How Strong Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 22 Previous Chapter Story Series
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June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.

Burn the Night Away

How Strong Do You Think I Am?: Chapter 22

T - Words: 977 - Last Updated: Jun 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Jun 03, 2012 - Updated: Jun 21, 2012
1,098 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: THE FINAL CHPATER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everyone has enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.
The next day at school the new directions were celebrated and they even preformed Born For This for their student body. At lunch Kurt was upset he didn't see Blaine anywhere they had to talk badly. Kurt was floating on cloud nine all day when he got home. Smiling and overly chipper in every task he completed. Then today every time he turned a corner he hoped Blaine would be there. He knew Rachel had a class before lunch with him and he was there for that but lunch nothing. Kurt started to worry until mike told him during their last class of the day to meet Blaine in the April Rhodes auditorium.

When Kurt got into the theater Blaine was sitting on the edge of the stage waiting watching his feet swing back and forth.

"Hey," Kurt said shyly, Blaine shot his head up and grinned.

"Hey," Blaine said breathlessly. He jumped of the stage and met Kurt in the middle giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"What are we doing in here?" Kurt asked taking Blaine’s hand.

"I've got a present for you, and a question to ask," Blaine smiled and tried to be mysterious. He pulled Kurt to a chair and stood in front of him, "Rachel has rubbed off on me I don't go anywhere without a full band." Blaine started as the band walked onstage, "or backup singers," he finished as the new direction came and sat on the performance stands.

Kurt laughed as all his friends watched with soft smiles, "I completely understand, for some reason I carry a mic in my back pocket." Kurt joked.

Blaine smiled and took Kurt’s hand, "Kurt I care about you so much, from the first moment I met you after puck chucked you into a locker," both boys laughed and rolled their eyes, "I knew I had to be with you. I was just too afraid to lose everything I worked for that year. But I wanted my senior year to be perfect, and the only way that would happen would be if I had you on my arm. But for some reason you hated me, and I knew the only way to get your attention was to sing to you. So I'm going to sing to you now, I hope I can keep your attention because this song is a promise from me to you." Blaine stood and the bands guitarist started and as Blaine walked to the stage he sung softly, "When your tears are spent on your last pretense, and you’re tired eyes refuse to close and sleep in your defense. When it's in your spine like you've walked for miles, and the only thing you want is just to be still for a while."

The backup singers began harmonizing as Blaine jumped on the stage and continued as Blaine sung, "If your heart wears thin, I will hold you up. And I will hide you when it gets too much, I'll be right beside you. I'll be right beside you." The harmonizing stopped and Blaine sung wits only the band playing.

"When you're overwhelmed and you've lost your breath. When the space between the things you know is blurry nonetheless. When you try to speak but you make no sound, and the words you want are out of reach but they've never been so loud." Blaine carried the note as the backup singers started again this time the guys harmonized as the girls sung, "right ne side you."

" If your heart wears thin I will hold you up. And I will hide you when it gets too much I'll be right beside you. I'll be right beside you."

"I will stay." Blaine sung with the backup singers before they sung, "Right beside you," three times.

"Nobody will break you," Blaine belted. Kurt got teary eyed as Blaine sung, "Trust in me, trust in me. Don't pull away. Trust in me, trust in me. I'm just trying to keep this together, 'cause I could do worse and you could do better." The band cut all but the pianist.

"Tears are spent on your last pretense And your tired eyes refuse to close and sleep in your defense." Blaine song softly looking down at Kurt.

"If your heart wears thin I will hold you up And I will hide you when it gets too much I'll be right beside you." Blaine sung as the backup singers assisted singing the chorus a second time, while Blaine sung "Nobody will break you."

The band stopped and only the new directions harmonies flowed with Blaine as he got off the stage, "If your heart wears thin I will hold you up, and I will hide you when it gets too much. I'll be right beside you. Nobody will break you."

Blaine held his hand out to Kurt and Kurt stood and took it, "will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" Blaine asked.

Kurt couldn't find his voice to answer but he smiled and nodded his head yes pulling Blaine in for a kiss. The band and new directions cheered as they kissed.


Kurt got work surprised that Burt wasn't upset that he was a few minutes late.

"How was school?" Burt asked.

"Really good," Kurt answered walking over to the register.

"So guess who came to talk to me during lunch?" Burt said walking to talk to his son.

"Did carol come bring you lunch?" Kurt asked smiling looking at the two drinks in the trash can.

"She did, but before that Blaine stopped by." Burt broke a soft smile, "I like that kid."

"Why did Blaine come over?" Kurt asked very confused.

"To ask me if he could date you. I told sure, only if you wanted to." Burt said.

"Well he did, and I said yes." Kurt said.

His dad smiled, "good, cause I already invited him to watch the colts game Sunday." Burt returned to the car he was working on.

End Notes: yes if i really wanted to i can make another but i don't think i will. maybe oneshots in these verse but nothing cray cray, Thanks everyone for reading. now i can start writing and uploading something new. Lsat Fridaty Night, in which Blaine has a one night stand with Kurt that soon evolves to more... mostly humorous.


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Sequal? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee!

I'll see what I can do (;

Just finished reading it all in one sitting - I really enjoyed it! :D

Why thank you (: I take it you read Free To Be You And Me as well? this sequel took two months to start and im running threw ideas to make a third and last one to the series but who knows im writing a lot of stories at once. beside my point. I'm glad you liked it.

Asfjjsjahnajansjjsja!!! I Loved it