July 30, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
July 30, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
Kurt slowly walked up the stairs to the front door. The large wooden door taunting him in a way. He was extremely nervous to meet the Andersons, but Blaine meant the world to him, and he loved his parents, so Kurt would learn to love them too.
He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. It only took a few seconds before the door was swinging open and Blaine was standing before him. "Hey you."
Kurt gave a tiny smile. "Hi."
Blaine furrowed his eyebrows together and stepped out onto the porch, closing the door behind him. "Hey," he said, rubbing a hand up and down Kurt's arm. "What's wrong?"
Kurt sighed. "I'm just nervous Blaine."
"Because your parents mean everything to you, and I want them to like me, but I don't want to make a fool out of myself or make it look like I'm trying too hard."
"Kurt, my mom already loves you even though she hasn't met you yet, and my dad can't wait to finally put a face with the name. Calm down baby, they love you already."
Kurt looked up to Blaine with hopeful eyes. "Really?"
"Yes really, now let's go inside!"
Kurt nodded his head and took Blaine's hand as they went inside, actually excited to meet Blaine's parents now.
Kurt sat in the passenger seat of Blaine's Ford Escape as they drove down the highway toward Westerville. He wasn't really sure what he was feeling. Nervous, excited, happy, nauseas? A million different things were running through his head.
"Kurt stop." Blaine said from beside him.
Kurt gave him a confused look. "What?"
"I know what's going on through your head and you need to stop it."
"You have no idea what I'm thinking Blaine."
"You think my parents hate you because of the break-up and you fear that they are gonna blow up on you and hell is gonna break loose."
"Okay, well maybe you do know."
"Kurt," Blaine took Kurt's hand. "My parents don't hate you -."
"No Kurt I'm serious, they know why we broke up. They understand both sides, and they don't think of you any differently than they did when they first met you."
"I just -,"
"I know, but you'll be fine. We will be fine."
"Okay." Blaine agreed, turning his attention back to the road.
"Mom! Dad! Are you home?"
"Kitchen sweetheart!"
The two boys made their way to the kitchen. The house so familiar to Kurt, yet so different from the last time he was in it. Upon reaching the kitchen Kurt saw Blaine's dad reading the newspaper at the head of the table, his mom reading through some paper work.
Blaine cleared his throat and both parents looked up; mouths dropping in surprise at seeing Kurt standing next to their son.
"We need to talk to you guys." Blaine said, rocking back and forth on his feet.
"Okay." His father said apprehensively. He pointed to the two seats on the other side of the table. Kurt and Blaine slowly made their way towards them, then sat down. Kurt was looking at his hands, Blaine looking at Kurt.
"Kurt it's wonderful to see you again." Clarissa said.
"You too Mrs. Anderson."
"Kurt, its Clarissa remember?"
"Oh, right." Kurt said blushing and looking back down to his hands.
"Alright boys, what did you need to talk about?" Mitchell said from the end of the table.
"Right, okay, well you see mom, dad, Kurt he's - uhm well Kurt..."
"I'm pregnant." Kurt said, knowing Blaine wouldn't be able to get the words out. "I'm having a baby and Blaine is the father. And no, we aren't back together, but we are both going to be there for this baby. And before either of you ask; it's called the carrier gene."
No one said anything for a while. They all just sat in silence. Kurt was about to go into another rambling spree when Mitchell spoke up.
"Wow, that's - that's news, but we can work something out. Do you need help? With money, or anything really?"
Kurt was completely surprised by what Mitchell was saying. He had expected a totally different outcome, and what was happening was making him speechless.
"N-no dad, but uhm, we're moving to Cincinnati. We're both going to school there for the fall semester." Blaine said, noting the surprised look on Kurt's face.
"Well we can take you both down there and start looking for apartments," Mitchell said, starting to look through his phone. "And we can definitely help with the rent, and other essentials. Oh Clarissa could help decorate the baby room...-." He stopped talking, looking up to see everyone's faces. "What?"
"Mr. Anderson -."
"Mitchell, I just - thank you."
The older man's eyes softened. "Kurt, you're like family. And that baby, will be loved so much."
Kurt's eyes were watering as Mitchell and Clarissa started making plans about the move and college for Blaine and so much more. Kurt just listened and took it all in, grateful when Blaine took his hand and squeezed it. Although they weren't together, yet, Blaine was his best friend and anchor, and there was no one he would rather have a baby with. Blaine was amazing. Burt and Carole were great and supportive. Mitchell and Clarissa wanted to help in any way they could. Kurt couldn't believe it, he was the luckiest person in the world right now.
Was his graduation this hard? There was no way his graduation was like this. Although maybe it was. He was on that stage a year before, and now, that's where Blaine stood, in his red cap and gown. He was in the front, at the podium actually, giving his valedictorian speech. Kurt couldn't stop staring and listening, his words like rich chocolate; great and full of wisdom.
Kurt wasn't crying, he definitely wasn't. His nose was just running because of allergies. Or that's what he told himself. But when every graduating senior stood up and threw their caps, he knew he was crying. A small chocked sob escaped his throat but he smiled as he made eye contact with Blaine. He was going to remember this day for ever. It was his special time, and nothing could ruin it.
After graduation was over, and the parties had finally finished, Kurt and Blaine laid in Blaine's back yard as their parents talked, most likely discussing the soon to be addition of the family. Kurt was staring at the orange and pink sky, the air warm as summer was upon them. Blaine laid silently next to him, eyes closed and thinking.
"Hey, just so you know, I have a doctor's appointment next." Kurt finally said, turning his head to look at Blaine.
"I'm coming of course."
"If you're busy you do-."
"Kurt, I'm coming. This is my baby too, and I'm gonna be there for everything."
Kurt smiled. "Okay."
"Are we finding out what we're having?"
Kurt shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, should we?"
"I think," Blaine started. "That we should. It will help with getting clothes and other baby necessities and you can decorate the room in the new apartment better if you know what we are having."
"Then we'll find out."
"Alright!" Blaine laid back down and gently placed his hand on Kurt's ever growing tummy.
Kurt just smiled and allowed his hand to rest on his stomach. "Oh Blaine?"
"Congratulations on graduating."