May 30, 2012, 12:38 p.m.
May 30, 2012, 12:38 p.m.
"I don't know Rachel." I said terrified.
"We don't know if it was real or not." She said from the couch watching me pace.
"It was Sebastian Rachel! Blaine doesn't know anything about him yet he dreamt him." I said panicking.
"Are you going to run?" She asked on the verge of tears.
"I can't, not without Blaine." I said I looked down the hall to him. "My scent is all over him, Rachel."
"Isn't that worse?" Rachel asked. "If he is that close to Blaine then he'll catch your scent and find you."
"Why is this happening now?" I groaned wiping my face. "If I leave..."
"You know I will protect Blaine with everything in me, Kurt." Rachel said with out me finishing my thought.
Rachel turned her head to the hall, "he's awake." She looked up at me, "what are you going to do?"
Blaine walked down the hall loudly and yawned and stretched smiling at me, "what's going on?"
"I have to go Blaine." I said but he was half sleep and didn't quite understand.
"Where are you going its 1 in the morning?" He said rubbing his eye.
"There is no way to explain it." I said walking over to him I put my hands on either side of his cheeks and kissed him passionately, "I love you so much, I'll be back for you."
"No," he protest shaking his head, "you can't leave."
"I have to Blaine," I said in a firm voice.
"No no no, this isn't happening." Blaine said panicking. "Please don't leave me." His eyes welted up with tears.
"I'm doing this to keep you safe, Blaine." I said running my hands up and down his arms soothingly. "Rachel is still here with you."
"Please. Please don't go. I need you," he pleaded pulling onto my shirt and bringing me close.
I held him for a moment his sobs making me change my mind, or at least wait until I had physical evident that Sebastian has returned. "Okay, I'll stay. Blaine, I'm staying." I said rubbing his back. "I won't leave you." He tightened his grip on me and didn't make the notion that he would let me go.
The alarm went off signaling it was 6:15, I looked down at Blaine and saw that he was still awake. I reached over and hit snooze then ran my fingers though his hair. "It's time for school." I said softly.
"I'm not going," he said in a monotone voice.
"Blaine," I sighed, "I'm not going to disappear while you're at school."
"That's not why I'm staying," Blaine lied tangling his feet around mine.
"Then why are you?" I asked sitting up.
"Because I don't want to..." he said like it was obvious.
"Blaine you have an English paper due, and warbler practice." I said.
"I didn't finish the paper and I don't want to be a warbler." He said rolling over to lie on his back.
"What? Since when? You love being in the warblers?"
"Not really, I love preforming. The warblers are falling apart with out Wes and David. I don't want to be there."
I closed my eyes and shook my head, "Blaine get up, you're school."
He shook his head no and pulled the covers over his face. "Rachel!" I yelled.
"She won't make me go either." Blaine said under the covers.
Rachel popped her head into the room, "yes?"
"Make Blaine go to school," I said. She gave me a strange look then looked at Blaine hiding under the covers.
"Kurt, I don't do that anymore." She said in a shy voice sitting on the bed.
"Please, just this once for me," I asked.
She pulled the covers down and looked at Blaine. "Why don't you want to go to school?" She asked softly.
He looked up at me then to her, "I don't feel like it."
"Blaine you're going to school." I said.
"I'll go to school, doesn't mean I'll go to class," he replied. I looked at Rachel and she sighed.
"Sit up Blaine." She said pulling him up. He complied and look at her.
I had only seen her do this once, I knew she did it all the time in the 50's. Compelling humans to do what ever she please, it was a powerful skill to have but she stopped using it. I knew I was asking a lot but I needed time to think without him beside me.
She captured Blaine's eyes in her, "Blaine get ready to go to school and don't argue with Kurt." Her pupils grew wide as she commanded.
His pupils fluctuated, "but what happens when I come home and he's gone." He said in a flat voice.
"Come home tonight after warbler practice we'll both be here." She blinked and Blaine wasn't under her control anymore.
He blinked and turned to me, "are you driving me to school today?" I nodded my head yes and he got out of bed to start his shower.
"Thank you," I said to Rachel.
"What are you doing Kurt?" She asked.
"I don't know Rachel. Nothing is easy with him. Before if I heard Sebastian was around I'd be in Seattle by now under a rock. Even If I left... I have you here and Kellie and Blaine. I can't risk something happening to the three of you." I paused listening to Blaine sing in the shower, "it time I stop running."