How Strong Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.

Burn the Night Away

How Strong Do You Think I Am?: Chapter 11

T - Words: 1,563 - Last Updated: Jun 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Jun 03, 2012 - Updated: Jun 21, 2012
1,035 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Warning, things get a little physical here...
Kurt asked Rachel to drop him off at Zaiah Saturday afternoon. He told her he'd call when he was ready to go to her house.

Zaiah was thrilled to have Kurt over. He made Kurt supper chicken and rice and talked about the season premier of desperate house wives. Kurt forgot about the whole breaking up thing he liked Zaiah a great deal and it wasn't fair to give up after a week.

He text Rachel while Zaiah was in the bathroom.

(9:56) to Rachel

Kurt: I can't do it. I like him and to give up after a week just doesn't feel right.

(10:11) to Kurt

Rachel: >:-[

Zaiah came into the living room and put in his favorite movie Dirty Dancing. He whispered Patrick's lined into Kurt's ear making Kurt giggle and blush.

The movie was just about to end as Zaiah began making out with Kurt on the couch. It was new territory with Kurt as Zaiah's beard scratched Kurt's cheeks and tickled his lips and felt overall misplaced.

Zaiah trailed his hands under Kurt's shirt giving Kurt chills and tickling him. Kurt giggled and pulled away, "Zaiah stop that tickles." Kurt tried to sit up.

"Baby relax let me kiss you." Zaiah insisted.

"You can kiss me I just don't want you're hands over me." Kurt said defensively pulling Zaiah's hand off his waist. Zaiah rolled his eyes and sat up.

"Kurt are you mad at me or something? We barely talked yesterday and the day before that. I invite you over and you're doing this." Zaiah said.

Kurt frowned, "I was sick Thursday and yesterday I was at the football game. I'm not mad at you though, I'm just tired." Kurt said.

"Okay then, lets go to bed." Zaiah stood up and pulled Kurt to his room. His room was dark and walls were covered in posters and special signed concert tees.

"Wait, i want to show you something," Zaiah turned on a black light and his room glowed with artwork he drew on every wall even the roof. He switched lights and smiled, "cool huh."

"Yeah." Kurt said sitting on his bed. Kurt yawned, "did you do all of that your self?"

Zaiah sat beside Kurt, "while I was grounded." He kissed Kurt again, "if I promise not to touch you can I kiss you?" He asked his lips lingering on Kurt.

"Yeah," Kurt said taking a staged breath as Zaiahs tongue began to dominate control of there kiss. Kurt fell back onto the bed and closed his eyes fluttering real and make-believe in to one place. Zaiah's hands began to trail on toward Kurt's hip.

"Zaiah," Kurt warned.

"I know I know but you're just so damn perfect." Zaiah squeezed Kurt's leg then back up to his hips.

"Zaiah stop." Kurt said scooting away from Zaiah. Zaiah grabbed Kurt and pushed him down on the bed. Kurt tried to push him off but Zaiah held Kurt's hands and continued to kiss him.

Kurt started to panic as Zaiah grew a hard on and wouldn't let Kurt's arms go. Kurt bit on his lip the taste of rust and salt filling his mouth.

"Shit!" Zaiah hissed sitting up and hitting Kurt, "stop fighting me, you will like it more if you just fucking relax." Kurt screamed so Zaiah covered his mouth with one hand and ripped the buttons on his shirt with the other. "Please calm down and just let me touch you." Zaiah said trailing his hand to Kurt's crouch and back up his supple abs.

Kurt dug his nails into Zaiah's arm as he tried to free his mouth.

"Don't bite me anymore!" He yelled hitting Kurt again. Kurt took a chance and punched Zaiah in the face distracting him long enough to knee him in the crotch. Kurt flipped Zaiah off him and ran to the door scrambling to unlock it before flinging it open and running down the block.

Kurt didn't stop running until he was out of the neighbor hood and he ran down the street to a Chevron gas station. Kurt dug around his pocket for his phone and called Rachel.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," he begged as her voice mail answered. He hung up and called her again and started sobbing when she didn't answer.

He started hyperventilating and sat down at the bus bench to pull himself together. He was lost in the middle of west Lima with no idea how to get home. Rachel wasn't answering his calls and he didn't dare to call Burt. He looked at his phone and decided to call Blaine he was the only option.

He answered after the second rings sounding alert, "hey Kurt, its late what's up?"

Kurt started crying all over again as he spoke, "I have no idea where I am and Rachel isn't answering her phone,"

"Hey relax, I'll come get you just take a deep breath and tell me what happened." Blaine said noise in the back ground indicated he was moving around.

"I'm stupid so very very stupid. I just want to go home." Kurt cried. Blaine spoke to his mother for a second but Kurt was barely listening.

"Where are you Kurt? I just need a street address." Blaine said very calmly as the roar of his engine echoed in the back ground.

"I'm at a bus stop by a Cheveron on Edith and I think that street is called Trench." Kurt said.

"Okay I'm on my way don't go anywhere. Do you want to stay on the phone til I get there?" Blaine asked.

"Yes." Kurt croaked as he sat back down at the bench. His mind was a million place partly still in that room with Zaiah looming over him yelling at him to stop fighting. Then he was listening to Blaine drive to classical piano music and his soft breaths against Kurt's cries and the ding of his navigation telling him to turn. Kurt couldn't stop shaking and crying as he spit blood on the ground.

"I'm almost there Kurt just hold on." Blaine said every few minutes to calm Kurt down.

Blaine was driving well past the speed limit but he got to Kurt in a little over ten minute. "I see you Kurt. I'm hanging up the phone to come get you okay." Blaine said as a black land rover pulled up to the bus stop. Kurt looked up slowly as Blaine climbed out the car and around to Kurt.

"Hey, what happened?" Blaine said looking at Kurt's disheveled appearance and bleeding lip. Kurt stood and wrapped Blaine in a hug crying into his shoulder. "Come one lets get you off the street." Blaine pulled Kurt along and into the car then ran to the drivers side. He looked over at Kurt shaking and took off his jacket and tucked it over Kurt's torso before driving back. "Where am I taking you?" Blaine asked after they were back on their side of town.

"Can I go to your house?"

"Yeah," Blaine said making a u-turn and driving to a gated community on the hill. He punched in some numbers and drove inside. He lived three street down on the right. Once parked outside Blaine looked at Kurt, "here are, my mom is waiting for me I'm going to talk to her for a second but you can just go to my room its strait down the hall." Blaine said. Kurt opened the door very carefully and stepped out to the grassy lawn. Blaine took his hand and walked him up the steps and into the warm house. Blaine's mother was in the living room knitting a hat for Annabelle when the boys walked in. Blaine pointed Kurt down the right hall. Blaine starred to explain to his mother what was going on as Kurt entered Blaine's room. He had an ice pack on his bed and a tom Clancy book next to it. Blaine's room was sophisticated and mature not at all what Kurt expected. By the closet there was a mirror where Kurt caught a look at himself. His hair was a mess and his face was red and blotchy not to mention the fat lip and bruising cheek. His shirt was ripped and there was blood on it.

Blaine came back in and shut his door, "You didn't want tea or anything did you?" Kurt shook his head no then set the jacket Blaine gave him on the desk chair. "My mom said if you wake up before me you didn't have to stay in here you can talk to her and help your self to food." Blaine rambled then he looked at Kurt.

"Will you tell me what happened?"

Kurt shock his head no, "I just want to sleep." He croaked. Blaine pulled the ice pack and book from his bed then turned around to his dresser and pulled a pair of sweat pants and a under shirt out and handed it to Kurt. "You can change in here I'll step out." Blaine said leaving the room.

Kurt changed swiftly folding his things and setting them aside before opening the door back up. He crawled into Blaine bed melting away at his scent. Blaine came back in moments later and sat as his desk clicking the lamp on then turning the room light off.

Kurt noticed he didn't get in bed so he sat up and asked, "you're not coming to bed?"

"No, I wanted to finished this book its really good." Blaine said, "is the light going to bother you?"

"No its fine. Thank you Blaine." Kurt lied back down.

"Good night Kurt."


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Awesome ! :D