How Strong Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.

Burn the Night Away

How Strong Do You Think I Am?: Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,208 - Last Updated: Jun 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Jun 03, 2012 - Updated: Jun 21, 2012
1,045 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So this story is going to be much longer then Free To Be... it will stop at Sectionals, (At least that's what I'm outlining for) and maybe if i get more great responses I can add a part three that leads up to Regionals.
"Yo Hummel!" Puck called approaching Kurt the following morning. He slammed Kurt's locker shut and shouted, "What the hell are you doing to my boy?"

"Excuse me?" Kurt said actually confused. Puck and Blaine managed to rekindle their friendship; Blaine even got Puck to join the New Directions

"Puck, let it go," Blaine said appearing out of no where.

"I'm not going to stand around while you get played by some gleek." Puck made very clear to Blaine.

"Screw it, he made his choice, lets just go to class." Blaine said pulling Puck the opposite way.

Blaine didn't even look at Kurt. Kurt hurt Blaine that much he couldn't even look at Kurt. Kurt gathered his whits before nearly walking right into Quinn.

"What are you doing to Blaine? Yesterday he couldn't catch a damn ball. Leave. Him. Alone! We have a champion ship game to win in 3 day." She said her stare alone gave him the chills. She walked around him and met Santana at the end of the hall.

Kurt's morning didn't get any better, he found out he failed his test in social studies, then the pop quiz in calculus he failed as well. In forensics he was partnered with a football player who was rooting for Blaine and didn't like Kurt or his choices. By lunch he met Rachel at his locker.

"Can we press pause I have had the worse day of my life." He said right away.

"Pause." Rachel said, "Patti LuPone is going to be on Law and Order tonight, come over?"

Kurt sighed, "sure..." The look on Rachel's face showed that he couldn't stay in the problem free land forever, "Unpause."

"What's wrong?" She asked as Kurt leaned on the wall.

"I screwed up big time. The entire football team hates me, Quinn looked me in the eye today I'm pretty sure I turned into a pillar salt. And Blaine is ignoring me but still stopped Puck from kicking my ass."

"Tough morning." She commented, "Blaine had a rough night, he couldn't stop thinking about you. We talked for like three hours."

"I was so mean to him, Rachel." Kurt said as Rachel gave him the yeah you were look. Mercedes and Blaine turned the corner, "speak of the bowtie devil..."

"Hey Kurt, Rachel?" Mercedes smiled.

"Hey, where are you two going?" Rachel asked as Blaine kept his eyes glued to the paper in his hands.

"Choir room, Blaine is going to play the piano for my song." Mercedes said with a smile.

"You can play the piano?" Kurt asked Blaine impressed.

"Since I could sit up in front of a piano, I've been playing." Blaine said passively not even holding Kurt's gauze like before.

"I can't wait to hear it." Kurt said Mercedes smiled as her and Blaine left.

"Brings a whole new meaning to cold shoulder." Rachel commented. Kurt banged his head into a locker.

"I screwed up." He groaned.

"Then make it better." Rachel said pulling his phone out of his pocket dialing a number, "there now you have his number call him, text him, apologize profusely." She said.

"its not that easy," Kurt started but Rachel held her hand up.

"Yes it is, you're making it difficult." She said walking away.


Kurt was late to glee club as usual and shocked to see two new members, Puck and Sam sat at Blaine's flanks. Puck looked unimpressed and Sam kept glancing at Mercedes. Mr. Schuster finished speaking and invited the next performer to take the stage. Blaine stood up, and walked to a guitar strapping it over his shoulder and strummed softly singing, "I can't stand to fly, I'm not that naive. I'm just out to find the better part of me." He sung as a stillness came over the room.

"I'm more than a bird. I'm more than a plane. I'm more than some pretty face beside a train. It's not easy to be me. I wish that I could cry; fall upon my knees. Find a way to lie about a home I'll never see." Kurt fell captive to his soft sad voice, he wasn't showing off like the other times he sung. This time his wall was down and Kurt saw the man behind the red cape

"It may sound absurd but don't be naive, even heroes have the right to bleed. I may be disturbed, but won't you concede even Heroes have the right to dream. It's not easy to be me..."

Rachel looked up at Kurt giving him a look that said, you did this. "Up, up and away, away from me. It's all right you can all sleep sound tonight. I'm not crazy or anything." He shrugged and looked up to Kurt.

"I can't stand to fly. I'm not that naive. Men weren't meant to ride with clouds between their knees. I'm only a man in a silly red sheet digging for kryptonite on this one way street. Only a man in a funny red sheet Looking for special things inside of me." He looked away and strummed, "It's not easy to be me."

The room erupted with claps and cheers Santana and Quinn making comments like, "I want to marry his voice."

"He moves me every time."

"Encore," Artie shouted. Blaine just smiled and waited for it to quiet down.

"Thank you everyone. I really enjoyed Quinn's performance and what she had to and I could really relate. I'm not a superhero in this room the way I am on the field. I'm barely superman out there," Blaine sighed. he looked like he wanted to say more but instead he turned to Mercedes and asked if she was ready. He set the guitar down and approached the piano.

She sung Prelude to a Kiss by Alicia Keys accompanied by Blaine. Kurt's eyes pricked much like anytime she sung but watching Blaine behind the piano made him realize his mistake. He judged Blaine, expected him to be some shallow jock with a superman complex. Yet every second he saw the layers behind Blaine's wall.

Kurt was to focused on himself to noticed the connection Mercedes and Sam were sharing during her song but before he realized it she was done. He quickly clapped for her and listened to the reasons she picked the song.

"I picked that song because in the end I think this is my year, Blaine is New Directions angel so its only a matter of time til my angel shows his face." She happened to glance at Sam and share a smile that ignited a grin on Sam's face.

Finn stood up and sung but Kurt had work so he walked out of the room to the parking lot. he hated 80's music anyway so he knew he wasn't missing a thing. He walked to his car and drove to work. He mostly just wanted the day to end but at least he was out of the presents of Blaine and the other judgmental glee members.

Just as worked ended, Zaiah asked Kurt to go see a movie with him.

(6:54) to Zaiah

Kurt: I was going over to Rachel in a few... after?

(6:56) to Kurt

Zaiah: curfew is 11 on school nights, I want to see the Artist and its like 2 hours.

(6:57) to Zaiah

Kurt: ...idk I already promised her. What about tomorrow?

(7:00) to Kurt

Zaiah: Baby you see her everyday, come see a movie with me please :)

(7:02) to Zaiah

Kurt: okay, I'll see you in a few

End Notes: Please Review, tell me what you are thinking.Here is a link to the song I was listening to a cover by Boyce Avenue when I knew this was the song Blaine needed to sing. Superman By Boyce Avenue


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