June 3, 2012, 8:20 a.m.
June 3, 2012, 8:20 a.m.
Blaine saw Quinn storming up to him. He gave her a question look, "You're an Idiot," she said loudly, "what are you wearing?" She groaned before walking down the hall shaking her head.
Blaine wasn't looking forward to the rest of the day all of a sudden he kept his eyes on the floor as he walked to his locker and nearly ran into Kurt as a reaction.
"Hi," Blaine smiled Kurt looked at him then did a double takes followed by a lingering once over. Kurt cocked his head to the side.
"You look different," Kurt said looking at Blaine's ensemble, his eyes lingering on Blaine's bow tie
"Thank you, I can wear a lot more with out the bulky Letterman jacket over everything." Blaine replied.
"And what's with the hair?" Kurt asked.
"I felt like gelling it back today." Blaine answered.
"Oh," Kurt and Blaine stared at each other for a moment before Kurt said, "you're blocking my way to class."
"Oh, god sorry." Blaine quickly stepped to the side and let Kurt pass. Blaine walked to his locker retrieving his books and walked to his first class.
Blaine sat through his classes memorizing the lyrics to his glee song he was preforming this afternoon. At lunch Rachel stopped him at the doors of the library.
"Blaine! I almost didn't recognize you, I love the hair." Rachel smiled. "Did you pick out the song your auditioning for?" Rachel asked in a chipper tone.
"Yeah. I didn't bring my guitar though." Blaine said adjusting his bag over his shoulder.
"Don't worry we have tons," Rachel assured him. "Are you coming to lunch?"
"No, I'm too nervous to eat," Blaine said weakly.
"I'm sure you will be fine, I didn't tell anyone, in case you wanted it to be a surprise." Rachel assured Blaine.
"Thanks Rachel. Well I'm going to study now," Blaine pointed awkwardly to the library.
"See you later," Rachel walked away as Blaine entered the library and saw Mike talking to Tina. Tina told him something but he shook his head and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Blaine walked to a table in the corner and pulled out his English books. Mike came to Blaine's table shortly after Blaine had his nose in his English notes.
"Hey," Mike sat backwards in the chair, "How are things?"
"They are okay.... How is the team?" Blaine asked watching Mike shrug.
"Puck is mad at you a long with some other guys, and Finn is thinking about quitting too, but the last game is next week so Sam and I talked him out of it." Mike paused. "Am I too late to talk you out of it?"
"How do you know Tina?" Blaine changed the subject. Mike understood his deflection.
"Her and I teach at the same Asian camp. And we are kind of dating. Since this summer, she... well, we never told anyone."
Blaine's eyes opened wide, "wow, that's awesome, not the hiding thing. But I'm glad you two are dating." Blaine decided to just stop talking.
"Yeah, she's amazing." Mike smiled then looked at Blaine's work, "I'll let you get back to studying, see you around Blaine." Mike stood and put a comforting hand on Blaine's shoulder before exiting the library.
After lunch Blaine decided to ditch his weight training class to grab a cup of coffee from the donut shop around the corner from the school. The donuts were crap but coffee is coffee to Blaine. Blaine wasn't the only one ditching class today, Santana and Brittany walked it to the shop, Brittany waving cheerfully to Blaine as Santana gave him a once-over.
Blaine wasn't surprised when they pulled a chair up to his table. "Blaine, we need to talk." Santana said in a soft tone Blaine wasn't expecting.
"About what exactly." Blaine asked cautiously.
"I heard about the fight you had with Puck... And you quitting the team." She said raising her eye brows.
"You can't make me change my mind Santana, I don't want to be in a place where I have to fake who I am." Blaine said before taking a sip of his drink.
"You mean the youngest Lincoln Douglas National champion." Santana asked. "I googled you when we first met, I have known this whole time that you're a closet geek."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Blaine asked giving Santana a quizzed look
"Because you never said anything about it. And you joined the football team, then won our first game. When you told us you were gay I felt this feeling that I don’t feel often and it was to protect you. Sure my methods are nothing like your mothers but I don’t want to see you get locked in to porta johns, and rolled down a hill. Britt likes you too." Santana looked at Brittany taking her hand under the table.
"You're the only athlete that hasn't called me stupid or something close to it." Brittany explained smiling at Blaine.
"Do I think your an idiot for ruining you reputation over some actor. Yes. Will I talk to you at school? Probably not," Santana shrugged.
Blaine's face fell, even after Santana's confession she was still going to ignore him. "Why can't we still be friends?" Blaine asked.
"They're the rules Blaine. We can't talk anymore." Santana said scooting her chair back standing up with Brittany. "Enjoy living in the basement, if I roll my eyes at you that means I miss you and we should grab a coffee." Santana said in her usual sarcastic tone. Blaine grabbed her hand.
"Wait, you're a leader, you can change the rules. Join the glee club with me, you don't have to hate me the rest of our senior year." Blaine pleated but Santana just stared at him with wonder.
"I don’t know Blaine. I don’t think that will work the way you want it to. I'm sorry." Santana said in a apologetic tone as her and Brittany walked away.
Blaine sat back in his chair and sighed. There had to be a way to break the rules, these non-existent rules passed down from generations of arrogant students. Blaine knew he couldn’t do both, Football and Glee club were at the same time. But there had to be a way to link both groups of people.