June 3, 2012, 8:20 a.m.
June 3, 2012, 8:20 a.m.
"Anderson, what is your problem?" Puck asked hitting Blaine in the shoulder. Puck threw his leg on the bench and leaned on it while he talked to Blaine, "Why did Santana throw that slushie at you?" He asked but Blaine stayed silent staring at his locker thinking why does he even bother. Puck waved his hand in front of Blaine face. "Earth to Anderson"
Blaine started talking, not sure where the thoughts were coming from but his mouth opened and he spoke softly. "I really miss singing and playing the guitar. I wanted to be a pianist when I was little."
"That's cool man." Finn said Blaine looked up at him."I play Drums." Finn added with a nod that said I have your back.
"I wanted to be a dancer when I was a kid," Mike said also giving Blaine the support Finn was giving.
"Yeah if you wanted to join gleek squad." Puck complained, he stood up, ready to walk away but Blaine continued his epiphany.
"I'm also really good at chess and, I have awards for debates. I hold my old schools record for 137 strikes in a school year." Blaine's lips twitched upward remembering the announcement given that day he beat the record.
"Why are you telling us this?" Puck asked unamused.
"I don't like football that much at least not playing it. I quit." Blaine stood Finn stepped over the benched and put his hands up trying to change Blaine's mind.
"Whoa Blaine, I can't save you if you quit." Finn quickly said as everyone else gasped and groaned.
"Who cares," Blaine shrugged, "at least I’ll be happy."
"Where are you going to go?" Mike asked confused. Puck crossed his arms appalled by Blaine's statement.
"I think I'm going to join the glee club," Blaine turned to Mike whose eyebrows shot up at the boldness of Blaine's answer.
"God! What happened to you," Puck asked, "I think you need to see what it feel like to be on the bottom you had your first slushie, how about a knuckle sandwich?" Puck's fist came up towards Blaine's face but Blaine already saw it coming and dodged the punch swiftly throwing his own fist to make a hard connection to Puck's lip. The rest happened so fast as soon as blood dripped from Puck's lips he picked Blaine up by the waist throwing him into a locker. Blaine gave Puck a few quick jabs in the ribs before Puck reared back and slammed Blaine into the locker again. Blaine grunted as the air was knocked out of him but Puck was pulled off of Blaine by Finn. Blaine charged towards Puck angry but Mike and Sam quickly grabbed him and pulled him away from the corner. They were pulling Blaine out just as Puck started shouting at him.
"Don't comeback Anderson you might as well disappear because tomorrow is going to be hell!” Puck yelled trying to get out of Finn's hold. Blaine was in the hall with Sam and Mike. He punch his hand into a locker causing a small dint and he groaned in aggravation.
"Blaine," Sam started but Blaine shook his head and ripped the Letterman jacket off and threw it violently on the floor and stomped away from the gym.
He did it, he stood up to Puck, sure his back was a little sore and there was blood on his knuckle, not the way a Anderson handle business, but he was free from football. Free from the afternoons of being knocked over by 200 pound boys, running for a ball Sam and Finn can't successful throw to him. Blaine stopped in the bridge between the class rooms and the gym, his grimace faded into a smile. He was free to be whom ever he wanted to be. He turned towards the classrooms and tried to remember in which hall the choir room was. He saw the Spanish teacher leave a room on the phone. Blaine walked in front of the door and saw the glee kids standing around talking amongst each other. Kurt saw Blaine first, Rachel then followed his eye line. she smiled at Blaine but noticed his missing jacket. Kurt turned to talk to Mercedes and Rachel came to the door.
"Hey Blaine, are you ok?" She asked looking at his disheveled appearance.
"I quit the football team." Blaine said still unsure of his decision and if he even could just quit.
"Wow Blaine. if that's what you want." Rachel said with a peaking smile
"What do I have to do to join glee club?" He asked earnestly, looking over his back to see if the teacher would return.
"Join the glee club?" she asked astonish he nodded his head, "Sing a song or dance I guess. I'm sure Mr. Schuster will just let you join because you want to, we need all the members we can get if we want to compete."
"I can sing, and dance, and place instruments, this is where I want to be." he looked into the classroom at Kurt's smile, something Blaine could never make Kurt produce. "I'll see you tomorrow in Glee club" Blaine said he wrapped Rachel in a quick hug which she returned.
"See you tomorrow Blaine." she said as he walked towards the student parking lot thinking of the perfect song to sing to Kurt.
I want, no I NEED more!!!
Soon! I'm rearanging the last two chapters so I can add a sequel.