Baby Tonight
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Baby Tonight: Chapter 1

T - Words: 2,000 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Apr 09, 2013 - Updated: Jul 30, 2013
149 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: First Chapter! Let me know what you think :) Italics are memories. Regular print is present time!Also rating might go up in future chapters, just so you know.

"Blaine - uh I'm pregnant. No, uhm...hey Blaine, how are you? I'm pregnant. No no no. Blaine, I have something to tell you an -."

"Kurt! You ready?"

Kurt looked in the mirror, sighing. "Yes! Be down in a second."

"Hurry bro!" Finn added, anxious to get going.

Kurt fixed a piece of his hair, then made his way downstairs, Finn and Blaine standing next to each other talking quietly. As soon as he cleared his throat, both men looked up and smiled.

"You look amazing as always."

Kurt smiled at Blaine, but on the inside he was screaming. Thoughts running through his head on a never ending loop.

"Kurt have you heard of the carrier gene?"

Kurt looked to his doctor with wide eyes, he had heard about it before, but that was it. "Uhm, well I know of it, but I'm not really sure what it entails.

"Well, the carrier gene is actually becoming much more common amongst men in this day and age, but basically it means a man can conceive and carry a baby full term."


"Here are a few pamphlets about the whole process and the number of an OBG/YN , she's a very good friend of mine and has seen a few other cases like this."

The doctor handed him a papers and all Kurt could do was stare down at them "Wait, what? I can't be - I'm not pregnant."

"Well sweetie, the tests say different, congratulations, you are pregnant."

Kurt went white as a ghost. He couldn't be pregnant. He hadn't even had unprotected sex since - .... Oh. Oh. No. "Can I - how far along am I?"

She looked down at her clip bored and smiled. "A little over 12 weeks. Which means that your chances of miscarrying are less than point one percent."

Kurt smiled, but it quickly faded when he looked down at the pamphlets in his hands again.

"Would you like to see?"

"...m-my baby?"

The doctor nodded.

"Yes, uhm yes please."

She nodded as she moved about the room, pulling out an ultrasound and directing Kurt to sit on the table. "Why don't you roll up your shirt and we'll get this show on the road."

Kurt nodded slowly, but sat back and rolled his shirt up, showing his stomach, which was a little larger. He hadn't realized it, or maybe he had, but now he knew why he had a little baby pouch.

Doctor English squeezed a blue gel onto his stomach and started looking around with the probe. It only took a few seconds before she was turning back to Kurt and pointing towards the screen. "There is your baby."

Kurt looked at the screen and just stared. That was his baby. His and...well that wasn't important right now. But there was a living human being in him. A small tear fell from his eye. "Wow."

"Kurt are you okay?" Blaine asked as they made their way to the church.

"Y-yea I'm good. Why?"

"You just seem distracted is all. Are you excited to finally see this wedding happen?"

"Will and Emma really deserve each other, I'm so happy they are finally tying the knot." Kurt said with a smile.

"It only took three months." Blaine said with a loud laugh.

"Uh yea." Kurt said, shifting uncomfortably, the sun beaming into his eyes. "Hey Blaine, can we talk later?"

"Of course. About what?"

"Nothing...big, I just need to tell you something."

"Oh a secret?"

"Not exactly." Kurt said, giggling at Blaine's enthusiasm. He hoped that continued when he actually knew what had been on Kurt's mind for the last week.

Kurt sat in the airport with Rachel. The end of the semester was behind them and they were both on their way back to Lima for their teachers wedding. Kurt still hadn't told Rachel he was expecting. He hadn't told anyone. He stopped seeing Adam though, saying they were just better as friends. Which in a way was true. He knew he had never stopped loving Blaine, and now with the news of the baby, he would never be able to get over his ex.

"Rachel." Kurt blurted out, unable to keep his biggest secret in anymore. Maybe the airport wasn't the perfect place to tell someone you were pregnant, but he needed to tell someone.

"What?" She said, flipping through a magazine as they waited for their flight.

"I need to tell you something. Huge. But - you can't freak out." Kurt said, subconsciously placing his right hand on his abdomen.

Rachel immediately perked up. "Oh alright, do tell." She shifted closer to Kurt in the airport seat.

"You can't tell anyone, Rachel I swear no one."

"Okay I won't. Now tell me!"

"I'm - Rachel I'm pregnant."

"Oh...oh my god Kurt!" She flung herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around him. He didn't know what to say, but the hug was all he needed. He needed someone to hold him and tell him he was going to be okay. He wanted to stop being emotional and crying at any time. He needed to let go and finally have someone there for him.

It wasn't until he let out a sob that he realized he was crying. Rachel held him tighter though and just let him cry. When he couldn't cry anymore he pulled back and wiped his eyes, laughing at how ridiculous he was being.

"Kurt, it's going to be okay. I promise we can get through this."

He smiled. "Thanks, I really needed that." He took her hand and squeezed it.

"Now, if you don't mind, please tell me who the father is?"

"Who do you think Rachel?"

"Blaine!" Rachel shouted at the wedding reception. The music was pounding loudly and everyone was either dancing or chatting loudly. "Isn't this reception so much fun?"

"Yea! I just don't like seeing Kurt sitting around." Blaine pointed over to a table, where Kurt was sitting next to Tina, laughing.

"Go get him and dance!" With that Rachel was walking away swiftly, making her way towards Finn and Puck at the buffet line.

Blaine shook his head and chuckled, but started making his way toward Kurt.

"Hey Kurt, do you want to dance?" Blaine asked hopefully.

Kurt looked up to him with his same big blue eyes and pink lips that made Blaine want to melt into a puddle on the floor. "Of course Blaine."

Blaine smiled and took Kurt's hand; guiding him to the dance floor, right as a slow song started. Blaine wasn't sure if Kurt would want to dance anymore, but he was happily surprised when Kurt leaned into his chest, taking one of his hands, and putting the other around his back, his head resting on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine sighed and pulled him closer, putting his arm around him, his hand gracing Kurt's lower back.

"I missed you." Blaine said softly into Kurt's ear. That statement was nothing but true. Over the past few months, Blaine had really been missing Kurt. It wasn't just because they hooked up earlier in the year. It was everything that happened after. They had finally started getting close again. Talking at all hours of the day and finally being able to tell each other everything again. And with him finally graduating in just a few weeks, and being set to move to New York, he was hoping they could try "them" again. But it was all up to Kurt. If Kurt didn't want to get back together, then he wouldn't pressure it.

"I missed you too Blaine. More than you know."

"I can't wait to be in New York with you." He said, taking a chance. He hadn't told Kurt his plans, but now seemed like a good time.

Kurt pulled back a little, his face close to Blaine's, his eyes looking straight into Blaine's. "You're moving to New York?"

"Yes," Blaine said. "I know I should have told you, but I just confirmed everything. I got into NYU, and I'm moving there this summer."

A large smiled appeared on Kurt's face. "Blaine, that's fantastic. That's really amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Kurt lunged in and hugged Blaine hard.

"It's okay that I move there?"

"Blaine, it's more than okay. I'm so happy you'll be there."

Blaine smiled at him and then pulled him close again, continuing to dance.

At the end of the night, Finn drunkenly made his way to the car, Blaine and Kurt helping him, laughing all the while. How he had managed to get the alcohol was no question. Puck. They put him into the back and Kurt took the keys, getting into the driver's side.

"My parents know I'm staying with your family, so I guess we can just go back there." Blaine said, buckling in.

Kurt nodded, and started driving towards his childhood home, thoughts about Blaine and the baby running through his mind. He kept trying to think of ways to tell Blaine, but really how do you tell someone you aren't even with anymore that you're pregnant? With their child at that?

As soon as they made it home, Finn stumbled upstairs to his room, leaving Blaine and Kurt alone in the living room.

"Hey, what was it that you wanted to talk about earlier?" Blaine asked, watching Kurt take a seat on the couch. He soon joined and turned toward Kurt, waiting to hear whatever Kurt needed to say.

"Before I tell you, I need you to promise you aren't going to freak out."

Blaine tentatively took Kurt's hand, glad when he didn't pull away. "I promise I won't."

"Okay, uhm Blaine do you remember in February when we...hooked up?" Kurt blushed and looked down at their linked hands.

Blaine wasn't really sure where this was heading, but he definitely remembered that. "I remember. Why?"

"And we didn't use protection you remember?"

Blaine nodded, still not understanding.

"Blaine...I'm, I don't really know how to say this, but uhm okay I'm just going to say it. Blaine I'm pregnant."

Blaine's eyes went wide and he opened and closed his mouth a few times. When he couldn't think of anything coherent to say, he just sat there, starting at Kurt.

"Blaine," Kurt said squeezing his hands. "Say something, anything. Yell at me, or something."

"I'm just - shocked. We aren't even together, and we both know why that is, because on me. You're having a baby, my baby and I just - what if I screw that up? I don't think -."

"Wait, you aren't mad?" Kurt asked, cutting Blaine's rant off.

"What? No! Why would I ever be mad at you? I just - honestly I can't believe it. Well I mean, I guess I can, but we aren't together, and I want to be in the baby's life, if you want to keep it, but I just - ugh I don't know what I'm trying to say."

"Blaine?" He heard Kurt say.

"Yes?" He said lamely, his head down.

"I keep the baby. And I want you to be there, in his or her life."

Blaine looked up. "You do?"

"Of course! Blaine, you're my best friend, and this is our baby, and honestly I need you."

"Kurt, I need you more than you think." Blaine said, lifting his hand to caress Kurt's cheek.

Kurt leaned into his hand, letting out a soft sigh.

"I need to ask though. Will you ever think of getting back together with me?"

Yes, Kurt wanted to say, but he needed time to think about the real answer. He still loved Blaine with all his heart, but he didn't want to get back together with him just because they were having a baby. "I think - we could talk about that in the future."

Blaine gave a small smile. "So, how far along are you?"

"Just over 13 weeks." Kurt said, placing a hand on his stomach.

Blaine's eyes immediately followed and he had the urge to place his hand over Kurt's, but thought that would be overstepping. But slowly Kurt took his hand and placed it on his stomach.

"You can't really feel anything, but it makes me feel comfortable."

Blaine nodded in understanding. "I can't believe we're having a baby Kurt."

"Neither can I."

"And neither can I."

Both boys jumped apart to see Burt leaning in the doorway, staring at both their hands on Kurt's abdomen.

"I think you boys have some explaining to do."


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