A Bird Without Wings
Epilogue Previous Chapter Story
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A Bird Without Wings: Epilogue

E - Words: 3,834 - Last Updated: Nov 12, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Nov 01, 2014 - Updated: Nov 01, 2014
142 0 0 0 0

The door was barely open when Blaine pushed Kurt into the hotel room. The way up to the room was torture to him: Kurt was walking a few steps ahead of him and he was swaying his hips from side to side and Blaine was almost certain Kurt could feel his eyes burning on his back (or more specific, on his ass). So when Kurt turned around at the door to look at Blaine, Blaine attacked him with a needy kiss on his lips.

‘You are such a tease, Kurt. Swaying your hips when you know I can't resist that ass of yours,' Blaine said with a voice dripping with desire, walking towards the bed while his hands were roaming over Kurt's back and ass.

Kurt giggled against the skin of Blaine's neck before kissing it. He was walking backwards and fell onto the king-size bed when his calves hit the soft material of the mattress, pulling Blaine down with him. Blaine was just in time to place his hands flat on the bed instead of falling on top of Kurt and smiled while he pushed a strand of hair out of Kurt's face. ‘You're so beautiful, Kurt. So beautiful,' he stroked Kurt's cheek and thumbed his lips.

Kurt was smiling too and he slowly raised his hands to let them rest on either side of Blaine's neck. ‘C'mere,' he whispered and pulled on the loose ends of Blaine's tie (uh, when the hell did Blaine untie it?), pulling him closer to him.

‘I thought you'd never ask,' Blaine said right before his lips collided with Kurt's.

They had their arms wrapped around each other, their lips practically glued to each other and they were giggling and panting between every kiss until Kurt finally had enough and started fidgeting with the buttons of Blaine's shirt.

‘Oh, I thought I was the one who was in a hurry,' Blaine smirked while Kurt was popping the last button through the buttonhole and then moved on to unbuckle Blaine's belt, ‘Easy, tiger,' he smiled and cupped Kurt's face, forcing Kurt to look at him.

‘You know, you aren't the only one I wanted desperate tonight,' Kurt said.

‘Oh, well, in that case,' Blaine sat up on Kurt's hips and started undressing him, ‘We better hurry up then.' He threw Kurt's shirt over his head to fall somewhere behind the bed.

When they were both in their boxers, they shuffled further to the middle of the bed. Blaine was hovering over Kurt, pressing soft open-mouthed kisses onto every inch of his body he could reach while Kurt's fingers were tangled in Blaine's soft and lovely curls. 

‘I love you,' Kurt whispered when Blaine's fingers hooked under the waistband of his boxers and then panted, a little bit louder, ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.'


‘Mmm, good morning,' Kurt slurred when he opened his eyes. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and nuzzled his face into Blaine's chest some more. Kurt was laying on top of him with the duvet covering their naked bodies up to their hips and his head laying on Blaine's chest which was slowly rising and falling with the steady rhythm of his breathing.

‘Hey, sleepyhead,' Blaine smiled and rubbed over Kurt's back like he'd been doing since he woke up an hour ago.

‘Last night was good,' Kurt smiled.

‘It definitely was,' Blaine agreed, rubbing over one of the finger-shaped bruises on Kurt's lower back.

Kurt raised himself from Blaine's body to properly look at his husband and expected to see white stripes and spots of dried come on his and Blaine's belly but they were both squeaky clean. ‘When did we clean up?'

‘We?' Blaine asked, arching his eyebrows,  ‘You mean me, you fell asleep right after we both came.'

‘Oh god,' Kurt said, ‘you must've felt kinda bad when I fell asleep. Baby, you know our sex is amazing right? I was just so tired.'

‘Believe me, I know our sex is amazing. It was actually pretty funny when you blacked out,' Blaine said and smiled at Kurt's confused expression, ‘Right before you dozed off you said and I quote “Baby, please clean me”. I needed to walk to the bathroom because I thought I was gonna wake you with my laughing.'

‘No,' Kurt whined, ‘Did I really say that?'

Blaine chuckled. ‘Yeah, and you kind of made grabby hands at me but it was actually more like toddler meets zombie,' Blaine imitated Kurt by flailing his hands around.

Kurt let his head fall on Blaine's belly. ‘I'm ashamed, where's the cone of shame?'

Blaine laughed softly. ‘Hey, you don't need the cone of shame darling. I thought you were adorable and right after I “cleaned” us off I snuggled up with you and you instantly wrapped your arms around me,' Blaine said and carded his fingers through Kurt's sleep rustled hair, ‘It was sweet.'

‘I instantly wrapped my arms around you because I missed you,' Kurt said.

‘Aww,' Blaine smiled, ‘Cutiepie. I was gone for less than five minutes and you already missed me.'

Kurt kissed the spot right above Blaine's bellybutton and turned his head to use Blaine as a pillow again which, according to Blaine, he'd been doing all night. ‘Can I just stay here forever? Just like this, together with you?'

‘Yes, absolutely yes. The only thing I want to do is spend the rest of my life with you, that's all I ever wanted to do,' Blaine answered before glancing to the alarm clock on the nightstand. ‘Kurt, baby, what time was our flight again?'

‘2:20pm, babe,' Kurt mumbled, ‘Why?'

‘Ugh, we need to go back to our apartment to pack our suitcases,' Blaine complained, ‘But this bed is too amazing, I don't want to get out.'

‘Then call Sam and ‘Cedes and ask them if they want to pack our suitcases for us? The only thing Sam needs to pack for you are 20 different bowties and bright  colored shirts and pants and ‘Cedes knows what to pack for me. I'm sure they won't mind,' Kurt said.

Blaine snickered. ‘Good one, but if they hate us after this I'm blaming you,' he said.

‘Deal,' Kurt agreed.

Blaine reached for his phone on the nightstand and searched Sam's name in his contacts. The phone rang a couple of times before switching to voicemail. ‘Weird,' Blaine mouthed when Kurt looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. ‘Hey Sam! Dude, I don't know what you're doing but can you call me back when you have time? Thanks, man!' he said, he hung up and stared at his screen.

‘Maybe ‘Cedes will answer?' Kurt asked.

Blaine nodded and scrolled down to the “M” in his contact list. But she didn't pick up either and Kurt made grabby hands at the phone and gave Blaine a “bitch please”-look when he saw Blaine chuckling at the gesture.

‘Gimme,' Kurt mouthed and started talking to Mercedes' voicemail as soon as the phone was in his hand. ‘Girl, pick up the phone! Blainey and I need your expertise. Please ring us back when you get your limbs untangled from Sam's? That'd be great. See ya,' Kurt ended the call and gave the phone back to a now wide-eyed Blaine.

‘You don't really think she and Sam spent the night, do you?' Blaine asked, tumbling over some of the words.

Kurt huffed. ‘They both aren't picking up their phones even though it's almost 7.30am and I'm pretty sure they left the party together,' he said, ‘They had sex alright.'

‘Sam was drunk, she probably just made sure he got home safely and helped him to the bathroom every time he had to puke his guts out,' Blaine said, still not believing Kurt.

Kurt patted Blaine's chest. ‘Okay, you believe that story, I believe the sex-story. I'm going to ask her when we get back from Hawaii.'

‘Shall I call Cooper then?' Blaine asked, already searching for the “B” in his contacts since he named Cooper “Big bro”.

Kurt nodded and propped his chin on Blaine's chest and looked at him lovingly. Blaine smiled at him before pressing the call-button. Cooper picked up almost immediately.

‘Hey, little B!' he said before whispering to someone else, ‘Honey, I'm talking to Blaine, do you want to say hi?'

‘Uh Coop?' Blaine asked confused when heard some rustling.

‘Hi Blaine! It's Katelyn! I just wanted to say hi to you and Kurt. Is he around?' Katelyn suddenly said and Blaine could hear how happy she was.

‘Oh hi Katelyn, yeah he's right here. Hold on, I'll put you on speaker,' Blaine put the phone on speaker before continuing, ‘Okay, go ahead!'

Katelyn's joyful voice rang through the speaker. ‘Hi Kurt! I just wanted to say hi and that the party last night was awesome! I hope you two have a fantastic honeymoon and Blaine,' she paused for a second, ‘thank you for everything.'

‘Hi to you too! You're right, the party was great. We will, our honeymoon will be amazing,' Kurt said.

‘Yeah, and it's okay, don't worry about it. Coop just owes me one,' Blaine continued and chuckled, ‘We'd love to chat some more but it's actually Coop we need to talk to, is that okay?'

‘Yeah, yeah sure,' Katelyn said and there was some more rustling before she added, ‘Bye, Blaine! Bye Kurt!' and then she was gone but the words we're still ringing in Kurt and Blaine's ears when Cooper came on the phone.

‘I'm back! What do you  need me for, lovebirds?' he asked, smirk audible in his voice.

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other before Kurt answered: ‘Uh, we made it pretty late last night-‘

‘Last night? You mean really early this morning,' Blaine corrected.

‘- and Blaine and I wanted to sleep in before we catch our flight but we still have to pack our suitcases and Mercedes and Sam don't pick up so we thought you could help?' Kurt continued.

Cooper sighed. ‘In other words, you guys are lazy and want me to pack your stuff?'

Blaine wanted to protest but Kurt was way quicker than him and shrugged even though Cooper couldn't see it. ‘Yeah, pretty much.'

‘Blaine, you're lucky you're my brother otherwise you could've packed your bags yourself!' Cooper yelled through the phone but Blaine knew Cooper wasn't mad at him. ‘I'll leave in half an hour, alright?'

‘Perfect,' Blaine answered, ‘Thank you Coop.'

‘You're welcome, I'll take my girl with me to help me pack and you know what? We'll even drop you guys off at the airport!' Cooper said.

‘You'd really do that?' Kurt asked, surprised, ‘Cooper, that's amazing! Thank you!'

‘Anything for my little brother and his husband. God, it's gonna take a while to get used to that,' Cooper laughed.

Kurt and Blaine laughed too and gave each other a kiss. After that kiss, Blaine caught the corner of Kurt's mouth and then his cheek, the corner of his eye, the tip of his nose-

‘Hello? Blaine? Kurt?'

Blaine pulled back and turned to the phone again. ‘Yup! Yeah! Uh? Yeah, we're still here,' Blaine rambled.

Cooper chuckled. ‘Oh, I get what you guys were doing. I'll leave you to it. What time do we need to pick you up?'

‘Somewhere around eleven?' Kurt asked, ‘That would be alright.'

‘Got it! Anything else?'

‘Oh, there's a spare key under the mat so you can get in,' Blaine said, ‘I bet mister Starfle doesn't like it if you wake him up this early in the morning, he can be cranky.'

‘'kay! I'm gonna get dressed and head down there, you guys have fun in those three or four hours you have left,' Cooper said.

‘We will,' Kurt said and looked at Blaine with a devilish grin, ‘We will.'

Cooper cleared his throat. ‘Ew, no details please. Please hang up before you're about to have sex.'

‘Okay, bye then Coop,' Blaine grabbed the phone from where it was on the bed and ended the call before hearing what else Cooper had to say. He turned his phone off completely so that no one would interrupt them until they had to leave. Blaine too had a devilish grin on his face and quickly turned Kurt and him over in one swift move so that Kurt was trapped and giggling underneath him. He leaned down and his breath ghosted over Kurt's lips when he asked: ‘Where was I before Coop interrupted my trail of kisses?'

‘Your trail of kisses?' Kurt asked, raising a brow, ‘I guess you stopped on the tip of my nose right here,' he tapped the tip of his nose with his index finger.

‘Oh, then I have a pretty long way to go,' Blaine smirked and pecked Kurt's nose again before moving down to his neck and collarbones.


‘Ready to go, guys? It even surprised me you got out of the bedroom,' Cooper asked, walking into the lobby of the hotel where Kurt and Blaine were waiting for him.

‘Oh, ha ha,' Kurt laughed sarcastically, ‘We came out half an hour ago to get a coffee, Coop. We don't have sex like, all the time.'

Blaine raised an eyebrow at that but didn't say a word. It was almost the complete opposite, whenever they had the chance they'd unbutton each other's shirts or unbuckle their pants. Kurt would go to the bathroom and Blaine followed short after. They got caught once, being just a tad too loud in one of Scandals' bathroom stalls. But, it was Scandals so people shrugged it right off.

‘Okay, if you want to catch your flight we need to go now,' Cooper said before speaking louder, ‘Unless you want to do a quickie in the bathroom.'

‘Can we just go?' Blaine asked quickly. He wrapped an arm around Kurt and walked him to the door, ashamed of the way Cooper made fun of him.

‘Of course, darling,' Kurt said, turning his head to kiss the top of Blaine's hair.

They got into the car and greeted Katelyn while Cooper got in himself and started the engine. ‘Ready?' he asked.

‘Yeah, let's go,' Blaine murmured into the skin of Kurt's neck. He had curled himself up next to his husband and put his head on Kurt's shoulder.

The drive to the airport wasn't long but thanks to Cooper's driving they arrived at noon. Cooper got the suitcases out of the trunk and handed them to the boys.

‘Hey, I packed you guys a surprise. I hope you'll use them, well I'm sure you're going to use at least one of the things I out in there otherwise I think it's going to hurt,' Cooper said and winked at Blaine.

‘Coop, what did you put in there?' Blaine asked, leaning closer to look into Cooper's eyes. But Cooper had a killer poker face so Blaine didn't get any wiser from his expression.

‘I'll give you one tip: a C and L,' Cooper answered, grin plastered on his face, ‘Now go on and have fun with Kurt in Hawaii and we'll come to pick you up when you get back.' Cooper pushed Blaine towards Kurt and turned around when they were almost inside. ‘Bye guys!'

‘Bye, I guess,' Blaine said hesitantly, waving at Katelyn in the car.

‘Bye Cooper! Bye Katelyn! See you in two weeks!' Kurt yelled back when Cooper was already in the car.

They waved Cooper and Katelyn off before turning to each other. ‘Ready for two weeks of complete peace and quiet, darling?' Blaine asked, hooking his arm with Kurt's and he smiled back at an old woman who smiled at them while she passed by.

 ‘Absolutely,' Kurt answered, ‘I can't wait to have you all for myself.'

Blaine giggled before tugging on Kurt's arm. ‘Come on, maybe we can get another coffee before we need to board.'

They walked into the departure hall and Kurt looked at the timetable. If everything was going to go fine, they should be leaving at 2:20pm as planned. ‘We need to check-in at desk number 14,' Kurt said, looking around and straining his neck hoping to see a yellow number 14 somewhere.

‘There,' Blaine pointed to a spot in the far right corner, ‘number 14, right?' He grabbed a hold of his suitcase and wandered off into the crowd. He was halfway across the room when he heard Kurt calling out his name.

‘Blaine, Blaine wait up!' Kurt jogged up to Blaine and laid a hand on his shoulder. ‘I'm glad you're wearing those bright red pants, otherwise I wouldn't have found you anymore in this crowd.'

Blaine chuckled. ‘Come here then,' he wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist and continued walking to the desk. ‘You would've found me anyway if you lost me, you know I'd be at the food court.'

‘True, the food court would be the first place I'd look for you,' Kurt smiled.

Both boys came to a halt in front of the desk. Behind it was a young woman (Kurt figured she could impossibly be older than him) with long blond hair and bright blue eyes that were focused on the computer screen in front of her. She only looked up when Kurt cleared his throat. ‘Oh God, I'm so sorry,' she quickly apologized, ‘Can I help you?'

‘It's okay,' Blaine smiled, ‘We just want to check-in.' Blaine had to stand on the tip of his toes to properly place his hands flat on the desk.

‘Okay, it's just the two of you?' the woman – Emily, according to her nametag – asked, focusing on the computer again.

‘Yeah, just us,' Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine's temple.

‘Oh, you guys are married?' Emily asked when she looked back up at the couple in front of her and pointed to Blaine's wedding ring, ‘How cute!'

Blaine looked at Kurt and then to the ring on his finger. ‘Yes, we got married yesterday, we're going to Hawaii for our honeymoon.'

‘How long have you guys been together already?' Emily completely abandoned her work and fully concentrated on Kurt and Blaine's story, there wasn't a queue behind them anyway.

‘He's my high school sweetheart,' Kurt replied, ‘We were going to different schools but then I transferred to his school and I got to know him better. He helped me getting through some rough patches in my life and one thing led to another.'

‘That's so sweet,' Emily practically squealed right before her eyes widened a bit, ‘Uh-oh, the boss' here. Can I get your passports?'

‘Yeah sure,' Blaine gave both his and Kurt's passport to Emily.

‘Could you place your suitcases on the line, please?' Emily continued and nodded to her boss when he passed by, ‘Finally, he's gone. Can I ask you some advice?'

‘What kind of advice?' Kurt asked and took the passports from the desk when Emily was done with them while Blaine put the suitcases on the belt.

Emily sighed. ‘I'm a lesbian. My parents don't know and they'll probably freak out if I tell them. I can't lose them.'

Kurt looked at Blaine and saw something in his eyes that Kurt couldn't quite place. ‘It's not easy,' Blaine started, ‘I was scared of coming out but when I did I felt... relieved. Like the weight of  the world fell of my shoulders. When I came out my dad kind of hated me. He barely talked to me or did father-son things with me. My mom didn't care so much about me being gay but when me and my dad fought, she always stood on his side. But now they care, they love me again and I've never been happier than I've been with Kurt. It'll be a shock for them but I'm sure they'll understand. Don't let people get in the way of your happiness. If you're happy with your girl than go to your parents and show her off like she's the first prize! Tell them you're happy, parents get happy when they see their kids happy.'

Emily smiled and nodded. ‘I'll remember that, thank you,' she handed Kurt and Blaine their tickets, ‘Have a great honeymoon!'

‘We will,' Kurt answered and furrowed his brow when Blaine leaned over the desk and beckoned for Emily to come closer. Blaine whispered something in her ear and she smiled when he grabbed her hand and squeezed it in a reassuring way.

‘What was that about?' Kurt asked when Blaine came to walk next to him.

‘What was what?'

Kurt arched his eyebrows. ‘I thought you were about to kiss her.'

Blaine snickered. ‘Oh that, I just told her she shouldn't be afraid of who she is and that she deserves to live a happy life.'

 Kurt grinned. ‘You're going to change the world someday, you know that?'

‘In a good way or in a oh-god-please-send-help-this-is-the-zombie-apocalypse-way?' Blaine asked.

Kurt patted Blaine's chest and laughed. ‘In a good way, silly.' They slowly made their way through the crowded halls and bought a coffee from the Starbucks on the way to their boarding gate.

‘What would those things be that Cooper packed for us?' Blaine asked when they sat down on a bench close to the gate.

‘Huh? I don't know,' Kurt answered, ‘Didn't he give you a hint or something?'

Blaine furrowed his brow. ‘A C and L,' he said, ‘There are so many things that start with a C or an L, it could be anything!'

‘A centipede and a lizard?' Kurt guessed.

Blaine's eyes widened. ‘I'm not liking this, Kurt. I'm not liking this one bit. Cooper knows I don't like that kind of stuff! Especially centipedes, there so... yuck!'

‘Hey, hey calm down sweetie. I was just messing with you. You're so cute when you're scared,' Kurt smiled at Blaine's expression, ‘I love you, silly.'

‘I love you too,' Blaine replied and pecked Kurt's nose, ‘No matter what's in those suitcases, these two weeks are going to be amazing.'


Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine and held him close. ‘Yeah, because you're by my side.'


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