Baby Tonight
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Baby Tonight: Chapter 8

T - Words: 1,661 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Apr 09, 2013 - Updated: Jul 30, 2013
615 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry for being two tuesdays late, but I had finals! Eww! But alas I'm on summer break and should be writing like crazy!Enjoy this chapter! And let me know what you think!

Kurt laid on the striped blanket in the warm July night. The fireworks were starting soon and he had just gotten comfortable. At the moment Blaine was up playing with Isabella and a few other kids at the barbeque. Kurt could only stare, the image of Blaine playing with their child flooding his brain.

"Hello daddy." Andrew said, taking a seat next to Kurt on the blanket; handing him a water bottle.

"Hey." He replied happily accepting the water.

"Doing okay?"

Kurt nodded.

"You're thinking about it aren't you?" Andrew asked with a knowing smile.

"Thinking about what?"

"Yours and Blaine's baby."
Kurt blushed a little. "Maybe."

"I did all the time. I loved seeing Ryan play with other kids, and knowing one day both of us would be able to do that with ours."

Kurt smiled at him and was about to reply when Blaine plopped down next to Kurt. He placed a small kiss on his cheek and then turned to Andrew.

"Ryan is looking for you."

Andrew sighed. "Alright, I'll leave you two. Say goodbye before you go!" With that he got up and went towards the house, leaving them alone.

Blaine kissed Kurt, this time on the mouth; then slowly pulled back and rested their foreheads together. "I love you."

Kurt gave a tiny smile and was about to reply when a large crack went off and colors exploded into the air. They both gasped but turned their attention to the sky where more and more fireworks were being shot off. Kurt settled into Blaine's arms, warmth spreading all around him. He smiled happily.

"I love you too."

Blaine walked through the halls of his old school, taking everything in and remembering all the wonderful things that had happened to him in the halls during his time here.

He walked with a large smile on his face towards the choir room where he was pretty sure he could hear the Warblers practicing. When he entered he saw the skillful dancing and singing of his friends. He watched with smiles as they finished out their tune and rushed over to him for hugs.

They chatted for a while before most scattered, after promising to be at his opening, when he noticed a new face.

"Hi, I don't think we've met before."

The taller man smiled. "Sebastian Smythe. Pleasure."

"Blaine." He said shaking the out stretched hand.

"I know, I've heard a lot of good things about you."


"Would you like to get some coffee?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"Please? I would love to know some of your music secrets."

Blaine was a little flattered. "Yea, okay."

Blaine sat in a Dayton coffee shop, turning his cup round and round waiting for his guest. He had told Kurt he needed to go for some sort for interview, and while he hated for lying, if Kurt knew the real reason he would be beyond mad.

"Hey there." He heard from behind him.

Blaine looked up and smiled at Sebastian as he took a seat across from him, cup of coffee in hand.


Sebastian sat down and took a sip. "How's it going with you know, everything?"

Blaine sighed happily. "Really really good. Kurt's doing great with the baby, and I'm doing okay.."

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked.

"I've just been - thinking."

He laughed. "Well that's never good."

Blaine sent him a look. "What if I'm a terrible father? People keep telling me I'll be great, but I don't know. I know Kurt will be, he was practically made to be a dad, but me - I wasn't."

Sebastian sighed and leaned closer to Blaine from across the table. "Blaine, you'll be just fine."

"But -."

"No, listen, Blaine you'll be a fantastic dad. Yes there will probably be some things you don't know in the beginning, but that's every first time parent. You have the type of personality that just screams dad. You are great with other kids and you will be the exact same with your own."

Blaine smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem. It's what I'm here for."

"So, how's Christian?"

A smile grew on Sebastian's face. "He's good, we're great, and our sex is still hot as ever."

"Oh god." Blaine said covering his face with his hands. "Please, I don't want to hear about your sex life Sebastian."

Sebastian laughed. "Fine, but really we're good. Going on nine months. I still can't thank you enough."

"It was my pleasure. Setting you two up was one of my best ideas."

They started laughing. "Yea, okay genius."

Blaine smiled as they went back to chatting.

"Blaine stop!" Kurt said, struggling in the back seat.

"Kurt come on, let's just - let's do it." Blaine's hands were roaming down Kurt's back.

"Blaine - no - just stop." Kurt shoved his way out of the car, Blaine quickly following.

"Kurt what the hell?"

"Excuse me?" Kurt asked, shocked.

"I know you want frilly flowers and that shit, but seriously we love each other so why should it matter?"

Kurt stood staring for a minute, tears welling in his eyes. "You're a jerk! God, you think I would want to be intimate after you spent the whole night ignoring me and dancing with - with Sebastian!"

"I'm sorry for trying to be fun and fucking spontaneous for once Kurt!" Blaine got up and started walking away.

"Blaine! Where are you going?" Kurt asked, suddenly nervous.

"Home. I'll see you tomorrow." He walked away.

Kurt stared. Tears falling down his face.


"Come in!" Kurt yelled when there was a knock on his door the next day.

The door slowly opened reveling a tired looking Blaine. "Hi." He said softly.

Kurt was surprised to see him. "Hey." He shut his laptop.

"Can we talk?"

"Of course." Kurt replied, motioning for Blaine to sit.

He took a seat on the end of the bed and looked down at his hands. "I'm sorry." He looked up then, his eyes full of pain and fear. "I shouldn't have pressured you into sex, I know you want to wait, I do to. I was just drunk and horny I guess."

Kurt started laughing but stopped quickly when he remembered the situation. "I'm not going to say its okay, because you hurt my feelings Blaine. But I understand that you were drunk. And...I'm sorry too."

"You don't have to be. I'm the one who did everything this time. I shouldn't have made you go to the bar if all I was going to do was ignore you."

Kurt sat quietly for a few beats before getting up and taking Blaine's hand. "Its okay. I'm glad I was there, because god knows what Sebastian might have pulled."

Blaine let out a choked giggle. "Kurt, Sebastian means nothing to me. He just - he's just an acquaintance." He pulled Kurt closer to him, laying them both on the bed.

"I know," Kurt said shyly, playing with a non-existent fuzz on Blaine's shirt. "I don't like him though."

Blaine lifted his chin up and looked Kurt straight in the eye. "Then we'll never see him again."

Blaine said it with so much conviction there was no way he could be lying.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be that boyfriend that doesn't let you have other gay friends. Its just - he sounds like bad news to me."

"Kurt - he doesn't matter to me. I just want us to be okay."

Kurt smiled and leaned in placing a small peck on Blaine's lips. "We're okay."

"Promise?" Blaine asked.

"I promise."

Blaine's phone kept buzzing on the side table. It was annoying Kurt beyond belief. Blaine had just gotten back from Dayton, and was in the shower; while Kurt sat on the bed reading. It buzzed once more and Kurt had had it. He reached over and unlocked his boyfriend's phone. He wasn't sure who he thought it might've been, but the one person he sure it wouldn't be - it was. There were four new messages from Sebastian Smythe.

(5:37) : Hey Blaine, did you take my wallet?

(5:39) : Just kidding, I left it at the coffee place.

(5:40) : I enjoyed coffee by the way, it was good catching up.

(5:41) : I'll text you about getting together next month! Good luck with the baby!!

Kurt sat staring at the phone with wide eyes. What the hell? Blaine said he was going to Dayton for an interview, not to see Sebastian. Kurt thought Blaine didn't even talk to this douche anymore. He was growing angrier and angrier when Blaine walked out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank.

"Hey babe." He looked at Kurt and saw he had his phone. "What -."

"Sebastian Blaine!?" He threw the phone at Blaine. "I thought you didn't talk to him anymore."

Blaine couldn't say anything - he didn't know what to say.

"Well?" Kurt practically screamed.

"We - we got closer when you left for New York. I lost you, and I didn't have that many friends, so we started talking again."

"You dated him?" Kurt accused.

"What? No! Kurt we were, are, strictly just friends!"

Kurt stared at Blaine for a minute, then he opened his mouth. "He's the one you cheated on me with." He stated, not even making it a question.

The just was clearly shown in Blaine's eyes. "No - no he wasn't Kurt. He has a boyfriend. They were dating at the time. That doesn't even matter anymore anyway. He was helping me Kurt, he wanted us together." His eyes were glossing over in unshed tears.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Sure he was Blaine. God how could I have trusted you again?"

That's what did it for Blaine. "You know what Kurt? Fine. Don't believe me, but that's the truth. He actually loved seeing us together, he was helping me. If you're going to act like some stuck up five year old, fine. But I'm not going to stand here and be your personal punching bag." Blaine stormed out of their bedroom, grabbing his keys off the table.

"Blaine! Where are you going?" Kurt called after.

"I don't know. But I'm not staying here. I'll see you later Kurt - maybe. Call me when you start acting like a grown - up again." Blaine slammed the door and left Kurt alone - standing with wide eyes. What just happened?

End Notes: Next Chapter:1) Make - up sex ;)2) A new member of a family!


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just when it was getting to the good part, i have to wait for the next post :(