April 22, 2012, 4:52 a.m.
April 22, 2012, 4:52 a.m.
�He invited you.“
�But still. We should… we should leave.“ Kurt turns and makes for the door but before he can get far, Tina’s small hands grab at his sleeve and drag him back with a roll of her eyes.
“Kurt, you spent the past two hours try to find something to wear. You’re not leaving now.”
“You could come along?”
“The whole point of this is that there are no woman present unless they’re half naked and you can tuck money into their underwear.”
“I’m not supposed to be at his bachelor party!” Kurt huffs, crossing his arms and looking around the club. It’s not overly full, basically just a bunch of guys talking and laughing, some of them are dancing with more or less practiced movements. Kurt feels out of place.
The card had arrived two days ago, along with a hand-written note from Blaine about how happy he’d be to see him there as well and the message that he missed him. Back then, Kurt had thought this would be a great idea but now that he was actually standing here in the midst of men he had never seen, he just really wants to leave.
“Kurt Hummel.” Tina says warningly and pushes him a few steps further. “If you don’t get your admittedly cute butt in there right now, I’m never going to get you coffee anymore. Ever.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh I would.”
“I can get my own coffee?”
“Fine.” Kurt sighs and pushes a stray strand of hair back towards the rest of his perfectly smooth hair, straightening his shoulder and lifting his chin up a bit. “You’re right. I don’t have to hide. Let’s do this.”
Tina nods happily and pats Kurt on the back, urging him forward a few more steps until she shows him a thumbs-up and disappears through the door they came through before Kurt can even consider stopping her again.
And then, Kurt is suddenly on his own. He stands in a club full of guys he doesn’t know who are talking to each other, drink in hand and laughing way too loudly for Kurt’s liking. He really shouldn’t be here. He had never been invited to one of his client’s bachelor parties. But if he had, he would have gone and sat through the evening with a polite smile. This, however, threw him off completely.
He just doesn’t get it. Blaine and him had established that there were feelings there between them. But it isn’t like Kurt didn’t know that this would lead nowhere from the very beginning. Blaine had Santana and despite whatever there is going on between her and this other girl, they are going to get married. So why in the world did Blaine feel the need to invite him here, knowing it would just hurt him even more if he watched Blaine saying goodbye to his single life and heading on into marriage. It just seemed kind of cruel, really.
The evening goes by slowly, Kurt finds a guy he knows through work and they end up talking with a few of his friends for quite a while. And still now, an hour later, Kurt hasn’t even seen Blaine. There’s a bundle of guys who constantly keep breaking out into song over by one of the large tables but they keep so tight together that Kurt can’t really see through them. But he guesses that’s where Blaine is.
Just as he wants to go back to discussing the latest Alexander McQueen wedding dress with an interested guy opposite of him, he suddenly feels a hand grasping at his shoulder and turns slightly. And there he is, Blaine Anderson standing behind him with the largest and silliest of grins on his face. “Hey.” He breathes and Kurt eyes his messed up hair with a raise of his eyebrow.
“Hey.” He returns and notes how awkward they seem. At least on his side, anyways. Blaine just seems like an overly large, excited puppy.
“You came!” Blaine adds and Kurt nods slowly. It’s obvious Blaine had a drink or two already and that would explain both his eagerness and obliviousness.
“I came.”
But if Kurt thought this would be all of the conversation they were having today, he had been very wrong. Because a moment later, Blaine is reaching out and gabbing his wrist. “Come on!” he urges, tucking slightly and Kurt just frowns at him.
“Why? Where are we going?”
“Over to my table. The boys said they had a surprise for me and I want you to see it too.” Blaine explains and tucks on Kurt’s arm again. So, with a sigh, Kurt pulls himself up. He excuses himself from his own table and lets himself be dragged over right into the bunch of boys currently discussing if navy blue would have gone with any other colour but red.
“Blaine!” But Blaine is way too far gone, obviously had a couple of beers and champagne so he doesn’t even bother to stop and just giggles in a way that is utterly cute but also evidence for just how tipsy he is.
“Guys, this is Kurt! Our wedding planner!” Blaine announces despite Kurt’s struggle. He ignores the way he tries to wriggle out of his hold so Kurt eventually gives up and just stands there a little stiffly, palms flat against the top of his thighs as he nods slightly.
Before he can even get a single word out though, the other men are basically pouncing on him already and there are hands patting his back, arms wrapping around him for quick hugs and someone nudges his ribs and shoves a glass of champagne into his hand. Kurt doesn’t have the time to say no. So he just takes a long sip which he really needs right now.
It doesn’t take long for them to go back to discussing things that Kurt would find adorable if he wasn’t so uncomfortable. Blaine joins right into a conversation about birds and how big their cages should be so Kurt waits another few minutes until the discussion seems to be the most heated before he sneaks away. He slips out of the circle of guys and sees the spot close up instantly.
Coming here was a stupid idea. He had been uncomfortable the entire evening and while talking to those other people he had met had been fun, he really doesn’t want to stand by the man he has brought to cheat on his soon-to-be-wife and pretend that everything is totally fine.
So he empties his glass in one go, feeling the tiny bubbles of the champagne run down his throat – he never usually drinks but one glass of champagne is fine by him as this is usually what he has to drink at weddings too. He needs out, he needs to go hope, take a long shower and go to bed so he can be up again tomorrow when Santana is going to walk down the aisle to marry the man of his dreams.
Erm. Her dreams.
Or is it?
Shaking his head at his mixed up process of thoughts, he puts the glad down on the counter of the bar. When he turns towards the door to get his coat, he sees a couple of rather petty girls in trench coats that show of their naked legs enter. That would be the surprise Blaine’s friends had apparently planned.
“When the strippers arrive, I really need to go.” He mutters to himself, shaking his head and pushing past a blonde that looks like she had one too many nose jobs and he’s about to comment on how horrible the roots of her extensions look but holds back. That would only take time that he could spend on getting out of here.
Just as he’s about to reach out for his coat he feels a hand on his wrist, pulling him back and when he turns around, he finds Blaine standing behind him. Of course. He’s grinning widely and bouncing up and down slightly. Apparently, he had had another champagne or so Kurt guesses.
“Kurt!” he bounces again and Kurt raises one eyebrow.
But before he gets to ask what’s going on, Blaine is already dragging him off and at first he thinks he’s actually going to make him sit through this strip show. It’s way too late when he realizes he’s being pulled into the men’s restroom.
“Blaine! The… the girls!” he almost whines because he really isn’t sure if he likes where this is going. But Blaine doesn’t even bother to look at him as he shuts the door behind them. And of course it’s just Kurt’s luck that the room is completely empty right now.
“What- what are you doing?” he asks, slight panic in his voice as Blaine proceeds to drag him into one of the stalls. He looks around frantically, afraid that someone is going to come in after all and catch them here which would probably be the worst thing that could happen to them.
But he doesn’t get an answer. Instead, Blaine backs him up against the door while he turns the lock and a second later his mouth his hot and wet at his neck and Kurt whines involuntarily. “Blaine,” he breathes out and despite him knowing better, his arms wrap around his shoulders so he can claw at his shirt. His head rolls back against the door to expose more of his throat for Blaine to mouth over.
“You- you’re getting married tomorrow.” Kurt points out, surprised he can even still speak while Blaine bites down where his neck meets his shoulder, eagerly pushing his shirt away to make more room for his teeth.
All he does is hum in return, his hands sliding down Kurt’s chest to his waist. Calloused fingertips let his shirt ride up and brush over Kurt’s stomach. And when Blaine’s hips finally push forward to meet Kurt’s, his protest gets swallowed by Blaine’s lips pressing against his own, sucking on his bottom lip before he licks into his mouth.
It’s sloppy and wet and Blaine really is drunk but Kurt doesn’t have the willpower to pull away just yet. So instead he kisses back, hands moving up to cup the back of Blaine’s neck when he thrusts forward again.
Kurt’s growing hard quickly, he heat of Blaine’s erection through his jeans very present and making him moan louder than he should in a public restroom. He can’t say no anymore with the way Blaine’s lips press against his own so he stays limp against the door of the stall and turns into putty in Blaine’s hands.
Blaine’s hands slowly slide down from his waist, pushing under the tight waistband of Kurt’s jeans and underwear. His palms find his ass quickly, squeezing the muscle in his hands as his lips slide down to kiss at his neck once again.
Only then does Kurt get a moment to actually think and realize what’s happening.
“Blaine- Blaine stop it!” he grabs his wrists and yanks his hands out of his pants before pushing him off by his shoulders to put as much space between them as he can in this small space.
Blaine looks breathless, his perfectly gelled down hair a little messed up but he can probably come up with a good excuse for that considering it’s his bachelor party. His lips are slightly swollen and a little wet from where they had just been making out. So all in all Blaine looks incredibly hot but Kurt knows he can’t. Not anymore.
“This has to stop!” Blaine reaches out for him at that but Kurt swats his hand away as he can’t back up any more. “No. We’ve been doing this for way too long. I’m not doing that anymore.”
Blaine looks surprised and confused and upset but he doesn’t say anything and doesn’t try to touch him again so Kurt keeps going.
“I’m tired of it. I’m tired of being your dirty little secret, of being the guy you make out with when no one is looking just to pretend nothing happened when someone else is around. You’re drunk, Blaine! And you dragged me into a bathroom to do god knows what here. And this is your bachelor party, you’re marrying a girl tomorrow. What do you think will happen after that, hm? That we can just keep going and I’ll make a married man cheat on his wife? Or would you just end it all from today to tomorrow? If you want to live like that forever, go ahead. But you’ll need to look for someone else who has no morals to keep doing this. I’m out. I need someone who’s going to stand up for me, who’s going to admit to being with me and who isn’t only out for sex with me behind everyone’s back. I need a relationship, I need a boyfriend. This-“ he waves between the two of them, “is everything I don’t need.”
Turning around sharply, he unlocks the door and steps outside to be able to put some more space between them. His knees feel weak and he can feel the pressure behind his eyes already that tell him that the tears are soon to come.
He walks towards the door but stops again, his hand already on the doorknob. Turning the words over in his mind he knows he can’t keep them in so he decides to put it all on the line.
Here goes nothing.
“I love you Blaine but I can’t keep ignoring my own needs.”
And with those last few words, he turns around and slips out of the bathroom, leaving a stunned Blaine behind.
Only once he basically runs out into the cold street his coat only thrown over his arm because he needs to feel something even if it’s just the freezing wind in his face, does he allow himself to give in to the pressure and lets the tears flow.