Baby Tonight
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Story
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Baby Tonight: Chapter 13

T - Words: 1,297 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Apr 09, 2013 - Updated: Jul 30, 2013
139 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Next Chapter:1) Baby Shower

Kurt had been lying in bed, just looking at Blaine sleep for the last twenty minutes. It was early, not even eight yet, but Kurt already had a list of things to do today. He was running his hand lightly over Blaine's arm, enjoying the slight goose bumps he got.

"Blaine." He cooed quietly.

"Mmph." Blaine silently rolled over - his bare back now facing Kurt.

He rolled his eyes and scooted closer to his boyfriend, hooking his chin over his shoulder and pressing a light kiss to his neck. "Blaine...up."

"It can be if he keep kissing me."

Kurt pulled away with a small gasp and then he was laughing loudly, lightly hitting Blaine. "You are horrible Blaine Anderson."

Blaine rolled so he was facing Kurt. "But you love me."

"I do. But you have class in a few hours, so get up and get ready. I'll make breakfast."

Blaine stretched out, lightly placing his hand on Kurt's stomach, ignoring everything Kurt just said. "How's my baby?"

"Good, now get up Blaine. I know you are just putting this off."

"I am not! I'm not allowed to worry about my child?"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Fine, he's great. But he keeps kicking during the night and walking me up."

"Aww baby." Blaine rolled on top of Kurt, and slowly leaned down, giving his belly a raspberry - making Kurt giggle like crazy.

"Blaine stop!!" He pushed Blaine off of him and stood up, his sweat pants hanging low on his hips. "Now get up."

He walked out of the room, leaving Blaine to fall back on the bed with a loud huff.

"I was starting to worry." Kurt said as Blaine finally sat down at the table.

"The water felt so good. I just couldn't get out."

"I bet. Now eat." He placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Blaine, then lightly kissed his forehead before sitting down opposite of him.

"So what are your plans for today?" Blaine asked, chewing on a piece of bacon.

Kurt shrugged. "Well Carole said she might come down but I'm not entirely sure. I'll probably wallow until you get home."

Blaine frowned. "Baby I can stay home - I only have English and Marketing today. No biggie."

"Blaine no. You need to go to class."

Blaine huffed. "I just don't want to leave you two."

Kurt giggled and got up, gently straddling Blaine's lap. "You'll love it." He placed a light kiss to the tip of Blaine's nose. "Then you can come home and make love to me." He whispered into Blaine's ear, then kissed him hard on the lips before quickly standing up. "Now you'd better get going - don't wanna be late for the first day of class."

Blaine only stared at Kurt, his eyes wide and mouth in a surprised 'O'. "Wh - I just..."

"Mumbling is unattractive."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "God you are the biggest tease." He got up and rushed to their bedroom to get ready.

Kurt winked and went back to eating, finishing right as Blaine came out of the room. He was wearing gray capris and a light green shirt.

"How do I look?"

"Blaine, its college - not high school."

Blaine looked down at his outfit and smoothed out his shirt. "I know - I just want to look good."

Kurt placed his hands on Blaine's shoulders and started rubbing, Blaine instantly relaxing. "Honey, you look amazing. Have fun okay? And don't forget about me."

Blaine laughed loudly, his eyes scrunching. "I could never forget the best thing that ever happened to me."

Kurt blushed and nuzzled into Blaine. "I love you."

"Love you too. I'll see you later."


With one final kiss Blaine departed, leaving Kurt alone in the empty apartment.


"Mom seriously how much paint do we need?"

"Yea Mrs. H, there's like seven cans here."

Carole rolled her eyes at the two teenage boys. "Boys, stop complaining and hurry up."

They huffed and followed her up the stairs to the unfamiliar door. Carole set down her bags and softly knocked on the door. It only took a few seconds before it was being pulled open by a very pregnant Kurt.

"Carole!" Kurt said loudly, in a surprised tone.

"Sweetie Hi!" She smiled and went to gather him in for a hug.

They embraced and that's when Kurt saw the other two teenage boys.

"Finn! Noah!" He went and embraced the other two, happy to see family and friends.

"Bro! You've gotten hu-." Finn cut off right away when he saw the look on his moms face. "Never mind."

"You can say huge Finn, I already know."

"Well sweetie I think you look great."

"Thanks," Kurt said with a smile. "Now let's get inside, it's so hot out here."

Carole followed Kurt who was followed by Finn and Puck carrying paint cans and supplies.

"Are we ready to paint this Nursery?" Puck asked.

Kurt nodded. "Yes please we are so behind."

"Don't worry bro we got this." Finn said, walking into the room, tripping over the boxes already there.

"Whoa, what's in these." Puck asked following Finn.

Kurt was standing in the middle of the room, piles of boxes all around. "It's the crib and pretty much everything else needed for the baby."

"Don't worry, we can totally finish this today." Finn said, high fiving a grinning and nodding Puck.

"They're right Kurt, if we start now we can finish the room by the time Blaine gets home."

Kurt smiled. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you Carole." He hugged his step - mom.

She hugged back the clapped her hands. "Right, let's start with the walls and go from there."


"Honey I'm home!" Blaine yelled from the front door. He put down his satchel and toed off his shoes, waiting for Kurt to reply. He looked down to see Charlie rubbing up against his leg. He smiled and rubbed the tabby's head. "Kurt?"


Blaine slowly padded down the hall to the nursery. When he opened the door he was in absolute shock to see the room completely transformed.

The white walls were gone and replaced with three brown ones and an accent green wall. On the green wall were brown polka dots, green polka dots on the brown walls. The crib was set up along with all the other furniture they had bought in the past few weeks. There were green and brown striped curtains hanging around the window and a new fluffy brown chair Blaine had never seen sat diagonal across from the closet. Blaine's favorite part though was the green bubble letters above the crib that spelled out 'Noah'.

"Hi sweetie." He heard Kurt say.

"Hi." He said back, not really paying attention though. He was too distracted. Everything in the room matched. All the furniture was white but had accent fabrics in either green or brown. Blaine couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Hi Blaine." Finn finally said.

Blaine jumped a little, unaware that Finn was even in the room. He looked over and smiled when he saw Puck and Carole along with him. "Hi!" He said happily, going over to the group and hugging them all.

"Do you like it?" Kurt asked from the chair.

Blaine turned around quickly, smiling largely at his boyfriend. "I love it. It looks amazing."

"I think so too." Kurt said, standing slowly and waddling over to Blaine. "They were a major help, so I can't take all the credit."

Blaine smiled and hugged Kurt around the waist. "Thanks you guys."

"No problem sweetie."

"Can we please eat now?" Finn said, Puck making a humming noise in agreement.

Carole laughed and Kurt just rolled his eyes.

"Sure Finn, let's go out." Blaine said.

Finn and Puck cheered, running out of the room for their shoes, Carole followed shaking her head at them.

"So you really like it?" Kurt asked, kissing Blaine on the cheek.

He nodded, kissing Kurt softly on the lips. "I love it."

"Good." Kurt replied, kissing Blaine again, more passionately.

"Mmm oh," Blaine said breaking the kiss. "Tell me, what did Puck say about the name?"

Kurt rolled his eyes and let out a loud laugh. "Please don't even get me started."


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