Aug. 3, 2013, 12:46 p.m.
Aug. 3, 2013, 12:46 p.m.
"Dad I don't need to get my eyes checked." Kurt said towards his dad from the cold plastic chair in the doctor's office.
"Kurt, you haven't had your eyes checked in at least ten years. You're getting them done."
Kurt sighed and crossed his arms. "Fine." He mumbled.
"Hummel?" A nurse called from the front. "Dr. Anderson will see you know."
Burt and Kurt got up and followed the nurse to the examination room. Blaine was sitting at his desk in the room, glasses sliding down his nose, working on something.
"Blaine." Burt said entering the room.
"Burt, Kurt. Hi." Blaine got up and walked over to the pair. "Long time no see."
Both Burt and Blaine started laughing at the small joke, Kurt just rolling his eyes in the corner.
"Sorry to interrupt this - whatever this is, but I do have lunch plans with Nala and Elliot."
"Right sorry, Burt let's get you done first since I know this is your lunch break."
Kurt sat at Blaine's desk while he worked on his father, both of them making small talk. Soon enough Blaine had finished on Burt, his eyes being just fine and then it was Kurt's turn.
"Alright kiddo, I'm gonna head out. Have fun at lunch and see you at home."
Kurt nodded as he took a seat in the chair, waiting to get his eyes examined. Blaine came up, shining a light through a scope into Kurt's eyes.
"Alright, look up for me...Good, now down...great."
Blaine switched eyes and went through the same procedure.
"Well Kurt, your eyes are just fine. Even if it has been ten years since I've seen them."
"You and my dad and your guys' eye care." Kurt said rolling his eyes.
"Hey, it's my job."
"I know!" Kurt said giggling.
They both sat in silence for a while longer before Blaine cleared his throat. "Uhm hey Kurt - I was wondering if I could ask for your assistance?"
Kurt looked to Blaine with a surprised face. "Oh sure. What do you need?"
"Well as you know I live alone and I need something new. The house just seems so lonely and I know you just finished a design internship and sure it wasn't interior design but I feel like you could probably be great at anything, well you are great at a lot of things - and I'm rambling. Okay moral of this story is I was wondering if you would help me redesign parts of my house?"
Kurt looked at Blaine for a few silent seconds before he burst out laughing. Blaine's rambling may have been the cutest thing he'd ever seen. "Oh god sorry! It's just that was so cute - your rambling! Uhm," He cleared his throat, a small blush rising on his cheeks. "I would love to help re-decorate your house. When were you thinking?" He looked up to Blaine and it was then that he realized the older man wore a similar blush.
"Start this weekend if you were free."
"Well it's just your luck that I am."
Blaine smiled. "Great. I'll just call you and we can figure everything out. Or I guess I could get with this generation and text you."
Kurt giggled. "Whatever you want to do Blaine. I gotta go though, so just let me know."
"Alright! Say hi to Nala for me."
"Will do." Kurt smiled and waved as he left the office, going straight to his car and then making his way to the diner to meet Nala.
"Wait - he just kicked you out?" Nala asked, taking a large bite of her salad.
Kurt nodded. "Yea, he said we'd 'grown apart' and that he needed his own space back and blah blah blah. It was all very dramatic on his part. I just stood there speechless before slapping him and walking out. It felt great."
"Wow. How are you not breaking down?"
"Oh I did." Kurt said to her. "I cried on my friend Rachel's couch for a week before getting myself together."
"You sound like my dad." She said sadly. "Except he hasn't gotten himself together. He says he's fine but -."
"He isn't." Kurt finished for her.
"I just wish there was something I could do."
"I think he just needs time. Time always heals wounds."
"That's true I guess." Nala said as she picked up a fussing Elliot.
"Plus I'm helping him paint the house, so that should keep his mind off things."
Nala smiled. "Really? He's been talking about wanting to do that! I'm so happy you're helping. It will actually look good now." She winked.
Kurt laughed and rolled his eyes. "I can only agree."
They both laughed.
"So where do you want to start?" Kurt asked as he and Blaine stood at the entrance of The Home Depot.
Blaine looked around and sighed. "I'm not even sure. I just want brighter colors, but not like hot pink. And something sleek. I just want something new."
Kurt nodded. "Okay, well, let's go look at paint swatches and you can pick out a few that you like."
Blaine agreed and they walked silently toward the back of the store to the paint samples. They had flipped through a couple dozen colors when Blaine made a loud squeal noise.
"Uhm, okay? What was that?" Kurt asked, giggling.
"Sorry, I just - look at this color." He thrust the sample into Kurt's hands.
Kurt looked down and was surprised to see a bright mint color matched with a dark aqua. It was definitely bright, but matched with the darker color it looked classy.
"Oh wow. I like these together."
Blaine nodded excitedly. "They would look great in my room. I ordered a darker wood bed frame and all I need is to get a new dresser and side tables and really these colors are perfect."
Kurt could only stare at Blaine.
"What?" He finally asked Kurt, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm just confused as to why I'm helping you. You seem to have everything under control."
"Well - for my room yes. Everything else. No. I'm completely lost."
Kurt smiled. "Okay, well then let me help!"
Blaine laughed and nodded. "Alright. So, what's next?"
"First we figure out the rest of the colors for the house. What other rooms are you wanting to do?"
"Uhm - well I want to do a nursery for Elliot and then do something bold with the living room."
Kurt smiled wide. "I know exactly what to do."
In the end, Kurt picked out a dark maroon for the living room, already imagining getting black furniture to finish it off. He also picked out a light green for the nursery, a yellow to use for an accent wall, and a few small cans of color to paint a few animals around the room for his Zoo Animal themed idea.
"Thanks so much Kurt." Blaine said as they exited Home Depot.
"No problem. I'm so excited to help. I haven't been able to redecorate anything sense Dad and Carole moved in together."
"Oh my god that was so long ago. You were such a baby!"
Kurt glared at him. "I was seventeen thank you very much."
Blaine just laughed louder. "Yea, baby. That was what - ten years ago."
Kurt could only slap Blaine's arm and walk toward the car. "And yes, it was ten years ago."
Blaine was still laughing as he got in the driver's seat. He turned to Kurt, who was still pouting, and sighed. "I'm sorry if I offended you."
Kurt turned to him with a surprised 'O' face. "It's okay. I really did look very young."
"I know." Blaine joked again.
Kurt just rolled his eyes and laughed. "What's next?" He asked, changing the topic.
"Well, we can officially start painting tomorrow, so I can take you back to the house, or we could have lunch?"
Kurt looked at Blaine with wide - eyes. Wait what? "L-lunch?"
Blaine looked at him, confusion clouding his face. "Yes? Are you not hungry? Because I am."
Kurt let out a relieved sigh. For a second he thought Blaine was - but no, no, because he was Mr. Anderson, and Nala's dad. "Lunch would be great."
"He's handsome and mature and I don't know, it's bad that I like him Rachel." He sighed through the phone receiver, rolling over on his stomach in his bed.
"It's not that bad -."
"Yes it is!! Rachel he's Nala's dad, and my dad's best friend! It's so wrong."
"Then don't act on anything. Help him with his house but don't do anything else."
"He just so - ugh!!" He groaned.
"Look I gotta go, but keep me updated. And Kurt, seriously don't do anything that would make your relationship with his family and your family awkward. He's a friend and that's it."
"I know. Thanks Rachel."
They said their goodbyes and then hung up. Kurt quickly changed into his pajamas and brushed his teeth before flopping onto his bed with a huge sigh.
"I'm screwed. I'm so screwed."
He rolled over and screamed into his pillow.