Free to Be You and Me
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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June 3, 2012, 8:20 a.m.

Burn the Night Away

Free to Be You and Me: Chapter 3

K - Words: 1,232 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Feb 29, 2012 - Updated: Jun 03, 2012
1,912 0 2 0 1

"I'm glad you're feeling better Blaine." Sebastian said looking at Blaine over his menu.

"Yeah, me too." Blaine said apathetically. He had no apparent appetite, his eyes scan around the menu lazily.

"So Santana tells me you're the only reason McKinley’s football team is winning." Sebastian started.

"Football is a team sport. I just catch." Blaine shrugged taking a sip of his diet coke.

"Are you alright? You seem distant." Sebastian asked taking a moment to decide what words to use.

"It's been a long day. I'm sorry Sebastian, I just..." Blaine put his hand on his face and closed his eyes seeing nothing but Kurt's angry face he quickly opened them.

"You're not into me, are you?" Sebastian gathered.

"You're a great guy and I'm sure if we met on different circumstances we'd have a great connection but, I like someone else. And I can't get him out of my mind."

"It's okay, Blaine. It happens." Sebastian said in a forgiving tone. "If it doesn't work between you two, please call me." Sebastian rested his hand on Blaine's for a moment before rising out of his seat to leave.

"Thanks Sebastian." Blaine said still upset with the way he handled this. Sebastian nodded his head and left the restaurant.

Blaine sat for a moment, knowing he should probably leave but he couldn't bring himself to it. He kept his eyes on the door, not intentionally but in the back of his mind he wanted Kurt to walk it. Ironically for him, Rachel Berry and two older men walked in with chipper smiles.

"I'm so proud of you, honey." One man mentions to Rachel while they took a table directly opposite to Blaine. Rachel caught his sad eyes and tilled her head to the side.

"Dads, I’ll be a moment I want to tell me friend Blaine the good news." She stood taking selective steps for occupy the seat Sebastian once filled.

"Hi Rachel." Blaine spoke in a defeated voice, casting his eyes downward to watched the bubbles run up the insides of his carbonated beverages.

"Hi Blaine.” She said cautiously, she noticed his deflecting and thought for a moment she shouldn’t have bother to come over. But he looked very miserable and not at all like himself. “Are you alright?"

"What do you care, I'm an athlete you shouldn't give a damn about me." Blaine gave her a irate tone, looking at her through hard eye. But he saw her heart crumbled and inside it was eating him up to be so mean to her. She was actually a very sweet girl. He expected her to leave but to his surprise she spoke up in a timid voice.

"Well we can become friends.” She suggest before s soft smile crept onto her face. “You are the only person to apologies after me a slushie facial." She informed him.

"Really.” He raised an eyebrow, “you want to be my friend?" Blaine asked in a conspicuous tone.

"Yes. We can start now, Tell me something you would tell a friend."

Blaine looked at her and realized that since moving to McKinley his junior year he didn't make real friends much less share things with them. He shook his head, "I don't really know what you mean. I don't have friends like you do. No one popular does."

Concern crossed her face, she couldn’t let him feel this way, there was too much remorse in her heart for that. "I’ll start." She reassured him, placing her hands on the table and smiling wide, she said "I'm a NYADA finalist."

"Congratulation. That's fantastic." Blaine said honestly. "You deserve it. You're an amazing performer."

"Thank you. My dad’s and I are celebrating." She glanced back at the two men she walked in with as they scanned the menu. She then turned towards the door, "Kurt said he'd meet us here, but I don’t now if he will make it."

The butterflies in Blaine's stomach awoke fluttering violently to his stomach, "I should... probably... go." Blaine suddenly said pulling his wallet out to place a five on the table for his and Sebastian's drinks.

"No," Rachel protest putting her hand on Blaine's to stop him. "Come sit with us."

"I'm not Kurt's favorite person right now. I don't want to start anything." Blaine confessed.

"You won’t. Please. I want us to be friends, Blaine."

"Why?" Blaine questioned.

"Because you're different. You're better than everyone else that wears red and white proudly. You care about us basement kids." She gave him a smile.

"Fine," Blaine gave in to her wide glossy brown begging eyes.

They stand as Rachel leads Blaine to meet her dads. "Dads this is my friend Blaine."

"Hello Blaine," the man with glasses smiled.

"Rachel has never mentioned you before." The man with the curly hair said. Rachel scooted into the circular booth and Blaine followed her sitting down he ran his hands over each other nervously under the table.

"Oh were more acquaintance then friends, we have calculus together though. And I saw her doing Wicked last night, great closing performance by the way." Blaine said. Rachel put her hand to her chest and thanked him, her eyes traveled towards the door.

"Here comes my Glenda now." Rachel smiled as Kurt stared at Blaine shockingly. Both of them stared at each other, Blaine felt the butterflies in his stomach suddenly stop and drop sending uncomfortable weight to his bladder and making him feel sick.

"Hey Kurt, looks like both of you are going to New York this fall." Leroy smiled giving Kurt a pat on the back.

"Why is he here?" Kurt asked giving Rachel a death glare, before she could speak Blaine moved to leave.

"I can just go." Blaine stood quickly. "Congratulations again Rachel, tell me when your next performance is. Nice meeting you Mr. and Mr. Berry."

"Blaine, wait," Rachel called but he was already at the door.

"What was that about?" Hiram asked watching the boy’s quick retreat.

"Blaine likes Kurt, Kurt thinks Blaine is just another athlete slob and I beg to differ." Rachel told her dads then she looked at Kurt who sat down, "I think you should give him a chance,"

"No. He isn't my type."

"Leroy was never my type." Hiram said looking at his partner.

"Nope, without Barbara we would have never met, we lived in completely different world, until we met standing in line for Funny Girl." Leroy smiled at the memory and took his partners hand.

"You two want me to give him a chance." Kurt said incredulously staring at Hiram and Leroy. He valued Rachel's fathers opinions as much as his own fathers.

"All three of us do. He's cute Kurt. And he likes you." Rachel said.

Kurt turned up his nose. “We don’t have Barbara in common I'm not even sure he knows the difference between upstage and down stage."

"But you don’t even know him Kurt, don’t judge a book by its cover." Rachel told Kurt slightly upset with him.

"Those athletes are always onions, not only do the stink but you have to peel layers off to get to the parts you can really saut�," Leroy said.

"I'm don’t talking about him, let's celebrate NYADA and stop working about stupid high school drama." Kurt said in a hard tone waving his hand to get the attention of the waitress.

End Notes: Next chapter up soon (:


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"Those athletes are always onions, not only do the stink but you have to peel layers off to get to the parts you can really sauté,"A Leroy line so perfectly in character, it should be written into the show this second. Bravo!

Thank you(: I love rachels dads I can't wait for more of them in the show.