This Means Klaine
Morning Madness Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Means Klaine: Morning Madness

T - Words: 938 - Last Updated: Apr 23, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: Apr 23, 2013
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The morning sun threw dancing rays of light through Blaines curtains waking him up, the memory of his date last night seemed like a dream. Slowly sitting up he thought about what he would tell Kurt, would he believe him?

Going into the kitchen he made himself a bowl of coco pops feeling ready to see Kurt. Once he'd finished eating he brushed his teeth and threw on some clothes, he played over in his mind what he was going to say to him.
Once Blaine had found some shoes he picked up his keys and went to Kurts house.

Stopping outside Kurts front door he knocked quietly three times, the door opened revealing Kurt looking more beautiful than ever. His friend made a gesture as if to say come in and followed him into the living room, leaving the front door wide open.

'Kurt, I'm so sorry--'
'For what Blaine? Inviting Cooper over to annoy me or kissing Sebastian so I could see'
'No! It's not like that, not at all'
'Then what? Explain it.'
'I went on the one date with Sebastian and at the end of the date he kissed me, I really didn't want it to happen!'
'Well you didn't explain stop it did you? Also, what about Coop? You know how much he upset me and you think it's okay to call him straight after I've been over?' Kurts voice raised slightly Blaine didn't like this argument, he had a bad feeling about it.

'WELL? Are you trying to come up with a petty excuse? I know Cooper was over, I saw him from my window. You were obviously trying to upset me. After all this time I seriously thought you were better than that.'
'I didn't ask him over to upset you, I think you forget that he's my brother, not JUST your ex. I'm allowed to see my family and I'm sorry if that upset you, in future I'll go visit him instead.'
Kurt looked at Blaine, he was hiding something he just knew it! But what? Oh well, who cares?

'Forget about Coop, it's Sebastian I want to talk to you about.'
He walked forward a step so he was closer to him.
'Seb is going to choose me, no doubt about it. I don't care if you continue to date him but you're going to be let down okay?
'Kurt I--.'
'No Blaine. I don't want anymore excuses, I get Seb and you can find someone else'
Why didn't Kurt understand? Why wouldn't he listen? Blaine only ever wanted Kurt and if he just gave him a few minutes then he'd be able to explain that he wasn't going on anymore dates with Seb. He would have to explain in the future instead.

'Okay fine, what does this mean for our relationship... I mean friendship though? I don't want to lose you Kurt'
'No and I don't want to lose you but you know how much I like Seb and i think I deserve him, I haven't had the best year what with Cooper and everything. Maybe we could just be friends then when Sebastian has finally chosen then we can be best friends again.'

Blaine felt as if he had been punched in the heart, did he just get downgraded?
'You know that won't happen!'as quickly as he could, Blaine walked out of the house and ran into his own. It wasn't until he was in the safety of his bedroom that he began to cry.

Why was Kurt like this? It was so difficult because no matter what Kurt did he couldn't be annoyed with him, it just made his crush stronger.
Soon he would have to tell Kurt his feelings, maybe it would change things.


Cooper was just about to cross the road when he saw Kurts front door wide open and voices escaped it. Edging closer and hiding behind a bush, Cooper managed to hear the whole argument between the boys.
How dare he treat Blaine like that, why didnt B just tell Kurt about his crush already? It would save so much time and everyone would be happy!

From the bush he saw his little brother run across the road almost in tears. Boy Kurt was about to pay! As the front door was still open he marched into Kurts house and slammed the door closed, Kurt looked confused and surprised to see him.

'How dare you Kurt Hummel!' he explaimed.
'Ergh it's you, what have I done now?'
'You know exactly what you've done, I was coming over to see how Blaines date went and couldn't help but over hear your little argument'
'Right, so what are you telling me?'
'He's meant to be your flipping best friend and instead of asking how his date went, you just caused an argument. I knew that you didn't care for him the way he does for you, he would do ANYTHING for you and all you do is treat him like poop.'
'That is not true! He's my best friend!'
'Well obviously not!! You should told him that you should only be friends, you basically ripped out his heart.'
Kurt was silent.

'You know, whatever. I don't know why I bother with you, I don't know why my little brother likes you and I don't know how I put up with you for so many months.' Kurt was about to protest before Coop cut across, 'try make an effort and actually listen to B in the future as you might learn a lot.'

Cooper stormed out of Kurts house and walked down the road, he didn't think it was the best idea to go and see Blaine when he felt so angry.

Kurt was left on his own, he fell to the sofa and sighed really loudly with his head in his hands.


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