Baby Tonight
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Baby Tonight: Chapter 7

T - Words: 1,744 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Apr 09, 2013 - Updated: Jul 30, 2013
140 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Sooo please just know what you all thought!Next Chapter1) Rest of Fourth of July2) Sebastian3) Drama

Kurt sat in the cold plastic chair, shaking his leg up and down nervously. Blaine hadn't joined him yet - he was probably stuck at work. But all he wanted was Blaine, to tell him to calm down, that everything was going to be okay because right now he was freaking out.

"This seat taken?"

Kurt looked up to see two men. One a little taller than Finn with dark black hair and a scruffy beard. The other was much shorter with brown hair and a bulging belly.

"Uh no, it's free."

Both men smiled at him and sat down, a little girl Kurt didn't see before jumping into the black haired man's lap. She turned to Kurt and smiled.

"Hello. I'm Isabella."

"Hi," Kurt said taking her hand and shaking it. "I'm Kurt."

"That's a very pretty name. My daddies are having a baby."

"Me too!" Kurt said, mirroring the little girl's enthusiasm.

"Hey Izzy, why don't you go play?"

"Okay daddy, bye Kurt!" She jumped down and headed to the corner in the waiting room with all the toys.

"Hi, I'm Ryan." The brown headed man said. "And this is my husband Andrew."

"Nice to meet you." Kurt said shaking both their out stretched hands.

"Here alone?" Andrew asked.

"Oh, well yes, but my boyfriend will hopefully be here soon."

Ryan clapped happily. "Oh thank god you aren't doing it alone!"

Kurt gave a confused face. "What my husband means to say," Andrew said. "Is that raising a baby is a hard job."

"I know..." Kurt replied, rubbing a hand over his belly. Kurt looked thoughtful. "Can I ask you guys something?"
"Of course, anything to help." Ryan said placing a hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"How do you do it? Being gay - in Ohio - with a daughter and one on the way, all while being a carrier?"

"It's not easy," Andrew started. "But you just need to stop caring what others think. You probably have a family that loves and supports you beyond anything you could have imagined. And this boyfriend of yours must be pretty great."

"He is." Kurt quipped.

"Just keep living life. It's yours after all, and no one else gets to decide how you live it." Ryan added.

"I'm just nervous. Blaine and I are so young."

"Ha! Andrew and I were too. Well not as young as you two I assume. I was twenty six when I found out about Izzy. But we weren't even married yet, and we didn't plan on having kids for another five years. It was a complete surprise."

"How'd you make it work?" Kurt asked, looking over to the little girl.

"It wasn't easy. Ryan's parents helped us a lot because I was traveling and he only got a couple weeks off for maternity leave. But we managed. And we have never regretted anything."

"I don't regret it." Kurt said immediately. "I'm excited. I would never regret this baby. And I love Blaine, I know he'll be an amazing dad. Our families are great too, I know they'll be there for us."

Andrew clapped him on the back. "Then you have nothing to worry about."

Kurt smiled at him.

"So tell me," Ryan said moving closer to Kurt. "How's the pregnancy been going?"

Kurt laughed. "Pretty good. The only weird thing has been my need to eat Doritos."

"At all hours of the night." A voice said.

All three looked up and Kurt visibly relaxed when he saw Blaine.


"Hey," He said placing a small kiss to Kurt's lips. "Sorry I'm late."

"Its okay. Blaine this is Ryan and his husband Andrew."

Blaine waved. "Nice to meet you."

"You too Blaine." Ryan said.

"Hummer?" A nurse called from the front.

"That's us." Kurt said getting up.

"Oh! Here." Andrew handed them a card. "Give us a call anytime."


Blaine and Kurt linked hands as they followed the nurse. Ryan rested his head on Andrew's shoulder, watching them walk.

"They remind me of us."

Andrew nodded in agreement. "That means they'll be great parents." He joked.

Ryan laughed. "I suppose they will."

A nurse came out a few moments later and called their name. They got up and started walking, calling back for Isabella.

"Izzy, sweetie come on!"

The little girl went running, curls bouncing, towards her daddies with a large smile.

Kurt and Blaine walked up to the unfamiliar door and knocked. It had been a week since their doctor's appointment, and they were having dinner with Andrew and Ryan.

The door swung open, reveling Ryan and Isabella who was dressed in a sparkly pink dress.

"There are the daddies!" Ryan said, ushering them in.

"Hey! How're you boys?" They heard Andrew shout from the kitchen.

"Good!" Blaine shouted back, laughing.

All four of them entered the living room; Isabella going to her toys, Blaine and Kurt taking the small love seat and Ryan taking a seat on the couch.

"So, how was the doctors appointment?" Ryan asked after a few moments of silence.

"Really good, he's growing perfectly."

Ryan lit up. "He?"

"Oh yea." Kurt blushed. "We found out it was a boy at the beginning of this month."

"Aww that's adorable." Ran said, covering his mouth with his hand. "You two are adorable."

Kurt and Blaine giggled, linking their hands. "Do you know what you're having? When are you due?"

Ryan perked up. "We're having another princess! I'm so excited, and so is Andrew! Isabella can't wait for a sister. And as for my due date, September first. But I was late with her," He said pointing to the little girl playing with her doll. "So I expect to be late with this one also."

Blaine nodded in understanding. "Do you have any names?"

"Oh please don't get him started." Andrew said entering the room. Ryan just rolled his eyes.

"It's still in the works but we're thinking Sutton. What about you boys? Kurt when are you due?"

"November third."

"Ah, a fall baby. The best kinds." Andrew said with a large smile. "And names?"

"Haven't really thought of any." Blaine said shaking his head.

Suddenly the buzzer went off and Andrew was rushing to the kitchen.

"I'll go help." Blaine said, following the older man.

"Oh Blaine! Great, can you pull the veggies from the fridge?"

"Oh yea." He went to the fridge and got the fool, placing it on the table. "Andrew?"

"Yea?" He said turning around with the lasagna.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course Blaine." He said placing the food on the table.

Blaine nodded and nervously ran his hands down his pant legs. "Okay - I just, how do, uh... god I don't know how to ask. How do you keep Ryan so happy I guess? He always seems happy, and I missed the first months of Kurt's pregnancy but I'm still so lost sometimes."

"We've all been there Blaine don't worry I did a lot of growing up the first time I found out Ry was pregnant. I think one thing is to support them with everything you have. If you're both scared don't let show yours to them as much and just be the rock he needs. That's the biggest one."

"Okay, I can do that." Blaine said.

"Good okay, uhm well Ryan loves when I give him massages."

"Oh I definitely do that already, and Kurt's only in the end of his second trimester."

"Yea." Andrew laughed. "Do it more often during the third."

Blaine laughed but nodded.

"What else - oh okay, keep the house clean and do things they ask of you the first time."


"And one thing to remember is that everyone goes through pregnancy differently. So just, be aware of the things Kurt is going through and be there for him."

"Okay, I can do that. Thanks."

"Being scared is totally okay Blaine, I was beyond scared the first time around. But it gets better and having a baby is the best experience."

Blaine smiled. "Yea I'm excited."

"Great, now let's eat. Buys! Izzy!"

Blaine sat under the covers of their bed reading a baby book, What to expect when you're expecting, when Kurt found him later that.

"Hey." He said, climbing into the bed next to Blaine.

"Hi." Blaine mumbled, still reading.

"So question."


"Blaine." Kurt said a little firmer, stealing the book from his boyfriend's hands.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. You have my full attention."

Kurt smiled. "Thank you. Ryan and Andrew invited us to their July Fourth party next week. And I was wondering if you wanted to go."

"Of course we can." Blaine said pulling Kurt down into his arms. "That sounds great."

Kurt smiled. "Yay!"

"Now let's get some sleep." Blaine said switching off their light.

"Goodnight Blaine." Kurt snuggled closer to Blaine.

"Night Kurt."

Blaine heard Kurt sigh from the bedroom for the fifth time that day. They were getting ready for the July Fourth party and if they didn't leave they would be late. When he heard another groan he made his way to the room.

Upon entering he saw a slew of clothes thrown all about and Kurt standing in front of the closet in only a pair of boxer briefs.

"Uh babe?"

Kurt turned around, tears in his eyes. "I'm fat. Blaine I'm so fucking fat, I can't fit into anything!"

Blaine had to laugh, he didn't mean to but he did.

"It's not funny!! You made me like this. This is your fault! I can't wear anything I bought earlier in my pregnancy and nothing is stylish enough for this party and it's all your fucking fault!"

Blaine stood shocked. He had never heard Kurt curse like that, only in certain - uh situations, but never just in his daily routine. "Hey, hey I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed I know that. But Kurt you aren't fat. You're pregnant. And that is amazing. You are carrying my child, and to me that is the hottest thing ever. You are the most fantastic man and you will look beautiful in anything you wear."

Kurt looked at Blaine. "You are so great do you know that?"

"I'm just being honest Kurt. I love everything about you and no matter how you look I'll still love you."

Kurt's mouth turned into a surprised 'oh' shape. "I love you too Blaine."

"Why do you look so surprised?" He asked pulling Kurt closer.

"It's just, that's the first time you said 'I love you' to me since we've been back together."

"Oh." Blaine said, suddenly looking unsure about himself.

"But it's good. Great even, because I love you back."

"Aww." Blaine cooed in a dramatic voice.

Kurt just rolled his eyes. "Oh stop." He kissed Blaine quickly then pulled away. "Okay, I'll get dressed. We needed to leave like five minutes ago."

"That's what I said!" He said slapping Kurt on the ass.

Kurt jumped a little, turning around to stare at Blaine. He just winked and walked out of the room.

"Hurry! We need to leave!" He called.

Kurt huffed but turned back to the closet and looked for clothes to wear for the party.


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