Baby Tonight
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Baby Tonight: Chapter 5

T - Words: 1,622 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Apr 09, 2013 - Updated: Jul 30, 2013
875 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Heyy sorry for the delay, my computer is broken! :( So I probably wont update next week until either Thursday or Friday, but here is this. I wanted to give you something to hold you all over. I hope you like this!!Enjoy! :)

Kurt walked toward the field. A bag with white bottles filled with paint slung over his shoulder. He was dressed in all white, Blaine walking with him, dressed in all white as well. They had been to the doctor earlier that day and now they were going to find out if they were having a boy or girl.

"Wait, explain this to me again."

Kurt sighed, this was the fifth time he had to tell Blaine the plan. "Okay, so the bottles hold either pink or blue paint. Only the doctor knows which one. When we get to the field we have a huge paint war, and find out what we're having."

Blaine smiled. "And we invited Finn and Puck because?"

Kurt shrugged. "I thought it would be fun."

Blaine let out a laugh and just shook his head, a small smile on his lips.

Once they made it to the small field by the Hummel's house they immediately saw Finn and Puck, dressed in all white as well, shoving each other back and forth.

"Guys!" Kurt shouted from where they were. Both looked up and smiled; jogging over toward them.

"Ready for this bro?" Puck asked, taking a bottle.

Kurt looked at Blaine, who nodded, then looked back to Puck. "So ready. I can't wait to start shopping."
The group giggled as each took a bottle and opened the cap.

"So we just squeeze them at each other?" Finn asked aiming directly at Pucks groin.

"Hey, do not shoot there Finn!" Puck yelled, backing up.

"Yes Finn you just squeeze them at each other." Blaine said, looking at Kurt. "You good?"


"On three, One. Two. Three."

All four started squeezing the bottles at each other, paint splattering all over their white clothes and onto the ground. Kurt was having so much fun he almost forgot the real reason they were having a paint fight in the first place. Almost being the key word. As soon as he looked down and saw the bright blue paint that was spread all over his top he stopped. He immediately looked to Blaine, who was staring right back at him. Kurt couldn't help himself, he ran at full speed towards Blaine and jumped, wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist and hugging him.

Blaine made a small 'mmph' noise before hugging back strongly.

"Blaine! Blaine, we're having a boy. Blaine!"

Blaine was laughing and swirling Kurt around in circles and maybe a few tears fell. "I know! I know!"

They didn't stop hugging until a throat was cleared behind them, and they both crashed back to reality. Kurt untangled from Blaine and they separated, leaving a large amount of space between both of them.

"Congratulations!" Puck yelled, pulling them both into his arms. "You bros are gonna have a tiny bro!"

Kurt just rolled his eyes, and hugged back. He looked at Blaine and smiled when they met eyes. Yep, they were having a 'tiny bro.'

All four walked back to the Hummel's house. Kurt couldn't wait to start telling everyone what they were having. As they got closer to their house, Blaine saw a very familiar car parked on the street. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are my parents doing here?" He wondered.

Kurt looked up to see that yes, Clarissa and Mitchell's car was parked outside of his house. "Maybe they want to find out if we're having a boy or a girl." Kurt said, trying to sound inconspicuous.

Blaine looked toward him. "I didn't tell them that we were finding out today."

"Oops?" Kurt said right as they stepped into the house.

"Wait..." But Blaine didn't get to finish that sentence because all four parents were rushing into the foyer to hear about the doctor's visit.

"It's a boy?" Carole asked, noting the blue coloring on the boys white clothes.

"Boys? You're having twins?" Clarissa asked, thinking they were having twins.

"No, boy! As in one!" Kurt yelled.

Clarissa and Carole both started crying and ran forward to give Kurt and Blaine big hugs. Mitchell and Burt followed with a pat on the back and a 'congrats son' thrown in there.

Once all the celebrating died down, everyone made their way to the kitchen where dinner was set up. Blaine looked to Kurt with a confused face.

He leant in to Blaine and whispered in his ear. "It's celebrating us and this baby. And also them, they've already done so much for us Blaine."

"You're wonderful Kurt." He whispered back before turning away to chat with Carole. Blaine might have missed the look that crossed Kurt's face, but Carole sure didn't. She sent him a small wink, then turned her attention back to the curly haired teen in front of her.

Once dinner was settling down, Mitchell cleared his throat and stood at the head of the table, opposite of Burt on the other side.

"Boys, Burt and I did some searching and we think we have found the perfect place for you to live. It's an apartment complex right off of campus, two bedroom one and a half bath. And between the four of us rent won't be too much."

"Wait, you're paying the rent for us?" Kurt asked, genuinely surprised.

"Well we talked about it." Burt started saying. "And decided that for the first year we will. We want you two to focus on school and the baby for a while and then after a year we can revisit this topic and see about paying half the rent or something like that."

"We don't want to be a burden -." Blaine started saying.

"Oh hush." Clarissa said. "You two could never be a burden. We want to do this for you."

"Thank you so much." Kurt said.

"I can't - we can't thank you enough." Blaine added.

"Knock Knock." Burt said from the hallway. Kurt looked up from behind the piles of boxes scattered throughout his room and smiled.

"Hi dad."

"Hey Mr. H!" Blaine shouted from somewhere Burt couldn't see.

"Where are you?" He shouted back, laughing.

"He's helping me pack dad." Kurt started to explain. Blaine suddenly jumped up from behind a large box and started flailing his arms.

"More like I've been the only one packing."

Burt started laughing loudly. "Sorry kid, but Kurt won't pack for anything, you did this to yourself by saying you'd help."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Well I'm never offering my services to you again Kurt." He started moving towards the door, but not before dropping a quick peck to his lips. "Gotta go, I have to finish packing my room too. Love you!" He shouted then sprinted out the door.

Burt looked around the room. "Ready?"

Kurt nodded. "Remind me never to over pack again."

Burt shook his head and patted Kurt on the shoulder. "I try every time kiddo, you just never listen."

Kurt hated the summer. He hated packing. And most importantly he hated packing in the summer. He was hot, and sweaty, and fat. And while everyday Blaine said he looked 'glowing and pregnant', he couldn't see beyond the fatness. He had gained weight, and with his small frame, his pregnant belly was more visible. He could barely see his own feet when he stood and the maternity clothes he had bought at the beginning of his pregnancy weren't fitting anymore. He really needed to go shopping, but right now Kurt was stuck on the couch of his and Blaine's new apartment.

Every few minutes Blaine, Mitchell and his dad would come in carrying a new box each marked with a different destination. By the time Kurt had finally rested up enough and cooled down all the moving was down, and the task of unpacking had started.

Blaine knew to keep the bedroom off limits to anyone but Kurt, so while Kurt started there, everyone else started in the kitchen. They unpacked the small amounts of dishes and silverware they had before moving into the next room.

By the time Kurt had perfected the outlay of the master room, the rest of the rooms had been unpacked. With the apartment coming fully furnished, there wasn't that much to work on. Which Kurt was happy about. Now the only room that needed serious work was the nursery. They were planning on starting that the next day, and honestly Kurt couldn't wait. He loved decorating, and this nursery was going to look amazing when he was finished with it.

Later that night, once Mitchell and Burt had left and Kurt and Blaine laid on their new bed, Blaine brought up the topic of baby names.

"I don't know Blaine." Kurt said laughing. "I mean really I'm only just barely five months pregnant, I don't think we need to start looking right now."

Blaine nodded. "Right, but I don't want our little guy to be nameless when he comes into this world." He stated, placing a hand on Kurt's belly.

"And he won't, we'll figure it out soon, we just have a lot of - ouch."

Blaine looked up to Kurt with wide eyes. Was that what he thought it was? "Did he just - was that a kick?"

Kurt nodded. "He just kicked me."

Blaine started laughing and lunged forward to wrap Kurt in a hug that gave him butterflies. Both men laughed as he continued to kick. Blaine couldn't keep his hands off Kurt's tummy, but that was okay, because this was the first time their baby had kicked. And Kurt didn't mind at all, the feeling of Blaine's hands comforting.

That night when they went to bed, both sets of hands were placed on Kurt's stomach, prepared for any motion. Kurt fell asleep more soundly that night and he kept telling himself that it was the new mattress, but he knew - having Blaine's arms around him and his body heat around him, and just knowing that Blaine was there, like he used to be, made him feel safer - and that was why he fell asleep easier. Maybe it was time to give them another try.

End Notes: Next Chapter:1) Lots of flashbacks2) Rain3) Relationships


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