May 30, 2012, 12:38 p.m.
May 30, 2012, 12:38 p.m.
He always seems scared or anxious when we left the protection of this small apartment. I took his hand as we stepped out of the taxi and gave him an encouraging smile when we walked in to Breadstix. There were nearly 30 other gentlemen who looked like they got out of a business meeting an hour before already inside. Several of the guys had girls on their arms others sat together smiling and in deep conversations.
"Blaine," a guy approached us shaking Blaine’s hand. "Glad you could make it, is this your plus one?"
"Yes, this is my boyfriend Kurt, Kurt this is Wes the ex president of the warblers and my best friend." Blaine bragged.
“Nice to finally meet, now I have a face to associate the name with.” He shook my hand.
“I still haven’t accepted the fact your not going to be here this year.” Blaine said. “I will come visit you at Harvard.”
"I'm going to miss you Blaine," Wes smiled giving Blaine a hug. "Tell mom I want one last chocolate cake before I go."
"I will," Blaine patted Wes shoulder, then turned to me, "let's find a see if we can free table."
Blaine pulled me to a table across the stage, and a waitress sat two waters and personalized menus. "Wow, they go all out for these parties huh," I said looking at everything.
"Yeah, our parents are all attorneys, doctors, accountants. The governors son graduated from here my freshmen year." Blaine said. "And the Warblers bring in the most sponsors other than the Speech and debate team."
"I never went to high school, college on the other hand I love. I've got 6 bachelor degree, 4 masters and a PhD in acting." I told him.
"Have I told you how amazing you are?" He smiled leaning his cheek on his hand.
"Yes. Yes you have." I returned his grin and took his hand. He looked at our hands interlocked then over his shoulder. I let go of his hand, "are you keeping this a secret with them?" I asked calmly.
He reached back for my hand, "no of course not, I was looking for Nick and Jeff, and I want you to meet them." He quickly recovered.
"Oh okay." I said quietly.
"I love you so much Kurt," Blaine said, "I don't even care who knows it, I will scream it to the world if I have too."
"I love you too Blaine. I’d scream it to the world but you are my world and I will never yell at you."
"See just amazing," he stated gazing into my eyes.
"Gentlemen, ladies," Wes said from the front stage, "thank you so much for coming out tonight. If we can get a quick round of applause for breadstix. They have helped us so much in my four years," the last part being drowned out by the gentlemen clapping. "We have a great night planned starting me introducing the new council, then dinner then welcoming the new member. So if I can have the Historian Thad Martin come renounce his council win as this year’s historian again.” Wes laughed after realizing his mistake. A squirrelish wide eyed boy came up and began talking.
"Are you speaking?" I asked Blaine with a wistful smile.
"No. I’m not an officer and I wasn’t one before. I really don’t care anymore." Blaine explained.
I tried to pay attention to the speech, some a bit too political, like the secretary and vice president. The treasure took the nations deficit as the punch line to all his comment. Then the new president was extremely humble about his win over Blaine. “I mean I honestly still think it is a typo, there is no way I could have beat Blaine Anderson. Well while I carry the group through meeting, and sign crap that I have no idea why we need, I know Blaine will carry us through sectionals, regionals, and screw the New Directions, we will go to nationals this year.“ the room clapped and Blaine waved as nick walked off the stage top give him a hug.
Wes took center stage, “Don’t go to far Nick, I need you to sign some papers.” He joked. “I'm only joking, I'll shut up so we can enjoy dinner.”
Blaine seemed content though dinner, his friends were sweet, all excited or shocked to know he had me. The new secretary Trent shared out table and was so excited to talk to me. I didn’t know there were so little gays in Ohio until he told me how luck Blaine was. It was all too flattering.
I wasn't exactly sure if the Warblers bought out the whole restaurant or not but after the soup or salad a few much older men in silk button downs walked in the restaurant and stood in the back waving Wes down.
"Who are they?" I asked.
The color drained from his face as Trent spoke, “Mr. Anderson president of the parent volunteer organization, and Mr. Tribble vice president with Mr. Taylor treasure. Mr. Kost isn't here he is the secretary. They act as our sponsors since we don't have any."
"Mr. Anderson? That's not your dad Blaine," I said.
"No that's my uncle," Blaine said biting at his lip nervously.
"Do you want to go?" I asked in a low voice.
"No I'm fine, he's the fun uncle that flirts with my mom. he just brings me back to reality..." he reached for his drink.
"Well at anytime you want to go just say the word," I said. He nodded his head yes and continued to stare at the men in the back.