Twenty One
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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Twenty One: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,034 - Last Updated: Aug 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jun 29, 2013 - Updated: Aug 03, 2013
135 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Update!! Apparently you guys are really liking this so yay! Keep on reading and reviewing! :)

Blaine walked groggily to the door and opened it to reveal a very awake Kurt. He on the other hand was still in sweat pants, his hair a mess of curls and a bit of scruff still on his face.

"You look to happy to be awake." He grumbled, stepping aside to let Kurt in.

Kurt looked Blaine up and down before entering. "Well we agreed on eight, so here I am."

"But how are you so...chipper?"

Kurt smiled and held out a cup. "Coffee."

Blaine took it gratefully. "Oh a god sent, you are a god sent. Thank you!"

Kurt laughed loudly. "No problem."

They stood awkwardly in the hallway for a few seconds before Blaine cleared his throat. "So - where do you want to start?"

"That's up to you Blaine!"

"No! No I hate choosing."

Kurt laughed. "So do I!!

Blaine was laughing and rolling his eyes at Kurt. "Okay, okay. Well how about we start in my bedroom. It's the cleanest."

They walked down the hallway to the master bedroom. It was a pale yellow, with a large bed against a wall, a wall of windows and then a few dressers.

"Very nice." Kurt commented.

"Not really." Blaine replied. He walked and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I never liked the color but Hunter loved it so I compromised."

Kurt quietly walked over to the bed and sat down next to Blaine. "I'm sorry Blaine. About the whole thing. You and Hunter were a lovely couple."

Blaine gave a sad smile. "Thanks Kurt."

Kurt hummed in agreement then laid down on the bed. "Oh my god this bed though."
Blaine laughed loudly and joined him on the bed. "I know. Memory foam."

"Blaine - oh my god, if your bed isn't here tomorrow, I didn't take it." He moaned and rolled over.

Blaine followed. "Nuh uh do not steal my bed Kurt Hummel. I will attack you."

"Lies. Blaine you wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Don't tempt me." Blaine said. They were facing each other, both laying on their arms.

Kurt's small giggle echoed through the room and he rolled his eyes. "Bring it."

Kurt wasn't expecting Blaine to throw himself at him - pinning him down to the mattress. When he tried to squirm away Blaine held him tighter.

"I win." Blaine said a little breathless from the fight.

Kurt acted quickly, wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist and flipping them, Blaine falling with an 'oomph'.

"Now I win." Kurt stared at Blaine for a few seconds before he looked away and cleared he throat. "We should - uhm - probably get started."

Blaine nodded, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. "Yea."

Kurt quickly rolled off Blaine and jumped off the bed. "Okay, so let's move all the furniture to the middle of the room and then we can paint."

"Sounds like a plan."

They pushed all the big pieces of furniture to the center of the room, the taped the base boards and window seals before finally pulling out the paint. Kurt started painting with the light mint color while Blaine painted the accent wall. They painted in silence until Kurt couldn't take it anymore.

"Tell me." He blurted out. He then proceeded to clamp a hand over his mouth.

"What?" Blaine asked, turning around.

"N-nothing. Never mind."
Blaine put down his paint brush and started walking to Kurt. "No, tell you what?"

Kurt sighed. "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"You won't," He saw the skeptical look on Kurt's face. "I promise. Just ask."

"My dad never went into great detail about - uh - why you got divorced. I just don't understand I suppose. You and Hunter were the happiest couple. And Nala didn't want to talk it."

Blaine stood silently for a minute before walking back over to his roller brush.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't ha-."

"We were happy." Blaine interrupted. "Or I thought we were. Nala had just gotten engaged when everything started going downhill. We started fighting more often. Over little things too. I bought the wrong kind of jelly once and we didn't talk for three days. I was getting so tired of it all, all I did was work and fight with my husband. We talked, really talked and he told me he was miserable. I was unhappy but never to the point of misery. My heart broke a little. He decided to move out and then sent the divorce papers to my office the next day. Apparently he has a new boyfriend. "

Kurt could only stare at the back of Blaine's head before he slowly walked over to the older man and gently hugged him. Blaine deflated in his arms and allowed himself to be hugged.

"I'm so sorry Blaine."
Blaine just nuzzled further into Kurt's shoulder. "It's just that - that our divorce has only been final for a month. It makes me wonder if he cheated on me. Why would he do that?"

"I don't know."

Blaine stepped back a little, wiping the last few tears away. He looked up to Kurt with wide eyes. "Uhm," He coughed a little. "Thanks for letting me sob into your shoulder."

Kurt giggled, making an unfamiliar warmth spread through Blaine's body. "No problem."

Kurt's arms were still around his shoulders, and Blaine still had his hands placed on Kurt's hips. He was unconsciously rubbing his thumbs in circles, just staring at Kurt. It had been a few years since he had actually seen him in person. And wow had he grown. He was taller, barely passing Blaine's head, and he had definitely become more fit. He had broader shoulders, his jawline was more punctuated and he looked older all together. He realized he'd been staring to long when Kurt was giving him a questioning look.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and Blaine could feel his warm breath on his face, it smelt like coffee.

"Yea - yea we should probably get back to work." He whispered back.

"Yea..." Kurt didn't make to move, but neither did Blaine.

Blaine's eyes kept flickering back and forth between Kurt's eyes and pink lips. He found himself slowly moving closer to Kurt, but suddenly Kurt jerked back.

"Alright! Let's paint some more!" He turned around and went back to where he was adding another layer of the mint color.

"Right." Blaine said, a confused look on his face as he stared at the back of Kurt's head.

What had just happened?


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