the stage, raising his voice a bit.

"How's that?" I ask skeptically.

“This is a theatre. We formed a little team which performs musical numbers Sundays and Fridays and whenever we need to raise money, just for fun. We just look at each other singing on Thursdays, to give some feedback and make fun of Rachel’s ego” The other Asian girl explains. I guess she’s Mike’s sister. Rachel probably shouted a “Hey!” But no one is really looking at her.

"We want you to sing something Kurt, we know you can do it" Mike ends.
I'm a little confused. I haven't sung a thing since I joined the army. Since my life started tearing off to pieces. Since my mother died.

I take Mike's hand.

"Of course he can, he's my baby". Voice says behind me. I turn around.
There is a girl I know well, now transformed into a woman, an elegant diva.

"Mercedes!" I shrieked running to her, hugging her.

"Oh boy! I've missed you so much!" She cried. Mercedes Jones, my bestie, since kindergarten. She left when high school started. I've never imagined I've ever see her again.

"I'll keep you up later sweetheart, now show me what you can do" She pushes me to the stage. I need to sing something... With 'cedes there I just want to drown my sorrows there. Suddenly, something cold crosses my mind. This is hard, and I just know how to show it.

I sit near the piano, touch the keys gently and start playing. Everyone is silent, just listening to my music. This knot in my heart needed to be fixed.

And the hardest part
Was letting go, not taking part
Was the hardest part

Matt sighed, his face was completely red. This was the same expression he did when he confessed that he let my hamster escape. He had something to tell me. My hands between his.

"K-Kurt…" he stammers really slowly. "I think I really love you" he confesses almost humming it.

"But you say you're not gay?" I complained. Trying to pull my hands from his, and ignoring the feeling of my twisting stomach.

"No, I only love you; I don't really see the other guys as I see you as..." he raised his hand and let go a gentle caress to my cheek.” As beautiful as you are"

I smiled I was really looking forward to that moment. The moment in which the guy I had always loved finally loved me back. He took another deep breath.
"That's why I'm leaving to war with you"

"We could die there you know. I will go to war because I have nothing to lose after my mother dies, but you have your brothers and your father and your mother. You need to live for them Matt" I opposed, with a worried smile.

"Of course I know, but, I want to take part in that" He pulled me closer. "I'll protect you no matter what... I won't let anything happen to you because I could not live with that."

And the strangest thing
Was waiting for that bell to ring
It was the strangest start

"You haven't told me anything today" I told him. He just remained looking at the infinite distant sky. He let go a dreamy sigh.

"They told me that I look like Liam Hemsworth" He confessed. I laughed.

"Really Matt? Who told you that?" I asked, obviously, that was something I had always wanted to tell him. He blushed.

"Robert and I think he wasn't kidding. He got closer and I pushed him because I was afraid" He said seriously.

"Of course he wasn't kidding Matt, you really look like Liam Hemsworth, but with dark brown hair and green eyes" I told him, giving a small hit to his arm. He smiled with a worried look and nuzzled in my elbow, resting his head there. I felt something electric running through my body.

"You say that because you love me" He whispered.

"And Robert says it because he loves you too?" I joked.

"I'm afraid so" He said, pulling me closer in a hug.

"That means I need to do something about it?" I say entwining my fingers with his. He looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"That means that you should shut up and kiss me"

I could feel it go down
Bittersweet, I could taste in my mouth
Silver lining the cloud
Oh and I
I wish that I could work it out

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him. Matt looked away.

"Kurt, you know I wanna love you but sometimes I don't know if I can..." He cried. I felt terrible, dirty; I couldn't believe it was happening.

"I was just holding your hand..." I tried to justify, almost in a whisper.

"I can't Kurt; I can't stand the disapproving looks, the rejections, the bad names... I can't!" He kicked the floor and walked away.

And the hardest part
Was letting go, not taking part
You really broke my heart

"You kissed me! You told me that you'd be there whenever I needed you" I cried. He also wanted to cry. I couldn't look at him the same way I did before.

"Forget about that kiss okay? It was just. . . An experiment" He excused. I knew he was lying.

"Experiment?! Matt hear yourself!" I shouted, clearly about to lose my mind. This couldn’t be happening.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me Kurt! I’m scared!” I grabbed my hair, nervously. Someone had manipulated Matt, definitely.

“Matt, tell me the truth, you didn’t make that as an experiment, you couldn’t” I almost cried.

"Yes I wanted to prove that I'm not a freakin’ fag like you" He shouted, I noticed he was shaking.

My feet lost the ground. I know I couldn't be able to hear it but there is something crashed in my chest.

"How did you call me?” I asked, moving backwards. He shook his head.

"Just forget it, okay? Kurt, I didn’t-" He stepped closer to me. I pushed him.

"You forget it! I don't want you near me, EVER!" I yelled, running away.

And I tried to sing
But I couldn’t think of anything
And that was the hardest part

"Kurt, why haven't you sung anything? Remember when you were little and you sang in front of us all Disney numbers… I know you’re not a kid anymore but, you liked to sing didn’t you?" My mother asked. She looked paler than the day before. Her hands were a bit colder too.

"I'm tired” I lied. She seemed to notice that. She pulled me in a hug. I lay beside her, hugging her like a little kid.

"Really?" My mother asked, touching my hair gently.

"I don't want you to die" This wasn’t a lie, it was just one of a million things I had in mind. Perhaps, this was the biggest one.

"Kurt, you need to be strong, to take care of Harry... She's your little sister" She tried to console me.

"We both know that's not true at all. Harry isn’t my sister and I’m not strong” I answered, in a bitter tone. She looked surprised.

"I know honey but you know what?" She asked rubbing her hand against my cheek. “I’ve never stopped loving your father, he was a gentle man and the man I've loved the most, you should never forget that. I married James because these things happen. . . Maybe someday you'll understand"

"That doesn't erase the fact that you're dying" I cried, hugging her tighter. I wasn’t a kid anymore, but I felt like one, just as vulnerable.

"I know, but just help me assure the fact that I love my son and I’ll always be there for you baby, always." She was crying too.

I could feel it go down
You left the sweetest taste in my mouth
You're silver lining the clouds
Oh and I
Oh and I
I wonder what it’s all about
I wonder what it’s all about

“I’m applying for Harvard too” Matt said, sitting right beside me.

“Good for you boy” I answered coldly, looking sideways.

“Kurt don’t pretend you’re not excited about it”

“I’m not. Why should I?” I took a book and pretended to be reading.

“’Cause you’re my best friend”

“You think so” I muttered.

“So you’re not?” He asked me pulling the book away.

“Really Matt? After you stepped over my feelings for you? I hardly think so” I said.

“Look I’m sorry I’m really, really sorry. I just want you to forgive me please. You don’t know what it is like, to be me. I had the whole soccer team and my family rejecting me.” He explained with his voice almost cracking, he held my hands, almost begging. “I can’t lose you too”

“Oh no, you didn’t lose me, you just lost the freakin’ fag who used to love you” I told him pulling away his hands.

That was the moment I regreted the most.

Everything I know is wrong
Everything I do, it's just comes undone
And everything is torn apart

"The letter came mom!" I was on top of the world. I couldn’t resist the anxiety and I’ve already opened it.

"They accepted me! They accepted me!" I whooped, as loud as I could. I took a sit next to her bed.

"I've got my application form and documents and a lot of gifts!" I took out a box with a shirt, pencils, a cup for coffee, even a teddy bear. “I need to go and sign up for the activities and the food next month!” I waved my hands almost fangirling.

"We can take Harry if..." I took her hand, it was freezing. My blood ran cold.

"Mom?" I asked, with a huge smile.
I took me a while to realize she wasn’t hearing me anymore.
She had the ghost of her last smile in her pale deathlike beautiful face.

Oh and it’s the hardest part
That’s the hardest part
Yeah that’s the hardest part
That’s the hardest part.

The music was over. My audience hesitated in clapping. Mercedes helps me walk off the stage. I feel lighter, but I’m not sure what I’m going to do next, cry, laugh, say a polite thank you… my mind is a blank space right now.

“That could not be called singing” Rachel said, angrily at me.

“Belt up your mouth Rachel” Blaine hissed. Mike and the Asian girl also squinted at her.
“How rude!” She tells him.

“I guess he’s right Rachel, just hold on your ego now and take some fresh air please, before I change my mind and let Sergeant Fabray be Maria in our next performance…” Mercedes warned her. Rachel swallows her words and with a squint she walks away. Mercedes hugs me and helps me sit down next to her.

Mike sighs. “Okay, so Tina and I are next!” He says trying to cheer up the others a bit. They start singing but I’m not really listening. I keep thinking about what happened.

I could’ve just sing something from Wicked, Rent or even the Phantom of the Opera… I wasn’t thinking about that song. I feel different, like stronger, emptier. I look around. Blaine’s eyes are over me, I can see them through his glasses.

Mercedes smiles.

“Kurtsie, that man is the most evil, stubborn, insensitive and coldest person you can find in the world.” She warns me. I look at her, quizzically. I don’t know why, but I feel very tired, so tired that I don’t even want to answer back. I just nod. She links her arm with mine.

“But he kicked Rachel Berry like a mangy dog… that’s not something you see every day. I’m not complaining about that (that was something we really wanted to do since she appeared), I’m just saying it because Blaine Anderson is really dangerous.” She told me.

“Really? Why do you say so?” I ask with the evident tiredness in my voice. She leans closer to me.

“Because his last flatmate was turned into a skull he never releases… until now, that he has a new flatmate”

I open my eyes wide, giving a horror look to Blaine. He smirks.
What a coincidence. . .

End Notes:
Kurt's song was The Hardest Part by Coldplay if you ask. You may say it's not something that Kurt would sing, but that was the plan ;)Next Chapter!: Goodbye Apathy


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I love this so much, it was nice to get a little more on Matt. Blaibe is just amazing.

Thank you! You'll see a bit more of Kurt and Matt soon, I'd like Blaine to compete against Matt's love for Kurt. I think it'd be fun! I hope you love him more after that.