How Strong Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.

Burn the Night Away

How Strong Do You Think I Am?: Chapter 12

T - Words: 1,083 - Last Updated: Jun 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Jun 03, 2012 - Updated: Jun 21, 2012
1,031 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Aww Klaine i love them!!
Kurt woke up with a start he sat up as the night flashed before him. Zaiah attacked him and Blaine rescued him. Kurt looked to his right and noticed Blaine wasn't in the bed. Kurt sat up and saw him sleeping on his desk. Kurt got out of bed and shook him awake.

"Blaine, come on get in your bed." Kurt said Blaine waking up and yawning groaning in pain at his ribs. Kurt helped him up and walked him over to his bed tucking him in before leaving the room to go to the bathroom.

Kurt washed his face and assumed Mrs. Anderson left him the care package with a toothbrush, wash cloth, and towel. He brushed his teeth and walked down the hall to the sound of the news echoing in the kitchen.

Mrs. Anderson was drinking coffee half listening to the news half playing her Sunday crossword. She looked up and smiled at Kurt.

"Good morning dear," she said, "can I get you something for breakfast?"

Kurt smiled at her, "I'm fine, I'll just have a cup of coffee." She reached in the cabinets and pulled a mug pouring the dark liquid and setting it in front of a chair at the island. Kurt occupied the chair and added cream to his coffee.

"Would you like a Danish or donuts?" Alison asked.

"No, thank you, can I see the entertainment section of your paper?" Kurt asked shyly.

"Of course sweetheart," she said pulling the paper apart, "Joe isn't here so I get the cross word all to myself." She smiled returning to her work.

Kurt felt weird sitting in Mrs. Anderson's presents, she was so sweet and just like Blaine; the way she tapped her pen on her lip until she got the answer. They sat in the paper turning silence for a about an hour before Kurt stood up and looked at the trophies in the living room. Blaine's name was all over the place his newest MVP right beside his nationals trophy. There were chess trophies and bowling trophies jr boxing medals along with school related medals. Blaine came down the hall yawning. "Call the press, Blaine is awake before 9 on a Sunday." Alison joked giving her son a kiss on the cheek. Blaine looked over at Kurt and smiled, "I told you."

"I don't think I can be friends with such a big nerd its bad for my rep." Kurt joked returning to the kitchen. Alison changed the channel to cartoons and started making Blaine a bowl of cereal.

"Are you feeling better?" Blaine asked taking a gulp of warm coffee.

"Yeah, I don't know last night was a blur." Kurt said feeling his stomach flutter as images of Zaiah flashed in his mind.

Alison set Blaine's bowl of cereal in front of him, "I'm going to Judy's for brunch." She said to Blaine, "it was nice seeing you again Kurt. You're welcome here when ever you want."

"Thank you Mrs. Anderson." Kurt said with a shy smile.

"Please call me Alison." She said before walking upstairs to her room. Blaine took a bite of cereal then asked Kurt if he wanted anything to eat. Kurt really didn't have much of an appetite so he respectfully declined.

Blaine put his hand over Kurt's, "you can talk to me you know. I'm always here to listen." Blaine said.

Kurt looked at the bruises that trailed up his pasty arm. He spoke very quietly, "Zaiah and I got into a fight. "

"He did this to you?" Blaine said remembering the jerk he met at the movie theaters.

"He would've done more but I left..." Kurt took a breath, "I'm really stupid Blaine." Kurt said dropping his head in his hands.

"You're not stupid Kurt, you didn't know." Blaine said rising out of his chair. He walked around the island and pulled Kurt into a hug. "I'm sorry this happened to you. You deserve so much better." He said into Kurt's ear.

Kurt listened to Blaine's words and wished he could go back in time and pick Blaine. He was worried about getting a broken heart if he picked Blaine, picking Zaiah ended in bruises and a broken spirit. At least superman was here to patch the pieces.

"Thank you again Blaine, you're kinda superman you know." Kurt said pulling back giving Blaine a smile.

"You haven't lived until you've seen me in a cape." Blaine laughed.

"Do you think you can take me to Rachel's house?" Kurt asked as Blaine sat back down.

"Sure I was going over there this afternoon, do you want to go now or when I go?" Blaine Asked.

"When you go is fine. Why are you going over there?" Kurt asked.

"Barbravention. I've never seen Funny girl and she is making me watch all Barbra Streisand movies one by one." Blaine explained.

"Did she cry when she found out?" Kurt asked with a teasing smile.

"I don't know we were on the phone. She sounded pretty distressed." Blaine smiled back before turning his attention to the cartoons on the small kitchen TV.

"What do you usually do Sundays?" Blaine asked as the program went off.

"Homework or just hangout." Kurt answered. "What about you?"

"Sleep." Blaine gave Kurt a toothy grin, "or I play perfect son, go to the Fabrey's for brunch with my mom, go a few rounds of golf with my dad and his co workers." Blaine shrugged then rinsed his bowl and coffee cup out taking Kurt mug with him.

"Did you finish your book?" Kurt asked as Blaine turned the TV off.

"Yeah it was amazing, I finished it at like three this morning, I'm exhausted." Blaine said walking to his room. "I think I'm going to go back to sleep, but the entertainment room is right through these doors, theirs a piano, foosball table, air hockey table, 3D TV. Everything that's like my second room." Blaine said.

"That's okay, I think I'll just lie back down." Kurt said as they walked into Blaine's room. Blaine smiled and climbed in his bed Kurt did the same on the other side only he snugged under the covers.

Kurt looked over at Blaine and saw his soft eyes fluttering shut. Kurt was afraid the second he closed his eyes he would see Zaiah. Kurt reached down and took Blaine's hand in his own relaxing as Blaine held it back. Kurt smiled to himself and shut his eyes and fell asleep.

End Notes: I think i finished the story, who knows there is always more to add when it comes to Klaine fluff. but as of now their are 19 chapters to this story and i will update once a day maybe twice if i get lots of reviews.


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more klaine fluffff !!!!!!!! :D