A Bird Without Wings
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A Bird Without Wings: Chapter 6

E - Words: 4,483 - Last Updated: Nov 12, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Nov 01, 2014 - Updated: Nov 01, 2014
131 0 0 0 0

It rarely ever happened that Blaine was awake this early. He slowly opened his eyes, only to realize that he wasn't in the bed that he normally shares with his fiancé. In fact, he was laying sprawled out on a couch. Sam's couch, he remembered. There was a tiny bit of sunlight seeping through the curtains, indicating that it was morning.

Sam took Blaine home last night after the bachelor party and went by Kurt and Blaine's apartment to pick up some of Blaine's things like his toothbrush, hairgel and two boxer shorts (you never know). Kurt wasn't even at home when Sam came in. He figured Mercedes was having a lot of fun with Kurt at his bachelor party.

Blaine sat up and looked around to find a clock. His blurry vision focused in on the bright red flickering numbers on the alarm clock next to the television. At first he groaned when he saw that is was only 6:24am but then remembered it was the fourteenth today. A smile instantly appeared on his face.

Today was his and Kurt's wedding day.

He got up and made his way to the kitchen for a glass of water before he returned to the couch. He put the glass down and rubbed his neck with his left hand while he took his phone out of his pocket with the other. No messages, no calls. Would Kurt be awake already? he thought. He opened his messaging app and typed a message to Kurt.

“Good morning, sweetie! I hope you had fun at your bachelor party last night :) I don't think Sam and Mercedes will allow us to see each other :'( So I'll see you at the church :) I love you so much!

He hit “Send” and laid his phone on the table when he heard someone snoring in the other room.  He walked over to the door and knocked on it, using both of his fists while he yelled: ‘Dude, it's the fourteenth! Wake up, man! Or do I have to drag you out of bed?'

 Blaine heard some rustling at the other side of the door and a couple of seconds later the door swung open and a cranky Sam was in front of him. His hair was sticking out in different directions and Blaine would've been killed a couple of times if Sam's look could kill. ‘Are you fucking kidding me, dude? Have you seen the time? It's. Six. Thirty. Am. In. The. Morning.'

‘But it's my wedding day, Sam! Wakey, wakey! I'll make you breakfast to make it up to you!' Blaine said and grabbed Sam by the arm.

Sam groaned and plopped down on the couch when Blaine let him go. ‘I'm only staying awake because it's your wedding day and because you're making me breakfast, otherwise I'd go back to bed straight away.'

Blaine laughed and then disappeared into the kitchen. ‘Sam? Do you also have decent food instead of Sugar-O's?' he asked as he hesitantly grabbed the box out of one of the cupboards.

‘Hey! Sugar-O's are the best, okay?

Blaine rummaged around in the kitchen for a while and when he went to the fridge to grab the orange juice for Sam, he heard the intro song of “The Looney Tunes Show”. He peeked his head around the corner, looked at Sam and asked: ‘Really? The Looney Tunes?'

Sam shrugged. ‘If you wake me up early enough for the cartoons, I'm watching the cartoons.'

Blaine took a sip of the orange juice, straight from the carton. ‘Actual five-year old,' he mumbled.


‘Whitey! Hey!' Mercedes yelled right into Kurt's ear.

Kurt groaned, turned over, grabbed his pillow and pressed it against his ear only for Mercedes to pull it back off. Or he had a lot to drink last night or the music was just waaay to loud or Mercedes just forgot to turn her own volume down.

‘It's your wedding day today. You don't want to make Blaine wait at the altar, do you?' she asked, her voice quieter and softer now.

‘I would never let my husband to be wait but I'll wake up when I'm ready to wake up' Kurt groaned.

Mercedes sighed and grabbed Kurt's phone from his nightstand. ‘Maybe this'll wake you up,' she threw the phone at Kurt, ‘Blaine texted you a couple of minutes ago.'

Kurt was awake instantly. ‘Blaine?' he asked, clumsily searching his phone in the mess of sheets. ‘What did he say, is he okay?'

‘I don't know that! He's your fiancé,' Mercedes answered and turned to the door, ‘The only thing I was able to see was “Good morning sweetie!”. Don't you think Blaine is a little too clingy?'

‘Uh, nope,' Kurt answered while he was already busy unlocking his phone and going to his messages. ‘Blaine is perfectly clingy.'

‘Right,' Mercedes said and opened the door but before walking out she said: ‘I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, boo.'

‘Yeah, okay,' Kurt said, absentmindedly picking at his bottom lip and smiling at his phone.

He giggled when he read Blaine's message. Should I call him? he thought. He tapped on Blaine's name, chose the option “Call” and waited for Blaine's voice to brighten his day a little more.

‘Hey gorgeous,' he heard Blaine say after two seconds.

‘Hey you,' Kurt said, smiling and he let himself fall back into the pillow, ‘I miss waking up next to you.'

He heard Blaine whisper something and then heard some rustling and a door being closed before Blaine answered: ‘Sorry, I got to get rid of Sam for a moment. I miss that too but after today, you and I will be waking up together every single day.'

Kurt hummed. ‘I'd like that very much,' he said. He grabbed a pillow and held it tightly against his chest as if he was cuddling Blaine.

‘I dreamt about you last night. About us, actually,' Blaine said.

‘Oh yeah?' Kurt asked curiously, ‘Was it a wet dream?'

Blaine laughed and Kurt smiled. Blaine's laugh was calming and lovely and all Kurt ever wanted to do for the rest of his life was make Blaine laugh.

‘No, not a wet dream. It was a dream about our wedding,' Blaine said.

‘Mhmm, continue,' Kurt encouraged, ‘I want to know if our wedding's going to go well.'

‘It'll be perfect,' Blaine replied, ‘In my dream I saw you walking down the aisle, looking handsome as ever. When we said our vows, you said some really beautiful things that I'm not even clever enough for to write down. At the end I even got tears in my eyes, Kurt, that's how beautiful it was. And then the priest finally pronounced us husband and husband and  we kissed. It was the most magical kiss ever: butterflies taking over my body and mind and all I could think was “I just married the love of my life”. Then later on we had the party and we danced to our favorite song and we looked into each other's eyes and smiled. It was like the world around us didn't exist.'

‘The world around us won't exist, this day is only about us,' Kurt said. He wanted to hold Blaine in his arms so badly, kiss him until they had to break away for air and Kurt had to admit it: he wanted to fuck Blaine into the mattress.

‘Kurt?' Blaine asked.

‘Yeah, hon?' Kurt replied.

Blaine continued: ‘I love you so much, I don't think I'm ever going to let you go after today.'

Kurt chuckled. ‘I love you more and if you think I'm going to let you go then you're dead wrong!'

‘That's impossible! I love you the most, Kurtie, I'll prove it!'

Kurt raised his eyebrow. ‘And how are you going to do that?' he asked.

‘Tonight, wedding night! Fill in the blanks yourself, honey.'

Kurt almost moaned at the thought of him and Blaine together that night and he was glad the pillow he was holding was big enough to also cover his crotch. ‘Oh god Blaine, yes!'

Blaine snickered and Kurt could hear some sort of knocking in the background. ‘Hey babe,' Blaine started, ‘Sam is trying to get in so I'm going to hang up before he takes my phone away and hides it in a place where it's impossible to find, okay?'

Kurt made a whiny noise. ‘No, don't go! I don't want to hang up,' he said, pouting.

‘But babe, I have to. Sam's already in and Sam!' Kurt could hear some sort of struggle and people running through the apartment. ‘Goddammit, give me back my phone! Sam, you loser! Give it! Kurt, I love yo-!'

And that's when Blaine hung up. Well, Kurt figured Sam hung up. He stared at his phone for a while, hoping Blaine would call him back but after a while he knew that wasn't about to happen. Sam was bigger than Blaine (almost everyone was, except Rachel) and Sam had some muscles. Not that Blaine was weak though, Kurt remembered one time he walked into the boys' locker room and saw Blaine doing push-ups. Kurt had stared at Blaine's flexing arm muscles for a couple of minutes and he was completely hypnotized. Blaine had caught him staring and Kurt didn't even have the strength to apologize when Blaine caught his lips in a needy and pretty rough kiss. ‘I should come and stare at you every day you're in here,' he had said, gasping for air when Blaine's lips traveled down his neck and left a hickey on his collarbone.

He smiled at the memory when he got up and walked to the living room to see Mercedes sitting on the couch, laughing at some television series Kurt didn't recognize. ‘Having fun?' he asked as he plopped down next to her.


‘Was it really necessary to grab my phone, Sam?' Blaine asked irritated.

‘Hey, you guys are getting married today! You aren't supposed to talk to each other until the big thing!' Sam defended.

‘It's supposed to be “not see each other”! Talking to each other is allowed!' Blaine said.

‘Not according to me,' Sam said, shaking his head, ‘Now, go on and take a shower so that you look handsome for your future husband. It's an half an hour drive and we need to be there half an hour before the ceremony begins so that means we'll have to leave around twelve. It's now 7 o'clock, that means you need to go shower and get ready first and then I'll go while you get dressed and do some more weddingy things and then we'll both be ready by twelve, ‘kay?'

Blaine's eyes grew wide. ‘Wow, when did you plan all that?'

‘When you were talking to Kurt. Now go on! Time is money, man!'

Blaine rushed to the bathroom, quickly undressing himself and hopping in the shower. He sang  “Best Day Of My Life” while soaping himself in and thinking about today: the wedding, Kurt, the party, Kurt, the wedding night, Kurt, the honeymoon and of course Kurt. When he was done, he turned off the water and hopped out of the tub, grabbed a towel and dried himself off before putting his boxers on. He brushed his teeth before grabbing the tube of gel and he stared at his reflection in the mirror. His curls were falling onto his forehead and he bit his bottom lip and furrowed his brows. He knew Kurt loved it when he didn't gel his hair down but since the dinosaur-prom he promised himself to never let his hair ungelled again, he only didn't gel when he didn't have to go out. But this is for Kurt and if Kurt thinks he looks handsome with his untamable curls then he'll go with his curls. He put the tube back down and smiled. ‘It actually isn't that bad,' he said to himself as he combed his fingers through his hair, untangling some of the knots in it.

He walked back into the bedroom and went straight for the black suit and white shirt draped over the back of the chair at Sam's desk.


‘Kurt? Can you help me with my hair? This stupid bobby pin won't stay in its place,' Mercedes asked when Kurt got out of the bathroom, all dressed up, hair perfectly coiffed and ready to go. Mercedes showered and got dressed first, saying she needed the time Kurt was in the shower to dry her hair and put her make-up on. She gave Kurt his privacy and did all of that in her bedroom while he was singing “Teenage Dream” in the shower, loud enough to unknowingly make Mercedes hum along.

‘Yeah, sure,' Kurt answered and came closer to the mirror where Mercedes was standing in front of. He put the bobby pin in place and stepped back. ‘There, all done.'

‘Thanks, boo,' she said, turning around to face Kurt, ‘You look handsome!'

‘You're welcome,' he said. ‘You think so? What if Blaine changes his mind at the last minute and doesn't want to marry me after all?'

Mercedes stepped closer and grabbed his arms, shaking him a little. ‘Listen, if Blaine doesn't want to marry you then I will! And besides, Blaine won't change his mind. He loves you and you love him too. You belong to each other! Okay? Now stop worrying because you know I'm right!'

Kurt smiled at Mercedes. ‘Okay, yeah, you're probably right. Blaine told me he loved me and he doesn't lie to me, I know that so... Breathe Hummel, dear God!'


‘Sam!' Blaine jumped in front of the bathroom door when he heard Sam twisting the door knob.

‘Jesus, Blaine!' Sam yelled when he dropped the towel that was around his waist, quickly leaning down to pick it up and wrap it around himself again. ‘What is it dude? You look kind of,' Sam waved his hands in a panicked way.

Yeah, Blaine was panicking. Basically, he was scared to death.

Blaine started rambling:  ‘What if Kurt says “no”? What if he doesn't want to marry me? I won't survive that, Sam! That would ki-‘

‘Hey! Calm down, dude. Kurt will marry you, I know that. Stop panicking okay? Today is not the day for panicking,' he grabbed Blaine's shoulders and pushed him into the direction of the mirror, ‘Now, say that Kurt will marry you and that you have nothing to worry about.'

‘Huh?' Blaine asked and tried to turn around but Sam pushed him back.

‘Just repeat after me: Kurt and I will get married and I have nothing to worry about.'

‘Kurt and I will get married and I have nothing to worry about?' Blaine said hesitantly.

‘Exactly! Now smile!' Sam said and walked towards his closet to grab his suit and a pair of boxers.

‘Okay,' Blaine grabbed the loose ends of his untied bowtie and swiftly tied them into a neat bow, ‘I can do this.'


It was 12:15 when Blaine and Sam arrived at the church. They noticed a few of the New Directions standing in the hall, neatly dressed and chattering away. ‘Blainey days!' Tina came running down the few stairs leading up to the door. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. ‘Thank you for letting me be your maid of honor.'

‘Hey, I can't do this without my favorite girl can I?' Blaine said.

Tina kissed him on the cheek when Cooper came towards them. ‘Look at you! All grown up and curls!' Cooper ruffled Blaine's hair.

‘Thanks, Coop,' Blaine said, smiling.

‘Let's go in,' Tina said, dragging Blaine along by his arm. Inside, he was greeted by all the old and new New Directions including Emma and Will who brought baby Daniel along.

‘Oh, look at how big you became since the last time I saw you! You're almost taller than me!' Blaine crouched down and smiled at the 3-year old who didn't understand much of what was going on around him but he came running to Blaine to give him a hug.

‘He likes you,' Emma said, smiling down at the two of them.

Daniel made grabby hands at Blaine when he got up, silently asking Blaine to pick him up. Blaine leaned down, grabbed the little boy and seated him on his hip, bouncing him up and down a bit and making him giggle which in turn made Blaine smile.

‘I think I have some serious competition,' Will laughed when Blaine softly started humming a song.

Sam ran off the stairs towards the street while yelling: ‘'Cedes and Kurt are here!'

Blaine turned and looked at Daniel who wasn't about to let go of him soon and then looked at Will. ‘Can you...' Blaine trailed off.

‘Yeah, yeah. Come here, little man,' he said when he picked up Daniel and put him back with his two feet on the ground, much to Daniel's disgust.

Blaine raced off the stairs and ran towards Kurt, picking him up and twirling him around as soon as he could. When he put Kurt back down, he kissed almost every square inch of Kurt's face. ‘I missed you, I missed you so much.'

‘Do you know how cold our bed is when you're not in it with me? I missed my cuddlewhore,' Kurt said amused and played with Blaine's curls. ‘You didn't gel?'

‘No, I know how much you love my curls so I wanted to surprise you,' Blaine grinned.

They heard someone clear his throat and say: ‘Borat.' They both chuckled when they realized it was Cooper, who had also made his way to the boys.

‘Guys, I think we should go in before the other guests arrive,' Rachel's voice called out from behind Cooper. So, she came after all, Kurt thought.

They all made their way in and went to the sort of “waiting room” where they would wait for the priest to come and tell them the ceremony would begin.

‘Kurt?' Cooper asked right before Kurt and Blaine entered the room.

‘Yeah?' Both boys turned around.

‘Can I talk to you for a moment?' Cooper asked, ‘Alone, please.'

Blaine gave Kurt a confused look which was instantly mirrored on Kurt's face. ‘I'll join the rest,' Blaine said before pecking Kurt's cheek.

‘Okay, sweetie. I'll be right back,' Kurt said before walking along with Cooper to an abandoned room, far away from the room the rest was in.

‘Cooper, what is this about?' Kurt asked when Cooper peeked his head through the crack to see if anyone followed them before turning around to face Kurt.

‘My parents called yesterday,' he simply said.

‘Yeah, so?' Kurt asked, arching an eyebrow.

Cooper sighed. ‘They can't make it, both of them. Something happened in the company and it was an emergency and they just couldn't leave.'

Kurt gasped. ‘No, no, no, no. Cooper, we can absolutely not tell Blaine what's going on, he'll be heartbroken.

‘So, you just want to lie to me?' Kurt heard Blaine's voice coming from behind Cooper. Kurt saw Cooper's eyes widen and he could actually hear him thinking: how did he know we were in here? Shit, Kurt thought while Blaine came closer to him.

Kurt took a deep breath. ‘Blaine, honey, no that's not what I meant. I meant th-‘

‘You meant that you wanted to hide it from me, Kurt! The same thing you did with the Chandler-thing, you weren't planning on telling me that either!' Kurt saw tears prickling in Blaine's eyes.

‘Blainers, it's not Kurt's fault,' Cooper said and he laid a hand on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine shrugged it off and turned to his brother.

‘You! How long did you know this! How long did you know that mom and dad weren't going to show up huh? Maybe you knew it from the start and you just wanted me to get my hopes up!' Blaine yelled and Kurt hoped that no one else heard it.

‘Blaine! He only knew it since yesterday. It's also not his fault,' Kurt tried to calm him down but he already saw tears making their way down Blaine's face. He carefully wrapped his arms around Blaine and he felt Blaine relax in his hold. ‘Maybe you should go, Coop,' he added.

‘Yeah,' Cooper breathed out and right before he walked out he added, ‘I'm sorry.'

The instant Cooper closed the door, Blaine fell to his knees, dragging Kurt along with him. ‘Y-you weren't g-going t-to tell m-me,' Blaine hit Kurt's arms with all the strength he had left, which wasn't much, ‘I-I t-thought you c-cared about m-me.'

Kurt felt his heart break, the only person he loved ‘til death thought he didn't care about him. ‘I-I'm sorry,' Kurt said with a quivering bottom lip, afraid of what was going to come, ‘I-I do care, very much. I just w-wanted to protect you,' he said with a watery voice.

‘P-people need t-to s-stop protecting m-me like I-I'm a-a five-year o-old!' Blaine yelled through sobs.

‘M-maybe it's better if I go, give you some space' Kurt said, he slowly pulled away and tried to get up when he felt Blaine's hand wrapped around his wrist.

‘N-no, p-please, d-don't go! I'm s-sorry, p-please stay! I n-need you, I-I love y-you, p-please don't l-leave me behind l-like they d-did!' Blaine cried, holding onto Kurt.

Kurt cupped Blaine's face and said: ‘Never, I'll never leave you behind like they did! You're my everything, I can't live without you! I love you more than anything! I just thought you needed some space, that's all. You don't need to be sorry, baby. I do care about you, Blaine, I do,' He slipped his arms around Blaine, ‘I'll always care about you and I'll stay with you if you want me to.'

Blaine sniffed and nodded against Kurt's clothed chest. ‘I w-want you t-to stay w-with me.'

‘Then I'll stay,' Kurt said and kissed the top of Blaine's head.

‘K-Kurt,' Blaine waited until he felt Kurt pull back a little to look at him, ‘I w-wished that m-my parents were h-here,' he sniffed before curling back into Kurt's chest.

‘Shh, honey, I know. I want them to be here too, I want them to see how happy you make me and how happy we are together,' Kurt cooed.

‘T-they don't l-love me,' Blaine sniffed.

‘Of course they love you! I think they'd much rather be here than in their company,' Kurt said.

‘I-I should've k-known, I know h-how much t-the company m-means to t-them. I-I shouldn't h-have gotten m-my hopes up i-in the f-first place,' Blaine said.

‘It's always okay to hope, sweetie,' Kurt's hand traveled up and down Blaine's arm in a soothing way.

‘Blaine, I need you to be completely honest with me,' Kurt said after a while, his fingers now playing with Blaine's curls, ‘That's ironic because I was the one who wanted to keep something from you in the first place.'

Blaine looked up and into Kurt's eyes, waiting for Kurt to continue.

‘Do you maybe want to cancel the wedding?' Kurt asked.

Blaine frantically shook his head and held on to Kurt's costume vest a little tighter while he whimpered slightly and choked out: ‘N-no, I-I want t-to marry y-you.'

‘Okay, okay sweetie. Just know that I want to marry you too. I want nothing more than to marry you but don't you want to move the wedding to another day? So that your par-‘

‘N-no, I want t-to marry y-you today,' Blaine interrupted Kurt.

‘You sure?' Kurt asked with wide eyes.

‘Y-yes, I-I want t-to make y-you my h-husband and i-if my p-parents a-aren't here t-to see it, t-then so b-be it,' Blaine laid his head against Kurt's chest again, ‘Y-you're more i-important to me.'

Kurt kissed the top of Blaine's head. ‘You're so strong, Blaine, I love that about you.'

‘S-so, will y-you marry m-me today?' Blaine asked, looking up at his fiancé.

‘I will marry you today,' Kurt smiled.

Blaine snuggled into Kurt some more and placed his hand on Kurt's heart. ‘D-do you think y-your mother is w-watching us from up t-there?'

‘What?' Kurt asked surprised.

‘Y-your mother,' Blaine said, ‘I keep t-talking about m-my parents and I f-forgot your mom r-really isn't here.'

‘Oh, I was so busy with the wedding that I forgot about that too. But, I think she would've been very proud of us,' Kurt said.

‘V-very proud of you, y-you mean,' Blaine corrected.

Kurt shook his head. ‘No, also very proud of you. She would've loved you as much as I love you.'

‘R-really?' Blaine asked.

‘Yes, really, silly!' Kurt smiled, ‘She once told me: the boy that loves my boy as much as I do, is an angel. So I guess that makes you an angel.'

Blaine smiled. ‘T-the only a-angels I know are up t-there and those a-are your mother and Finn.'

Kurt looked up to the ceiling as if he could see his mother and step-brother there. ‘Yeah,' he breathed out and held Blaine a little tighter.

They stayed seated on the floor until someone knocked on the door. ‘Kurt? Blaine? You still in here?'

‘Yeah Coop, we're still here,' Blaine answered, voice back the way it was before he cried. His eyes weren't puffy and red anymore but if you looked very closely, you could see the tear streaks on his cheeks.

‘The priest just came in and said we have five minutes left to get ready and on our spots in the church,' Cooper said.

‘Okay,' both boys said in unison. ‘We'll be out in a second,' Kurt added.

When there was no answer both boys got up and patted the dust off their clothes. ‘Let's get married,' Kurt said.


‘Let's get married,' Blaine repeated before kissing Kurt on the lips.


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