Cooper, Interrupted
Cooper 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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April 11, 2012, 9:52 a.m.

Cooper, Interrupted: Cooper 2

K - Words: 1,353 - Last Updated: Apr 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Apr 08, 2012 - Updated: Apr 11, 2012
1,033 0 1 0 0

It has been about two weeks with Kurt as my nurse. He was a Great guy, he was a one-liner when it came to his jokes and punch lines. Lately he has been coming without Olivia. Which for the most part I don’t mind, but its Blaine who is in utter infatuation with him, so I ended up sitting around and asking him question after question. And they aren't even good questions, Blaine is such a dork.
"Ask him what his favorite Meryl Streep movie is." Blaine told me.
"Favorite Streep movie?" I asked while Kurt brings me my vitamins.
"Devil Wears Prada," Kurt's answered sending Blaine into a gasp of "Mine too!"
"That's Blaine's fave too."
"So, what's Blaine look like?" Kurt asked me.
"We he's not nearly as attractive as me," I joked, Kurt smiled and Blaine stuck his tongue out at me. "He has my mom’s eyes, they are hazel, and her hair too, these annoying curls that become a frizz ball without mom's hair products. Other then. That, he looks like me." I told Kurt.
"You are a horrible describer," Blaine commented. "God use some adjective, talk about my liquid gold eyes and how if I stare just right, I can make a person melt."
"Ha-ha how about no." I said sarcastically to Blaine returning my attention to wide eyed Kurt.
"He seems nice," Kurt said. "I'll see you for dinner cooper." Kurt left the room.
Blaine let out a sigh of love, "he is perfect." Blaine declared with 100% certainty.
"Eh, he does have this admirable quality to him." I said.
"I like Him. Maybe love, I've never been in love before." Blaine contemplated his life while I began my anti-love rant.
" ‘The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end.’ Benjamin Disraeli . You don't want to be in love kid. It's a load of crap most the time, and it’s just overall overrated."
"Yeah but it’s gotta be fun for a moment." Blaine said, I shook my head, "so you're telling me you don't love Liv?" He countered. I looked away, of course I love her, I mean she is perfect in every way, her laugh alone can make my whole week. I bit my lip and squint at my brother.
"I'm not going to tell you," I managed to get out.
"I won’t tell Liv, it’s not like she will walk in as soon as you declare your love." Blaine smiled.
And as if he predicted it, Liv walked through the door, "hey coop ready for our walk?" She had a pair of shoes and a jacked for me in her hands.
"I sure am." I smiled wide at her. "Blaine did you want to come?" I looked at my little brother.
"Nope, I'll wait here, you two have fun." Blaine said flopping onto the couch and closing his eyes.
"It’s just you and me, Liv." I said putting my shoes on my feet.
"Alright with me." Liv said taking her hair out of the bun and running her fingers through it letting her lovely brown hair fall around her shoulder. I caught breeze of her hair, it smelt like vanilla and honey.
I was mildly distracted as I put my jacket on, she led the way out the door and asked "Roof or Garden?" She would be referring to the two outdoor facilities, the rooftop gives a beautiful view of the Lake and the blooming of Westerville's trees. but the garden was much less guarded (roof scene has had a jumper or two) and there were tons of benches to sit at and a beautiful walk way right throw all they types of flowers other patients have planted over the years.
"Garden, I love the smell of blooming flowers," I told her, my cheeks tingling as I began to blush.
"Alright," she smiled and headed towards the elevator to take us down stairs. I stared at her for a moment, her hair was still damp and so rich and thick with curls. I wondered if she colored her hair because some curls were bold red and soft chocolaty brown. Then she had thin sprits of blonde scattered at will.
She noticed my scrutiny as the elevator doors opened. "What is there something on my face?" She brought her hand to her cheek.
"No, your hair is beautiful," I told her.
"Thanks, I didn't have time to do it," she ran her hand threw her hair sending her vanilla and honey scent through my nostrils once more, as she reached in her pocket and unlocked the door leading outside.
The weather was perfect, the sun warmed the earth overhead but the cool breeze scattered the fresh smell of new life all around. She started to walk and asked me how Kurt was as a nurse.
"He's pretty cool, Blaine fancies him a great deal. I mean today he told me he thinks he was in love with Kurt." I told her, she laughed, I committed this moment to memory, and the high chime in her voice is blissful.
"How sweet." she commented, "Can we sit I need to tell you something." she lead way to a wood carved bench, she sat down and crossed her legs reveling her small scorpion tattoo on her ankle.
I thought about what made her get it, was it a rebellious stage in her life, or a dare she completed under the influence. Did it mean something more to her then just a bug crawling up her leg, I don’t think she is a Scorpio. Maybe she got with a friend, she seems like the kind of friend that wouldn’t let you do anything alone. I shook my head and stopped thinking about the tattoo. "What do you want to talk about."
"I am going on a mini vacation, believe me when I say I would much rather be here but my cousin died and he lives in Ann Arbor, I'm the only one who is alive and organized enough to do the funeral details." she explained. I didn’t think about it when I hugged her, but being that close to her made something stir in my stomach as I muttered, "I'm so sorry."
she returned my hug warmly and pulled away keeping her hand lingering over my forearm. "Thank you, I'm fine, we were closer as kids, and his mom passed last winter. I just want to know that you will be okay while I'm gone."
"I will be just fine while you are gone, don’t even worry about me. I told you Kurt is great." I gave her a winning smile that she returned looking down noticing her hand. She pulled it away quickly, I didn’t realize how warm it was until it was gone.
"Good, well come on, let’s finish our walk," she stood up and wiped her pants. We began walking again she told me about the spider that decided it wanted to fallow her all night. She spoke so animated, I love having her here with me but she belonged in an elementary school teaching second grade, her mannerisms were perfect for an educational job. I couldn’t help but picture a tiny little spider chasing her around her house the way she was explaining it.
"You don’t believe me either do you?" she said looking up at my smirk.
"I do, I just..." I laughed, "Why didn’t you kill it?"
"Because it was freaking huge!" she exclaimed. I shook my head and reached up to a Magnolia tree and picked a flower and handed it to her.
"Thank you Cooper, I will set it at my desk," she smelt the flower and smiled at me. "Let’s head back to your room."
"I don’t wanna," I complained sounding a lot like Blaine.
"Oh Coop, come on. We can do it again tomorrow before I leave alright." she put her hand on my arm and looked up at me. I then understood what Blaine meant about eyes being able to make someone melt.
"Promise?" I held out my pinky finger, she locked hers with it. "I promise."
End Notes: Review please (:


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