April 7, 2012, 7:47 p.m.
April 7, 2012, 7:47 p.m.
"I cant beleive this is seems like yesterday we were in grade shool"
"I know"
"Remember Blaine anderson"
"I try not to"
"Well i cant beleive your going to Dalton"
"Yeah thanks for helping me move my dad wanted to be here but he was to sick"
"Im sorry honey well we're here i call you tommorow okay Kurt"
"Okay bye Rach"
"Your positive you dont need any help"
"Yes Rachel im positive now bye"
Kurt took a deep breath and walked into the school that would change his life.The first thing he did was go to his dorm he
didnt even care about the rest of the school.He opened the door to see a boy.He was about the same heighth as Kurt he
had beautiful eyes it was almost as if he had seen them before.
"Oh sorry i should of knocked"
"No its okay you must be my new room mate..."
"Yeah that would be me im Kurt"
"Im Blaine Anderson"
Kurt dropped his stuff on the floor and just stood there.He looked up to see a confused look on Blaine's face.
"B-B Blaine An-Anderson"
"Yeah are you okay"
"I cant beleive you dont remember me"
Kurt filled with anger how could he forget his best friend even if they havent seen eachother in a long time.Kurt remebered
him why couldnt Blaine remember Kurt.
"I cant beleive you dont remember"
"I remember your Kurt Hummel you were my best friend"Kurts eyes widend Blaine remembered him.But why did it matter Blaine
ment nothing to him any more.Kurt rolled his eyes and sat on his bed.
"Why are you so mad"
"I have every right to be mad"
"You left without even telling me goodbye"
"I know"
"The same thing you promised not to do"
"I know"
"You didnt even called.You werent there when i needed you most.Then when i was finally forgetting you you came right back
into my life"
"Im sorry"
"My life was fine without you in it"
"Now i regret even comeing here"
"You done"
"For now"
"I remember its best to let you keep going until you were done"
"Kurt i know your mad and you have every right to be and im so sorry.I cant take it back but i wish i could.I missed you
everyday i wanted to call you but my parents wouldnt let me.I wanted to talk to you so bad but i counldnt.I felt so bad but
what was i supposed to do"
"You could of told me where and why you were leaveing"
"I know but you need to know your still my best friend your still every thing you were and i can wait forever if you need
me to"
Kurt threw himself in Blaines arms its felt like how it use to so strong and comforting.Kurt couldnt beleive he lived
without this for so long.He missed Blaine and he never could forget Blaine he kept telling himself he had to but the truth
was he didnt want to.
I love the story write more soon though