I Like You
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Klaine In Love

I Like You: I Want To Watch

E - Words: 2,356 - Last Updated: Sep 17, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Sep 10, 2011 - Updated: Sep 17, 2011
868 0 0 0 0

April had barely begun and already Kurt was ready for it to end. The boys of Dalton were busy fussing over plans for next week's Spring Break. Most of them had lavish expeditions to tropical island spas at the top of their lists. Any chance to flaunt their extreme wealth. Kurt on the other hand only had one thing planned, a much need shopping trip and Diva's Night Out with Mercedes and Rachel. Blaine didn't have any plans either. Turns out Anna and Katie had a different break and Blaine wasn't going anywhere alone.

Over the past month, Blaine's mood had definitely brightened. He was finally seeing his boyfriend genuinely smile and laugh again. He was even back to singing Katy Perry and Pink songs at the top of his lungs. Kurt spent a lot of time at Blaine's Nana's house. He had fashion shows with Katie, put on little musicals with Anna, but mostly cuddling with his boyfriend. Burt even let him spend a couple nights there. Nothing really happened; Anna had a bad habit of entering rooms without knocking, so things stayed PG.

"Hey Baby!" Kurt snapped out of his thoughts to see Blaine standing in front of him, "What are you thinking about?"

"You actually, and how much I love your smile." Kurt leaned forward to give Blaine a chaste kiss. Blaine wrapped his arms around the taller boy, pulling him in, making the kiss slightly less than chaste.

"Kurtsie?" Kurt was really going to have to have a talk with Anna about that pet name, "I know you wanted you wanted to see you McKinley friends for break but I was wondering if you could give up one night for a little getaway with me?"

"What do you mean?" Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"I mean that I don't want to spend the whole week stuck at home. So I was thinking that you and I could, maybe, go to Cleveland for a night." Blaine looked up hopefully, batting his long eyelashes slowly. Kurt's heartbeat tripled in pace every time he used that look. A night alone with Blaine, in a hotel, without the risk of his dad, Finn, or one of Blaine's sisters to walk in on them….

"I'll have to ask my dad, but I would love to go on a mini vacay with you." Beaming, Blaine took Kurt's hand as they walked down the hall to class.

When Kurt got home and asked for permission, he received less then favorable results. "Absolutely not! I am not about to let my underage son spend a night alone in a hotel out of town, with his boyfriend!"

"Dad, he lived here for a week and I've slept at his Nana's house plenty of times. We didn't have sex any of those times, seriously dad!" Burt coughed loudly when Kurt mentioned sex, "Why can't you trust me?"

"Those times were all under adult supervision, or at least sibling supervision." Kurt had to make his dad change his mind.

"Dad, please, I just want to have some quality alone time with the boy that I am head over heels in love with. I have never been in trouble, I'm a good kid. I have never given you a reason to not trust me, you can trust me!" Kurt realized that this is the first time he ever mentioned being in love with Blaine to his dad.

"Fine." Burt said with a sigh, "But I wanna have another talk with Blaine first!"

After Burt left the room, Kurt sent a confirmation text to Blaine, as well as a warning of the impending talk with his dad.

A week later, Kurt opened the door to a very eager Blaine. "Uh, my dad's in the kitchen. He wants to talk alone with you…"

Blaine's face went from excitement to fear quickly. He walked slowly to his fate. Kurt waited in the family room for almost an hour before Blaine returned, redder than ever. "Babe, I'll be in the car. Love you." And with that he sped out the door to the driveway.

Kurt turned towards the kitchen, "Dad? What the heck did you say to him?"

"I just told him that whatever happens tonight, to remember to be respectful and protected. I also told him that just because he's a teenage boy, he shouldn't feel pressured to move faster than he, or you, are ready to. And I told him to have respect for himself too, because even though he's not my kid, I think that he does matter."

Kurt slapped his hand to his forehead. "The 'you matter' speech dad? Really? Geez, I'm surprised you didn't give him pamphlets, condoms, and lube too!" Kurt was being sarcastic.

"Well, not the last thing." Burt was being serious.

"YOU GAVE HIM CONDOMS? No wonder he was so embarrassed." Kurt grabbed his overnight bag, "I'm leaving. I'll see you tomorrow, dad"

With that he left the house. One thing was for sure, this would be an interesting night.

Kurt ran to the car. Once safely inside, he turned to Blaine. "I am so sorry about my dad. I can't believe he said what he said. I mean, really? He gave you the 'you matter' speech that he gave me! Oh, and condoms? That's just awkward!"

"Actually, it's just one condom….Kurt; I want you to know that my intentions for tonight aren't about sex. I just wanted to spend time with you without interruption. I would never pressure you into anything you aren't ready for. I love you, but more importantly, I respect you."

"Blaine? Are you finished? I never assumed anything about tonight, except that I'd be with you. My dad is just being, well, my dad! Besides," Kurt turned away from Blaine to wave goodbye to his dad, who was watching them from the window, "who says I'm not ready?"

Blaine went even redder as he backed out of the driveway and drove away from Kurt's house. The drive was fairly silent until Kurt plugged his iPod into Blaine's radio. They sang along to Bette Midler and Cher for the rest of the ride. Once at the hotel, the boys were hungry. Since Blaine was paying for the room and doing all the driving, Kurt insisted on buying them some room service. He made sure to include some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. After much silence, Blaine cleared his throat. "Did you really mean it when you said you were ready?"

Kurt looked over at his boyfriend, who seemed a little uncomfortable asking the question. Kurt shrugged, "we've done everything else."

"That's not a good reason…"

"Blaine, I love you. I trust you. I wouldn't want anyone else in the whole world to be my first. I want you to be my first and my last and my only. Even if it's not tonight, I know that I want it to be you."

"Now that is a very good reason! I love you too. And even if we don't do anything tonight, I want you to be my first as well." Blaine looked hesitant to continue, "But, if we do, I am NOT using the condom your dad gave me! That's just too weird!"

Kurt laughed as he saw Blaine toss said condom into the trash. "It's ok. I brought some from my stash in my room….just in case, you know." He was suddenly nervous. Not because he was scared of the idea of sex, or even about being with Blaine. He was nervous because he wasn't sure about tonight. It wasn't planned, there were no candles, romantic music, and Kurt was definitely not losing on his virginity on a night that his father knew about.

Blaine seemed nervous too, "well that's good….. So, in other news, wanna watch a movie? I brought my computer and a bunch of DVDs."

"Sure. Let's have a look" Kurt was happy for the change in subject. Blaine handed his laptop bag to Kurt as he dug through his duffle bag for his movies. Kurt opened up the laptop, it was still on, and Blaine's internet was still open. It took Kurt a moment to realize what he was looking at. "Blaine? You really need to password protect your computer. Oh, and also to remember to close out of your porn sites before letting your boyfriend anywhere near your internet!"

Blaine froze with a horrified look on his face. "Shit! Can we please pretend you never saw that?"

"No, no" Kurt said looking over the site, that apparently Blaine was subscribed to, "this is quite interesting."

"Are you seriously looking through it?"

"Yep. I think we should be able to share this kind of stuff with each other. We did just discuss sex. Come on, sit next to me. Let's look together." Kurt patted the area next to him on the bed.

Blaine was still in shock as he made his way next to Kurt, slowly. "Are you sure about this? I mean, from what you told me before about, um, porn… I just… Are you sure?"

"Oh hush! Now show me, what do you look at on here?" He slid the laptop in front of Blaine. Blaine nervously went to some of his saved photos. The first few were pretty tame, for porn that is, just generically attractive guys posing naked. As Blaine continued scrolling there was a lot more to the photos. Blaine blushed as Kurt's eyes went wide. The guys were in various positions, sometimes alone, sometimes not alone. There were photos with toys. Even one with, what Kurt could only describe as a novelty sized banana! Blaine reached the end of the photos and was shifting uncomfortably.

"So those were the photos… I, uh, look at. All that's left are some videos…."

"Well, let's get to it!" Kurt's voice came out as breathy and over eager. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little turned on. Not just from the photos, but form Blaine's reaction. The thought of Blaine touching himself to this site, him getting off on it, was enough to make the blood in Kurt's body flow south. He watched Blaine intently as he queued up the first video. The 'actors', if that's what you want to call them, were extremely attractive, but the whole video was too cheesy and fake for Kurt. He laughed out hysterically. Soon enough, Blaine stopped the video and laughed too.

"Ok, that one is pretty bad but they're really hot!" He started the next one tentatively, avoiding eye contact. Kurt gasped. The scene opened on a man who looked like him, almost identical. The 'saved' date was from before they were dating. It was from around the time Kurt started at Dalton. The scene itself wasn't much. Just the look-a-like masturbating in front of a camera. Kurt side looked at Blaine, seeing him trying to discretely place a pillow over his lap as he stared at the screen. Blaine turned his head slightly and noticed he was being watched. "I think you see why I like this one…"

"Um, Blaine… if you need to … you know, take care of that, you can." Kurt pulled the pillow off Blaine's lap, staring down at the bulge straining against his jeans.

"Here? In front of you?"

"Pretend I'm not here, I wanna watch." Kurt whispered the second part. He wasn't sure if the quickening of his pulse was nerves or excitement. Or both?

Blaine broke their eye contact, turning back to the screen. With shaking hands he unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped his fly, and nudged the fabric down. He hooked his thumbs in his boxers, pulling them down as well. Blaine's cock sprung free. With a deep breath, he gripped the base and slowly stroked upwards. Het let out a moan in response to the much needed attention. His eyes stayed glued onto the video as he began to move his hand at a slow steady pace.

Kurt just sat quietly, watching Blaine. He couldn't believe how hot it was to see his boyfriend get himself off. Kurt's hand made its way to his lap. He palmed himself through his pants, his erection growing and straining against his zipper. He was almost regretting going commando, but how would he get in these tight pants if he had all that extra fabric? He undid his pants and reached in, gripping himself as he watched Blaine.

Blaine peaked over at Kurt with his hand down his pants. He turned his head completely to the beautiful boy next to him. Their eyes met and they both blushed, but their hands kept moving. Their rhythms synchronized. Blaine forgot about his computer as he leaned over to kiss Kurt. They pulled up on to their knees, each with a hand still stroking away. Kurt brought his free hand to Blaine's face, holding him in the kiss. Blaine's free hand was gripping the back of Kurt's hair, tugging a little every now and then.

Kurt pushed Blaine back on the bed, straddling his hips, never breaking the kiss. Their hands slipped out from in-between them as their cocks rested next to each other. Kurt shivered at the bare skin touching. This felt so much better than the first time they dry humped in his bedroom all those months ago. He grinded his hips down into Blaine's. Words couldn't describe the delicious sounds that came out of the smaller boy's mouth. Kurt kissed and licked his way down Blaine's jaw and neck. When he got to the space right above the collarbone, he sucked in the skin, biting lightly. Blaine moaned loudly as he reached down to grab Kurt's ass, increasing their speed and pressure.

"Oh my god, Kurt! Fuck!" Blaine's fingers dug into Kurt's skin. Kurt felt himself nearing the edge. Just then one of Blaine's fingers slipped in-between his cheeks and pressed at his entrance. Kurt came hard, practically screaming Blaine's name. Blaine followed immediately after with a string of swears and words that Kurt doubted were English.

Kurt collapsed on top of Blaine. They stayed like that for a while before Kurt rolled next to him. They both had a beaming grin on their faces. "Time to get cleaned up, I think." Blaine waited for Kurt to respond. When he did, it was just a nod. "You first, Kurtsie!"

"Oh no Blainey Bear," Kurt fought back, grabbing Blaine's hand pulling him upright. "We're showering together!"


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