June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.
June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.
"We have 5-9 minutes to perform at sections. I've seen clubs win with a 5 minute performance, and I've seen them win with a 9 minute performance. All that matters is what we perform and how. So to start, Mike, Brittany I know you two said you were here to mostly dance, I need you two to focus on some sweet choreography for our songs." Mike nodded his head and Brittany smile and happily accepted her job.
"Now we are required to perform a ballad, it can be a duet or solo now I know we haven't preformed in front of a crowd so I'll just ask, who wants a solo at sectionals." Mr. Schuster walked to his white board and wrote down the student names. Santana, Mercedes, Rachel, Blaine and Kurt raised their hands right away and Artie and Finn slowly added their hands.
"Alright here's the deal, we will have a sing off for the ballad."
"What’s the difference between a ballad and a regular song?" Santana asked.
"A ballad is an emotional and sentimental song." Mr. Schuster said.
"Mr. Schue, its more than that, it’s about the singer connection to the audience through song. And in a duet the two singing must express the feelings the song exploits." Rachel explained slowly making her way to the front of the room. She turned to Blaine, “Blaine’s voice and my own already blend so well together. We should sing the ballad."
"Rachel it’s an open audition," Mercedes said already use to Rachel’s tenacity.
"Then here is our audition as well as our example. Blaine Ferras and Katy Rush duet?" Blaine quickly rose to his feet and patted her shoulder as he walked past her to the piano.
"Tissues should be passed around the room," Rachel murmured to Mr. Schue as she walked to sit in front of the piano to look at Blaine.
He began to play and gave Rachel a soft smile.
"I kissed your sweet lips," he started giving Kurt chill as he watched adoringly. "I floated so high. Your eyes looked at mine, the world froze in time." He glanced down at the piano and played a deep note before looking back at Rachel.
“What is this feeling? I am on cloud nine. Guess I'm still reeling from your body next to mine."
Rachel smiled softly, "It's a rush I can't explain," Blaine sung as Rachel sung softly, "No I can’t explain it."
"Like you shot something crazy," Blaine started as Rachel joined, "Into my veins."
"And I'm ten feet off the ground and I don't want to come down."
"Don't want to come down." They sung together. Blaine's fingers danced flawlessly across the keys before Rachel started the next verse.
"I know you're sleeping, I wish you were right here, 'cause my bed's so empty. I'd hold you so close to me. And I sang my song to you. Your smile was priceless. What else can I do? I'm a junkie over you," she sung in a soft alto unlike her first performance. It showed a side of her Kurt didn't see often but he loved it.
"It's a rush I can't explain," she deepened her voice to blend with Blaine’s as he sung; "I can’t explain it."
"Like you shot something crazy into my veins. And I'm ten feet off the ground, and I don't want to come down." She held longer notes and the gaze in her eyes as she sung with Blaine was indescribable.
Blaine picked up the pace and the two of them sung roughly, "Is it me, or is everything spinning? I'm wide awake," Rachel pauses as Blaine sings, "But I must be dreaming, it’s like you’re some kind of drug."
They blended as Rachel’s eyes pricked with tears. "Try to catch my breath and see if I'm still breathing. Touch my heart and make sure it’s beating." Rachel stopped once more with the piano leaving Blaine’s voice unaltered.
“It’s like I'm falling in love," he hit a falsetto that gained him claps as the piano picked back up slowly.
"It's a rush I can't explain." Rachel sung as Blaine shook his head softly and sung, "No I can't explain it."
"Like you shot something crazy," they sung.
"Into my veins," Rachel sung holding the note for a moment.
“And I'm ten feet off the ground," they sung, Blaine held the note as Rachel sung, “And I don't."
"No I don't." Blaine sung to her and her alone.
"No I don’t," Rachel said tears visible falling down her cheek.
'No, I don’t wanna come down." They sung together accapella.
Everyone stood and clapped Kurt quickly wiping tears that trickled down as well as Quinn, they looked at each other and laughed Quinn wiped away one tear he missed.
"If you two both were capital G gay I would believe you were in love bravo." Santana said as the clapping went down.
"Wait, I'm not-" Rachel started but Blaine shook his head and walked Rachel to her seat.
"Respectfully withdraw from this solos race, Mr. Schue." Artie said dabbing tears away with a napkin.
"Me too." Finn said staring in shock.
"Oh don't give up; we still have the group number that you can take a part of. But thank you Rachel, Blaine, for your beautiful number."
"So that leaves me Porcelain and Wheezy to the ballad." Santana said. Mr. Schuster wasn't quite sure what to say at the comments but Mercedes rolled her eyes so he said, "Take five guys."
Kurt suddenly found himself in deep conversation with Quinn, just the other day her glare alone sent him into shock. When he got to work that afternoon, he and Finn talked between cars and shifts in fact, Finn began venting to Kurt. As if they were friends all high school.
Somehow that's how the next day went. He sat beside Blaine with the football team and while Puck still didn't talk to him, Finn and Brittany were talking to him. Kurt wasn't sure if he liked the new world order. Artie, Mike, and Puck were friends; Mercedes and Sam were getting closer and closer every day; and Tina had Quinn and Mike. He and Rachel had Blaine and Finn. He missed the original 5 but the new group of 13 seemed happier.