I'm sorry that I forgot
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I'm sorry that I forgot: Chapter 3

T - Words: 3,382 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: May 15, 2014 - Updated: Aug 30, 2014
93 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you'll enjoy it:)


When Burt and Carole arrived at Sebastian's apartment that evening he wasn't there. They called him but he didn't answer. They were scared that something had happened but Burt said that he probably went to figure things out and that he'll come home later. They went to sleep. In the morning Sebastian called Burt that he was sorry but he had a lot of work and he had spent all night in his office. It wasn't all a lie.


After a few hours in the bar he was completely wasted. He couldn't go to his apartment like this. What would Burt and Carole think if they saw him like this? So he took a cab and headed to his office. He has a couch there, so he can sleep on it.


When Burt told him that they were going to see Kurt later today he said that he wouldn't be able to make it because he had a lot of work. He thought that if Kurt doesn't want to see him, he’s not going to make him feel uncomfortable.

When Burt and Carole came to Kurt's room he wasn't alone. Next to his bed Mercedes was seated with her husband next to her and her daughter sitting on Kurt's bed. On the other side of the bed was Santana and Brittany holding hands. They were all talking and laughing. Then Kurt turned his head and noticed that his parents had arrived.

'Oh, hi guys, come on in.' Kurt invited them in. Every one greeted them and they all started to tell stories that had happened over the last few years but they still hadn’t told him anything about his life.

They were talking for an hour when Mercedes asked: 'Where is Sebastian? I thought that he would be here by now.’

Kurt looked at Burt, afraid that Sebastian would come here any minute and ruin his time with friends.

'He has a lot of work and he probably won't be here today,’ Carole said. Kurt breathed a sign of relief.

'What do you mean he has to work?’ Santana snapped. ‘Kurt is his husband. He spent three months at his bedside, he was shaving him, washing him, I even saw him reading Vogue to him and now when Kurt is awake he has to work?' Santana was so irritated she almost shouted.

'Santana it's okay,' Kurt comforted her.

'What? No Kurt it is not. I know that you love him and you don't want him to have any trouble but he is your husband and he has to be here for you,' she said.

'Can we please stop talking about Sebastian?' Kurt said, already sick of the subject.

‘No, I am going to call him now and tell him to drag his ass in here.' She pulled her phone out from her bag and then Kurt shouted.

'No!' Everyone looked at him in shock.

'I don't want him in here okay?' He asked, tired of this whole Sebastian thing.

'Why? Did you guys have a fight or something?' Mercedes asked, worried.

'No, I just... I don't remember him okay?' He explained. Their eyes widened.

'What do you mean? You remember all of us. You just forgot a few years,' Santana said.

'Ten years actually, and I don’t remember my sophomore year so I don’t remember Sebastian either, understand?'

Their jaws dropped. They knew he had lost his memory, but they didn’t know that he had forgotten his husband.

'But it is so unfair,' Brittany said. 'Why did you forget Sebastian? He’s your unicorn.'

'It's not my fault Britt. I just... I’m sorry that I forgot.’ He looked at her and she hugged him. 'You’ll remember, I’m sure,’ she assured him and smiled. He smiled back but it was rather sad.

There was some awkward silence but then they were talking and laughing again avoiding the subject of Sebastian.

They all left around 7 p.m. and Kurt was left alone with his thoughts. He remembered Santana’s words: He spent 3 months at his bedside, he was shaving him, washing him, I even saw him reading Vogue to him…

Maybe he really loves him? But Kurt doesn’t know him; he can’t just pretend that everything will be ok and that they will live happily ever after because he doesn’t think that at all. But maybe he should talk to Sebastian. Kurt didn’t think that it was hard for Sebastian too but now he sees it. He has to talk to him. But tomorrow. Now he is too tired.

The next day, when his dad and Carole arrived it was around noon.

‘Hey sweetie, how are you?’ Carole asked as they entered the room.

‘I’m good,’ he smiled, ‘Will Sebastian come today?’

Carole raised her eyebrows but answered:Yes, he will be here around four, why?’

‘I need to talk to him. If he is my husband we have a lot to talk about,’ he answered.

‘Of course you do,’ Burt said. ‘I am glad you’re giving him a chance. He’s a good guy.’

‘I didn’t say I’m giving him a chance, I just said I want to talk to him.’

‘Okay, but it means a lot to him.’ Burt smiled and Kurt smiled back.

At a quarter past four Sebastian arrived.

‘Hi,’ Sebastian came in shyly.

‘Hey buddy, come on in,’ Burt invited him inside.

‘Hi,’ Kurt said quietly.

‘How do you feel?’ Sebastian came nearer and took a seat next to Kurt’s bed.

‘I’m good,’ Kurt said looking at his palms.

‘We’ll leave you guys alone. We’ll have some tea,’ Burt and Carole said, leaving the room.

‘So… Your dad called me and said that you want to talk to me, right?’ Sebastian asked to start a conversation.

‘Yeah,’ Kurt answered.

Sebastian nodded. It was awkward. They were husbands, best friend, lovers; they had known each other for years and now… They don’t know how to talk to each other.

‘So, what do you want talk about?’ Sebastian finally asked, tired of the silence.

’I wanted to say sorry,’ Kurt explained.

‘For what?’ Sebastian asked confused.

‘That I was selfish. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that this is hard for you too. But you have to know that it’s not easy for me to trust you because in my head you are just some crazy guy who kissed me when I woke up. Do you understand?’

Sebastian nodded.

‘I need time to get used to you, and I need to know something about you, so you can tell me something about yourself if you want to.’

Sebastian smiled. ’Of course I want to.’ He pulled his chair closer, but not too much to avoid freaking Kurt out.

‘So let’s see. I’m from New York, but I spent my childhood in France. When I was 14 I came here back. I graduated from NYU and I’m a lawyer. I work in a big company Stephenson & Daniels and my specialization is family cases like divorces, adoption, aliments things like that.’ Sebastian is happy to finally talk to Kurt but he still doesn’t look him in the eye. ‘Is there something else you want to know about me?’

Kurt shook his head. ‘No that’s enough for today. Can you ask my parents back?’

‘Yeah sure,’ Sebastian said and stood up from his chair.

When Sebastian found Burt and Carole they were talking to the doctor.

‘Oh, Sebastian the doctor just said that Kurt can go home tomorrow,’ Carole informed him.

That’s great,’ Sebastian said cheerfully.

‘Yeah he’ll be home finally and there he’ll get his memories back faster,’ Burt said. ‘Ok let’s tell him the news.’

When the three of them came to Kurt’s room he was reading Vogue, which Mercedes had brought him yesterday. Kurt looked up at them.

‘Listen kid we have great news, you’re going home tomorrow!’ Burt was so happy he almost shouted.

‘You don’t look excited,’ Sebastian stated.

‘Erm… so where  am I going?’ Kurt asked.

Everyone looked at him in confusion and then Sebastian said: ‘You would go to our apartment but I’ll understand if you don’t want to.’ He looks sad now realizing that Kurt doesn’t think of their apartment as home.

Kurt looked at his dad and then at Carole but didn’t have enough courage to look at Sebastian.

‘We’ll be there too honey, at least for a few days until you will feel well enough there,’ Carole assured him and he nodded.

‘Okay,’ Kurt said looking at his palms.

Then they were talking for a while and at around seven Burt, Carole and Sebastian left the hospital.

That night Kurt couldn’t sleep. He’s going now to live with some stranger who thinks Kurt is his husband. Great, just great.

The next day Burt and Sebastian arrive around 1p.m. Carole stayed at home to make some dinner and tidy the apartment. Sebastian didn’t think about it this all time when Kurt was in a coma. He was spending all his days by Kurt’s side and coming to his building just to sleep in the living room.

When he and Burt came to Kurt’s room, he was sitting on his bed probably waiting for them.

‘Hey,’ Sebastian said.

Kurt raised his eyes to him and said: ‘Hey.’

Burt smiled, he patted Kurt on the shoulder and sat by his bed side.

‘We brought you some clothes so you can change.’ Sebastian handed him a bag.

‘Thanks,’ Kurt said and walked to the bathroom.

When Kurt took off his shirt, he looked at the mirror. He was surprised. He was very thin but there were still abs and his muscled arms remained. Maybe it wasn’t so impressive because he had been sleeping for three months but still. He’s very handsome but a little too skinny. He couldn’t believe this was his body. After a minute of staring at himself he took his pyjama trousers off and went to take a shower. He gave himself a while. He washed his hair and his whole body with products Sebastian had given him. He had to relax somehow. When he walked out of the shower he looked through things in the bag. He chose burgundy skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and a light grey jacket. He went out of the bathroom. Burt was sitting on the chair, reading a paper while waiting for him.

‘Where is he?’ Kurt asked.

‘Hmm?’ Burt muttered.

‘My quasi husband,’ Kurt answered. ‘Did he run away already? Wow I didn’t even have to do anything to get rid of him,’ Kurt smirked.

‘What are you talking about?’ Burt was confused.

‘I am talking about moving in with the crazy stranger who is so sure I love him,’ Kurt answered, annoyed.

‘Kurt, he is not a stranger,’ Burt assured him.

‘Well in my head he is.’

‘No, Kurt you just don’t remember…’

‘Well I AM SORRY THAT I FORGOT!’ Kurt shouted and that’s when Sebastian came in.

‘Is everything alright?’ Sebastian asked worried.

‘No, I have an amnesia so it’s not,’ Kurt snapped.

Sebastian was surprised by Kurt’s behavior, he thought that Kurt was okay but apparently not.

‘Er... Kurt…’ Sebastian began.

‘What?!’ Kurt was very angry now.

They locked eyes.

Can you leave us Burt?’ Sebastian asked. ‘I want to talk to Kurt.’

‘Who said I want to talk to you?’ Kurt said.

‘Erm… yeah I’ll give you some space,’ and Burt stayed moved from his chair and walked out of the door.

Kurt sat on the bed and breathed heavily.

‘I know you’re scared.’ Sebastian said.

Kurt looked at him.

‘I am too,’ Sebastian continued.

‘Of what?’ Kurt asked confused.

‘That you’ll never trust me,’ Sebastian said sadly. ‘Listen Kurt I don’t expect anything from you but we live together even if you don’t remember and it will be your apartment as much as it is mine. We’ll have separate rooms, I promise you’ll have a space there. I would leave if you’d need to be alone if you won’t see me. I work during the day so I won’t be there all the time. I won’t push you. Just please go there today with me.’ Sebastian was crying; it hurt him. He looked at Kurt with pleading eyes. Kurt was looking at him for a while and then nodded. He took his things and they left the room without a word. Outside Burt was waiting for them.

‘We going?’ Burt asked and Kurt nodded. They walked out of the hospital and headed home.

When they came to the apartment Carole was already waiting for them with dinner. Kurt walked in and put the bag on the floor.

‘Hey honey, how are you feeling?’ Carole greeted him.

‘Fine,’ he smiled. He looked around and didn’t know what to do.

‘Oh… right, I’ll show you around,’ Sebastian said and led Kurt further into the room.

‘This is the living room and this is the kitchen.’ In a big space on the right was a TV, sofa and two arm chairs which were white. The floor was wooden, very dark brown, almost black. There was a huge bookstand with CDs and books. A little further was a beautiful, black pianoforte. Kurt was wondering if Sebastian could play  or if it was his. On the opposite side of the door, at the end of the apartment was a wall of glass through which you could see Central Park, a big dinner table was there. On the left side was a bright, clean kitchen with an island in the middle. On the right behind  the pianoforte was a small hallway  through which were two doors and next to the kitchen was the other. Sebastian showed him the bathroom, then led him to the first door.

‘It’s a guestroom.’ It wasn’t too big. It had red walls, a light floor and dark furniture. There was a bed, two nightstands, a wardrobe, three shelves and an armchair. And then Sebastian showed him the last room.

‘It’s our … I mean your bedroom.’

It was a bright room – a huge bed with white sheets in the middle, a desk, armchair and a lot of bookshelves. The small room consisted of a wardrobe and the separate bathroom, just for him. It had a huge bath and two sinks. So he shares it with Sebastian, great. It was a beautiful apartment, all designed in his style, but it didn’t feel like home.

‘Do you like it?’ Sebastian asked curiously.

‘Yeah, it’s wonderful,’ Kurt smiled.

‘Good. I mean you designed it all so…’

‘I did?’

‘Yeah,’ Sebastian was smiling again. ‘I’m starving let’s go eat something.’

Kurt nodded and they went to the table. Burt and Carole were already waiting for them. ‘Oh finally. Let’s eat.’ Burt said. They started to eat. You could hear it’s delicious and can you hand me that and this is great but Kurt was silent. He wasn’t in the mood for a family dinner. It was discomforting.

‘Kurt, why haven’t you said anything?’ Burt asked.

Kurt looked at him.

‘I don’t have anything to say,’ he answered.

‘Oh please Kurt, you always have something to say,’ Burt laughed.

‘Well I don’t have an actual subject since I don’t remember the last 10 years.’ He stood and walked to the bedroom, leaving a shocked Carole, a confused Burt and a sad Sebastian at the table. He closed the door and sat on the bed. He didn’t know how he would take living here with Sebastian. Maybe he wasn’t a bad guy, he just wanted something Kurt can’t give him at the moment and maybe he never will. They can’t just be husbands and be a happy family.

Kurt took off his shoes and lay on the bed when he heard:

‘… he can’t even eat dinner next to me.’ It was Sebastian voice.

‘Sebastian, you’re thinking too dramatically. He’s at a new place. He has a new life. He’s overwhelmed by his amnesia. He’s lost, how would you feel if suddenly someone took you to Chicago and told you that there is someone who loves you and you have to live with him? You have to put yourself in Kurt’s place,’ Carole said.

‘I know you’re right but it’s so hard…’

‘We know honey, but you have to stand it and we’re here for you.’ And then Kurt fell asleep.

He was so tired that when he woke up it was already the next day.

Kurt looked around the room and remembered that he was living with Sebastian now. He lay for a while and then he went to the bathroom to take a shower. Afterwards he opened the door to pick up his clothes. It took him longer than he thought. There were so many clothes, shoes and accessories. After he inspected each item he finally picked up tight blue jeans, a light pink t-shirt and a beige vest. He went out of the room and saw Sebastian sleeping on the couch. He didn’t want to wake him up so he went to the kitchen quietly. He made himself a coffee and sat on the stool. He was sipping it slowly when he heard someone’s steps. It was Carole.

‘Good morning, so early today?’ she said.

‘Yeah, fell asleep early yesterday. Want some coffee?’

‘Yes, please.’ She sat while Kurt made her coffee.

‘Had a good night?’ she asked.

‘Yeah, I mean the bed is comfortable but this whole situation is not.’

‘I know honey but we’ll be here for a next few days and Rachel and Finn are here and all your other friends. We’ll help you.’

Kurt nodded. But he knew they couldn’t help him suddenly love Sebastian and most of all he wasn’t sure he even wanted to. Then Sebastian and Burt woke up and they all ate their breakfast. Then Sebastian went to work. Carole offered to look at photos but Kurt didn’t want to. They went for a walk instead, made dinner and then Sebastian came back. Kurt didn’t talk to him; he went to sleep around six to avoid spending too much time with Sebastian.

The next days were similar. On Tuesday Burt had to go back to the shop, so he and Carole returned to Ohio. Kurt stayed alone with Sebastian. Kurt didn’t want to spend time with him. In the evening he said he was going to sleep but Sebastian stopped him.

‘Wait. Don’t go yet. Would you like to watch a film?’ He asked hopefully.

‘No thanks.’

‘Please Kurt it’s too early to go to sleep.’ Kurt looked at him and said:  ‘Fine.’ He sat as far away from Sebastian as he could.

‘So what do you want to watch?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe something I don’t know. I’m sure you have a lot of those.’

‘Kurt, don’t get angry. It’s just a film.’ Sebastian said, afraid to annoy Kurt anymore.

‘Ok, pick something up. Some musical I have forgotten.’ Sebastian smiled at his words. They watched the film in silence.

‘Did you like it?’

‘Yeah, It was great.’ They were both smiling.

‘Okay. It was nice. Good night Sebastian.’

‘Good night.’

Kurt closed the door to his bedroom. Maybe Kurt liked him a little, Sebastian thought hopefully. 

End Notes:

Do you like it? Review if you want to see Blaine in next. :)


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