May 15, 2014, 4:47 p.m.
May 15, 2014, 4:47 p.m.
sorry it took awhile, hope you'd enjoy it :)
"What? What do you mean Blaine was hitting on Kurt Smythe-Hummel?" David asked, lifting an eyebrow.
"I mean that we met the biggest Broadway star, and Blaine didn't realize who it was and he was flirting with him." Jeff said, bored of saying it again and again.
"Guys!" Blaine shouted, he couldn't listen to it any longer. "I was in the bar, and the guy was hot so I flirted. That's all. I didn't recognize him and he didn't recognize me. We were two normal guys at the bar. That's all. It wasn't the first time I was flirting with someone."
"Yeah, but those are generally your fans. Especially the female ones; and they are always hitting on you, not you on them." Wes pointed out, and took a sip of his coffee.
"Yeah, and they're definitely not Kurt Hummel" Nick cried out, slumping his shoulders.
"And I thought that Jeff is the crazy one." Blaine commented, causing Wes and David to burst out. Nick looked at them like he wanted to kill them.
"Calm down Nicky in laughter. You're not that crazy." Jeff said, trying hard not to laugh. He tried to put his hand on Nick's knee but Nick pulled it off.
"I'm not like you. I'm the normal one." Nick said offended. He put his hands on the table and put his head on top of them.
"Thank you." Jeff said and turned his back to his boyfriend.
"Okay girls, stop fighting" David laughed.
"Yeah, back to the subject. How could you not recognize him? You went to all of his shows!" Wes said, grin on his face.
"I am not a stalker. He's a good actor. And you all saw his shows as well." Blaine cut away. "...and we all go to his shows because of Jeff anyhow."
"You mean Nick." Wes was choking on his laugh.
"Wait." David almost choked on his coffee. "So why didn't you guys get his autograph for us?" he asked in disappointment.
"And who is the crazy fan now?" Nick raised his head from his hands.
"Still you." David laughed.
"We would have asked for an autograph if Blaine hadn't scared him away." Jeff said smirking.
"What?" Wes stopped laughing, suddenly more interested in the news.
"He dedicated a song to him." Nick explained, laughing at Blaine.
"Really?!" Wes was almost crying from laughter.
"Yeah." Nick and Jeff answered together.
"I was drunk okay?" Blaine said, trying to excuse his past behavior.
"No you weren't." Jeff and Nick said at the same time once again.
"And you sang so pitifully that he ran out of the bar." David and the guys was laughing so loud now that everyone in the coffee shop was staring at them.
"Assholes." Blaine said, and stood up.
"Hey, where are you going?" Wes asked, wiping his tears.
"As far from you as I can. Besides, you don't need me if I'm such a bad singer." Blaine said but smiled to them before he walked away.
As he reached the door, someone bumped into him out of the blue. Blaine stumbled back, almost falling, but held away from hitting the floor by the quick reaction of the other person whose sweet voice immediately broke into an apology.
"‘I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking. I didn't mean to ..."
Blaine held tightly onto the man's shoulders as he looked up and was met with blue-green-grey, shining eyes. He could see the reflection of sunbeams sunbeam in them, like the surface of a deep ocean. The long lashes around them were like fluttering butterfly wings. It was breathtaking and Blaine found himself getting lost in them, only being broken from his stare when the man asked.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah" Blaine stood back on his own feet, and let go of man's shoulders. "I'm fine. I'm sorry." He dusted himself off, though he didn't need to, and looked back at the man, only then recognizing him past the eyes.
"No it was my fault"
"No, I...Kurt?" Blaine asked breathlessly.
"Yes... Oh, Blaine right?" Kurt asked, eyes sparkling even more now.
"Yeah." Blaine said, a smirk appearing on his face. "The one that you turned down last night."
Kurt looked at him in surprise at the suddenly change of the mood, but impressed with how bold Blaine appeared. Putting a smile on his own face, he opted to go along with the game.
"Oh... you thought that I was going to sit there look at you fascinated, and wait until you bathed yourself in applause, generously came back to me, and then let me buy you drink or dance with you?"Kurt crossed his arms on his chest as a sneer crossed his face while his eyes went black.
"Truth be told... I kind of did." Blaine looked at him, lips pursed.
"Well, you'll have to try harder." Kurt stated plainly, eyebrows raised as he walked to buy coffee and ignored Blaine.
Blaine was impressed. He didn't expect Kurt to be so flirtatious, but he liked it and certainly didn't want it to end, so he followed the other man to the counter.
"How about I'll buy you coffee then?"
Kurt licked his lips as he glanced over at Blaine. "Fine. Nonfat mocha."
Blaine smiled. He ordered Kurt's mocha, and medium drip for himself. That's when he recognized that the laughs from his table were silenced and replaced with Ooh My God and look and guys where his band was seating. He could almost feel their eyes on his back, and while he liked the attention, he couldn't have those guys continue their mindless gossip about himself and Kurt.
Blaine handed Kurt his mocha "Let's get out of here."
Kurt looked at him in confusion.
"You wanted me to try harder, so I'm taking you away." Blaine informed him.
"Well I'm starting to think that you haven't been laid in very long, and desperate because of it." Kurt said.
Blaine looked at him in shock but relaxed when Kurt started to laugh. He was just about to say something when he heard David shouting.
Blaine froze, and Kurt's laugh stopped.
"Who was that?"
"What? Nothing. Let's go." He almost pushed Kurt out off the shop, and gave his best I'm going to kill you look to his friends.
Once they were outside, Kurt pointed to the door of the shop with a look of confusion. "Didn't I hear someone call you in there?"
"No" Blaine said, a little too fast.
Kurt looked at him unconvinced, and looked through the window.
"Amm... Aren't those..." He pointed at the table where guys were waving at them. Blaine looked at their direction horrified.
"No, they're not." Blaine said quickly before Kurt could finish his question. Blaine took his hand, and pulled Kurt with him down the street.
"Blaine, what's going on? You're kind of freaking me out." Kurt asked as the warm feeling he had had inside the shop began to be replaced with worry that he was being led away by some kind of creep.
Blaine laughed and smiled to Kurt. "Sorry, just... my friends are kind of... you know..."
"Not really" Kurt answered, taking a cautious step back.
"I know how it feels to have everyone looking at you, everyone wanting you, thinking that you're a god just because of your job. I don't want you to think that I'm a stalker or something, but they, my friends, are crazy about you. I know who you are. I like Broadway too and your talent amazes me. I just also happen to understand that you are a normal man... just like I am."
Kurt was looking at him jaw dropped. He looked like a fish opening it and closing trying to say something.
"I... you are just some weird horny guy I met in the bar but when you talk it feels like I've known you for years... like a best friend. Why is that?" Kurt finally said.
"Maybe because I feel exactly the same. Finally meeting someone who understands what it feels like to be famous."
Kurt's smile failed, though he tried to force it back on weakly.
"Yeah I... well... do you have a minute? I kind of feel like I have to tell you something."
"Sure. Sounds kind of serious. I know this great Italian restaurant we can talk at."
When they were seated at the table, and had ordered their meals Blaine looked at Kurt curiously. He placed a hand gently on Kurt's knee and smiled over to the other man, relieved when his hand wasn't pushed away.
"So, what did you want to tell me?"
"I... I don't really know you but that actually helps because I need to talk to someone who doesn't know me better than I know myself. Do you understand?" Kurt asked, eyes turning sad suddenly.
"Of course." Blaine responded but shook his head to inform Kurt that he did not understand. Kurt smiled at the juxtaposed actions, letting Blaine take his hand in his own as he waited for Kurt to speak.
"I... I have to know that I can trust you. That you won't tell anyone." Kurt said plainly.
"You're scaring me." Blaine smiled failed when he saw Kurt's pained expression. "Yeah, sure you can trust me. I won't tell anyone. I promise."
"I... I was in a car accident about three months ago, and I was in a coma..." Kurt said slowly.
"Oh my God Kurt! Are you okay now?" Blaine asked tightening his grip around Kurt's hands.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I mean..."
Kurt was interrupted by the arrival of their food. The waitress set their plates on the table and then looked at them, standing there open-mouthed and gawking.
"Is there something else?" Blaine asked.
"A... you are..." The girl covered her mouth with one hand, and pointed right in their faces with her finger of the other hand.
"I'm Blaine, and this is Kurt, nice to meet you but we are..."
"Oh my God! I'm your biggest fan!" She almost screamed to Kurt.
"Well, I'm happy to hear that but would you mind keeping it down?"
"Oh... of course. But... can I take a photo with you two?" She asked, shivering from the excitement.
"Yeah, sure." Kurt answered, figuring it was the quickest way to get her out of their faces.
As she took a picture with her phone, she asked "Are you guys together?"
Kurt and Blaine looked at each other. Kurt was a little amazed by the question, while Blaine was smirking at the girl.
"No, we're not." Blaine said to her, and then turned his head to Kurt. "At least not yet." Kurt's eyes widened as he heard it, and widened even more when the girl made an excited yelp.
"Thank you... for the photo." She said cheerfully, and walked away, finally leaving them alone again.
"I guess she's new here. Everybody else here knows me and you know I don't like to go to new places because of the fans. There is always someone who doesn't care that he disturbs something, he just wants you for a photo or an autograph. But back to our talk. Is everything alright?" He looked at Kurt with concern.
"I... I kind of forgot last ten years of my life" Kurt said simply resulting in Blaine's jaw dropping.
"I have an amnesia." Kurt explained.
Blaine's jaw dropped even more, and his eyes widened.
"Yeah, I know" Kurt smiled.
"Are... I... Oh my God; are you serious?"
"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Kurt asked, forcing the weak smile to stay on his face. "I'm sorry I'm bothering you with it.. I mean we just met and I'm already unloading on you..."
"No, Kurt, it's fine. But how... Did... wait a minute. If you had an accident three months ago why does no one know about it? I mean there should be something about it in the media. I mean, it's not like I read all the tabloids but I'd assume one of my friends would have heard something and sent the gossip my way." Blaine muttered in confusion.
"Yeah... apparently Sebastian took care of it. He's a lawyer." Kurt explained.
"Oh... right."
"I just had to tell it to someone who doesn't know more about me than myself. Who won't tell me who I'm supposed to love, who is my best friend, what my favorite movie is, my favorite song, favorite food... Someone who won't keep asking if I remember yet. It's frustrating." Kurt uttered quietly.
Blaine moved closer and took Kurt's hands in his own over the table.
"It's fine Kurt. You don't have to feel sorry about it. You must feel so lonely."
"Yeah. I don't recognize anyone that I've met in the last ten years. Just my family and friends from high school and some people from my freshmen year at NYADA. I think I am the only one who doesn't know who you are... I mean I have no idea what The Warblers even are besides a type of bird." Kurt laughed.
"Well, I'm Blaine Anderson. A guy like any other, and you aren't broadway star Kurt Hummel to me, you're just another normal guy that is definitely more handsome than anyone else I've ever come across. As for The Warblers - they're just some lame band I used to be member of."
Kurt smiled and then laughed as Blaine spoke, face lighting up. "Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't see myself as a Broadway star and nothing but... okay "guy like any other", let's eat."
"You know, at the bar you said that you feel like everyone knows more about you than you do and I feel exactly the same and ... thank you, for hearing me out." Kurt noted as his huge blue eyes looked straight into Blaine's. After a few seconds of looking in each other's eyes and smiling they came back to their meals, bashfully staring at the food for a moment and focusing on it before Blaine spoke up again.
"What is it like to feel like you don't know who you are?"
Kurt froze, his fork held halfway to his mouth and returned to looking at Blaine dead on. "You know, everyday someone asks me how am I, but I feel like only you're actually interested in how I truly feel."
Blaine reached up and over to put his hand on Kurt's cheek, but Kurt pulled away immediately.
"Sorry, I just..."
"No, no, don't... I mean... I don't think you're really sorry so..."
"Yeah, you're right. I'm not sorry that I touched you..." Blaine said confidently, a bit of a sparkle to his amber eyes, and started eating his pasta again. For a moment Kurt just regarded the other man thoughtfully before digging back into his pasta, finishing it up hastily. A look to his side made Kurt cringe and he whispered over to Blaine.
"Am I the only one who feels the women at the other table there undressing us with her eyes?"
"No, you're not the only one. She's either an overzealous fan, a homophobe, or just a general creeper. Should we get out of here?" Blaine answered in a hushed voice.
"What if she follows us?"
"A little paranoid maybe Kurt?" Blaine laughed and the pair broke into smiles. Blaine told Kurt all about his crazy fans, the Warblers, and Kurt shared his own stories about high school glee club and the first year of NYADA.
Time passed quickly, and the only interruption once they began talking was the buzzing of Kurt's phone which lit up with a picture of Sebastian's smiling face. That brought Kurt right back to reality and his heart dropped back to his stomach.
"Sorry, I'll just..."
"Yeah, sure. That's fine." Blaine said, nodding his head and leaning back in the chair to allow Kurt to pick up the call.
"Hello? ..... What? ...... Oh my God, I didn't realize it was that late ... I'm out.... I am with friend at the restaurant ...You don't know him, at least I think you don't ... I just met him .... never mind, I am fine... Aar ... I don't know. But don't wait up for me. I should be there by 10... Bye."
Kurt hung up with a sigh. "Sorry. I didn't want him to think that I got lost or had another accident or something... I may have amnesia but I still remember this city."
Blaine nodded. "So..."
"Did you know that we've been talking for four hours already? It's past nine." Kurt said matter-of-factly.
"Oh... wow. I guess that's why the coffee's cold. Can we exchange numbers then?
"Yeah, sure."
They swapped phones and input their numbers and information, Kurt hesitating as he held Blaine's phone back to him.
"Blaine, I really want to talk to you more, but I..."
"Yeah, sure, I get it. It's getting late and someone is waiting for you." Blaine said, his shoulders drooping. "But... I would like to see you tomorrow.... in fact I have to."
"Oh... so now you're the one who's setting conditions?" Kurt asked saucily. Blaine put his hand on Kurt's thigh, leaning in to whisper to his ear.
"Pretty much, yeah."
A peck was delivered to Kurt's cheek, and, stunned, Kurt sat there while Blaine stood up, went to pay the bill, and winked Kurt's way before walking out with a farewell of "See you tomorrow gorgeous."
It took awhile for Kurt to thaw himself out enough to get up and leave, and his mind was reeling the whole way back to the apartment. What had just happened?
Please review.
Who do you like more Blaine or Sebastian?