June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.
June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.
On his drive home he had to decide how he was going to explain a bruised cheek and a busted lip. Normally, he would blame bullies at his school but movie night at Rachel's? There was no way the classic I tripped line would work twice. He had to tell Burt the truth, which meant uncovering a dozen other lies.
Kurt got home and heard the football game going on and Burt groaning as the team he was rooting for lose.
"Kurt?" He called, "before you hide in your room all afternoon, could you bring me a water bottle?"
"Sure," Kurt called back he slowly retrieved the bottle and took deep calm breaths as he walked into the living room. "Dad we need to talk." Kurt said before Burt looked up at him.
Burt turned giving a this can't be good sigh, then shocked at his sons face, "what the hell happened to you?" Burt asked sitting up.
"Its a really long story I just need you to let me tell it with out interruptions." Kurt said using everything in him to hold back his tears and to at least get through the first part of his story.
"Alright," Burt said in a tight voice, "I'm actively listening."
Kurt sat on the couch and looked at the shag rug as he began. "The first week of school I met this guy, he had tattoo, piercing, someone no father would approve of, but he was actually an amazing guy. We had everything in common, even things no one likes like pistachio ice cream or the English monarchy system. But I was very busy with wicked and never saw him except for opening night. It was the last time we talked before he got grounded. Then the Blaine thing started, you already about know that." Kurt took a breath and tried to figure out how he was going to say the rest.
"Zaiah, the guy, got ungrounded last Friday and he and I spent all weekend together and he asked me to be his boyfriend, I said not right now. But Rachel and I got into an argument about him and the slight chance that I was leading Blaine on, Which I wasn't. So I told her and Blaine he was my boyfriend and I then said yes to him. We hung out after school, there was no English assignment. And he was the one I went to see the movie with, and spent all the rest of the week with or sat on the phone talking to. At the movies Blaine was there with Santana and they met Zaiah, the next day Santana told me he had a drug habit." Kurt began to tear up but blinked them back only his voice indicating his sadness. "That why I didn't feel good Thursday." Kurt slowly brought his eyes to look at Kurt and the sheer disappointment in Burt's face broke the barrier to Kurt's tears which he wiped with the sleeve of Blaine's shirt.
"At the football game I didn't realize how much I care about Blaine until he got hurt. I decided to break up with Zaiah, be cause I don't like to see Blaine suffering. And that's how I got Rachel to cover for me this weekend. But as soon as I got to Zaiah's house I realized how much I still like him." Kurt paused to sniff and blink more tears.
"He was getting touchy and I told him to stop. He got hurt, and said I should let him because we hadn't seen each other in two days. I should have know something then when I complained about being tired he took me to his rooms." This was the part where words failed him.
What did Zaiah do to Kurt? It wasn't rape, that word was way to strong for intense groping. But Kurt had never been so afraid in his life. He could say attacked like with Blaine but attacked sounds like something a monkey would do when its gone crazy. Zaiah was high, Kurt saw the three containers of lableless pills on the counter but he was to focused on getting away to say something. Kurt wished he would have gone to Rachel's Law And Order marathon, Mariska Hargitay would know what words to use.
"Santana was right, and that night he was high, it doesn't excuse what he did but he, did this. I didn't want to do anything with him so he yelled and hit me but I fought back and got away before anything happened." Kurt barely got the last word out before sobbing.
"I'm so sorry dad. I had no idea." He sobbed shaking his head. He wish Blaine was here, being wrapped in his arms had some how become Kurt's safety haven.
Sadly there was more to the story and Kurt had to finish. He composed himself long enough to speak with a slight stutter.
"Rachel took me but after I decided to-to break up with him she was mad so after calling a few times I knew she wouldn't answer. I though about calling you but I had no idea what to say so I called Blaine and he came and got me. I've been at his house since 2 this morning."
Burt stood and took two strides to the couch and engulfed Kurt in a fatherly hug. Kurt kept apologizing in Burt's chest as he cried.
Burt waited until Kurt calmed down that evening to tell Kurt his ruling. Kurt was sitting in front of his casserole examining the food before tossing it aside. Burt cleared his throat and pulled a seat next to his puffy eyed son.
"I don't know what happened to us Kurt, some where along the line you stopped talking to me. You got a boyfriend and couldn't even introduce him to me. I'm sorry it ended sourly but you're grounded until further notice, and I want your phone. You can have 2 friends over at a time, but you don't leave the house. Your work hours are changing times so you don't miss glee practice." Burt said. Kurt nodded his head in understanding.
"I'll go get my phone for you." Kurt said scooting out the chair.
"Get to bed son, I'll come get your phone in about 10 minutes." Burt gave Kurt a hug and kissed the top of his head, "I love you, son."
"I love you too dad." Kurt said before going down stairs. He picked up his phone and beside the 9 messages from Zaiah that he deleted without reading Blaine texted him.
(7:37) to Kurt
Blaine: Coffee Order?
Kurt smiled a bit and texted him back before sending a mass text.
(8:55) to Blaine
Kurt: non fat mocha latte (:
(8:56) to Rachel, Blaine, Mercades, Tina
Kurt: Grounded indefinitely.... don't bother texting back, see you at school.
(8:57) to Kurt
Blaine: okay meet you at your locker. Wait, What happened?
(8:59) to Blaine
Kurt: I told my dad everything...
(9:00) to Kurt
Blaine: Oh I'm sorry... well I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Kurt.
(9:02) to Blaine
Kurt: night Blaine