March 4, 2013, 11:02 a.m.
March 4, 2013, 11:02 a.m.
1x07 Meet the Family
Previously on NYADA Freshman Year. Kurt finally had a proper first date as he and Blaine attended Wes Montgomery's annual Halloween party. Vocal Explosions won their Sectionals and Chandler tried to force himself on Kurt again during a celebratory after party. The school was finally alerted to Chandler's behavior and as Kurt was suspended for two days for staying out after curfew, Chandler got expelled after other students came forward as well.
Kurt's aunt found out about Kurt and Blaine but promised to keep their new relationship a secret, while hinting that Kurt's father would probably be okay with it. Kurt is still waiting for his first kiss with Blaine and hopes it's going to happen before he has to kiss Nick on stage during Spring Awakening's opening night. And that's what you missed on NYADA Freshman Year.
"You're going to leave marks on the floor if you keep that up," Blaine remarked as Kurt was nervously pacing up and down in his dorm room. His family and Mercedes were due to arrive in a few hours and he was anxious about his father meeting Blaine, even if his dad thought Blaine was just a friend.
In the short amount of time he had known the other boy he had quickly become one of the most important people in his life and he needed his dad to like him. On some level he knew his dad must be okay with Blaine, because they had already spoken on the phone and Blaine had helped convincing his dad to let him go to Wes' party, but Kurt wasn't thinking rationally right now.
Because what if his dad could see right through them? He had never been really good about hiding things from his dad and he didn't like outright lying to him. Bending the truth a little – sure. He was a teenager after all, but having to lie about something so important wasn't something he particularly liked to do.
"It's going to fine, I promise. I will be the perfectly behaved best friend who is just looking out for you and maybe if you see how your dad interacts with me, you will want to tell him the truth."
Kurt shook his head. They had been through that before. Blaine was convinced his father would be totally fine with him being gay just because his aunt was. But his aunt was nothing like the rest of the family and Kurt couldn't believe his dad wouldn't be like his grandfather when it came to homosexuals.
"I've been meaning to ask you this before, but why the hell did you tell my dad you're gay?" Kurt asked instead of telling Blaine yet again that he'd rather not risk it.
Blaine just shrugged. "He wanted to know if I called because I wanted to take you out on a date and told me that was something that I had to ask you. I told him that yes I was gay, but you and I are just friends, which was true when we spoke. He didn't seem to have a problem with me possibly asking you out."
Kurt still wasn't buying it. After all, you couldn't see a person's reaction on the phone and what if his dad had just been polite to him. Or what if he was one of those people who seemed fine with people being gay as long as it wasn't their own child?
"Can you just drop it," he muttered and Blaine raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, sorry. I know this is a touchy subject for you."
They were both silent for a few minutes while Kurt tried to leave his mark in the room until Blaine took his hand and led him over to the bed.
"You are way too tense. How about a backrub," Blaine offered and Kurt sank down on the edge of the bed as Blaine knelt down behind him. Blaine's fingers must be magical because soon Kurt felt himself relax into Blaine's grip and closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation.
Because he would be crazy if he managed to keep thinking about his family while Blaine was working his magic on his back and shoulders.
"You know it's not because I don't want people to know about us. I love that I can openly be with you here and no one says anything. It's just, my dad and I only had each other for six years after my mom died and I'm afraid to lose him over this. And there's Finn and Carole now as well. Finn was one of the boys who would tease me a few years back. What if they all hate me when they find out and won't even want me back home for Christmas and stuff like that, or take me back to Ohio with them? I can't risk it."
Blaine paused his massage and pulled Kurt against his chest. "I understand, trust me I do. I told you about my family and if you can tell me my parents' divorce wasn't my fault then you need to listen to me when I tell you that your admission won't destroy your family. And if it does, are they really the kinds of people you want in your life?"
Blaine was right. It shouldn't matter what others thought, but he wouldn't want to make his dad decide between him and his family if it came down to that. There was nothing wrong with staying quiet a bit longer. Not living at home did have its advantages.
For the time being though he decided to banish all unpleasant thoughts to the back of his mind and relaxed further into his boyfriend's embrace. They would cross that bridge when they had to.
Four hours later, Kurt got a text from Mercedes telling him that they were in front of the dorm building and Kurt took Blaine's hand and led him toward the front door, only dropping his hand when they were in front of the door.
Before he could even notice the rest of the family, his father pulled him into a warm embrace and Kurt clung to his dad as tight as he could.
"I missed you so much, kiddo. We all did," his father whispered and Kurt felt tears welling up in his eyes, because being in his father's arms, he realized how much he had missed him as well.
"Me too, dad. I'm glad you could make it."
Once, he was released by his dad, Mercedes pounced and hugged him tightly as well.
"You look great," she told him before leaning in closer and whispering, "and Blaine looks mighty fine as well." Kurt could feel the blush rise on his cheeks and he quickly told her they could talk about that later.
Carole and Finn were next, Finn pulling him into an awkward one-armed hug, but when he stepped aside, Kurt had to work hard to keep his scowl of his face. Because there in all her reindeer sweater glory stood Rachel Berry.
"Rachel, what a surprise," he told her, keeping his face neutral for Finn's sake, because he knew how much his stepbrother liked the girl.
"Well Finn here convinced your parents to let me come as well because Mercedes was allowed to join them," she explained cheerfully, eyeing Blaine who was standing behind Kurt. Because I invited her, Kurt thought but still kept his fake smile on his face. From the corner of his eye he saw Mercedes role her eyes and he was glad to know she wasn't too happy about Rachel joining them as well. They probably even had to share a hotel room and Kurt was tempted to offer Mercedes his bed in the dorms, but unfortunately his dad would never allow that.
"And who is this?" Rachel asked pointing at Blaine and Kurt didn't like the way she looked at him, especially because she was standing right next to Finn.
"This is Blaine," Kurt explained and pulled Blaine up next to him. "He's my best friend here at NYADA."
Blaine ever the polite gentleman, immediately stepped forward and properly introduced himself to his dad and Carole and Kurt had to hide his smile when he thought about the effect Blaine had on grown ups.
"It's nice to finally meet you Blaine. Kurt won't stop talking about you," his dad said as he shook Blaine's hand and Kurt was glad his dad wasn't looking at him, because he was sure he was blushing like crazy. He didn't talk about Blaine that much, right?
"Would you like to join us for dinner, Blaine?" Carole took over. "Unless you have other plans of course." Blaine shook his head.
"My dad and my brother are only coming in for my first performance in two days, but I wouldn't want to impose on you family dinner."
And maybe there was something like too polite because Kurt really wanted Blaine to come to dinner with them.
"Nonsense dear, think of it as a friends and family of Kurt dinner," Carole assured him and to Kurt's relief Blaine agreed to join them for dinner.
"I found this perfect vegetarian restaurant online for us. I'd have preferred it if it were vegan but I was told not everyone would like that," Rachel butted in, her expression showing that she wasn't too happy that she had been overruled.
Kurt thought it was preposterous enough of her to think she could dictate where a whole group of people should eat, but again he kept his mouth shut. At least at a vegetarian restaurant his dad would have to eat healthier than usual, but he wouldn't put it past him to order 'real food' as soon as they got back to their hotel.
Aunt Kate had offered to host all of them for the week but his dad had decided that they would stay in the city for a couple of days so everyone got the chance to explore New York a bit.
"Maybe after dinner, I could show you my favorite karaoke bar," Blaine suggested when he saw the look on Kurt's face and Kurt saw his dad's eyebrows shoot up. Blaine must have caught it too because he quickly added. "Everyone is allowed to get in till ten o'clock but after it's 18 and over unless you are under adult supervision. Kurt told me you all sing as well, so I thought it could be fun."
His dad nodded at Blaine, and Mercedes and Rachel immediately chimed in saying that was a great idea. Carole just smiled, apparently happy that they all got along.
In the end the restaurant wasn't too bad but Kurt kept squirming in his seat as his dad asked Blaine all kinds of questions ranging from about his parents to whether he had a boyfriend at the moment. Kurt was too busy listening to his dad that he didn't even have time to see how the others reacted to Blaine being gay. Kurt had never been in a relationship before, but it felt a lot like he would expect meeting the boyfriend's parents for the first time would go.
Mercedes kept giving him what he hoped were subtle thumbs up during the dinner and Kurt couldn't wait to gush about Blaine in private. He just had to find a way to get rid of Finn and Rachel at some point.
He was talking to Carole about some new recipes she'd been trying out recently when Rachel addressed Blaine and Kurt stop abruptly right in the middle of his sentence and turned around.
"So, Blaine. I saw on the NYADA homepage that you didn't always go there. You have to tell me who you talked to so you could transfer in, because I'm sure as soon as they'll meet me they will beg me to transfer."
Kurt glared at her and even Blaine looked a bit taken aback.
"There were some special circumstances surrounding my transfer," he explained. "I'm sure they won't apply to you."
"Oh, like Kurt's," Rachel brattled on, oblivious to the tense atmosphere on the table.
"Um, Kurt wasn't a special case, he got in regularly with all the other freshman applicants," Blaine sounded puzzled and Kurt was glad Blaine came to his defense. Rachel next sentence made him ball his hands into fists though and only Blaine gently squeezing his knee under the table kept him from blowing up at her.
"Oh, come on. We all know Kurt only got in because he played the victim card, making it sound like he couldn't possibly go to a public high school because people were mean to him."
Even Finn looked shocked at Rachel's outburst but it was his dad who intervened.
"That's enough Rachel. I understand you are disappointed you couldn't audition for NYADA but we never talked to the school about Kurt's situation and I think broken bones are a bit more serious than some harsh words. Which you shouldn't be subjected to either."
Rachel promptly shut up, looking apologetic enough for his dad to buy it but Kurt didn't believe she was sorry for one second. He didn't understand why she couldn't just be happy for him for once, and was wondering why she was belittling his bullying when she had two dads who must have had a hard time in school as well.
"Maybe we should go to that karaoke bar another night," Carole suggested trying to keep the peace. "We are probably all tired from travelling and I for one, want to go sightseeing early tomorrow morning. It was nice having you join us, Blaine. We'll we see you tomorrow for the show?"
Blaine nodded and after Kurt said goodbye to his family and friend, he and Blaine walked back to the dorms holding hands.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Blaine asked on the way back, but Kurt shook his head. "Just hold my hand."
Burt was glad when he and Carole finally got back to their hotel room after making sure Finn went to his and Rachel and Mercedes to theirs. He knew Rachel and Kurt didn't get along too well because of some stupid rivalry, but he had been shocked by her behavior tonight and wasn't too happy about Finn just sitting there and letting his girlfriend talk this way about his brother.
And then there were Kurt and Blaine. He was sure Kurt had feelings for the other boy, judging by the way he kept looking at him, but he couldn't tell if Blaine reciprocated.
"Do you think there's something going on between Kurt and Blaine?" he asked his wife as he sat down on the bed to take his shoes off. Carole stopped unlacing her own and looked up.
"It's hard to tell. I think Kurt likes him and from the way Blaine looks at him when he thinks no one is watching I think he likes him too, but I can't say they are seeing each other or not. Would it be bad though if they were dating? Blaine seems like a nice young man."
Burt couldn't disagree. Blaine was polite and so far seemed to look out for Kurt. "He is a bit too old for Kurt though, isn't he? He is a junior after all."
Carole laughed. "I bet people were saying the same when you started dating you first wife. As long as Blaine treats him right, I don't see a reason why they shouldn't go out on a date."
Carole of course was right again. Elisabeth had still been in high school when they had met, while Burt was playing football in JC and had borrowed Elisabeth's high school's cheerleading team because they couldn't afford to have their own. Her parents hadn't been too happy that their little girl was dating a college student because the had been afraid she would get pregnant and would drop out of school. Their worries had been unfounded though and Elisabeth had even managed to graduate from college before Kurt was born.
"So you think they both like one another but aren't dating yet?" he asked to clarify and Carole nodded.
"I'm sure Kurt would tell you if he started dating someone. Your relationship is so special so I think you would know if he and Kurt were a couple."
Burt really hoped Kurt would tell him when he got his first boyfriend but if their relationship was as special as Carole said, why was Kurt still hiding things from him. He hated that his son was apparently afraid of him and wished he could just tell him he knew and it was okay but the books he had read on the subject all said to let the child come to you when it was ready. Well Burt hoped Kurt would be ready soon because it was exhausting always having to watch what he said and to keep every talk about relationships and dating gender neutral to let Kurt know he would be okay with it either way.
Maybe there was something he could have done differently when Kurt was growing up to show his son he could trust him, but he didn't know what. As soon as he and Elisabeth started suspecting that Kurt might be gay they had always made sure not to say anything negative about the topic, they stopped going to church and Burt even fired one employee who made homophobic jokes in the shop when Kurt was there. They had done everything to ensure Kurt would grow up in a safe environment where he could be whoever he wanted to be, but apparently it wasn't enough.
And maybe, but Burt didn't really think so, Kurt didn't know himself for sure yet. He had gone out on a date with a girl after all, or so he had said. All he knew was that everything would be a lot easier if he and Kurt could finally openly talk about the elephant in the room.
Kurt was a nervous wreck as he was getting ready for his first New York performance and was now seriously regretting not allowing his friends and family backstage before the show. He could really need some reassuring words right now.
Kurt had been in school plays before but he had never had a role like this, one that required him to sing, act and dance. There was also the onstage kiss with Nick, the one they still hadn't done and were saving for opening night. What if he freaked out on Nick again when he tried to kiss him, and ruined the whole show for everyone else.
Disappointing everyone and being labeled the school freak wasn't the only thing worrying him though. He really wanted his first consensual kiss to be with Blaine, but since their discussion about it, Blaine hadn't even kissed him on the cheek unless Kurt had done it first and he was getting frustrated with himself. He was sure he was ready to kiss his boyfriend but he wanted it to be special this time and the opportunity for a huge romantic gesture just hadn't arisen yet and Kurt was running out of time.
He was getting more and more worked out up, so far gone into his own world, that he only realized Blaine coming up to him, when the junior and his huge bouquet of red roses were right in front of him and Kurt gasped because wow, those flowers were beautiful. Blaine must have gone all out for him.
"I love them," he gushed but refused to accept them from Blaine. "What if I cut myself and pass out or worse – fall into a hundred year sleep. I can't risk anything that could jeopardize my performance," he explained to Blaine who seemed to have a hard time keeping a straight face. He would have to deal with his boyfriend laughing at him later though.
To his surprise, Blaine gently put the flowers down on his make up chair, took his hand and led him away from the stage and into a small and empty classroom, maneuvering him until he was seated on the teacher's desk and Blaine was standing right in front of him.
"I know you are nervous but you really don't have to worry. I've seen you during rehearsals and you are amazing Kurt. You are going to blow them away," Blaine assured him and Kurt gave him a small smile. He still wasn't fully convinced that he wouldn't cause a disaster of epic proportions but he was ready to believe he wasn't a hopeless case.
"And even if something goes a bit wrong, the audience most likely won't even notice it unless you lose your cool and freak, so really, you can do whatever you want in case you forget the lyrics or something because we can always claim that was supposed to be like that. I forget the lyrics to songs all the time and make up my own and no one has ever questioned me about that. And if someone says something meant to you, they are stupid and not worthy of your time, because you are great and will be a huge star one day. I believe in you, which means you have to believe in yourself."
Blaine kept rambling on, telling Kurt how amazing he was, and Kurt knew he was falling in love with his boyfriend. Before he could catch himself he followed his instincts and leaned forward to briefly press his lips to Blaine's in a chaste kiss that maybe lasted two seconds.
Yes, when he had thought about his proper first kiss, Kurt had always envisioned it being super romantic, maybe at the end of a date, or after being serenaded by the boy he liked. Kissing someone in an empty classroom to shut them up had definitely not been on his list of approved first kiss locations. Was it less perfect though? No way. It had felt natural to lean in and kiss Blaine and he hadn't even had time to be nervous about it or freak out. He had just followed his instincts and he couldn't be happier.
Blaine looked a bit dazed before giving him a dazzling smile.
"You're going to be great out there, I know it," he whispered again and Kurt couldn't help himself either and leaned in again. Their second kiss lasted longer and was less chaste than the first as Kurt began to respond to the movement of Blaine's lips. When Blaine started to lick at his bottom lip he pulled back though, because he didn't want to move too fast and he also didn't want to mess up his makeup a few minutes before the show started.
Blaine didn't look fazed though and only pulled him into a tight hug before releasing him and whispering into his ear, "go get them."
Suddenly his nervous were pretty much gone, and Kurt walked backstage with a spring in his step after saying goodbye to his boyfriend, who would watch the show with his family.
Nick was waiting for him backstage, looking a bit anxious as well, but he relaxed when he saw Kurt approach.
"Are you ready to do this?" he asked and Kurt knew he was talking more about their stage kiss than about the show in general.
Kurt nodded, a smile still on his lips and Nick must have caught on to its meaning because he offered Kurt his fist for a fist bump and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like 'way to go dude".
Kurt tried not to blush as he touched his fist to Nick's, but in that moment he was just too happy to care. He had kissed Blaine and it had been wonderful.
After making sure Kurt was safely back behind the stage, he tried to stop grinning like crazy as to not alert everyone to the fact that Kurt had kissed him, and made his way into the auditorium to watch the performance with Kurt's friends and family. Everyone was already seated when he found them, but to his relief Kate moved over, so he could sit down between Kate and Mercedes away from Kurt's dad. He couldn't face Mr. Hummel right now and have to lie to his face, especially after what he had just shared with Kurt.
Blaine knew most of his friends would probably think he was crazy for acting the way he was over something as insignificant as a kiss, but it was important for him and Kurt and he wouldn't let anyone tell him otherwise.
Mercedes and Kate both kept trying to ask him questions about his relationship with Kurt, but Blaine was barely paying attention, keeping his eye on Kurt at all times. Kurt was as good as he had predicted he would be, but as the play was drawing to its close after a brief intermission during which a blunt Kate explained to Kurt's dad what 'My Junk' was all about, Blaine was starting to get nervous.
He had seen how Kurt had reacted the last time Nick had tried to kiss him on stage and he was just hoping Kurt would be able to pull it off this time without having a flashback. He had seemed fine when they had kissed, but Blaine was convinced that was only because Kurt was the one to start kissing him.
He only loosened up his grip on the arm rest when Mercedes leaned over and whispered "jealous?" into his ear and Blaine managed to shake his head as he released a breath he hadn't been aware he was holding over the realization that the scene was over and everything had gone over well.
"Just worried about his family's reaction," he lied before subtle checking on the Hummel-Hudsons and Rachel. Mr. Hummel and Carole – as she had told him to call her – looked at ease but then again, he couldn't see Kurt's father's face very well in the dark auditorium. Finn was checking the score of some game on his phone, which he found incredibly rude, but at least he wasn't reacting negatively to Kurt kissing another boy, and Rachel was scribbling god knows what into a small notebook on her lap. He didn't check Mercedes and Kate's reactions because he knew they were okay with Kurt dating boys.
Once the show was over, they were waiting for Kurt in the foyer and even Blaine, who had been raised to be polite to people, had a hard time not to snap at Rachel as she went on and on about how she would have made a better Wendla and was hoping the Wendla to Blaine's Melchior would be better. Now at least he knew what she had been writing into that notebook.
Still, Blaine was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt but when she started criticizing Kurt's performance he had to take a step back so he wouldn't so something stupid. Maybe he should introduce her to his brother Cooper because they were both self-absorbed and arrogant when it came to their perceived talents. His brother always meant well though, and he hoped Rachel did too on some level and wasn't just a vicious bitch – pardon his French.
Again the family went out for dinner, this time though to a restaurant Kurt and Blaine had picked, which earned him a grateful smile from Mr. Hummel. Dinner was nice, as Rachel stopped her critique as soon as Kurt's parents were around, but Blaine got a bit flustered when Kurt's dad told him they would come to his show as well because Kurt said he was amazing on stage. Listening to Burt made him a bit sad as well, because he knew his own father would never be this excited about a performance of his unless it was piano or violin. Apparently it went over better in his father's circles to have a son who was a pianist than a son who liked to dress up for the stage and sang show tunes.
"What are your plans for Thanksgiving, Blaine?" Kurt's aunt asked him while they waited for dessert to be served. "Are you going home or staying in the city with your family?"
Blaine shrugged. "I'll probably cook dinner with the other students who can't be with their families. I don't think my dad is going to stay this long or take me back to Ohio with him." He didn't like the pitying looks he received because it was what it was. He knew his father cared, but after the divorce he had thrown himself into work and was usually too busy to spend much time with his son. At least they would spend Christmas together.
… okay, Blaine?" Blaine looked up when he heard his name and blushed when he realized he had missed Kate's question. "Sorry, what?" he asked, hoping his face wasn't turning too red.
"You should come to my house in New Jersey for Thanksgiving dinner if you can't be with your family," Kurt's aunt repeated. Blaine was conflicted. He wanted to spend Thanksgiving with Kurt, but after catching the look Mr. Hummel threw in Kate's direction, he decided he'd better decline. However, before he could say anything on the subject, Kate assured him she wouldn't accept a no unless Blaine had family plans by then.
Blaine would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to a big family dinner with homemade pies and turkey that wasn't bought at a restaurant. He just wished he didn't have to lie to Kurt's family about his relationship with Kurt. But he also knew Kurt needed to tell them on his own terms, so for the time being he would try to enjoy their time spent together and try not to slip up in front of Kurt's family.
The next morning, Kurt invited Mercedes over while his dad and Carole were out sightseeing and Rachel was dragging Finn around as well. He wanted to introduce his best girl from Ohio to his new girlfriends because he wanted all of them to get along.
Santana, Brittany and a reluctant Quinn were already lounging on his and Jeff's bed when Kurt got a text from Mercedes telling him she was outside. He quickly went to the front door to let her in, after instructing the girls not to touch anything.
Maybe he should just stop trying because when he got back, Brit had her head in his closet and Santana was going through his drawers while Quinn sat on the window ledge blowing smoke out into the cold November air. Kurt glared at her until she rolled her eyes and stabbed the cigarette out, before turning to Brit and San, while Mercedes looked on, probably bewildered by his friends' behaviors.
"Britt, I told you before. My clothes don't fit you, so hands off. Satan, why are you going through my drawers again?" he asked going for exasperated but ending up sounding fond instead of strict.
"Just trying to find the porn I'm sure you must have. I know you are not getting any from the hobbit, so I assume your right hand is your best friend," Santana answered blunt as ever and Kurt felt his face color.
As a teenage boy, of course he had tried to watch those movies last summer after Finn's friend Puck had sent him a link to his surprise. However, he had slammed his laptop shut the moment the two men on the screen started going at it because all he could think about were their families and what would they think if they knew what their children were doing or accidentally came across a video like that. He hadn't tried again after, preferring his own rather PG fantasies that heavily featured Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Lautner.
Sex was something he thought about in the abstract but not as something that had anything to do with him. Society had been doing its best to tell him that sleeping with another man was wrong and so far it was working, because Kurt mostly just felt guilty if he thought about another boy when he tried to touch himself.
Kurt shook his head, trying to get rid of those thoughts while he shooed Santana away from his drawers. "Sorry to disappoint you San, but we aren't all depraved like you," he shot back at her with probably more heat than was warranted in this situation, but he couldn't help it that talk about sex made him uncomfortable.
"Um, hi. I'm Mercedes, Kurt's best friend from Lima," Mercedes tried to lighten up the atmosphere as she fully stepped into the room and introduced herself for which Kurt was immensely grateful.
He sank back onto his own bed and watched the girls get to know each other for a few minutes. He was glad they seemed to be getting along, because he had feared that Mercedes would feel neglected if he talked about and hung out with the other girls a lot.
"So, are you all staying in New York for Thanksgiving as well?" Mercedes asked when Kurt tuned back in. All three of them shook their heads and Kurt felt bad for Santana when he caught her expression. He knew that she wanted to go home but couldn't.
"San and I are spending Thanksgiving with my family," Brittany exclaimed excitedly "And afterward she is going to introduce me to her mom." Kurt looked at Santana in surprise and she gave him a short nod before narrowing her eyes signaling that Kurt was not to question it.
"What about you Quinn?" he asked instead. Quinn just glared.
"My father has ordered me to come home so the family can go to church together and show everyone we are still a family. As if going to church will somehow make it okay that he is sleeping with his secretary, my mom thinks wine is acceptable for breakfast and my sister pretends to be in a catholic college while working in a bar in San Francisco. And they think I'm the black sheep of the family."
That was probably the most he had ever heard Quinn say about her life and it made him realize that just because she was a straight white girl from the east coast didn't mean her life was problem free and her family without faults.
He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile, not wanting to risk her anger by offering up some platitudes.
Mercedes was the one who diffused the situation again. "You promised to tell me all about Blaine as soon as we got rid of your parents, so spill," she demanded and Kurt suddenly was smiling like crazy again.
"We kissed," he announced happily. When no one reacted he added. "On the lips." Mercedes gave him a thumbs up but the other girls were staring at him like he had grown a second head.
"That's all?" Santana asked incredulously. "You are both hot guys and neither of you can get pregnant. If I were you I would be all over that."
Kurt felt his face color even more but he was also getting angry. Why did they have to belittle his experience? Just because the girls apparently didn't have a problem doing god knows what with boys and girls that early in their lives, didn't mean he had to do the same things. He and Blaine had just started dating so they definitely weren't in a rush to progress further. He was sure Blaine would give him all the time he needed.
Santana seemed to realize though that what she had said was pissing Kurt off because she quickly backtracked. "I'm just surprised this is your big news. I mean, you've been dating for like a few weeks now."
"Don't listen to San," Britt chimed in. "She's just teasing. We both want you two dolphins to be happy and have dolphin babies."
Catching Mercedes' confused expression he leaned in and whispered, "I'll explain later," into her ear.
"But seriously," Santana started again, clearly not ready to fully give up on embarrassing Kurt. "If you ever need something, lube, condoms, toys, or whatever else floats your boat, I'm your girl. I do demand to know all the dirty details in exchange for my discreet services."
Kurt groaned and dropped his head into his hands. Santana and Quinn could be a pain in the ass, but he was still thankful that Britt, San and Quinn were in his life now as well. Maybe he was a masochist or something like that.
Blaine was also nervous before his first show but not for the reason Kurt thought when his boyfriend came up to him and tried to give him a pep talk as well. Sweet as it was, it wasn't really helping.
See, Blaine had lied to his dad about his performance to get him to New York. He had been sure his father wouldn't come for a musical theater performance, so, and because he really wanted the support of his family, he had invited him to a piano concert.
On top of that, he also wanted to introduce Kurt to his father as his boyfriend and he wasn't sure that would go over well either. His father seemed to have found his peace with the fact that Blaine was gay, but who knew if he'd still be okay with it if Blaine acted on it.
He explained all that to Kurt while he was busy freaking out, and therefore nearly missed his father and Cooper walking up to them. His father's expression was sour, while Cooper was all smiles as always and Blaine heard Kurt gasp next to him as the two men approached.
"You're brother is Cooper Anderson. Oh my god, his soap is my guilty pleasure," his boyfriend gushed and Blaine rolled his eyes. His older brother had finally found a paying acting gig and was now acting as if he was next in line for an Emmy. He didn't need Kurt fawning over him as well.
"Blaine, there seems to have been some mix up as the posters outside seem to suggest you are starring in a musical," were the first words out of his father's mouth and Blaine shifted uneasily.
"I'm sorry for lying to you dad, but I really wanted to show you that I'm good at what I do. I even got the lead role," he pleaded with his father, wanting him to understand how much that meant to him. He felt Kurt give his hand a gentle squeeze and gave him a grateful smile before looking back at his father who still didn't look too happy.
"You know what I think about that Blaine. I really believe you should stick with piano and violin. Both your teachers have told me you are talented enough to make it and I don't want you to throw away your chances to play with the Philharmonics one day."
Blaine sighed. Yes his was good with those instruments but his heart wasn't in it anymore. Nowadays he mostly used the piano when he was working on one of his own songs and a guitar was now substituting his violin for the same purposes.
"Your son is a really talented performer as well, Mr. Anderson," Kurt piped up from next to him and his dad finally seemed to realize that they weren't alone. Cooper had gone back to his phone as soon as he had waved in their direction and had given Kurt his signature smile.
"And who's this?" he asked and his tone of voice suggested that he had already figured out the truth.
"Kurt Hummel, sir." His boyfriend bravely stepped forward and offered his hand to shake, and to Blaine's relief his father took it after a few seconds.
"Is Kurt your boyfriend, Blaine?" he asked after letting go of Kurt's hand and Blaine nodded.
"Now Blaine, it's not that I don't want you to be in a relationship, but do you have to date child? If you have to date boys, couldn't you find someone who was at least legal?"
From the corner of his eye he saw Kurt first blush and then pale. Great, that was exactly what he had been afraid of before he started dating Kurt. That people might not be okay with it because Kurt was younger and still looked quite young.
"With all due respect, sir. I'm fifteen – so not that much younger than Blaine," Kurt defended himself and Blaine finally unfroze to come to Kurt's defense as well.
"Yeah dad, we are really not that far apart and in a few years it won't matter at all. Can't you just be happy for me?" Apparently he wasn't above begging to get his father's approval.
"I think you make a cute couple," Cooper suddenly joined the conversation and Blaine was surprised that for once his brother wasn't criticizing his choices, so he gave him a grateful smile. Cooper just shrugged before he buried his nose in his Blackberry again.
"Fine," his father concedes as well. "Why don't you join us for dinner Kurt the next time we are in the same state if you boys are still going out by then," he suggested and Blaine hated that his father was implying that they wouldn't be together long.
"Can't we all go to dinner after the show tonight?" he asked, ignoring his father's jibe.
His father shook his head. "Sorry, but I can't stay after the show. I have some meetings to attend before I fly back to Ohio. Maybe your brother can stay though. I'm sure he isn't as busy as I am."
Well, at least his father still hadn't figured out how to talk to either of his sons. Cooper looked up briefly and gave him a short nod, which Blaine interpreted as a yes to dinner.
"How long are you in town for Cooper?" Kurt asked, apparently still enamored with his brother, and Blaine tried to suppress his jealousy. His brother was straight after all and definitely too old for Kurt.
"I have to fly back to L.A tomorrow. Important meeting with my agent, you know," Cooper announced but Blaine wasn't surprised that his brother wasn't staying in town either.
"Well it was nice meeting you, Kurt. Cooper lets go and see what Blaine has dragged us to," his father said after a glance at his watch. Blaine watched him walk away, telling himself over and over again that his father loved him, but didn't know how to express it properly.
"You can expect a full performance review at dinner, Squirt. Kurt will you be joining us?" Cooper addressed Kurt, after reminding him that he would never be good enough for the great Cooper Anderson. The only nice thing without expecting anything in return his brother had ever done for him, was convincing his dad to let him come to NYADA and Blaine wasn't sure for how much longer that would be enough to excuse the rest of his horrible behavior.
Kurt shrugged next to him. "I have to talk to my dad first, but if he says yes, I'd love to join you. Maybe you can tell me some more about Hollywood."
Blaine was aware that he was holding Kurt's hand tighter than strictly necessary but he just hated that Kurt was fawning over his brother.
"You okay?" Kurt asked him once Cooper had left to find his seat as well. Blaine shrugged. "It is what it is. My dad loves me but he is not a people person," he explained.
Kurt fully turned to face him and he could see that his boyfriend wasn't buying it. "I'm not talking about your dad. I'm talking about your reaction to your brother. I nearly lost circulation there for a second."
Blaine immediately felt guilty for hurting Kurt because of his own insecurities. "I'm sorry. I just hate that everyone seems to think Cooper is oh so great and I'm just the stupid little brother who can do nothing right."
Great, Kurt must think he was a total freak. To his surprise though, Kurt just leaned in and pressed a small kiss to his lips.
"I'm sorry. I'll try and tone it down. It's just that I have never met anyone before who works in TV and I got a little overexcited," he apologized after they separated and Blaine tried to chase Kurt's lips for a moment.
"It's okay, Kurt. It's my problem not yours. Now, why don't you go find your seat and let me freak out a bit more about my father actually watching me perform in a musical," he told Kurt after taking a look at his own watch.
Kurt surprised him with another small kiss before heading off to find his family and Blaine could keep the smile of his face after the kiss. As long as Kurt kept kissing him to cheer him up, he would gladly deal with his annoying family anytime.
Dinner that night with Blaine's brother had been interesting and after spending a few hours with the older Anderson, Kurt was starting to understand his boyfriend's frustratrations with his brother. He was like Blaine's personal Rachel, only Cooper seemed to think he was doing what was best for his brother and not out of spite.
The next few days before Thanksgiving and before Mercedes had to fly back to Ohio were spent exploring the city. Kurt hadn't been too happy to hear that Rachel would stay the whole week but with Blaine probably joining them for Thanksgiving dinner he had no grounds to argue against her presence.
He had made all those plans for him, Mercedes and Blaine, but unfortunately his dad and Carole had insisted that Rachel and Finn join them for their exploration of the city because Carole was worried Finn might wander off and got lost.
Blaine and the girls were walking a few steps ahead when Finn joined him, probably to give them some privacy in case the brothers wanted to talk.
"So, uh. I wanted to say I think it's really cool what you're doing here," Finn said after they'd been walking in silence for a while. Kurt raised an eyebrow at that but refrained from telling Finn that he knew he was watching a game on his phone during the show.
"You're in Glee Club. It isn't really that different," Kurt shrugged, wondering if Finn really only had come up to him for small talk.
"Yeah dude, but this is New York. Who knows who could be watching you perform. Nobody cares about a small Ohio show choir apart from Rachel and Harmony."
"How is Harmony?" Kurt asked, knowing fully well that this was a sore subject for Finn. Finn had been chasing after Harmony most of his sophomore year and only after he had realized that that was never going to happen, had he given in to Rachel's advances. Another reason for Rachel to hate Harmony, Kurt was sure.
"Good I guess. I saw her with Puck at Breadstix a few times," Finn told him, aiming for nonchalantly but Kurt could tell that it hurt him that she was going for his best friend when she had never given him the time of the day.
They walked in silence after that for another few blocks, while Rachel was chatting Blaine and Mercedes' ears off in front of them.
"Is there a reason why you wanted to talk to me, Finn?" Kurt finally asked, itching to get back to Blaine. Finn looked mildly uncomfortable or confused – it was often hard to tell with Finn – for a moment before he finally spit it out.
"Is it like a New York thing to hold hands with dudes?" Kurt looked at him in alarm. "Why would you think that?" he asked trying not to panic.
"It's just that you and Blaine were holding hands while we were walking and I guess I got curious."
Kurt's head was spinning. He hadn't even realized that he and Blaine were holding hands with Rachel and Finn around. At least Finn didn't look disgusted, just confused.
"Or are the rumors about you true?" Finn soldiered on and Kurt froze next to him. Of course Finn was aware of the rumors. After all he was one of the boys who had made fun of him in junior high and hadn't stopped his friends from calling Kurt names either once their parents started dating.
He wanted to deny the accusation immediately because that's what he was used to do, but then he stopped himself. He was sick of having to hide this part of himself and now that he was with Blaine, he wanted everyone to know how happy the older boy made him. Just not his dad right now.
"Blaine's my boyfriend," he blurted out instead of the perfectly grafted speech he had planed to give Finn if he was ever ready to tell him. "And you can't tell anyone. Especially not Rachel. If you tell her all of McKinley is going to know the next day and I do have to spend the summer in Lima."
Yep, his brain to mouth filter was definitely off today, but blunt often worked better with Finn, so maybe it was for the best.
"Okay, okay. I won't say anything to her. But seriously, you and him, you are, like, dating? How does that even work?" Kurt shot Finn an incredulous look. Was his stepbrother serious?
"It's not different than you and Rachel dating. Only we have to deal with people calling us names and hating that we are a couple. And that's why you can't tell anyone. You know how people were treating me even when there were just rumors about me."
Finn at least had the decency to look guilty after that and he promised again that he wouldn't say anything unless Kurt told him he could.
"And if you really need to talk to someone about this, you can talk to Mercedes or aunt Kate. They both know as well," Kurt conceded because knowing Finn, he knew his brother would want to talk to someone about his weird brother.
Kurt still couldn't tell if Finn was okay with it or not, so he bit the bullet and just came out and asked.
"I don't know dude. I mean now that I know you, you are pretty cool and fun to hang out with and I guess you are still the same person you were before you told me. So I guess it's cool. Just don't make out in front of me or something like that. I really don't want to see that."
Kurt knew he should be offended by that, but Finn's reaction was still a lot better than expected so he let it go. At least he seemed to be accepting, which was more than Kurt could have hoped to get from Finn.
Feeling that the conversation was over they joined the others again and when Blaine brushed the back of his hand as they were walking behind Rachel and Finn, Kurt slipped his hand back into Blaine's and gave him a small smile.
"Everything okay with you and your brother? You were talking for quite a bit?" Blaine asked quietly and Kurt nodded. "I'll tell you late, but I think everything is going to be okay."
They split up after lunch vowing not to tell the parents about it and spent a great afternoon showing Mercedes their favorite spots. So far the family visit had gone great, Kurt thought and he hoped that Thanksgiving dinner wouldn't be any different.
As expected Cooper and his dad were gone by the time Thanksgiving came around and so Blaine had to accept Kate's invitation to join Kurt's family for dinner in New Jersey.
He was looking through his closet trying to find the perfect outfit when his door flew open and Wes and David bounded in.
"What's this we hear about you and Kurtie making out in the halls of this great school?" Wes went straight to the point of their visit and Blaine rolled his eyes. News did travel fast at NYADA, though he had no idea who would have told on him and Kurt in the first place.
"We didn't make out Wesley, it was just a simple kiss," Blaine told him without stopping going through his closet.
"Watch out Wes, he called you Wesley. But seriously man. Spill." David of course had to join in on teasing him.
"There's nothing to spill. We kissed, the end," Blaine explained as he finally found a bowtie that worked well with his dark green button up.
"You're smiling like you just won the lottery. There has to be more to it than that," Wes didn't give up and as much as Blaine loved his friends, right now he just wanted to kick them out of his room, to find the perfect outfit to impress Kurt with in peace.
"Honestly guys, that's all there is. Could you leave me alone now? I have to find an outfit for Thanksgiving dinner," he told his two friends who had flopped down on his bed.
"Where are you going that you need a fancy outfit? Sorry by the way that you can't celebrate with us but the parents insist we're coming home this year."
Blaine waved Wes off. He was happy that his friends' parents seemed more interested in spending time with their children than his own father.
"Is your dad still in town? I thought you said he left after the show?" David continued and Blaine shook his head. "No, he and Cooper already left."
From the corner of his eye he saw Wes and David share a look and Blaine knew he was in for another round of teasing.
"Lets see. Keen to get rid of us, nervous about his clothes and weirdly calm about the fact that his dad is acting like a douche again," David started off, counting Blaine's 'offenses', before Wes took over.
"Dr. Thompson, there is only one possible reason. Blaine is spending Thanksgiving with Kurt." Blaine rolled his eyes at their antics again, but nodded because there was no hiding anything from them.
"Not with Kurt, with Kurt and his family. His family who thinks I'm just his best friend who was left behind in the city." Blaine sighed. It would be so much easier if he and Kurt could be open about their relationship. And maybe not, because what if Mr. Hummel shared his own father's opinion?
"Relax, Blaine. Parents love you. Teachers love you. I can't think of a single grown up you can't charm the socks off," David tried to comfort him as Blaine muttered darkly, "my dad." But his friends were right. Kurt's family already liked him and if he didn't do something stupid like hold Kurt's hand on the dinner table or kiss him when his dad was around, everything should be all right.
And so Blaine found himself at lot calmer than the day before in front of the dorms with Kurt where they were waiting for Kurt's aunt to pick them up. The rest of the family was already at Kate's house getting a head start on dinner preparations and Blaine was glad to have a few more minutes alone with Kurt before he had to revert back to the role of best friend.
"I'm so happy you're joining us for dinner," Kurt told him, the hand that wasn't holding his small suitcase entwined with Blaine's. Blaine's own overnight bag was on the floor in front of him, because Kate insisted he'd stay the night as well and return to the city with Kurt bright and early for Black Friday shopping.
"Me too. Beats trying to cook something edible in the dorm kitchen," he answered, shuddering a bit. The students who only left right before Christmas usually cooked a Christmas dinner, and Blaine had spent the whole plane ride to Ohio the previous year trying not to throw up on the plane thanks to the food he had the day before.
The sound of a car horn broke the spell they had both suddenly found themselves in and they hurried over to Kate's car that was parked in the second lane and was already being honked at by angry drivers. Again, Blaine was grateful that he had taken his driving test the previous summer in Ohio instead of New York.
Before he knew it they were at Kate's house and Blaine helped her unload the trunk and carry their luggage into the house.
Finn and Mr. Hummel were both on the couch watching Ohio State play Michigan, so he assumed Rachel was helping Carole in the kitchen. Blaine stared at the game longingly for a moment before offering his help in the kitchen as well but Kurt must have caught his expression and told him to watch the game before he could poison them all with his 'help'.
He knew Kurt would accept a no and so he sat down on the couch next to Finn, trying to ignore the looks both Finn and Mr. Hummel were giving him. He knew Kurt had told Finn about them and so he thought that was because of Kurt's confession. He just hoped that Kurt's dad wasn't looking at him for the reason he feared.
"Nice to see you again, Blaine," he finally said and Blaine smiled at him politely. "Thanks for having me, sir." Luckily Michigan scored a touch down at that moment and all eyes were back on the screen. Blaine gladly joined the cursing of Michigan even though he wasn't the biggest Ohio fan, because it got him off the hook with Mr. Hummel.
Dinner went without any incidents thankfully and even Kurt and Rachel managed to be polite to each other. Blaine was sitting opposite Kurt and at least this way he couldn't be tempted into holding Kurt's hand. It had been a while since he had been at a large family gathering – ever since his parents' divorce it was usually just him, Cooper and his dad – and so Blaine enjoyed listening to the family exchanging stories about their lives or hearing childhood stories about Kurt, much to Kurt's chagrin.
They had dessert in Kate's living room while watching a movie but after the movie was over Mr. Hummel announced that he was going to bed.
"Kurt, you are with Finn and Blaine with Rachel, if that is okay for you Rachel?" Burt announced as he gathered up his things.
"Why can't Kurt stay with Blaine?" Rachel asked innocently, and Blaine guessed that Finn hadn't managed to keep his mouth shut. But at least she hadn't said anything to Kurt's parents. Next to him Burt tensed before he chuckled.
"Sorry Rachel, but that would leave you with Finn and I'm sure your dads wouldn't be too happy if I allowed that." Blaine's eyes widened when he heard that Rachel had two fathers and he hoped that was enough to not get outed by her.
He of course also suspected that Mr. Hummel knew about his son and wanted to keep him out of Blaine's room for that reason, but he had promised not to tell Kurt about his father's suspicions so he kept his mouth shut and just nodded.
He and Kurt waited until everyone else was gone, before Blaine walked his boyfriend up to his and Finn's guest room where he gave him a chaste kiss goodnight, mindful of the other people in the house.
"See that went well, " Kurt whispered and Blaine nodded. He just wished that he could attend the next Hummel family dinner as Kurt's official boyfriend because he wanted Kurt's dad to keep liking him and he wasn't so sure if it would still be the case if he found out they had been lying to him for months.
As it was often the case when he didn't sleep in his own house, Burt couldn't sleep and so when the clock struck two, he carefully got out of bed and went downstairs for a belated midnight snack. Both Carole and Kurt had only allowed him one slice of pie and he was dying for another bit.
He had his head in the fridge, rummaging through the containers, when there was a noise behind him and Burt banged his head against the fridge door. Cursing quietly he turned around and came face to face with his son, who had an unimpressed expression on his face.
"Uhm, I couldn't sleep and was getting a glass of water," he tried but Kurt just glared at him, before heading over to the counter and getting two glasses for them.
"Nice try dad." Burt accepted one of the glasses and sat down at the kitchen table.
"Can't sleep either?" he asked his son, who flopped down rather gracelessly next to him. Kurt shook his head. "Finn snores," he explained.
Both Hummel men drank their water in silence for a bit before Burt cleared his throat.
"So Blaine seems to be a nice guy," he said hoping he could get Kurt to talk to him, but Kurt just nodded and went back to his drink. Burt wasn't willing to give up that easy though.
"I was surprised to hear he doesn't have a boyfriend. Surely there must be other boys like him at your school. It's New York after all. People don't are about that kind of thing here, right?"
Burt saw Kurt's grip on the glass tighten but then his son gave him a fake smile. "I suppose. There's this guy at school who is constantly after Blaine, but he is a jerk."
Burt was met with silence again after that, but Kurt seemed to visibly relax.
"And how about you? Anyone you want me to meet?" Burt broke the silence yet again and Kurt shook his head. "I'm trying to focus on school right now. I still have plenty of time to date when I'm older."
If he could make all the decisions in his son's life his son wouldn't be dating till he was at least thirty but he also wanted his son to be happy. He didn't want his son not to date anyone because he was afraid his dad might disapprove.
"If you say so, but know that as long as you don't date some psychopath I'm happy for you okay?" The longer they talked the more relaxed Kurt seemed to become and Burt counted that as a win. He needed Kurt to know that he could trust him.
"And at school, everything is good, right? I don't have to expect another call from the principle anytime soon, right?"
Burt had been beyond worried when he had gotten a call from Kurt's school about some bullying incident, especially after the school refused to give him all the details. He had hoped Kurt would tell him what had happened, but as always his son wasn't telling him anything.
"Yes dad, everything is okay. No one is letting me get hurt this time around, I promise. I'm just super busy with regular classes and all the performing arts ones and with finals coming up soon, I'm going to be even busier. But I'm really happy to be there."
With that his son got up and left the kitchen to brave Finn's snoring again as he said.
Pie forgotten Burt stared after Kurt a bit longer. Some days he had been asking himself if he had made the right decision sending Kurt to New York, but hearing his son say he was happy – something that had become rarer and rarer over the past couple of years – assured him he had done the right thing.
His son might be hundreds of miles away but at least he was safe and happy.
Kurt's parents were there when he got up ridiculously early to accompany Kurt for Black Friday shopping in Manhattan. He could barely keep his eyes open and gladly accepted the cup of coffee Carole handed him. How Kurt could look so composed this early in the morning was a mystery for Blaine.
While Kurt was saying goodbye to his family, Blaine brought their bags outside to the cab that would take them to the train station – Kate was still asleep and couldn't drive them – and when he turned Mr. Hummel was there, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm.
"Before I forget. You are welcome to come by the house if you are in Ohio for Christmas. Same goes for any other friends of Kurt's who are from the same area."
Blaine gave him a sleepy smile. "That would be nice, sir. I'll let Kurt's other friends know." He thought that was the end of the conversation, but apparently Mr. Hummel wasn't done yet.
"I'm glad Kurt found you. You are a good friend." There was a heavy emphasis on friend that Blaine wanted to ignore so he just nodded. "I'm glad he is my friend too. It's nice to be with someone who likes the same things and doesn't make fun of me for liking things like Vogue."
Mr. Hummel looked puzzled but before they could say anything else, Kurt came out of the house and after another quick goodbye to his dad, they both got into the cab.
Once they were out of sight, Kurt moved closer and Blaine loosely wrapped his arm around him, trying not to fall asleep on top of Kurt. He was too tired to worry about Kurt's dad and maybe by the time Christmas came around things would be different.
Kurt dropped the bags from his shopping exploits on his bed as Blaine dropped down dramatically onto Jeff's. Kurt just rolled his eyes fondly at the older boy. He really had to take Blaine shopping more often to get him used to it.
Blaine had been quiet most of the day, which Kurt had chalked up to little sleep but now that they were relaxing in Kurt's dorm room, with the door open a bit to appease any teachers who might check up on them, Blaine was still quiet.
"Everything okay?" he finally asked. Blaine sat up and before he could open his mouth, Kurt added. "Tell me the truth."
"I just hated lying to your dad about us. I'm sure he suspects something with the way he looked at me and then there was the way he said friend this morning," his boyfriend finally said but what he was saying wasn't making much sense.
"I don't like it either and I think I might be ready to tell him soon, okay? But I need to do it on my own terms. Now I don't just have to tell him that I'm gay but that I have a boyfriend as well. He might be okay with the first one, but I don't know how he'd react to me actually dating a boy."
Blaine had moved over to his bed while he was talking and Kurt leaned against his boyfriend's strong shoulder, enjoying the way his head fit perfectly between his head and shoulder as Blaine was a few inches taller than him.
"And I know you are worried about my dad not liking you anymore once he finds out, but I promise I'll tell him I wouldn't let you tell him, okay? I know you want to do the right thing but I'm not there yet."
He didn't understand what was still holding him back, especially after his dad's easy acceptance of Blaine and the way he talked to him about dating, but something inside of him stopped him every time he wanted to tell his father.
They sat in silence for a bit, just enjoying each other's company when Blaine leaned in and whispered into his ear. "I'm sorry I kept pushing you. I promise from now on I will drop it. Whenever you are ready I'm going to be here for you."
Kurt thought he couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
Next up on NYADA Freshman Year. NYADA prepares for its annual Christmas party, the students get tortured with finals and in class performances and three Ohio natives brave the icy streets to get back to Ohio in time for Christmas. All is not well at the Hudmel home though with Kurt and Finn fighting just before Christmas. Plus, New Year's resolutions and New Year's kisses.
I'm not making any promises about the update. Could be next week but unfortunately could also be next month.
i hate this rachel. ugh! glad blaines not pushing kurt anymore but i want tkurt to tell burt asap!
Let's say my frustrations with Rachel were at an all time high when I started this. She might grow up a bit and become a decent person in the final season ;)