May 15, 2014, 4:47 p.m.
May 15, 2014, 4:47 p.m.
When Kurt came back, he found Sebastian sitting on the couch, papers all around him.
"Hey" Kurt greeted him.
Sebastian raised his eyes to Kurt, finally speaking after a moment with irritation in his voice. "Hey. You came back finally."
"I told you that I'd be home around ten." Kurt noted, unsure of why Sebastian was so annoyed.
"Yeah, so you did."
"So what's the problem?" Kurt asked in confusion.
Sebastian extended a hand to Kurt, speaking calmly as he directed Kurt to "Come here."
Kurt was unsure, but went to Sebastian regardless. Sebastian took Kurt's hand in his own, and pulled Kurt into his lap. Sebastian's other hand went to hold Kurt's back as he looked his husband straight in the eye. It was a lot, and all at once, and while Kurt forced himself to stay in place, he did let go of Sebastian's hand and instead set his hands into his lap while Sebastian put the rejected hand on Kurt's thigh with a sigh.
"I was afraid that something had happened to you..." Sebastian started. "I was scared that you'd ran away from me. Scared that you'd left me. I don't want to lose you."
Sebastian's voice turned into a whisper as he leaned closer into Kurt, and despite Kurt's hesitence, he kissed Kurt. It was slow and tender and Sebastian pulled Kurt closer to his body. It had been far too long and he wrapped his arms tightly around Kurt so the other man couldn't escape as he pressed his tongue into Kurt's mouth. Ignoring how Kurt was trying to pull away, Sebastian rolled his tongue over the inside of Kurt's mouth and lifted one hand to grab the back of Kurt's neck to pull him closer still. He needed this - couldn't Kurt understand that?
The kissing was frantic, deep, and hungry, and Sebastian was losing himself to his lust when Kurt put his palms against Sebastian's chest and shoved back, trying to pull away despite the hold Sebastian had on him. Kurt groaned into Sebastian's' mouth, fueling him to continue his eager lip locking, so desperate for affirmation that the love they had shared before the accident was still there in some way. It wasn't until Kurt moved his hands up and grabbed Sebastian by the cheeks that Kurt was able to pull back and free himself. Their lips was red, and both were breathless. Kurt could feel Sebastian was hard beneath him, probably painfully so considering how bound he was with the pants and Kurt sitting atop of him.
Sebastian's hands trailed away from the back of Kurt until one was settled on Kurt's chest and the other was on his hip. Kurt watched Sebastian's eyes, so dark, stare at his lips until Sebastian was once again closing the gap between them and sucking on Kurt's lower lip. He couldn't help but moan at the feeling, it felt so good, so right, and Kurt found himself getting hard as well prompting him to pull his face back again while Sebastian kept a hold of him in his lap.
"I need you so bad...." Sebastian breathed out with a whimper. He was pulling Kurt closer again, but Kurt put his hands on Sebastian's chest to stop him. "Please Kurt...."
"No..." Kurt uttered, "We can't... ugh... Sebastian..." Cut off by the other man who had leaned down to suck a spot on his neck, Kurt forgot what he was going to say and instead let out a series of whimpers.
"Please..." Kurt finally whispered quietly. He didn't know what he was asking for, for it to stop or to keep going, but Sebastian must have taken it as the latter as he began to work the buttons open on Kurt's pants which were not painfully tight around him.
It was then that Kurt's phone rang, startling both of them, and prompting Kurt to stiffen and stand up and away from Sebastian.
"No... please don't pick it up Kurt..." Sebastian pleaded, trying to pull Kurt back but finding him already out of reach.
Kurt looked down at his phone, and was surprised by the face that appeared on the screen. It was Blaine smiling flirtatiously from just earlier that evening.
Ignoring Sebastian, he accepted the call and walked into the kitchen for privacy.
"Hey gorgeous..." Blaine's sultry voice spoke on the other end of the line. "Miss me already?"
"No actually. Are you calling only to satisfy your ego?" Kurt breathed out, reaching down to rebutton his pants.
"No, I was just curious if you found your way home, because I was scared that you might have gotten lost while thinking of how I look naked."
Kurt nearly choked on his own breath at that statement, and even though he hadn't thought about that particular scene on his way home, it was now invading his mind.
"Well... I knew that you haven't laid in a while but now I think you're a virgin. You are so desperate and pathetic. I don't know what the girls see in you."
"I don't know either, but I know what you do."
"Oh really? And what is that?" Kurt asked, propping the phone between his head and shoulder as he filled up a glass of water from the sink. He needed some cooling off.
"You think I am the only one who truly understands you.... and that emotional connection gets you all excited." Blaine laughed.
"Yeah, right. That's exactly what I think." Kurt said, sarcasm dripping out with his words.
"What are you doing now?"
"Ahm... talking to you?" Kurt said matter of factly before sipping the water.
"Yeah, I kind of figured that out. But what were you doing when I called you? You sound breathless, like you just ran a marathon..." Blaine's tone changed with the question, sounding less flirty as if he was insinuating something.
"Ugh.. N.. Nothing..." Kurt said, ashamed of what he was really doing before.
"Oh... right." Blaine said unconvinced, voice sad now. "Are you sure I didn't interrupt something?"
"No, well... You did, but I don't mind."
"Was he that bad?" Blaine asked with a strained voice.
"What? No, why? Are you jealous?"
"What? Me? What about? I can get anyone I want, and we just met. You think I just fell in love with you or something?" Blaine said with a snort, his voice still just as strained.
"No, but your fans have an orgasm just from looking at you, so I can't imagine getting it on with any of them could be any fun." Kurt joked, hoping to reduce the tension.
"I thought that a Broadway star and serious artist would be better behaved." Blaine joked back.
"I am. Just decided to speak in a way that someone like you would understand."
"Well I didn't think you would be that mean."
"Are you disappointed?"
"Are you satisfied?"
"I think you know what."
"No, I actually..."
"Nevermind Tomorrow, one p.m., the same coffee shop you ditched me at."
"I didn't..." Kurt began, but the call ended and he took in a breath, unable to defend himself in the end.
Kurt was staring at the blank screen when Sebastian wandered in.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's great." Kurt smiled.
Sebastian nodded. "Good."
"I think I'm going to sleep." Kurt said as he excused himself from the kitchen.
"Kurt!" Sebastian grabbed Kurt by the hand and Kurt looked at him questioningly. "I... I thought that we can go somewhere tomorrow."
Sebastian came closer to him and took him by both hands.
"I'll be home at five, we could go for the dinner." Sebastian smiled, eyes looking into Kurt's pleadingly.
"Great!" Sebastian kissed Kurt on the cheek and let go of his hands allowing Kurt to retreat to his bedroom where he laid down on his bed.
"What the hell am I doing?"
His life got more fucked up each day. Flirting with a stranger, kissing Sebastian, having dinner with Blaine, making out with Sebastian, talking to Blaine on the phone... Tomorrow he had a lunch date with Blaine and then a dinner date with Sebastian. It was nuts. His mind tried to wrap itself around the situation, but in the end, Kurt just dozed off.
When he woke up it was ten and Sebastian was gone. A note on the kitchen refrigerator read:
We have reservation at 7.
Dress smart.
Can't wait.
xoxo Seb.
Kurt didn't know what to feel. He had tried to keep Sebastian at arms length, and since Wednesday everything had changed, and he had no idea how it happened.
As he made himself a breakfast his phone buzzed with a text from Blaine.
Hey gorgeous, hope I didn't woke you up, sleeping beauty :) just wanted to remind you that we have a date in 2 hours. Wear some tight pants cause I can't wait to see that ass ;)
- your Warbler :p
Kurt almost choked on his coffee as he read. Wasn't it all going a little too fast? They knew each other for two days and instead of working on his collection or trying to access his memories he was going on dates. Kurt felt like he should feel guilty or wrong, but instead he felt excited, and that excitement prompted him to rush to the bathroom to shower and get ready. Two hours was hardly enough time for Kurt to make a killer ensemble.
He tried on damn near all his clothing until he only had a half hour to go and finally settled on the tightest red jeans he had and dark blue button up under a black leather jacket before running out.
When he finally arrived Blaine was already there. He looked good dressed in white jeans that were tight on his calves and baggy at the crotch. On top he wore grey v-neck and black blazer. His hair was a purposeful mess, and a cute one by Kurt's account. He was waiting for Kurt at the table, with two coffees. When Kurt walked over to him he stood up, put his hand on Kurt's hip and kissed the corner of his lips.
"Hey gorgeous. I was starting to think that you wouldn't come." Blaine said and they both sat down. "I bought you a coffee. It's nonfat mocha."
"You know my coffee order" Kurt said impressed.
"You told me to try harder, so I am" Blaine smiled playfully.
"Oh, I see." Kurt laughed.
"So, making me wait for you huh? I suppose this is all part of the ‘trying harder' scheme."
"No, I..." Kurt wanted to apologise and explain himself, but he changed his mind as he saw a smirk grace Blaine's face. "Well... You wanted me to wear the most skinny jeans I have and it took awhile to get them on... sooo...."
"Well they were definitely worth the waiting." Blaine said as his eyes hungrily looked over Kurt. "But I wonder how great you'd look without them"
"I don't think you'll find it out." Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear as Blaine crept up beside him before pushing him away. Blaine looked even more turned on by Kurt's actions.
"I like it when you tease me." Blaine smirked.
"You've only known me for two days" Kurt reminded him.
"Yeah, and you still know more about me than some of my friends." Blaine informed him.
"Should I feel honored?" Kurt asked.
"Pretty much, yeah."
"Well, sorry, but I don't."
"Then I'm going make you." Blaine said as he suddenly moved closer and moved to kiss Kurt who pulled away in the last moment. Blaine looked at him with disappointment while Kurt smirked and took a sip of his coffee, licking his lips over.
"It's not going to be so easy."
Blaine's mouth seemed to dry up, and then he breathed out. "Yeah... it's much harder than you think." His eyes looked over Kurt's rosy, pink lips - so soft and probably just as sweet and warm as they looked.
"Blaine?!" Kurt's exclamation shook Blaine out of his trance and he looked back up, realizing that Kurt had been saying something he hadn't heard.
Kurt smiled and moved closer to Blaine, setting his hand on top of Blaine's thigh, his fingers just inches away from his cock.
"Stop looking hungrily at my mouth and start listening." Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear. Blaine swallowed heavily as he felt a little squeeze of Kurt's hand, and the movement went straight to his dick.
"I have been listening the whole time."
"Really?" Kurt smirked "So what was I talking about?"
"Ahm... How hot I look?" Blaine offered.
Kurt pulled away then, Blaine immediately missing the feeling of Kurt's hand on his thigh.
"In your dreams babe."
They drank their coffees, talking and laughing for a while until some guy came up to their table. Tall, thin, bald, and black, Kurt could swear that he'd seen him before.
The guy has just opened his mouth when Blaine stood up and frowned at him.
"Just one word and you're dead." Blaine pointed at him.
"What did..." The guy barely uttered when Blaine grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him out of the shop. Kurt just watched in horror as Blaine began shouting at the guy outside the window while the guy laughed in return. What the hell was that about?
Blaine dragged David from the coffee shop. He closed the door and turned to his friend.
"What the hell was that?!" Blaine shouted at him.
"What?" David asked, pretending that he didn't understand what Blaine was talking about. "You're the one that made a fool of yourself dragging me out like some crazy guy. I just wanted to get an autograph from my idol."
"I... ugh, that's all your fault"
"Mine?! Why?"
"You know why! You're the worst friend I've ever had"
"Even worse than Jeff."
"Oh... now you're just being a dick."
"Not as big as you, you just..."
"That's true."
Blaine frowned at him, brow bunched in confusion.
"My dick is much bigger."
"You bitch..." Blaine breathed out and jumped towards David who easily sidestepped him.
"Hold on Blainey! You're going to mess your hair!" David laughed and giving Blaine the opportunity to punch him.
"Agh!... Are you nuts?!"
"Yeah You're the one who left him in there..." David laughed, reaching up to cup his sore cheek. Blaine turned to looked at Kurt through the window.
"I'm gonna kill all four of you when my date is over, so you'd better hope it lasts longer than the coffee."
"Good luck slut!" David shouted over him, laughing and wincing as he pulled his phone out to call the guys as Blaine stormed back into the shop.
Kurt was looking at him questionably when Blaine came back to their table.
"Sorry for that." Blaine apologized to him as he took his seat again.
"Ahm... What was that about?" Kurt looked confused.
"oh...am... well... this was..."
"Your ex?" Kurt asked.
"What, No!" Blaine almost shouted. Kurt eyed widened.
"Do you just drag out and hit everyone then? I saw that the waitress annoyed you yesterday but this..."
"It was David, my friend, he's straight." Blaine explained, hoping that it was reason enough for Kurt.
"Do you treat all your friends like that? Should I expect a shiner soon too?"
"No! Of course not. It's... I don't want you to think that I am a creep."
"And punching some guy after shoving him out of a coffee shop is supposed to convince me of that?"
"Yes! No... Ugh... He was here yesterday. Do you remember?"
Kurt thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, the one who was calling you."
"Yeah the same one. My friends just like to make a fool out of me... especially in front of people I... care about. One day my uncle came to our concert and David was drunk and he told him that I masterbate all the time...."
Kurt's jaw dropped and then he started to laugh.
"It's not funny! My uncle still doesn't look me in the eyes or shake my hand when we meet."
Kurt's laugh got louder.
"Yeah, laugh at me, it's so amusing." Blaine grumbled,
"Sorry..." Kurt wiped the tears from his eyes as he bit down on his lower lip to silence his laughter. "I didn't mean to make fun of you"
"Yeah sure. Anyhow, that's why I dragged him out of here. I didn't want him to say something embarrassing to make me look like an idiot in your eyes... though I seemed to manage that anyhow."
"Oh, don't be so sensitive."
"I am not."
Kurt's mouth twitched into a small frown as he moved closer to Blaine, setting a hand on his knee.
"Of course you're not baby."
Blaine didn't look at Kurt until Kurt took Blaine by the chin, raised it and pointed it towards him. Once their eyes met, that was it. Blaine leaned in and pressed his lips against Kurt's. It wasn't what Kurt meant to happen, so his eyes went wide in shock and he was about to pull away when Blaine put his arms around Kurt's waist and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss passionately. Panic flooded through Kurt as he found he couldn't free himself of Blaine's strong arms around him and now Blaine's tongue was driving past his lips and into his mouth where it licked every bit of Kurt it could find, tasting him.
Blaine's hands slid down to Kurt's hips and then around his ass as his mouth pulled back a little so he could suck on Kurt's bottom lip, ignoring the patrons of the coffee shop around them as he gave them all a show.
That's when Kurt's phone rang, saving him from an unschedule make-out session for the second day in a row. Kurt quickly pulled himself free of Blaine and grabbed his phone from his pocket, turning away from Blaine who looked none too pleased with the interruption.
"Hello?" Kurt said breathlessly. "Hey... No I'm not. I just... am... aren't you at work?... Oh, um... I'm fine...I'm at the coffee shop... No, not with Rachel. I... I just got bored of sitting at home...You miss me? We see each other every day so..."
Jealousy seeped into Blaine as he listened in, turning his head away so Kurt couldn't see the irritation in him.
"Yeah, I can't wait too... Okay. I'll be ready by then. Bye."
"Your boyfriend?" Blaine asked snarkily as Kurt put his phone back into his pocket.
"Um... No"
Blaine nodded, looking down into his coffee cup instead of at Kurt.
"Do you..." Blaine started, interrupted once again by Kurt's phone.
"You're in demand." Blaine grumbled.
"Sorry, it'll be just a second." Kurt said, not even looking at Blaine as he took the call.
"Sure, go ahead." Blaine muttered to himself.
"Hey Rach, what's up?... No, I'm not working on my collection... No, I'm not at home... At coffee shop... It doesn't matter where... Rach! Is there some particular reason you're calling or did you just want to talk ‘cause... What? What are you talking about? What show?... I... are you serious? Oh my God!" Kurt's eyes was shining and he was smiling widely, like a five year old who had been awarded with a cookie after dinner.
"I - I'll be there as soon as I can, bye."
"I just... I have to go to the theatre now. I'm sorry. I'll see you later." Kurt said as he ran out, not even explaining what was going on to Blaine. It made Blaine even more irritated, having planned to take Kurt to dinner only to be interrupted twice and have Kurt abandon him again. He left, walking down the street and fuming as he made his way to Nick and Jeff's apartment. He had promised to kill his friends after all.
What do you think?
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