Cooper, Interrupted
Kurt 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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April 11, 2012, 9:52 a.m.

Cooper, Interrupted: Kurt 5

K - Words: 920 - Last Updated: Apr 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Apr 08, 2012 - Updated: Apr 11, 2012
1,089 0 3 0 0

I parked in front of Lima Hospital, "This is it cooper," I looked at him, "Good bye for now."
" 'Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.' Richard Bach. I will see you before you know it Kurt." he said. He held his hand out I shook it but brought him in for a hug instead.
I watched him walk inside the hospital before driving away. I couldn’t help but hope everything was going to be different now. The trip back to Lima was thought provoking, I spent a month and a half with that guy and I’m not sure I can get by without his witty comments and intriguing quote.
The thing that was more difficult than watching him leave my car was not hearing from him for nearly 4 months. Olivia moved to level 2 and I took all her patients. we hardly ever had time to talk with different work scheduled. we didn't keep up with each other the way were could have but friendly hellos were shared weekly.
As every day moved forward Cooper Anderson became a story for me, I always walked to the building expecting him to be waiting at the door, and maybe to have that brother of his with him.
Olivia and I bumped into each other on the way home one evening almost 5 months since cooper left.
"Kurt, hey, it’s been so long," she said flicking her hair out of her face.
"Yeah, Liv, how are things on level 2?" I asked.
"Crazy to say the least, how is Abigail? “She asked.
"Good, they all are, we miss you." I told her honestly. "Do you ever hear form cooper?"
"All the time, he writes me letters, Blaine is good, he can walk by himself now, no cane, and he is also studying very hard to get into MSU to study music. Go Blue." she said.
"I haven’t heard from him once, wow." I said.
"They live in Ann Arbor now, I was going to go for a visit this weekend, and we can go together, catch up on the last few months." she said.
"I would love that."

We drive my car up to Michigan for the weekend, Olivia told me all about Blaine and what happened after I left cooper that day. Blaine was already waking up from the coma when Cooper got there. The Blaine in his head disappeared as he stepped into the hospital. Blaine was a fighter, he regained all his memory up until that day of the dance and sadly he didn’t remember his trip in coopers head, it was too bad because he then wouldn’t remember me. Cooper told Olivia to just come stay with him for the weekend instead of renting a hotel and after he found I was coming up he extended the offer to me as well.
The address given showed off a relatively large one story house with a large bay window showing off the baby grand piano siting in their living room.
"How many times have you visited them?" I asked Olivia as we got out of the car.
"I haven’t yet, we went to a cabin for 4th of July when Blaine was finally out and about, but cooper keeps him safe here." she told me, "until now, are you ready for the final unraveling of our case?"
"Right because in the end, you win in this forbidden love of a romance novel." I whispered at her while she rang the doorbell.
Cooper opened the door and looked like a brand new man. He had his hair cut much closer and pushed out of his face, he wore tailored black slacks with a pink pinstripe button up, he looked like the lawyer he never got to be. “Liv," he sung pulling her in close and kissing her with vigor." You are beautiful." he whispered to her. He turned to me a smiled.
"Hey cooper." I said weakly, he smiled and opened the door wider to let us in.
"Kurt you look good, have you been working out?" he commented, he turned down the hall, "Blaine, I have someone I want you to meet."
"Coming!" he called. I suddenly felt nervous, all this time, I finally get to meet Blaine.
Blaine looked just like cooper in the clothing area, black slacks and a golfer polo, but his face, it was perfect. The way his cheekbones defined his face, but his overall smile held me captive. I had never been attracted so some ones teeth before, they had the essence of perfection to the but still weren’t perfect, he also like Cooper, had his hair slightly parted to the right yet his curls were still free to fall around his forehead. He had adorable triangular eye brows and as he approached the tree of us I looked into his eyes. They held the answer to all my questions, unlike his mother, Blaine’s eye spoke of love and hope. They were a blend of pure hazel and golden undertones.
"Blaine, this is Thee Kurt Hummel." Cooper introduced us.
"I feel like I’ve seen you before," Blaine said holding his hand out, I took it and didn’t really know what words were at the moment. "It must have been in a dream," he concluded.
"Maybe," I managed to get out.
"Cooper told me you were a fan of Broadway, I’m working on Something’s coming from..."
"The west side story," I said the same time he did gaining me a tantalizing smiles.
"Would you like to hear it?"
"I’d love too."

End Notes: Epilogue next so what do you guys think?


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well... if you want fun and excitement you'll have to read Lsat Fridaty Nite.

Awww yessss Blaine is awake and they met. But why didn't Cooper ever contact Kurt on his own sooner?