April 11, 2012, 9:52 a.m.
April 11, 2012, 9:52 a.m.
Olivia and I were texting during breakfast, she told me she was fine, and her family sucked, she asked me about cooper and I told her I was spending the morning with him. She sent me three smiley faces and told me to be careful. Her glare just added it’s self in my head.
I walked into Cooper’s room he was sitting on his bed with a large table and two chairs next to it. I walked over and saw he had already started sorting pieces out. “Hey Cooper,” I said animated, “Tiger, Blaine's favorite animal.” I observed picking up the puzzle box.
“Yeah, it was his turn to pick, personally I like sea animals,” he said, “Blaine is quite for once, I should invite you to puzzle days more often.”
“Well, I can just talk; I’ve been known to chat some ones ear off.” I said.
“Blaine would love to hear more about you, I on the other hand just want you to pass me the all the purple flowers.” Cooper said. This guy’s sarcasm could really grow on you.
“Okay, well then Blaine,” I said looking for purple pieces in the puzzle, “I love musical’s stared in a few through high school, in fact my best friend is on Broadway right now, singing her Jewish nose off.”
“What musical?” cooper asked pressing two pieces that didn’t quite go together.
“Funny Girl, I miss singing, I don’t do it for an audience anymore.”
“Blaine loves to sing,” Cooper turned to his brother, “no, I only sing with you,” I raised and eye brow and he elaborated, “Blaine wants us to sing together, I sung but I just do it for him and the shower.”
“I don’t mind, singing with you that is, I’m an alto though.” I offered but Cooper shook his head.
“Maybe next time.” He said, “Blaine wants to know what’s on your mind, he said you look distraught.”
I can’t believe he noticed that, I mean was it cooper or really Blaine. This is way too confusing what I was thinking spending the morning with them…
"I just..." don't break the wall. "Have had a strange few day, thing have been quite eye opening for me." I guess that is vague enough, Cooper looked just fine.
"I miss Liv," Cooper sighed. "You’re not funny Blaine." he shot to his side.
"Olivia misses you too." I said. My pager buzzed on my hip, I glanced down and saw there was a problem in Abigail's room. "I gotta run guys, I'll see you in a few," I stood up to leave the room and suddenly felt a presence wrap around my waste. I got chill as I felt a head on my chest.
"Blaine!" Cooper hissed staring at my waist, I was released and I ran out of the room. What the hell?
11:02 can I ask you a question about coop?
: 11:10 ...what is wrong?
11:12 have you ever *felt* Blaine?
11:14 what are you talking about?
11:17 like has he ever touched you?
11:18 Kurt...what happened?
11:23 cooper and I were talking and as soon as I got up to leave I felt hands around my waist and a ...I guess Blaine hugged me. I ran out I don't know what is going on Olivia I'm freaking out....
11:28 Kurt don't tell anyone that. And yes, Blaine has touched me, I never figured it out, I never believed in ghost but cooper isn't crazy like my other patients.
11:31 what do you mean unlike the others he talks to himself He is like the others!
11:36 I cant have this conversation over text, call me.
"How is cooper not like the others?" I asked the second she picked up.
"Okay you have to understand how cooper and I met to fully get the story." she paused, as it turned into a flat out stop.
"Olivia," I said, "I'm waiting."
"Sorry… I’m just reminiscing..."
Awww Blaine hugged him and he felt it. But how? I know Blaine is not dead I can feel it lol.