I'm sorry that I forgot
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I'm sorry that I forgot: Chapter 4

T - Words: 3,153 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: May 15, 2014 - Updated: Aug 30, 2014
87 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes:

Keep reading and you will find out. There is no way I'm going to tell you who Kurt's going to be with.

Blaine finnaly appears, just as you wanted.

Hope you'll like it :)

The situation between them hadn’t changed. Kurt still avoided Sebastian as best he could, even after two weeks of living together. Sebastian was getting annoyed. Every time he wanted to talk to Kurt about their past, Kurt said he was tired or he had something to do or he just didn’t want to talk about it. But they have to. Kurt has to get his memory back, even if he doesn’t want to, Sebastian will make him.

When Sebastian came back from work around 7 p.m. on Wednesday he found Kurt seated on the couch reading Vogue.

‘Hey,’ Sebastian greeted him cheerfully.

‘Hey,’ Kurt answered but didn’t bother to look from his magazine.

Sebastian sat next to him and Kurt flinched a little. But Sebastian didn’t move back. On the contrary he shifted closer to him. Kurt stiffened in his seat. He didn’t feel comfortable but he couldn’t just stand up and run to the bedroom. Sebastian hadn’t even touched him.

‘How was your day?’ Sebastian asked.


‘What do you mean?’

Kurt looked at him and exhaled heavily.

‘Okay when I was making something to eat I heard a knock to the door…’

Kurt walked out of the kitchen to open the door. When he did there was some woman, a little shorter than him, blond hair, a grin on her face, about his age. When he wanted to ask her what she wanted, she threw her arms around his neck.

'I missed you so much. I have so much to tell you. Europe was great but there is nowhere as amazing as New York...' She hugged him tighter.

'Um.... who are you?' Kurt was so confused. Who the hell is this woman? He felt exactly the same as when Sebastian kissed him in the hospital.

'Ha ha ha, yeah right. I know that we haven't seen each other because of my tour but six months is not enough to forget me, Kurt Smythe-Hummel.’ She smiled at him and took her arms off his shoulders. He shuddered at the name Smythe-Hummel. He looked at her, completely lost. Who the hell are you, he thought.

‘Err… I’m sorry but do I know you?’ Kurt asked.

‘It’s not funny Kurt, come on let me in I have to tell you about what happened while I was in Europe.’ She was still smiling.

Kurt looked at her for a while and let her in.

‘Sebastian still at work?’ she asked.

‘I guess.’

She sat on the couch.

‘What do you mean you guess?’ She was confused.

‘That’s what he told me. I’m sorry but I really don’t know who the hell you are.’

Her eyes widened.

‘Kurt… ’

‘Listen I don’t remember you. I had an accident about three months ago and I had amnesia so I don’t remember ten years of my life so please tell me who you are?’ He explained, almost pleading her to understand. Her smile faded, her mouth opened. She blinked her eyes.

‘Are… are you serious?’ She couldn’t believe him.

‘Yes, so please tell me or I’ll throw you out of the door.’ He was getting nervous now.

‘I… I’m Mia Grey. I… I work  at vogue.com. You were working there during college. You sometimes help us. You write in Vogue magazine sometimes when you don’t have  a show. And we’ve known each other for 7 years. And we are best friends and… you are kidding me right? You didn’t forget, you’re just saying that…’ She was looking at him with pleading eyes to say that it was a joke, but it wasn’t.

‘Oh my god. I… but… why did no one tell me?’ She was asking more herself than him.

‘I don’t know but well a… do you want something to drink?’ Kurt didn’t know what to do or what to say. She was more in shock than him.

‘Water if it’s okay.’ She still couldn’t believe that her best friend didn’t remember her.

‘Yeah sure.’ He went to the kitchen to bring her the drink.

‘Thank you,’ she said as she took the glass.

‘So… you are my friend. Good to know that I know someone who is not from my high school glee club,’ he smiled and she did as well.

‘Yeah well you know many people from Broadway and the fashion world. You are very famous.’

‘So what do I actually do in fashion?’

‘No one told you? Well you write articles  in Vogue when you have free time but it’s not too often. You have shows all the time. You like it, but it’s very hard to convince you to write something, especially before your opening night. You don’t have too much time for us when you have nine shows a week. You haven’t written anything in four months but I didn’t know that you had an accident. I couldn’t contact you or Sebastian. I’m so sorry Kurt, you probably don’t think that we are friends if I didn’t know you were in hospital and had  amnesia. But I was in tour in Europe I was going to fashion shows and writing about them. I… You are working on your own collection, you know? Everyone was pleading you about it for so long and you finally agreed. It was a month before I left. I… no one called you? Contacted you? There wasn’t anything in the newspapers about you? It’s weird. Probably Sebastian stopped the media; he is one of the best lawyers in  New York. He probably had to talk to everyone to tell them not to speak to anybody.’

‘Maybe. So… are you serious? It’s impossible. I can’t be as famous and… my own collection?’

‘Yeah, well maybe it’s impossible to most people but not for you.’

Kurt started to like her, but the longer they talked there was more ‘do you remember?’ in the conversation and Kurt got frustrated because he didn’t.

‘…And Allan Stephenson, you remember?...’

‘Mia, I don’t remember you or Sebastian, how can I remember any of it? I know you want to help but still asking if I remember is not helping at all. I’m sorry that I forgot but I… I won’t suddenly remember everything I guess.’

‘I… Sorry didn’t mean to make you angry.’

‘It’s not your fault I just… I’m a little tired of all this remembering thing I… Would it be mean if I told you to leave? I like you; I just want to get some rest from memories for a while. Every talk with anyone is just ‘do you remember?’ I have had enough of it that’s all.’

‘Yeah sure I’ll leave you.’ She stood up. ’But can I call you soon?’

‘Of course,’ he smiled.

‘See you. I hope you’ll remember soon enough,’ and she left.

Kurt was alone in the apartment with the new information about himself floating around his head.

‘So… Well she’s going to kill me for not saying anything,’ Sebastian said.

‘Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of,’ Kurt said sarcastically more to himself, but Sebastian heard that and looked hurt.

‘So you met Mia, do you like her?’ Sebastian started again. It looked like Kurt didn’t like him at all. On the contrary it looked like he hated him.

‘Yeah she’s nice.’

‘Good, well… maybe we’ll eat something?’ He wanted Kurt to look at him so badly, but not with disgust like he had for over two weeks.

‘I’m not hungry.’ 

‘I don’t believe you. What do you say for Chinese? We have our favorite restaurant.’

‘I don’t want to go out.’

‘We can order in?’


‘Okay I’ll order then.’

They didn’t talk until the food arrived.

‘It’s your favorite,’ Sebastian told him and handed him a bag.

‘Let me decide myself,’ Kurt said and took another bag.

‘You don’t have be so mean Kurt. I’m just telling you that you used to like that. I’m not your enemy I’m just trying to help your mind remember anything. Even if it’s such a stupid thing as the taste of a Chinese dish.’ Sebastian was vexed now. He was trying and Kurt didn’t care at all.

‘I give you space, don’t want to push you. I want you to feel good but you don’t even bother to look at me, and when you do I just see how annoyed and disgusted you are because of me. How can you want to get your memories back if you don’t want to know anything, don’t want to look at the photos, don’t want to talk about our past? You avoid me all the time and I’m your husband!’

‘Well sorry but I don’t remember marrying you.’ They were screaming now.

‘And you do nothing to remember it back!’

‘And who said I want to?’

‘Then why do you live with me, why do we eat together, watch these stupid movies?’

‘We don’t have to. It all was your idea.’

‘Ugh… It’s all because of some car accident.’

‘Maybe you’ll say that’s my fault that I sat  in the taxi.’

‘No, I am just angry because I can’t touch, I can’t look at you or even be closer than twenty inches. That you don’t remember that I love you!’

‘Well I AM SORRY THAT I FORGOT!’ Kurt took his wallet, mobile and keys and walked out the apartment, slamming the door behind him. He wanted to be alone, as far from Sebastian as he could. He took a cab and headed to the bar. He looked at his palms and the gold band on his finger. He took it off and put it in his pocket. He is not his husband. When the cab stopped he paid and went out. He walked to the bar, sat on the stool and ordered a scotch. He drank it in one gulp.

‘Again,’ he said to the bartender.

He swallowed it in two gulps this time. He put his palms to his face and then he heard someone singing. He looked at the small stage at the end of the bar. There was some short curly haired man singing. Behind him was some taller blonde playing guitar and a brown haired guy playing drums. Kurt was looking at them for a while and then he asked for another drink.

When the song ended some guy walked to the stage and said to the microphone:

‘This was Blaine, Nick and Jeff from The Warblers.’

Everyone in the bar was screaming for another song. They were clapping and shouting Sing! Then the singer said:

‘We will just let us get some drinks.’ He smiled and the three of them walked off the stage.

Kurt kept his attention on his glass and emptied it in one last sip.

‘Three beers,’ he heard on his right.

Kurt looked at the curly haired boy. He looked straight in Kurt’s eyes. They were deep and honey-colored.

‘Hey,’ the guy said.

‘Um… hey,’ Kurt answered. The boy smiled and Kurt smiled back, a little confused.

‘Erm… Do I know you?’ Kurt asked because they were smiling a little too long for ‘just met a stranger in the bar’.

The guy chuckled a little.

‘You don’t know me?’ he asked unconvinced and impressed at the same time.

‘I’m sorry, should I?’ Kurt asked already bored. Another friend he didn’t remember.

‘Well … no you should not.’ He smiled again. He looked friendly and nice. ‘I’m Blaine Anderson,’ he stretched out his hand for Kurt to shake it.

‘Kurt Hummel.’

‘Well it’s not happened to me often. I mean wherever I go everyone knows me and I want to ask them: ‘who are you?’ He laughed lightly.

‘I feel exactly the same,’ Kurt said looking at his glass.

‘Let me buy you a drink,’ Blaine said.

Kurt looked at him with furrowed eyebrows in question.

‘Scotch for this hot guy,’ he said to the bartender then grinned at Kurt.

‘Thanks,’ Kurt said, impressed at how self-confident this guy was.

‘So why is someone as handsome as you sat here alone?’ Blaine started.

‘I just got annoyed with everyone who thinks that they know anything about me, even more than I know about myself.’ Kurt took a sip of his drink.

‘Yeah, sometimes people think they do everything well and they are your best friends and you feel like they care just about themselves. They don’t care about your feelings, your ideas, your passions. They just want to feel good about themselves even if it hurts you.’

Kurt couldn’t believe that he had met someone who felt exactly the same as him. Then two guys came by.

‘Hey Blainers what took you so long?’ the blond guy asked and then he looked at Kurt. ‘Oh my god!’ his jaw dropped. ‘It’s… you are… oh my god Nick it’s …’ he was pointing at Kurt.

‘Jeff, calm down. Here this is your beer. Nick take him to the table I guess he forgot how to breathe.’ Blaine said, he didn’t want them to scared Kurt away.

‘Yeah, come on blondie.’ Nick took him by the hand and they walked away.

‘What was that?’ Kurt was just a little scared of this creepy guy.

‘I don’t know. Jeff is probably too drunk. I just wanted them to leave us alone.’ The smirk was now on his face. Kurt looked at him amused.

‘Really? Why?’ Kurt asked flirtatiously.


‘Guys everybody wants you to sing, come on Warblers your fans don’t want to wait any longer!’ Some girl said into the microphone.

You could hear everybody shouting Warblers! Warblers!

‘I guess someone is waiting for you on the stage,’ Kurt said.

Blaine looked at him, didn’t want to go away.

‘Just one song and I’m right back,’ he said and ran to the stage.

He took the microphone.

‘This one is for the cute guy at the bar,’ Blaine said and started singing.

You think I'm pretty
Without any make-up on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down, down

Kurt smiled to himself and looked at Blaine.

Before you met me
I was alright but things
Were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Blaine’s eyes didn’t leave Kurt’s for a second. It was clear that he was singing to him.

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I, we'll be young forever

You make me
Feel like I'm living a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back, don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back, don't ever look back

Kurt looked back at his glass. It was empty now. He pulled his wallet out and paid for it.

We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a floor out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece, I'm complete

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I, we'll be young forever

Kurt stood from his seat. He walked near the stage. His eyes locked with Blaine’s again.

You make me
Feel like I'm living a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back, don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back, don't ever look back

Kurt turned away and headed to the exit.

I'ma get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Kurt left.

You make me
Feel like I'm living a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back, don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back, don't ever look back

I'ma get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Blaine ended the song. He ran out of the bar to catch Kurt but he was already gone. Blaine walked back to the bar disappointed. He came back to the bar, ordered a beer and walked to the table where Nick and Jeff were waiting for him.

‘Dude what was that?’ Nick asked.

Blaine looked at him.

‘Nothing,’ he answered.

‘Nothing?! Do you know who that guy was?’ Jeff was almost shouting.

‘Yeah, his name is Kurt Hummel so?’ Blaine didn’t understand.

‘Wh… what? That… that was Kurt Hummel?’ Nick asked. He couldn’t believe what he had heard.

‘Guys what are you talking about?’ Blaine asked.

‘Blaine, that was Kurt Smythe-Hummel, KURT, the biggest Broadway star.’ Jeff explained to him.

Blaine’s jaw dropped. He didn’t recognize him.

‘Oh shit,’ Blaine put his hands to his face.

‘Yeah I know,’ Jeff said. ‘I can’t believe you didn’t recognize him guys,’ he laughed.

‘Why didn’t you get his autograph for me?’ Nick almost cried out.

‘If I’d known that was him I’d have taken it for myself. I can’t believe I… oh my god I was just flirting with the biggest artist I’ve ever met. He should think I’m an idiot.’

‘I can’t believe you didn’t take a photo with him,’ Nick said in despair.


End Notes:

The song is off course "teenage dream" by Katy Perry.

I already wrote next chapter, just waiting for my beta to check it. So it'd be soon.

please review. :)

Tell me if you want Kurt to be with Blaine or get his memory back and be happy with Sebastian. 


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