April 22, 2012, 4:52 a.m.
April 22, 2012, 4:52 a.m.
“Yeah, well we have a problem.” She points out and Kurt waits patiently as she goes on. “We need to move the wedding date. I’m not here on the 28th.” She says.
“Well, Ms. Lopez, you are aware that the Plaza is very hard to book in the first place and that it’s barely two months until-“ he starts slowly, but the woman on the line cuts him off.
“Yes, Mr. Hummel. I am aware.” She huffs and Kurt can basically hear how much she’s holding back. “I have a surgery abroad though and I cannot move that man’s possible death.” And now she is snapping at him.
Kurt doesn’t say anything for a while and takes a deep breath because he can’t act like that towards her. He has experience with brides suddenly wiping out their bitchy side and he had always had the feeling that that part of Ms. Lopez had never been hidden far away.
“Let me check on other free dates.” He finally says and opens the file to his right, thumbing through it until he finds what he’s looking for. “The only other free day we have until summer next year would be the 24th of December.”
“That’s Christmas eve.”
“I am aware.” Kurt says, unable to bite back the comment though he knows he shouldn’t. “If you don’t want that one, we’ll have to look for a new wedding location.” He adds.
“We’ll take it.” She says quickly and grumbles. Smirking slightly, Kurt notes that down.
“Wonderful. You’ll have to come over to confirm the date and sign this later though.”
“I have my night shift today.” She points out.
“The sooner this is set in stone, the better. There are other people wanting to marry in the Plaza too and I’d rather have this one secure before someone takes our spot.”
He hears Ms. Lopez take a deep, controlled breath before she speaks again. “I’ll send my fianc�e.” She says slowly, emphasising the last word especially.
“That’s fine.” Kurt says.
“Isn’t it.” Ms. Lopez mumbles and once Kurt clears his throat, she adds, “Well then, we’ll hear from each other. Goodbye.”
Kurt bids her farewell as well and hangs up, huffing a breath as he leans back in his chair. He’s got a hell load of a bride to handle here.
It’s not until a few hours later that day that there is actually a knock on the door. It’s getting late by now, the sun has set and street lights shine outside Kurt’s window. The floor lamp by the couch is flipped on and bathing the room in dim light while Kurt’s just going over the last bit of paper work.
He has almost forgotten about Blaine coming over by the time he hears the noise, but the second he does, he’s out of his chair. “Come in.” he calls as he walks around the desk to gather the papers he’ll have to sign. However, he looks up when he hears the footsteps and his face brightens up when he catches sight of the other man.
His coat is open and his scarf hangs loosely around his neck, revealing a cosy looking, but still somewhat tight sweater. Kurt tries not to stare at the muscle he can see through the fabric and instead focuses on his face.
“Hey. It’s good to see you again.” He smiles. It’s only been about three days, but it still feels longer and it’s a relief to see his face after Kurt’s a little less than glorious departure from the bakery. Besides, last time, his fianc�e had been with him and Kurt just really liked the Blaine he is when he’s alone with him. When he’s with her, he holds a part of himself back as to not upset her, but every time Kurt catches him alone, he’s just this carefree, excited guy that Kurt has started to really like. Even when he knows he shouldn’t.
“Same goes for you.” Blaine smiles as he walks in. Kurt had been worried about how to greet him. Obviously, he did have to shake his hand in front of Ms. Lopez but now? What to do? He had clung to his shirt a week ago, how do you greet a guy after that? But Blaine just makes his way over and stops right next to Kurt, eyeing the papers with his shoulder brushing against Kurt’s. So he stops to worry.
“Right. If you could just sign this…” he mutters as he pushes the sheet over to him and hands him a pen. It’s ridiculous and cheesy but when their fingers touch for a second, Kurt tries not to shiver. But there’s just something about Blaine that makes Kurt smile and he simply can’t help it. And maybe he doesn’t want to either.
Blaine takes the pen and swiftly signs the paper before putting it down and looking at Kurt with a smile. He returns it without hesitation. When he notices he’s just sort of staring and smiling, he feels the need to start some sort of conversation.
“So. How’s everything going with the wedding?” he asks sheepishly and Blaine chuckles.
“Well, we’re taking dance lessons. Or more like, Santana’s making me take them because she thinks I might step on her feet. Which she might be right about.” He grins and Kurt shakes his head with a giggle.
“Oh well, I suppose we can’t all be as fabulous of a dancer as me.” He teases.
“Oh really? Are you?” Blaine grins back and raises one eyebrow.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
“What if I don’t?” Blaine smirks and turns completely, one hand at his waist as he wriggles his eyebrows at Kurt. This is exactly what he had meant when he said he liked the way Blaine was when he was alone with him. This playful, happy and gorgeous man gives him butterflies, as hard as he tries to deny it.
“Are you challenging me?” he asks and bites his lip, mirroring Blaine’s pose only that his looks a lot more graceful, he believes.
“Oh. There’s no challenge I do not accept. You’re on.” He chuckles as he moves over to the stereo and turns it on. Instantly, a slow melody fills the room and Kurt smiles slightly as he moves back over. “Show me.” He urges and expects Blaine to laugh it off or do some awkward dance move and simply admit that Kurt might just be the better dancer. And he’s sure he is.
But instead, Kurt watches as Blaine shrugs off his coat and scarf before he suddenly finds a strong arm around his waist that pulls him in. Before he can process that, Blaine grabs his hand and squeezes it. His hands are still so very warm, he notices as he glances down at him. They’re really close again, Kurt can smell him all over and it makes him sigh softly.
Finally, Blaine starts moving. Carefully, he takes a step back and starts a slow waltz. Kurt’s not used to being led and has to try hard to let Blaine, but he is quite impressed actually. Nodding approvingly, he sways with the music, his eyes locked on Blaine’s. “Alright, you’re not too bad, I suppose.” He grins and Blaine’s arm pulls him just that much closer at that.
“And I haven’t stepped on your feet yet.” He says, sounding proud of himself.
“Lucky for you, those are Alexander McQueen.”
Blaine just smiles and keeps moving, their feet following the music automatically. Kurt’s eyes don’t seem to be able to leave Blaine’s face for so much as a second but he’s not feeling guilty about it because it looks like Blaine’s right there with him, looking back at him. So Kurt’s content where he is, holding onto Blaine.
Somewhere back in his mind, he registered that the song was coming to an end but neither of them seems to care. The room is quiet by now, safe from the sound of their feet shuffling across the floor. But honestly, they’re not even dancing anymore. They have opted for some sort of swaying, simply standing there, in the middle of Kurt’s dim office.
It’s nice like this, Kurt decides. He likes the feeling of Blaine’s arm around his back, how his hand is pressing into the small of his back and the way his other hand clutches his. It’s not awkward or weird like one would think it is when you dance with a straight guy. He knows Blaine has Santana and that he loves her, why else would they get married? But it’s nice to feel like he had someone there for him for once too. Someone to hold his hand and smile at him and even hug him when he had needed it.
Since moving to New York, Kurt had made friends, of course. There was Ben and his husband and a few people he knew from college. And though he was sure that if he gave Ben a call, asking for anything, he would come over in no time, but something about Blaine seemed different. He just cared so much, Kurt could tell from the look in his eyes.
And oh god, his eyes. Kurt could get lost in them, simply staring for the rest of his life and he would be more than content with the result. They were so soft and gentle and their colour somehow soothed Kurt and put him at ease. He had never thought just looking into someone’s eyes could do such a thing to him. But obviously he had been wrong.
Once again, Kurt finds himself staring at Blaine, but he doesn’t care anymore. This is amazing and wonderful and he’s just helping a client, right? But Blaine is looking at him with those intense eyes and suddenly the atmosphere seems to shift.
His lips are parted slightly as he looks up at Kurt and stills his movements. They’re not dancing anymore, just standing there, taking each other in. Kurt can feel that there’s something hanging in the air, heavily and obvious and just waiting to happen.
Just when Kurt wants to slowly pull back because this is somehow not appropriate at all, the exact opposite happens. Blaine’s hand drops his and for a second he thinks he’s noticing how weird this is as well, but instead, he suddenly cups his cheek with it. For a moment, Blaine’s look gets even more intense and Kurt almost feels the need to look away because it’s that much but he doesn’t. He feels his thumb brushing over his skin and before he knows it, there are suddenly warm, gentle lips on his.
He has no time to think or to consider what is happening, so he doesn’t. It’s like he just turns his brain off and lets himself be for the time being. Blaine’s still stroking his cheek and has his other arm tightly around him as his lips gently work against his. It’s not over the top and crazy, but really nice and slow and everything Kurt could wish for in a kiss. Lifting the arm that is now hanging freely at his side, he cups Blaine’s face as well and tilts his head, pulls him in some more.
Blaine moves closer without hesitation, parting his lips slightly and Kurt can feel his tongue trailing over his bottom lip. He opens up willingly, welcomes Blaine’s searching tongue into his mouth and slides his own one against it. Unable to stifle the moan that manages to escape his throat, he tightens his hold around the shorter man, clutching to his back as he feels him bite at his bottom lip and –
Somehow, the jolt of pleasure that this little action sends through his veins also puts his brain to work again and he suddenly realizes what they’re doing, that Blaine is a man, engaged to a beautiful woman. That he’s not gay. Or at least he thought so, despite the ridiculous bow ties. And still, he’s holding onto him and kissing him. Kurt shouldn’t even be doing this with a gay client. He’s supposed to make a couple’s dreams come true and not destroy all of them. And there goes his professionalism.
“Blaine,” he gasps as he pulls back a little, both hands at his shoulders to push him away. “What-“ he starts but can’t find the words to go on. There is so much he wants to say and still he has no idea where to start. So he just swallows and shakes his head, hoping for some sort of explanation as to what is even going on.
But Blaine doesn’t say anything, he just looks back at him, stares into his eyes but something in their intensity has changed and suddenly they widen in realisation. “Oh.” He breathes as he steps back and gently drops his hand from Kurt’s cheek and lets go of him entirely. Kurt suddenly feels cold. “Oh god.” He adds quietly, taking another step back.
“Blaine,” Kurt says again since this seems to be the only word left in his head, but he’s still walking backwards, almost knocking over the lamp in passing.
“I-I got to go.” He mumbles out as his back hits the doorframe and before Kurt can say anything, he’s out of the door.
Kurt stands frozen in his spot for a very long time. He doesn’t know how much time passes before he flips off the light, walks to the couch and sits down. His head has never been in such a mess. He likes Blaine, he likes him a whole lot, that much is for sure, but what about him? He had just kissed him but then he had run out of his office. And well, he is marrying a girl too.
Kurt just wants to know what to do. Where to go. What to think. But he has no clue.
“You forgot your jacket.” He whispers as he clutches the coat to his chest and lets his head fall onto it, breathing in the scent of Blaine that’s sticking to it.
At least he doesn’t feel so cold anymore. Because in some way, Blaine is there again to hold him when he drops back against of the couch and curls up in the dark.
please let there be klaine. please. and lesbian awesomeness for santana.
this is so exciting to read!! a wedding story! well, the only problem is... Kurt/Blaine are not getting married! haha! but i love wedding planner Kurt!!
This was beautiful and then it ended so sad... I'm so lucky that I can read the next chapter right away *G*