Blaine, Interrupted Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 4, 2013, 5:27 p.m.

Fences: Blaine, Interrupted

T - Words: 1,278 - Last Updated: Jul 04, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: May 16, 2013 - Updated: Jul 04, 2013
244 0 0 0 0

It was hard to count the days Blaine spent at Wayward Mental Hospital. His days were the exact same. He would wake up minutes before he was let out of his room for breakfast. He ate with Noah, Santana, Brittany and some days Kurt. After breakfast everyone was sent to the bathing centers where they showered, and received new clothes for the day. They also went through a harm search, looking to see how long their nails were, and makings sure they weren't hiding anything from breakfast to take with them to their daily activities. Blaine hated that the most. It was uncomfortable and very embarrassing.
He would go to outdoor physical exercise first, then talk with Dr. Reeve, who was an ass; Blaine spent the whole hour and half either silent or asking him questions. After therapy Blaine went to the craft room, the only thing all day he enjoyed because Kurt was with him and they were allowed to talk. After that they went to lunch together. Much different then breakfast because the patients took their daily pills so patients with the last name A-H ate first followed by I-P and then Q-Z. Kurt introduced Blaine to other people but Blaine mostly kept to himself.
After lunch Blaine was sent to his room for his nap which usually he stayed awake to talk with who ever was around (today however he was alone.) After his nap he had physical exercise indoors also with Kurt but they couldn't talk, learning center and dinner with the breakfast crew. Back in the bathing center they were presented their pajamas, checked and sent to their rooms for more pills administer before bed watched by orderlies to be sure they were taken completely and not saved for later over dose seeing that one of the pills was a sleeping pill.
Then the whole routine over again, nothing changes ever.
Blaine would pull out one of his hairs and hides them in his pillow case every night to help count the days. After thirty-one days Blaine knew he was never getting out.
Today, day forty six, Blaine was in the learning center reading a book when an orderly called his name. Blaine got up hesitantly, it was the first time for him to break his daily routine. He followed the man down a series of halls into what looked like a break room from the shows he use to watch. Blaine sat down waiting for something to happen. The door he came from opened again and his brother Cooper walked though.
"Coop!" Blaine was out of his chair so fast he nearly knocked it over. Cooper hugged Blaine tight kissing the top of his head muttering, "I've missed you squirt."
"I've missed you too, what are you doing here?" Blaine asked letting him go and leading the way back to the table.
"Well the first 30 days no one can see you, your locked down here for testing and evaluations and stuff. Then the last few days I've just been trying to get time off work to come see you." Cooper explained.
"I though you forgot about me." Blake said in a soft embarrassed voice.
"I could never forget you Blaine. I just wish I could take you away from here." Cooper said looking at Blaine sympathetically
"Why can't you Coop?" Blaine questions.
"You're not ready." Cooper explained before a door Blaine didn't notice opened and his parents walked in the room.
"Hey Blaine." His mother smiled. Blaine missed her, everything from her floral scented perfume to her special chocolate cake she made him when he was sad. He missed hearing her sing while she cleaned and watching her dance when its just the two of them. He missed the sound of her laugh when he said something stupid and her scowl when he forgot to do something she asked. He stood up and hugged her because he missed everything about her.
He started to cry because also he hated her. He hated her for putting him in here. She was the reason he took so many giant pills and why he was strip searched twice a day. He hated her because she forgot him, she left him here to rot. He wanted to yell at her, but he wanted her comfort as well.
He was so confused.
They sat down, father next to Cooper mother beside Blaine, the first question came from father, "how do you feel Blaine?"
Blaine gave a hot laugh before saying, "alone. Worthless. Like you abandoned me. Just to show up almost two months later like nothing has happened. " Blaine said.
"I'm so sorry Blaine, I wish I could have come earlier." Cooper said.
"I know, I just- I'm just confused and angry." Blaine replied.
"Well Blaine, it was hard for me to see you like that, like this. You're not well I, we really had no choice." His mother said.
"I'm not crazy." Blaine said.
"We talked to your psychologist, we know you're being defiance." Cooper said.
"Dr. Reeve said you haven't showed any promise." Blaine's father said in a concerned voice.
"Brandon Reeve is an incompetent idiot. I know, I've spent at least 20 hours looking over his resume." Blaine said hotly.
"He's your doctor Blaine. He wants to help you as much as we want you helped." Mother said distraught.
"I actually rather have you home." Cooper spoke up. Blaine looked into his deep blue eyes and knew how earnest Coop was about wanting him back.
"I really want to be back Coop. I miss home so much, and I want nothing more then to go back but there's a guy now." Blaine looked down blushing softly at the thought of Kurt.
"Blaine please don't start." Mother said with wide eyes.
Blaine rolled his eyes, "fine, I wont talk about him."
"You can tell me all about him when they leave." Cooper promised. Blaine shook his head, "why are you all here?"
"I want to take you home." Cooper said right away.
"I wanted to check on you, after a month I thoughts you would be doing better but, I guess not." Father said.
"I missed you. I just wanted to see you for a while, but I don't like seeing you like this Blaine." Mother stood up and kissed Blaine's forehead and left the room.
"I'm sorry Blaine she is very emotional these days." Cooper said.
"I should be going. Listen to me Blaine, stop this madness get the help you need and you can come home too. Your friends miss you, your mother and I miss you. We want you better already." His father said patting him on the shoulder before following his mothers hasty exit.
"Now that they are gone." Cooper wiggled his eye brows. "Tell me about this boy."
"His name is Kurt. He's cute, sick sense of humor, but very sweet and caring. He has been here for six months. He's a mess in the paperwork but the most amazing person I've met since being here. I really like him, I mean in spite of everything I'm going through here. The moments I spend with him make it worth it." Blaine explained.
"He sounds amazing. Maybe I can take you both home with me." Cooper smiled. The door opened and an orderly came to take Blaine away.
"Can't I have like five more minutes, this is my first visit in months." Blaine protested.
"There is no one here kid, just go back to the learning center." He orderly shoved Blaine out the door right as Cooper was escorted out another door. Blaine was pissed when he got to the learning center Kurt wasn't there which made him even more upset with really no way to cope.


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