I'm sorry that I forgot
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Story
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I'm sorry that I forgot: Chapter 9

T - Words: 6,189 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: May 15, 2014 - Updated: Aug 30, 2014
86 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I know I haven't update in veeeery long but here it is :) 

Huge Thank you to beingalive for help:)

Kurt walked to the restaurant and was immediately greeted by a tall man in his 40’s.

"Oh good morning Mr. Smythe-Hummel I am so happy to finally meet you." The man stood up from his spot and pulled out his hand for Kurt to shake.

"Yeah? Well nice to meet you too." Kurt greeted him, a little surprised by his enthusiasm.

"I was trying to get to you through your manager for months and she told me that you’re out of the country."

"Urm, my manager?" Kurt’s eyes widened at the news.

"Yes, Miss Holly Holiday. You know I wanted to start my production two months ago but I couldn’t imagine anyone as Christian beyond you so I was waiting till you come back and I wanted you to be present for the auditions for other roles because I care so much about your opinion. I didn't start any preparations. I mean actors because costumes and stenography and music and everything is ready and waiting for you."


"Yes, I was thinking about new people, you know, fresh blood. People that no one knows and that can learn from you. I want you to be the brightest star of this show."

"Wow." Kurt didn’t know what to say. Rachel told him that this guy was the best director and that everyone would kill to play in his production and this guy is caring about HIS opinion? WOW. This guy is some joke or Kurt is a hell lot better than he knew.

"I'm sorry I'm late. There was terrible traffic" A woman’s voice distracted him from his thoughts.

"Erm..." The woman was tall and thin with a blond ponytail and she sat right next to Kurt.

"Good morning we were just talking about you," the director greeted the woman.

"You were? I hope I didn’t miss too much?"

"No we just got here, I was telling Mr. Hummel, I can say just Hummel right?" He turned to Kurt scared that it was a profanity to call him just Hummel.

"Just call me Kurt," he said.

"Oh okay, I was just telling Kurt how happy I am to finally meet him."

"I'm sure you were," the woman said.

"Erm you..."

"Oh yeah I know Kurt, I told him that you were in Europe but he was just so annoying so I didn’t bother telling you after the fifth time and I wanted to give you some time with Sebastian when you come. I didn't want you to start another project when you had just come back from another, you know as your manager and friend." The woman was looking him straight in the eye desperately wanting him to understand this whole situation.

"Oh, yeah right... soo where is Rachel? I thought she was in this play too." So this was his manager.

"Well Kurt I have to tell you something." The director looked very uncomfortable and… guilty?


"I was so eager to have you in my play so I figured the best way to get to you was through your friend so I promised Rachel an audition but I don’t actually plan on giving her a part. I mean she is a great actress and I love her but she doesn’t fit this play and she would just steal your spotlight."

"You mean you lied to her?"

"Erm… I am sorry Kurt, I know she is your friend but I didn’t promised her a part."

"Yeah doesn’t mean she won’t be mad and she would be right." Kurt crossed his arms on his chest. Who does this guy think he? What is he supposed to do now? Rachel will kill him when she finds out.

"I know Kurt and I will apologize to her; I promise I'll send her a bouquet of roses if you'll play in it."

"I..." but he was cut off by his manager.

"Kurt I know you feel sorry for Rachel but this situation won’t happen again. You always imagined yourself in ‘Moulin Rouge’ and it’s finally gonna be on Broadway and you’re gonna be the star of it if you’re ready." Kurt knew what ready she was talking about but she was right. Rachel was going to rip his head off him but he always wanted to play Christian. Kurt exhaled and said: "Of course, I have Broadway in my blood."

After Kurt signed a contract and the director left, he and Holly alone in the restaurant.

"Who the hell are you and how did you found me here?”He snapped at her. She helped him today and he may even like her but it doesn’t mean he would let it slip that easy.

"Sebastian told me about your meeting and I had to be here as your manager. Kurt I know you don’t remember me but..."

"Sebastian told you? And why didn’t he tell ME about you?"

"He didn't want us to met before because he knows how people annoy you. He just called me, Kurt. We didn’t want you to sign some shitty contract, if not for me you'd get half of what you deserve."

"Yeah thanks, but it doesn’t mean that someone couldn’t have informed me about your presence before. You are my manager or Sebastian's. No, you know what? You’re right it was really better that I met you today, I could have spoken to you before and knew you and what I should know and prepare somehow for this meeting and for my new work but no, Sebastian's idea was much better." Kurt loosened his collar and pursed his lips, his eyes hard.

"I...I'm sorry Kurt you are my friend I didn't... I... I was afraid that..." Holly muttered staring down at her hands.

"That what? That I wouldn't recognize you? Well you are my manager you are supposed  to do your job, to care about my career and about what I think, not my fucking husband.” Kurt bit his lip to hold himself from saying something he’d regret later.


Kurt breathed heavily. "Just a text that my manager’s name is Holly Holiday and she will be with me today would have been enough but no, it was much better to surprise me."

Kurt walked to the door and opened it. "Well thank you but I didn't enjoy the surprise" and Kurt walked out.

"But..." he heard Holly say but he was already going into a cab. Who does Sebastian think he is to make such decisions? Kurt directed the driver and tried to calm himself down.

Kurt was just walking to the apartment when his phone buzzed. It was an unknown number but Kurt answered it.


“Hello, Mr. Smythe-Hummel?” a woman’s voice said. Kurt swallowed at the sound of his double surname.

“Erm… yeah it’s me. What is it?”Kurt said.

"Good morning it’s Emma Wesley from the orphanage? I just wanted to thank you. This means a lot for Chloe. She misses you so much she was hoping that you'd take her and you haven’t been here since May. Your husband said that you were in Europe but I am really glad that you finally came back. Chloe is so happy that you are coming tomorrow…”

“Erm… I’m sorry are you sure that…”

“Your husband was here this morning and promised Chloe that you two will come here tomorrow. She haven’t seen you in five months she almost forget what you look like.”


“Mr. Smythe I understand that your career is important but this is a child and it’s very easy to hurt her. But I’m glad you’re finally back and I am sure your case will go on now.”

"I… I'm sorry Miss Wesley but I have to go.”

"But Mr. Smythe..." Kurt had already hung up.

What the hell is going on? Did Sebastian think that they are gonna adopt a child now? Oh no, he has to talk to him as fast as he will see him.




Sebastian came out of the office  and walked home. Maybe Kurt will speak to him today? Sebastian was just thinking about what to buy for dinner when he walked past a newsagent's and saw Kurt making out with some guy on the cover of some shitty magazine and a huge red headline saying: "Broadway star and his hot Warbler."

Sebastian felt his pulse speeding, heartbeat pounding he wanted to throw something, to hit someone.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!” He shouted in the middle of the street but no one cared since it was New York. Sebastian breathed heavily and walked to the seller. He bought a magazine and took a cab to the apartment. He had to talk to Kurt NOW!




When Sebastian came home Kurt was sat on the barstool in the kitchen and drinking coffee. Sebastian took his coat off and put his bag on the sofa. He walked to the kitchen. Kurt looked up at him with hard, oceanic blue eyes.

"Hi," Sebastian said and took a glass of water for himself. He has to stay calm or Kurt would run away. 

"Hey," Kurt answered plainly.

Sebastian sat opposite him and waited till Kurt looked at him. When he did his eyes was so sharp it almost hurt.

"How was your day?" Sebastian asked trying hard not to throw his glass on the wall. Sebastian tried to smile but he failed, as Kurt's expression was still hard. He didn’t even blink. Why was he so angry? He was the one who should be screaming at him.

Sebastian exhaled heavily and looked down at his glass, he couldn't stand Kurt's shrewd stare.

"Who the hell is Holly Holiday and why haven't you said a word about her coming for a meeting today? Who do you think you are? I am already confused about my life and you do everything to fuck it up even more. I almost made an idiot of myself. You could have at least text me and informed about her. What were you thinking? That I'll just see her and say Hey Holly how are you while I had no idea who the hell she was." Kurt was sweating, his hands in the air, he was walking around the kitchen while his expression hadn't changed maybe even got harder.

"Oh, ohh! I'm so sorry Kurt I forgot." That was enough. Kurt was shouting at HIM? Sebastian threw a glass in the sink and it broke to a million pieces. He was breathing heavily and Kurt just shot him this sharp look.

“Oh but it’s not everything you forgot to tell me about,” he continued.

“Oh really?! So what else did I forget about?” Sebastian’s hands were clenched into fists by his sides.

“Some woman named Emma Wesley called me and informed me that I am meeting my daughter tomorrow. Would you think? Wh…”

“And you know what? I had a funny day too.” Sebastian screamed. "I was just walking down the street happy to eat dinner with you and then I saw it.” Sebastian couldn’t stand it any longer and threw a magazine at Kurt. “A picture of some fucker almost eating my husband alive. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is it just some show? You wanted me to see it and leave you alone or you just met some guy and liked him much more than me? Who the hell is he? And where do you know him from? Am I so horrible? You are disgusted by ME! You flinch every time I touch you but you let him… I don’t even want to know what is he doing to you. What does he have that I don’t? Why would you rather spend time with him than talk to me? Why do you hate me so much?"

“Where do you have this from?”

“WHERE DO YOU THINK? Everyone in New York has already seen this. I ASKED WHO THE HELL IS HE?”

“He is a musician. His name is Blaine Anderson it’s all written here,” Kurt said and threw the magazine back at Sebastian.

“I know what his name is. I asked what he has in common with you. Because it is not every day I see pictures of my husband almost fucking in the coffee shop with some quasi rock star. And you even don’t like rock music!"

"How do you know maybe I've changed my taste."

"Oh yeah you definitely did but I don’t think it’s just a taste that changed because the Kurt that I know would never make out with some Frodo Baggins."

"Maybe I like Tolkien."

“Do you even hear yourself?”

"You're not my father." Kurt stood up too fast and felt dizzy.

"Well I doubt if you will explain this cover to Burt." Sebastian knew that it was a low blow.

"Who is he Kurt?" He said softly. He hated shouting at Kurt. But this? He never imagined Kurt to do something like this to him.

"I just met him okay? We were just having coffee and he kissed me that’s all. I...why do I even need to explain this to you? Why haven’t you told me about the adoption? Some woman called me and said that Chloe misses me and I am visiting her tomorrow? I..."

"What was I suppose to tell you? That you don’t remember me, that you can’t accept me as your husband but we are going to have a baby?"

"Well you are talking about our marriage about our ‘love’ so you could have added this too." Kurt felt tired off this all.

"I was scared that you wouldn’t go with me if you found out.”

"And you wanted to put me in front of her and say this is Chloe, you don’t remember her but she would be our daughter soon? The fuck Sebastian? Don’t you understand? You expect me to love you, to have sex with you, to trust you, to have kids with you but I don't want any of this."


"No, I don’t feel anything to you and I don't want to remember and I am not sorry that I forgot at all!" Kurt shouted and run out of the apartment. He needed a drink.

“You’re going to this fucker?!” Sebastian screamed after him.


            “SHIT!” Sebastian said. He was so angry. He took a vase from the table and threw it at the wall “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK YOU FUCKER!” Sebastian was screaming and hitting and kicking everything before he burst into tears and fell asleep from exhaustion. Even his husband thinks he is nothing but a piece of shit and run off to some hobbit.




When Kurt came to the bar he ordered scotch and drank it in one gulp and ordered another and then he heard a familiar voice behind him.

“Why do I always have to see you here?” Kurt turned around and saw Blaine smiling at him.

“I don’t know maybe you come here too often?” Kurt teased and smiled back.

“Haha right, is this place taken?” Blaine asked gesturing to the stool next to Kurt.

“No, you can take it, I heard that drinking alone is the first step to becoming an alcoholic so I could use your company.”

“I’m honored” Blaine grinned.

“Good for you,” Kurt said and drank his second scotch.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, except that I have amnesia and everybody is so annoying… Do you remember our holidays? Christmas? Trip to India? Your last show? My daughter? Your friend? Ugh I can’t stand them anymore and Sebastian pretends that everything is fine and that we are so happily in love and God I get that he has his needs but I am not gonna satisfy them. I told him to go to a strip club because I don’t want him to touch me. Maybe I was a little too harsh but I don’t love him and It’s been almost two months and nothing has changed, it only gets worse.”

“Kurt does he force you to do something?” Blaine asked, taking Kurt’s hand.

Kurt looked at them and exhaled heavily. “No, I just feel… uncomfortable around him. I can’t imagine myself with him. Like, instead of getting to know him, to love him, I hate him more with every day. Every word, every movement pisses me off.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t talk about him tonight then?” Blaine said looking him in the eyes.

“Oh, yes please. I completely agree.” Kurt smiled. “So what are you doing here? Needed to relax or just came to dance? And where are your Warblers?”

“Erm well…” Blaine said rubbing his back. “Actually I wanted to escape from them.”


“I well… Have you read something interesting today?” Blaine said with a weak smile.

“I… You mean this photo?”

“Yeah, they just, well, they don’t like that I am messing up your marriage, especially Jeff, he’s like your greatest fan.” Blaine suddenly found his drink very attractive.

“Yeah, Sebastian was so furious. I told him to fuck off and walked out.”

“I… I was afraid that you wouldn’t talk to me anymore. I… I know you’re confused and I don’t want to mess your thoughts up, it’s just… I tried to stay away from you but I just can’t…”

“Blaine I am a grown up man, I have my own mind, I know what I am doing. This photo, well, it was both of us not just you.”

“Well actually it was me who was holding you, you were trying to pull off.”

“I don’t regret that Sebastian saw this.” Kurt said and looked straight into Blaine’s honey eyes. “I even like seeing him annoyed you know?” Kurt laughed and Blaine smiled.

“Would you like to dance?” Blaine asked hopefully.

“Yeah sure.” Kurt smiled and they went to the dance floor.

There were a lot of sweaty dancing bodies so they were pressed close to each other. They were moving to the sound of the music and then Blaine put his hand on Kurt’s hip. Kurt didn’t pull back but moved even closer to Blaine and put his hands on his shoulders. After hours of dancing and a lot of scotch they were sweaty and dizzy but it felt good. Kurt felt relaxed and wasn’t forced to do anything. He could escape from this show he had lived for two months and feel free.

“You are gonna fall asleep on me in no time.” Blaine laughed as Kurt had his head on Blaine’s shoulder and his arms around his neck.

“Mmm,” Kurt agreed.

“You probably should go home.” Kurt pulled away from Blaine and said:

“Yeah I know. I just don’t want to see Sebastian right now.”

“Well we can go to my apartment if you want to?”

“I don’t want to be any trouble.”

“You won’t,” Blaine said and took Kurt’s hand. “If I didn’t want you to come I wouldn’t propose it.” Blaine gave him a smile. “Come on. It’s 5 minutes from here,” and they came out of the club.

They were in Blaine’s apartment a few minutes later.

“Do you want something to drink?” Blaine asked as Kurt sat on the sofa.

“Erm have you got some juice or water?”

“Sure, is orange okay?”

“Yeah, perfect.”

Blaine handed Kurt his juice and sat next to him.

“So you want me to bring you a pillow and…”

“No I am not so sleepy anymore,” Kurt smiled.

“What do you say to going somewhere then?”

“We just came here.” Kurt responded. He wasn’t too willing to leave.

“It’s not too far, we won’t even leave the building. Well technically we will but… come on I want to show you my special place to escape from the crowds and where I don’t think about anything; to cut off the world.” Blaine’s eyes were shiny and a grin showed on his face.

“Fine I just don’t understand why we came here if you want to leave now,” Kurt said and stood up.

“Great,” Blaine said. He took a blanket and keys and walked to the door.

“What is blanket for?”

“You will see.”

“I hope you won’t rape me in the park.”

“Haha you see right through me.” Blaine laughed and they walked out of the apartment. Kurt started to go downstairs and Blaine took his wrist.

“Who said we were going downstairs?”

“I thought that…”

“No, no we are not going to the park,” Blaine said seriously.

“I… I didn’t mean…” Kurt was mumbling.

“Haha I know you didn’t. Come on.” Blaine pulled Kurt by the wrist and they went upstairs.

When they came to the top floor Kurt asked: “You have some secret second apartment in here or something?”

“No, it’s much better,” he said and let go of Kurt’s hand. He went to the end of the hall where there was a ladder attached to the wall. He climbed on it and opened the entrance to the roof. He smiled to Kurt, “Come on” and walked through, Kurt following.

When Kurt was on the roof and looked around he was breathless. The sight was amazing. New York illuminated with the moonlight. Blaine spread a blanket on the floor and looked at Kurt.

“It’s incredible right?”

“Breathtaking.” Kurt smiled. He walked to Blaine and sat next to him. “I'm not surprised it’s your favorite place.” Blaine just smiled back and they were looking ahead listening to the sounds of New York. It felt good with Blaine; it wasn’t awkward but comforting. He could be himself; Blaine wasn’t expecting anything from him. After 2 hours but what felt like five minutes Blaine said that they probably should be going but Kurt didn’t want to.

“Just 10 more minutes,” Kurt insisted.

“Kurt you are shivering,” Blaine said looking at an almost frozen Kurt.

Kurt gave him a look and Blaine laughed.

“Okay but just ten more minutes,” and Kurt smiled. “But come here I don’t want you to catch a cold because of me.” Blaine said as he came behind Kurt and hugged his arms around his waist. Kurt put his head on Blaine’s shoulder and covered his hands with his. Blaine put his head on the crook of his neck and breathed deeply. Kurt smelled like vanilla. He was fighting with himself not to kiss Kurt’s neck. He tightened his grip around him and nuzzled his nose on Kurt’s neck and Kurt giggled.


Kurt opened his eyes. He was lying in soft, white sheets. He could smell lemongrass and a sweet scent of raspberries in the air. He rubbed his eyes and realized that he was lying just in his boxer briefs in an unknown bed and his head hurts as shit. He turned around and saw someone’s body still asleep next to him. Oh shit what happened?

He stood up and started dressing himself. What had happened yesterday?

The man groaned and snuggled closer to his pillow but didn’t wake up. It wasn’t Sebastian but was it good news? Sebastian... Flashes from last night’s fight and night with Blaine were running through his head. Blaine. He has to be at Blaine’s but what happened? He remembers going to the roof with him, watching stars and then? He probably fell asleep. But how did Blaine bring him here? Did they have sex? There weren’t any used condoms on the floor, his ass didn't hurt, and his clothes weren't thrown around the room but hanging on the chair. No, he couldn’t have slept with him. He drunk a little too much but he wouldn’t do that. Kurt took his phone. Twenty missed phone calls. Mostly from Sebastian but there was his father calling him three times and a few from Rachel and some unknown number. What the hell does everyone want from him? Did Sebastian run to them to complain?

"Good morning." Blaine’s raw voice shook him from his thoughts. "What time is it?"

"Erm... twenty past nine." Blaine nodded.

"I'll go get some water," Kurt said and stood up.

"Could you bring me some?" Blaine asked.

"Sure," Kurt said and walked to the kitchen.

When he came back Blaine was already dressed up.

“We didn’t do anything last night, right?” Kurt asked as he handed him the bottle.

"You mean...” He was pointing with his finger at both at them and raised his brow suggestively. Kurt nodded. “No we did not. God my head feels like it is about to explode."

"Yeah, mine too.” Kurt exhaled with relief. “Can I use your bathroom?" he asked.

"Sure," Blaine nodded. “I’ll go fix some breakfast,” and he walked out of the room drinking all the water in one gulp.

Kurt was enjoying the hot water and sweet scent of Blaine’s shower gel. He didn’t think if Sebastian was calling hospitals and all his friends to find out if Kurt was okay. He wasn’t going to call him back and say that he is not lying beaten up in some alley. He wasn’t thinking if his father was disappointed in him because of those pictures in the magazine. Maybe he hasn’t even seen them? Kurt was just caring about his feelings because everyone except Blaine annoyed him.

When Kurt walked out of the shower dressed in his clothes from yesterday he saw Blaine waiting for him with a plate full of pancakes and steaming coffee.

"So... what are we gonna do today?" Blaine asked as Kurt sat beside him.

"Erm... what do you mean?" Kurt took a bite of pancake and it was good, really just he got a feeling that he had eaten better before. But not everyone can be Gordon Ramsey right?

"You have any plans? We can go to brunch or Central Park or maybe there is something interesting in the cinema? I don’t know? What do you wanna do?” Blaine asked and took a sip of his own coffee.

“Erm… well… I didn’t know that you wanted to spend your day with me.”

“Of course I do. Unless you don’t want to?”

“No, I… it would be my pleasure.”

They were having an amazing day. They went to Central Park first and then for lunch. They were just walking out from Grimaldi's Pizzeria. Blaine was great. He understood him so well. They were talking about music and their favorite Broadway musicals. When Kurt’s phone rang. Kurt groaned. It was probably Sebastian wanting to know where he is but no. It was some unknown number so Kurt picked up.

"Hello?" sang a sweet high voice.

"Erm... Hello?" Kurt asked.

"Kurtie?" the voice sounded like it belonged to a little girl…

"Erm… who is it?"

"It’s Chloe. You haven’t visited me in a very long time and I thought that you were mad at me but Miss Emma said that you will visit me today."


"I missed you so much. Sebi told me that you were in Europe and that’s why you weren’t coming with him but he said you miss me. You miss me right?"

"I... how did you get my number?”

“You gave it to me. You miss me right?”

“I… I… of course I do” Kurt had no idea why he said that.

"Hi hi, when will you come? I drew a picture for you, you know? When will you come? I miss you so much I was scared that you didn’t want to see me anymore."

"I... I miss you too"

"But when will you come?"

"I don’t know honey" Why is he even talking to her? He should hang up.

“But you will come? Promise me you will come, Kurrrtie.”

“I… I promise” What? But he couldn’t refuse this sweet voice.

"Yay! Okay I have to go, someone is coming and I can’t really use a phone, bye daddy I love you."

"B..." but the girl already hanged up.

"What’s wrong Kurt, you look like a ghost." Blaine eyed him carefully.

"I just… It was…" Was it for real? Did this girl just call him daddy? What is he doing? He should go visit her. He is mad at Sebastian but it’s not her fault right? Oh shit what did he put himself into?


"I… I am sorry Blaine I have to go." Kurt was calling a cab, not listening to Blaine anymore.

"But Kurt wait, what happened?"

"I just forgot that I have to meet someone today.”


"I’m sorry Blaine I have to go to my apartment to find something."

"Kurt what’s going on I… I thought that you wanted to get rest from them."

"It’s not about me Blaine. I’ll call you." Kurt was thinking only about this little girl and he had no idea why he suddenly cared about her so much.

"But Kurt I thought…" but Kurt was already driving away in the cab.

Great, again someone called and Kurt is running, leaving him for someone else.

“Shit,” Blaine said and called a cab for himself.


When Kurt walked to the apartment he ran to the study. He had to find this folder. When he was looking for his collection with Rachel he found some documents and one folder named adoption. He thought it was from Sebastian’s work but it had to be about Chloe.

When he found it, he found the address of the orphanage, but he has to know something about the girl so he started reading the papers.

Chloe’s parents died when she was one. Her only family was grandma but she was sick and too old to take care of her. She is four now. There wasn’t any picture so he had no idea what she looks like. Kurt stood up and walked out. He took a cab and headed to the orphanage. In the cab he pulled out his phone and started searching through a gallery. He hadn’t done it before. Well he did but when he found Sebastian’s nude photo he didn’t want to find out what else was in his phone. But what else did he have left? He scrolled fast through all the photos afraid to find another nude photo and found an interesting one. It was a picture of small girl sleeping on Sebastian’s lap. He was looking at her with so much love and she was cuddled to him. Her small fists holding his sweater tightly. Her pigtails were honey colored. She was covered with a thin blanket. She looked two years old and the smile on Sebastian’s face was so beautiful and his eyes were wet.

“We’re here,” the drivers voice shook Kurt from his thoughts. He paid and walked out of the car. He walked to the gate and exhaled. What was he going to do? What was he thinking? He would just show up and what? But something inside of him told him that he should be here. Something was pulling him to walk in and find this girl who called him daddy. Who loves him. Who has no one. And it’s not her fault that Kurt forgot.

Somehow Kurt found himself in front of Miss Wesley’s office. He knocked and a familiar voice told him to come in.

“Erm… good morning” Kurt said shyly.

The woman looked up from her papers. She was in her late 40’s, a little overweight, with some gray hair and was wearing glasses. Her expression softened as fast as she saw Kurt.

“Mr. Smythe, I am so happy to finally see you. She just couldn’t wait till you came. And your husband?”

“Erm he will come later.”

“Oh I understand, please come in, I’ll lead you to her.”

“Oh thank you,” Kurt said and walked out of the office behind her. The woman knocked on the door to room number 72 and then went in.

Chloe? You have a guest,” she said. A little girl with long blond hair and oceanic eyes with long dark lashes jumped to her feet. She looked behind her guardian and saw Kurt.

“Kurtie!” she screamed and run to him, wrapping her thin arms around his legs. “I missed you, I was scared that I would never see you again,” she said as she nuzzled deeper into Kurt.

“It’s okay, I am here now princess.” Kurt raised her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck immediately. He could feel her tears on his own cheek. “Hey, honey, don’t cry. I’m here. I’m with you now.” But Chloe didn’t say anything, she just continued to cry silently and just snuggled closer to him. Holding him tightly like she was scared that he would disappear any second.

“Girls, give Chloe some time with Kurt alone okay?” Miss Wesley said and walked out of the room with three girls that Chloe shared the room with.

Kurt sat on the bed still holding a girl in his arms.

“It’s okay princess, we are alone now, you can tell me everything.” Kurt tried to calm her down, patting her hair and holding her close to his chest.

“I was scared you didn’t love me anymore.”

“What? What are you talking about? Of course I love you honey.” Kurt had no idea where these words came from but he felt like he really loved this girl and she was so sad and all because of him. He felt awful. He had to make her feel better. “I missed you so much you know? I was thinking about you every day. I was asking Sebastian how are you every time he visited you. He told you how much I missed you right?” The girl in his arms nodded.

“See? I don’t understand how you could think that. How can someone not love you?” Chloe looked up at him with those huge blue eyes, now a little red and wet.

“You won’t leave ever again?” she asked. Her red lips swallowed from crying.

“I won’t leave you for this long anymore I promise,” Kurt said and the smile that appeared on her face was worth all the money in the world.

And then someone knocked on the door. Chloe turned her head to see who it was and then Sebastian walked in.

“Hey little… princess.” Sebastian was shocked when he saw on whose lap Chloe was sitting.

“Sebiii!” Chloe called to him and jumped to him. “You were right Kurtie came.” She said and kissed his cheek.

“Yeah I told you” His eyes were still fixed on Kurt. His mouth slightly open. He raised Chloe in his arms and walked to where Kurt was sat on the bed. “I… when did you come?”

“An hour ago?”

“Oh.” Sebastian turned his head to the girl. “So princess? What are we gonna do today?”

When they left it was late evening and Chloe and the other kids had to go to sleep. They had to read her four stories before she finally let go of Kurt’s shirt and fell asleep.

They were now standing before the gate to the orphanage.

“Thank you,” Sebastian said.

“For what?”

“That you did that for her.”

“I had to… She called me today and she was crying and she… she called me daddy.”

“She did?”


“Will you come home tonight?”


“Please Kurt.”

“Sebastian I…”

“Please Kurt we  won’t talk about yesterday, at least tonight I promise.”









End Notes:

and... what do you think?

I am already working on next :) There would be some singing ;)


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