May 15, 2014, 4:47 p.m.
May 15, 2014, 4:47 p.m.
Blaine didn't even bother to knock. He just walked into the apartment, slammed the door shut, and was met with confused looks from Nick, Wes and David. They were sitting by the coffee table, staring at him in stunned silence, none of them daring to speak out.
Blaine ignored them for the moment as he walked to the kitchen, poured himself a glass of water, and drank it down in one gulp.
"So... It ended just on coffee?" David finally said, trying not to laugh.
Blaine gave him his best shut up look and walked to them, sitting himself beside Wes.
"Let's just say I hate cell phones."
Everyone looked at him in silent confusion until Jeff came in.
"Hey Nicki, how..." Jeff stopped when he saw all his friends on his cough.
"Do we have some rehearsal I forgot about?" Jeff asked a little disappointed that he is not alone with his boyfriend.
"No, but we have something much better." David smirked.
"Ugh... let it go guys. I don't want to talk about it." Blaine said, clearly tired.
"Talk about what?" Jeff asked, suddenly interested.
"About Blaine's amorous conquests." Wes explained, finally breaking into a laugh.
"Yeah, very funny." Blaine grumbled.
"What amorous conquests? Is there something I don't know about?" Jeff asked, plopping himself down aside Nick and pecking him on the cheek.
"Oh, there's a lot you don't know Jeff." David uttered.
"Yeah, like our short Warbler had a date." Wes said, giving Blaine a pat on the shoulder as Blaine buried his face in his palms.
"With someone you've already met." Nick added, putting his hand on Jeff's knee.
"What? With who? ... Oh my god! What? How? ARE YOU NUTS?" Jeff shouted. The four of them looked at him in confusion.
"What the hell Jeff?" Blaine asked
"Yeah exactly, everyone knows that he is. Why are you so surprised?" Wes said but boys ignored him.
"How could you go for a date with KURT SMYTHE-HUMMEL?!" Jeff frowned as he raised his hands in the air frustratedly.
"I asked him and he agreed. That's how it works. You may not know because you waited two years until Nick asked you out." Blaine snapped back at Jeff.
"I know how it works you moron. What I'm wondering is how you had a date with someone who's already married." Jeff stammered at the four of them. Eyes went wide and jaws dropped all around.
Nick was the first to break the heavy silence. "Wha... how do you know he's married?"
"Well, geeze..." Jeff said with no shortage of sarcasm, scratching the top of his head. "Television? Internet? Magazines? Maybe one of those?"
"No need to be rude." Nick huffed.
"Wow." Wes said.
"Yeah, wow." David agreed.
Blaine just shook his head, "Well... shit."
Wes glanced over at Blaine. "Dude, didn't you see the wedding band, or at least pick up on the fact that he has two last names?"
"The husband's name is Sebastian?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah, how..." Jeff started, but was silenced by Blaine muttering "Nevermind."
"What's going on?" Nick asked.
"I can't actually tell you. I promised him."
"Who is Sebastian?" Wes queried.
"Lawyer." Blaine answered plainly.
"What?" the four of them asked.
"Have you met the guy?" David asked next.
Blaine looked at him. one eyebrow raising. "Yeah, sure, I was talking to him, and promised him that I'd make out with his husband at the coffee shop."
"You did what?" All four of the other guys asked, eyes wide as they didn't pick up on the sarcasm.
"I... I don't have to explain myself to you." Blaine said and walked out off the apartment, mind ablaze. Kurt had a husband apparently, but didn't remember him. Was it okay for Blaine to continue making advances then? Kurt did say he didn't want people telling him who he loved after all.
When Kurt walked out of the coffee shop he was thankful for his phone. It saved him again from making out with someone who seemed familiar. They had just been talking one minute and the next Blaine was almost eating his mouth. It was definitely too fast. He had just met Blaine and they were talking about sex and making out in public places. Rachel helped him escape.
When Kurt arrived at the theatre Stephen was waiting for him.
"Good morning Mr. Hummel, Mrs. Berry and Ms. Robinson are waiting for you. I'll show you the way." Stephen greeted him and turned to lead him down the halls and into Rachel's wardrobe where she went to hug him once he was in.
"Hey Kurt!"
"Hey Rach." He smiled to her as she pulled away.
"And you have to be Ella Robinson." Kurt said as he offered his hand to the woman stepping up to him. She was a little taller than him, thin with long, black hair and dressed in professionally all in black.
"Yes, I'm theatre director. Nice to see you again Kurt" She smiled and shook his hand.
Kurt turned to Rachel, "So you were saying that..."
"Yes! Ella and I were talking about how Arthur Williams, the director, is making a new show, and he wants us in it!" She jumped with joy.
"Actually, he wants you Kurt, Rachel got an invitation for an audition." Ella clarified.
"So... where is he?" Kurt asked.
"Look Kurt, Arthur doesn't know about your accident, and we wanted to know if you're ready to play. You know that the fewer people who know about what happened the better. The media won't leave you alone if they find out. We have to know if you're ready to pretend that you know everybody so it'll look like nothing had happened."
Kurt looked at them in surprise. Had they really gotten a show going just so that he could be seen as normal again? Without the paparazzi waiting for him around every corner?
"You mean..."
"You're going to play Christian in the first Moulin Rouge on Broadway." Ella said.
Kurt's jaw dropped.
"Wh...w... what?" Kurt gawked while the girls smiled at him.
"You... I... are you serious?! I'm going to play in Moulin Rouge?!"
"Only if you want to." Ella said.
"Of course I want to! Oh MY God! It's going to be my first Broadway show!"
"I know that you have amnesia, but talent is something you can't forgot."
When Kurt came home at six, Sebastian was waiting for him in a suit.
"Hey!" Kurt said cheerfully.
"Hey. I was calling you"
"You did?' Kurt asked as he pulled out his phone and frowned. "The battery is dead... sorry."
"It's fine. We have to leave in twenty minutes so better go change." Sebastian didn't sound too excited, rather bored.
"Yeah, I'll be ready in a minute." Kurt was smiling the whole time, peeking Sebastian's interest. Kurt hadn't been happy like this since the accident. Was Kurt so joyful because of their date? Sebastian walked after him while Kurt busied himself in the wardrobe and sat himself on the bed.
"Hey, Kurt..."
"Yeah?" Kurt called from behind the closed door.
"How was your day? You seem... so happy."
"Oh..." Kurt walked to the bedroom dressed in black shirt and black collared burgundy suit. The suit pants was tight and three buttons of his shirt was undone at the top exposing his collarbone making Sebastian gulp with desire. "... I was talking to Rachel and Ella Robinson today. Arthur Williams wants me to play in his show. I have no idea what this names mean but I guess that they are famous." Kurt smiled "I have a meeting with them tomorrow." Kurt was almost jumping from joy.
"That's great Kurt, I'm so happy for you" Sebastian stood up and Kurt threw his arms around his neck. Sebastian was surprised by the actions but he pulled Kurt closer by the waist. If Kurt wants to hug him Sebastian has to take the opportunity of touching him and having him close to his body. He buried his head in crook of Kurt's neck, closed his eyes and breathed him in. He smelled like vanilla. Kurt always does. He hugged him tighter, pulled him as close as he could. He kissed Kurt's neck and then Kurt pulled away.
"We should get going." Kurt said.
"Yeah." Sebastian agreed, hesitantly pulling away and leading them out.
The drive was silent.
The restaurant was beautiful. Waiters in suits, tables set, white tablecloths almost shining from the cleanliness. A waiter led them to their table and gave them menus.
"Do you like it?" Sebastian asked.
"Yes, it's beautiful place." Kurt smiled.
"I'm glad."
"Sebastian have you seen these-" Kurt began but was interrupted by a waiter offering them wine.
"Give us a second?" Sebastian asked, the waiter nodding and leaving them for the moment.
"Are you sure we can afford it? I mean.... look at those prices." Kurt said worriedly.
Sebastian looked at him over his menu before setting it down and taking Kurt's hand.
"Kurt, look at me. I invited you here. I want you to have a good time. I want you to be happy. The cost doesn't matter.... even if it did I'm one of the best lawyers in town, so, yes, we can afford it."
Kurt listened attentively and smiled at the sweetness of the words, nodding in agreement before they ordered their starters and wine.
"So, tell me about this show you're going to be star of." Sebastian prompted.
Kurt immediately lit up and began talking rapidly.
"The director wants me in it, without auditioning, and Rachel got an invitation to audition so she might be in it as well. Ella said that the director doesn't know about my accident and it would be better for me if we keep it that way so I'll have to pretend that I remember every one and it's going to be hard but ... I'm going to play in my favorite musical."
"And that is?"
"Moulin Rouge!" Kurt said with a smile so big it had to hurt.
Sebastian smiled, he knew exactly what Kurt's favorite musical was but he decided to play along. "Moulin Rouge? The one about a slut?"
"A slut? She wasn't a slut, she was... a courtesan." Kurt said insistently.
"I don't see much of a difference."
"Well maybe you will when you see my musical."
"So it's definitely yours then?"
"I've already agreed, but I have to talk with director tomorrow to sort everything out."
"You're going to be a great Christian." Sebastian smiled.
"I... How do you know that? I didn't tell you that..."
"Who else could you play if not the lead?" Sebastian said with a chuckle as Kurt's eyes widened "Oh? You thought that I haven't seen it? How could I not? You love it and I love everything you do"
Sebastian took Kurt's hand and kissed it gently then. "I want a place in a first row so you can see me easily and see just how much I admire you."
Kurt smiled bashfully as his cheeks blushed red. "Well then.... I'll have to start practicing so I don't disappoint you."
"You'd never disappoint me. You're too talented, and I love you too much." Sebastian said plainly as he looked Kurt right in the eyes; so deep and blue and sparkling like the ocean.
"What if I don't remember you? Wouldn't you be disappointed?" Kurt's smile faded.
"Not if I can get you to fall for me again." Sebastian said and kissed Kurt's hand again, never breaking the eye contact.
They went back to their meals, talking and laughing and eating and drinking all night until the waiter came and told them that it was closing time. It was the best evening since accident.
please review:) I love reading your comments and who you want to be with Kurt.