Feb. 3, 2013, 1:58 p.m.
Feb. 3, 2013, 1:58 p.m.
"You and I must remember 1571 differently, Kurtis." He said, "you see last time we spoke I was getting ready to make you king of my castle. But your damn maker tried to take you away from me. And then our wires got crossed, see I killed that girl to set you free so you could spend the rest of our existence together. Instead of thanking me, you slaughter my family."
I couldn't believe what he was saying. "I was mad at first but who wouldn't be, hell you did it because you were mad at me in the first place. But why did you run?"
"They told me too." I said the pathetic tone in my voice made me feel uncomfortable.
"You shouldn't have listened. We could have been good together." He stood up and dusted off his pants, "we still can be, If you'd come with me." He held his hand out for me to take.
He was joking he had to be. There was no way he still wanted me like that. No, I didn't dare believe it. He was crazy. But I was alone.
I said I wanted to stop running, it never was suppose to end like this. I was the one that needed to die not live forever with Sebastian Smyth.
"What if I say no?" I asked.
"Then I would persuade you." He said in a deep affection to that made my stomach turn.
I tried to remember 1571 we were wild together. He opened my eyes to the vampires night and I opened his to love and affection. It wasn't what I felt anymore but I had to go with him. No wasn't an answer. I took his hand and he pulled me.
"That's a good boy," he smiled at me, "lets get you cleaned up."
I stood up feeling numb he pulled me along through the exit opposite Blaine's dead body I stopped and turned, "wait." I croaked. I had to tell some one, I couldn’t just leave him here for some students to find or worse one of his friends. I had to order my feet to walk but Sebastian took my arm, "Don’t bother, I'll have Aaron dispose of him." He said nonchalantly.
"Can't I say bye?" I said tears stinging my eye.
Sebastian snorted, "Why bother, he's already dead, come on."
He continued to pull me along but I stared at Blaine until I couldn't see him any more. My world was dark again, I had nothing without those golden orbs of perfection. His laugh haunted the back of my mind, as Sebastian took me down the stair case and out the door to his waiting car.
......................................................................................................let him say goodbye dammit!!! D': Blainers...
Why? He's already dead.... more soon.
Hi baby, your fanfic is breathtaking. I'm loving each chapter. Keep it up, she's perfect. COURAGE 1000000000 of its newest Brazilian fan ...
<img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnq3olxRNg1qi5jk5o1_500.gif " alt="some_text"/> Thank you so much sweetheart. I am going to post some more in a few hours (;
Spelling? "Morning" = early part of the day. "Mourning" = grieving.
auto correct + no beta = mistakes.