How Strong Do You Think I Am?
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June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.

Burn the Night Away

How Strong Do You Think I Am?: Chapter 21

T - Words: 1,056 - Last Updated: Jun 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Jun 03, 2012 - Updated: Jun 21, 2012
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The Curtin came up as Blaine walked to the piano and began singing, "Everyone's around, no words are coming out. And I can't find my breathe, can we just say the rest with no sound. And I know this isn't enough, I still don't measure up. And I'm not prepared, sorry is never there when you need it." Blaine held the note as Rachel came out, " And I do want you know I hold you up above everyone."

She joined him but his voice was still lead, "And I do want you know I think you'd be good to me And I'd be so good to you."

"I would." He said into the microphone as Brittany and mike came out followed by Sam and Quinn with Santana and puck. The three danced slowly mostly to the words of the song.

Rachel stood in front of the piano and sung to Blaine, "Thought I saw a sign, somewhere between the lines. Maybe it's me, maybe I only see, what I want. But I still have your letter, just got caught between, Someone I just invented, and who I really am and who I've become." Blaine joined her on the last note as he stood up and someone took over playing.

Blaine spun Rachel to start the dance the couples were already doing as they sung together, "And I do want you know I hold you up above everyone. And I do want you know I think you'd be good to me And I'd be so good to you."

" Noah " Rachel sung her voice moving the crowd to tears as Blaine sung "You bring me higher." The two of them stopped dancing and belted "Yeah." The audience stood and clapped as Rachel and Blaine held each other and the piano played slowly the sung softly," I would. "

They began dancing again Blaine lifting her in a spin as she sung, And I do want you know I hold you up above everyone." They finished together " And I do want you know I think you'd be good to me And I'd be so good to you."

"I'd be good to you," Blaine sung as the backup dancer’s one by one span off stage.

" I'd be good to you, " Rachel sung as Blaine returned to his spot behind the piano.

"I'd be so good to you... " they sung together Blaine closing out the song on piano. While the audience stood and clapped Rachel and Blaine bowed clearing the stage as Brittany Mercedes and Santana took their places and the additional cheerios joined behind them.

Blaine hugged Rachel and ran to his place on the other side of the stage beside Kurt. Kurt was standing by mesmerized by Santana and Mercedes duet of Demi Lovato Give Your Heart A Break.

"Kurt," Blaine said Kurt turned around and saw Blaine rushing to him. He was about to congratulate Blaine when Blaine took either side of his face and kissed him.

Fireworks. Every nerve in Kurt’s body stood at attention as Blaine’s soft lips parted his own. It was the kiss Kurt had been waiting for, the kiss that woke him from his years of sleep. He knew he just knew that Blaine was the one. All the time he spent pushing Blaine away was wasted. Everything he did before was

suddenly relevant his life started now wrapped in Blaine’s arms. It seemed too soon but Blaine pulled away and the look in his eyes showed he felt it too.

"I love you too Kurt." Blaine said his voice strong certain but nervous, the timing couldn't be worse, the trouble tones were receiving their applause. Kurt turned and ran to his spot on stage his heart racing from both Blaine’s kiss and the fact that he was about to perform in front of as full audience. The drums started and everything was a rush.

Kurt did his lines without flaw and by the dance can as second nature to him and as he and Blaine sung together he had a cheerful fun smile on his face. Then they were done the crowd join as the sung, "we were born for this!"

As they ran off stage they were jumping around hugging and cheering for each other complements were flying around everything was so busy Kurt just wanted Blaine back in his arms. In the green room Blaine pulled Kurt aside and started rambling. "Oh my god that was so intense and it’s over now I can't believe it. My heart is racing is your heart racing I feel like I'm having a Paramore fueled heart attack or something." Kurt could hardly understand what Blaine was talking about so he pressed his mouth onto Blaine’s shutting him up. They managed to pull full attention of the room as everyone got quiet and watched them. Kurt pulled away then in an apologetic tone he said, "you talk too much."

The new directions started clapping and cheering for them making Kurt blush a deep scarlet so he buried his face in Blaine shoulder.

"It’s about damn time," Santana said returning to her conversation with Finn and Quinn.

"That was amazing guys!" Mr. Schuster said as he came into the room. Everyone laughed at his timing, "the judges are done lets get out there." He announced leading the way down the hall.

Blaine held Kurt’s hand as the returned to the stage. The three other competitors were on stage along with their sponsors and a table of trophies. The announcer came out with a wide grin and place holders in his hand.

"Now that was some good entertainment, let’s give them another round of applause." The announcer said clapping with the mic in his hand. "Alright, let’s get this show on the road, in third place... oral intensity!"

Everyone clapped as the Elvis impersonators took their trophy and ran off stage. "Second place, the Unitards!"

The new directions were getting excited, there was no way in hell the lost they just couldn't wait for their name to me called.

"Finally, to a unanimous vote, first place goes to new comers the New Directions!" He was drowned out but the cheers from both new directions and the crowd. Blaine picked Kurt up and spun him. Mercedes pulled Kurt away as Rachel got a hug from Blaine.

They did it, in 2 1/2 weeks they put together a winning glee club and this was only one.

End Notes: It would literally make my life if glee did a Marianas Trench cover. this is Good To You. Also, listens to the song Give Your Hear a break, it really is the theme to Blaine's affections for Kurt.Oh yeah, They Kissed =0


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