April 23, 2013, 1:19 p.m.
April 23, 2013, 1:19 p.m.
So, Saturday was once again in sight. Blaine hadn't seen Kurt since wednesday and that had been three days ago. Cooper hadn't seen a single day that his brother and Kurt had gone without seeing each other and quite frankly he felt quite uneasy.
On Thursday and Friday he walked in to find Blaine laying down with gelled back hair.
'Blaine, brother, what's up with your hair?!'
'Kurt was the reason why I never gelled it back, he liked it better when it was curly so I guess this is kind of me rebelling and going back to how I used to be.'
There must be something he could do?
Kurt rang that day, him about Blaine spoke for about 20 minutes and agreed to meet up the following day for a talk. Feeling a little better by this, Blaine went to pick out what to wear tomorrow. He knew it would be bad news but best to put on a smile anyway.
To cheer up Blaine, that evening Cooper took some chinese and some of Blaines favourite films like 'Footloose' , 'Hairspray' and 'Grease' to his house.
'Coop, I apreciate this, thank you so much'
'No problemo lil brother, what do you want to watch first?'
The brothers had a pretty good night in the end, quoting films and singing along. Blaine forgot about Kurt for just a few hours and felt happy. At about 11:30pm, Blaine made up the sofa bed for Coop and got into his own bed. He gelled haired boy fell to sleep in about 10 minutes while Cooper lay there thinking.
There must be something he could do to Kurt. Obviously he wouldn't physically hurt him but just mess with him to teach him a lesson.
Getting out of bed, Cooper reached for his brothers phone and rang the number he was looking for.
Cooper was calling an old friend.
Once again, Sebastian Smythe answered the phone.