NYADA Freshman Year
1x04: Out of time Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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NYADA Freshman Year: 1x04: Out of time

T - Words: 6,472 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2013
651 0 2 0 0

AN: This is a little late, but I only came back into the country yesterday and had little time to write last week. I'm hoping to have the next one up on Tuesday, but I can't promise it.

Warning: People not accepting no means no.

1x04: Out of time

Kurt nearly ran all the way back to his dorm from the Lima Bean in his hurry to find Chandler, but once he reached the school he realized that he neither knew Chandler's room number nor did he have his phone number.

He wandered around aimlessly for a while, not wanting to ask anyone for the senior's room number because he didn't want anyone to think he was there for any other reason than talk. When half an hour had passed and he still hadn't found the older boy he gave up and decided to just find Chandler the next morning during breakfast.

Back in his empty dorm room – apparently Jeff was out again – he tried to analyze Blaine's behavior, while doing his moisturizing routine. Blaine did seem angry when he found out about the lie but Kurt didn't understand why it would bother Blaine so much, if Kurt was the only one in school who thought they were dating.

Some times when he and Blaine were together it almost seemed like Blaine was flirting with him, and now that he knew that Blaine was single he was pretty sure he did. But then why didn't he just ask Kurt out on a date? Why didn't he intervene when Chandler made his move? Or maybe telling Kurt that Chandler was a bad idea was making a move and he just didn't get it because he had never dated before.

Once he was done with his moisturizing routine he decided to call it a night early and laid down with the newest copy of Vogue but he couldn't really concentrate because he still couldn't get Blaine and Chandler out of his head.

It was all so confusing and he needed to talk to both Chandler and Blaine soon to make sense of it. He just had to find the courage to do it.

Blaine sat frozen in his seat at the Lima Bean when Kurt ran off but when he came back to his senses he quickly followed the younger boy. When he reached the school, Kurt was nowhere in sight though and so he went straight up to the forth floor and knocked on Chandler's door.

When the older boy opened the door, Chandler seemed surprised to see him, but he quickly schooled his face into a neutral expression.

"Well, who do we have here? I'm sorry Blainers but Sebastian isn't here. He hopefully finally realized you aren't worth the trouble," he drawled and Blaine fought the urge to punch him.

"Why did you lie to Kurt and told him I was dating Sebastian?" he went straight to the point not wanting to delay the inevitable conversation and hoping he would catch Chandler of guard.

"Don't tell me you are jealous?" Chandler asked with a knowing smirk, and Blaine quickly tried to deny it, but the look on Chandler's face told him he wasn't very successful.

"You know, if you wanted him you should have made a move after you rudely interrupted us at the party. It's not my fault you missed your chance." Blaine flinched because he knew Chandler was right; at least a bit. If he wanted to keep Chandler from Kurt, all he had to do was ask Kurt out himself, because he was pretty sure, Kurt would say yes.

"Just leave him alone, okay. Why don't you go after someone your own age for once," he practically growled but Chandler just laughed in his face.

"And miss out on his delicious innocence," he leaned in closer to Blaine and whispered, "I can't wait to corrupt him." That's when Blaine lost his cool and punched Chandler in his face just to shut him up.

Before the two of them could get into a real fight however, a hall monitor pulled Blaine back, and before he knew it he found himself in the principle's office, refusing to explain why he punched Chandler because he was afraid the principle would find out about the party.

He was lucky he only got suspended for three days, probably because another student had sworn Chandler had provoked Blaine. What sucked however was that he wouldn't get to see Kurt till the first Spring Awakening rehearsal because he had to stay in his room during his suspension.

After breakfast the next morning Kurt still hadn't seen Chandler and Blaine hadn't been at breakfast either. He shrugged it off and focused on getting through his boring morning classes before he and Santana had to present their Shakespeare scene in class after lunch.

They were the last to go and Kurt could see that Santana had been right – most pairs had picked a scene from Romeo and Juliet. His class mates weren't necessarily bad, but at times it was hard not to burst out laughing at their over exaggerated exclamations. Kurt tried to convince himself that he and Santana had fared slightly better, but one look at Ms Corcoran told him that they probably sucked as well.

"If either of you is interested in joining the production of A midsummer night's dream, I would suggest that you go for tech work right now. But don't worry, I'll get you there," the teacher told the group once they had all finished their performances.

"Now for next week I want you to prepare a contemporary monologue, so I can see how you deal with that. Let's say 1990s onwards but no musicals. I want to see you act for this one," Ms. Corcoran went on and Kurt's face fell a little, because while he knew a lot of contemporary musicals, plays weren't really his forte. It seemed like another trip to the library was in order.

Before he could leave though Santana caught up with him and stopped him.

"Did you finally tell the hobbit about meerkat face?" she asked and Kurt had to admit that Sebastian's new nickname was quite fitting. He nodded and told her about the conversation in the Lima Bean.

"Hijo de puta. If you want I can go all Bronx on him. I have razor blades in my hair," the dark haired girl offered as Brittany bounded up to her and linked their hands. Kurt admired for a second how effortless it looked for them before he shook his head. This is something he had to take care of on his own.

"Thanks for the offer San, but I want to deal with him myself. I see you later for VE rehearsal," he told her before walking off to the library. Chandler would be at the rehearsal and Kurt was determined to confront him about the lie.

Kurt had looked up some contemporary playwrights in the library before he headed over to the auditorium where Alyson was already waiting for them.

"Now that Kurt's here as well, let's begin. First, for those of you who were wondering where one of our lead soloists is – the dumbass has managed to get suspended till Thursday, but promised to be back for rehearsal on Friday.

Kurt looked around to figure out who she was referring to but taller students in front of him blocked his view.

"Now I know Sectionals is still six weeks away, but we are going to start holding auditions for the solo and duet next Monday so use the rest of today's rehearsal to figure out what you want to sing in case you want to audition. You can audition with a duet or a solo and auditions are open to all grades. Good luck," Alyson continued, climbing off the stage once she was finished.

Kurt spotted Chandler in one corner look through sheet music and quickly walked over to him.

"Hey Chandler," Kurt greeted him and Chandler turned slightly. "Hey Kurt, in case you want me to duet with you, I'm sorry but I'm going for a solo."

Chandler finally turned all the way around and Kurt gasped when he spotted the older boy's black eye.

"What happened?" he asked. "Blaine apparently didn't like it when I told him I wanted to ask you out." Blaine had punched Chandler? That must mean he liked Kurt for real then, right? He didn't just make it all up in his head.

"You think I'll go out with you after you lied to me about Blaine and Sebastian?" Kurt narrowed his eyes at Chandler and the other boy at least had the decency to look slightly guilty.

"Look Kurt, about that. I'm sorry I lied, but I was jealous and afraid I would lose you to Blaine if you knew he was single. I really want you to give me a chance here, and I didn't think you'd give me one if you thought Blaine was available."

Kurt mulled it over for a few moments. True, one of the reasons he hadn't tried to go after Blaine was because he thought Blaine was in a relationship, but he also wasn't even sure if Blaine liked him liked him.

"So please let me make it up to you for the bad first impression and let me take you out to dinner this Saturday?" Chandler asked again and Kurt felt his resolve weaken. But before he said yes he had to know how Blaine felt about him.

"I'm not saying no right now, but I need some time to think it over. If you give me your number, I'll text you my answer later."

Kurt handed Chandler his phone so he could put his number in and then hurried over to Wes and David to ask them for Blaine's room number.

He needed to have a serious discussion with Blaine about why it wasn't okay to punch people, because he had experienced enough violence in his life so far.

Kurt found Blaine's dorm room on the third floor and after taking a few calming breaths he knocked on the door, hoping Blaine's roommate wasn't there.

When Blaine opened the door he looked different than his usually put together self. His was only wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt instead of his usual high water jeans and bow ties, and his hair was gel free, and Kurt felt tempted to run his hair through the curls.

But now was not the time for that. He stepped into the room without waiting for Blaine to invite him in and glared at him.

"Why the hell would you punch Chandler?" Blaine looked like a deer caught in headlights and he opened and closed his mouth a few times before answering.

"I was just trying to protect you and I didn't like that he lied to you." Kurt could see how much Blaine meant it and his expression softened. Blaine didn't want Kurt around Chandler, and he had to find out if it was for the reason he thought. Courage he told himself.

"You know, I'm glad it was just a lie and you aren't really dating Sebastian," Kurt forced himself to say. Blaine gulped. "You do?" Kurt nodded before stealing him for what he would say next.

"Yes, because I like you as more than a friend." There he said it and there was no way to take it back. Blaine didn't look happy though and Kurt took a step back. Had he just made it all up in his head after all?

"Kurt listen, I don't know what I'm doing here. I've never been in a relationship before and I don't want to ruin what we have now. I really like you and I want to be your friend, but I can't be your boyfriend right now."

Kurt felt tears welling up in his eyes but refused to cry in front of Blaine after he put his heart on the line. He didn't understand. Blaine said he couldn't be his boyfriend, not that he didn't want to. Was he just letting Kurt down easy? He had to get out of the room and away from Blaine and his concerned looking hazel eyes.

He grabbed the doorknob behind him and ran out of the room as soon as he managed to open the door, ignoring Blaine's pleas to please wait. Traitorous tears were running down his face as he made it back to his dorm room where he threw himself face first onto his bed, grateful that Jeff wasn't around much.

It took Kurt a few hours to calm himself down and a look at his watch told him that he missed dinner and it was already after eight. So he quickly left a note for Jeff and climbed out of the window to pick up some food at a little twenty-four hour diner close to the school.

He was picking at his food while waiting for Mercedes to pick up the phone , because he really needed his best friend's advice right now.

Once she picked up he told her everything that had happened with Blaine and Chandler.

"You know what, maybe you should go out with Chandler. If Blaine is to stupid to ask you out, it's his loss and you should just move on. Besides, it's just a date, if you don't like it don't go out with him again."

He hadn't thought about it like that before, but she was right. It was just a dinner date, nothing to worry about.

"Okay, enough about me. Tell me about McKinley. Any new drama?" Mercedes laughed at the other end of the line.

"Well, for one Sam and I actually won the duet competition because Lindsay bowed out and Rachel and Finn sang a totally inappropriate song. He's taking me out to Breadstix this Friday night," his best friend gushed and Kurt couldn't be happier for her.

"You have to tell me if it's a date, so you can tell me all the details to prepare me for my first date."

"Will do. Rachel threatened to quit again and left to join the school musical and because Lindsay is home sick, Mr. Schue asked one of his old class mates who never graduated to fill in for our Invitational. She's awesome by the way."

Kurt couldn't imagine sharing a classroom with someone who was as old as a teacher, but if Mercedes approved the woman had to be okay.

"So when Rachel heard Lindsay was sick she came back demanding a solo for Invitational, but Mr. Schue had already given it to April. Now we are just hoping she can stay sober till the performance is over, but truth be told, I wouldn't mind filling in if she showed up drunk."

Some days Kurt wasn't sure if he should be happy or sad that he had escape the craziness that was McKinley High School, but then he remembered that he hadn't been called names or shoved into a locker for weeks now, and he remembered why he loved NYADA even though he was exhausted a lot because of rehearsals and homework.

Speaking of homework, he really had to get back and do at least the work that was due the following morning. He was on a scholarship after all and couldn't afford to get bad grades.

He said goodbye to Mercedes and went back to his still empty dorm room thirty minutes before curfew.

After he finished his moisturizing routine he sent a quick text to Chandler telling him he was free on Saturday. The answer came a few seconds later with Chandler telling him to be ready at eight on Saturday. He was still a bit nervous about the date and just hoped he had made the right decision.

Wednesday was Kurt's first Spring Awakening rehearsal with the school's infamous choreographer Dakota Stanley. He'd only been at NYADA for a few weeks, but he had already heard horror stories about the man. Kurt's only hope was that Mr. Stanley would go easy on him because he was exactly tall yet as well.

The stage was filled with tables and chairs for the first rehearsal of All that's know but Kurt was a bit disappointed that they would only work on choreography and use the Broadway recording instead of singing themselves because mad at Blaine or not, he loved to listen to the other boy sing.

An hour late Kurt was ready to drop. Dakota Stanley was unrelenting and because Kurt was the only freshman without prior dance training he got singled out a lot.

He tried to ignore the insults thrown his way and focused on getting the complicated choreography involving the tables and chairs right.

When they were finally allowed to take a break, Kurt saw Blaine walking over to him and he quickly fled to the boys' bathroom because he wasn't ready to talk to Blaine just yet, after what had happened in his dorm room.

Luckily, Blaine was involved in a discussion with Mr. Stanley when Kurt came back but he nearly ran into Chandler on his way back to the stage.

"Hey, don't listen to him. I think you're doing great. I wish I had been as good as you when I was a freshman." Kurt blushed at the compliment before he spotted Blaine glaring at Chandler's back.

Not wanting to cause another argument he excused himself to find Nick, his on stage lover, to talk about their private rehearsal schedule.

He was getting angry when he saw Blaine staring again and quickly turned away. Blaine had no right to glare at Chandler after rejecting Kurt. He had his chance after all.

He would just have to avoid Blaine until the whole situation got less awkward.

Blaine was bored, plain and simple. Yes he was still allowed to go to Spring Awakening rehearsals but other than that he was expected to stay in his dorm until his suspension was over. Which gave him way too much time to think about Kurt's face after Blaine rejected him. But it was for the best.

Just as he was getting closer to convincing himself that he had done the right thing there was a knock on the door and Blaine's best friend Wes stepped into the room.

"You aren't still sulking because you got suspended, are you?" the older boy asked, when he saw Blaine's expression. "Or is this about Kurt?"

Blaine sat up straighter immediately and tried to school his expression so as to not give away how right Wes was with his assumption.

"Why would you think that?" he asked his friend as Wes sat down on his desk chair. Wes rolled his eyes, clearly not happy with Blaine's answer.

"Come on Blaine, you aren't exactly subtle in the way you look at him. Your eyes pretty much light up whenever he comes into the room." Great, Blaine had hoped that he wasn't really that obvious and that others hadn't caught him staring as well.

"It doesn't matter if I like him or not. It's not like I can act on it," he told Wes once it became clear that Wes wouldn't leave until he had his answers.

"And please, pray tell me, why can't you act on it? You told me he likes you too." Blaine nodded, secretly regretting that he had told Wes about Kurt's confession.

"He's a freshman who had never even had a boyfriend," Blaine informed his friend, hoping Wes would understand why he couldn't make a move. Clearly Wes had other ideas though because he immediately countered with his own argument.

"Well, neither have you, unless you count making out with the same guy more than once." Okay, fine. So he wasn't an expert when it came to relationships either, but he was definitely more experienced that Kurt was, who had said himself that he wasn't even out.

"But I'm a junior," he said instead of starting a discussion about his definition of relationships. "Yes, but didn't you say he's fifteen. That's not so bad," Wes answered, clearly intent on getting Blaine together with Kurt. But it was hard enough to come up with reasons why he couldn't, so he didn't need Wes to try and convince him as well.

"And I'll be seventeen in February," he answered quickly, hoping to get Wes to leave before he did something stupid like ask Kurt out on a date after all.

"You're barely one and a half years older," Wes reminded him and Blaine knew that in a few years the age difference wouldn't matter at all. But for him it mattered right now.

"He needs a friend more than a boyfriend," Blaine argued knowing that his arguments were getting weaker and he was grasping at straws.

"He needs a boyfriend who won't take advantage of him. He has friends," Wes continued their verbal ping-pong.

"I would never take advantage of him," Blaine immediately said because it was true. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Kurt.

Wes gave him a sad smile and Blaine frowned because he didn't like Wes' expression. "He's not going to wait around for you forever - especially now that he knows you are single."

Blaine felt his heart clench, but that was what he wanted, right? For Kurt to find someone who was right for him. But still he couldn't stop himself. "What do you mean?"

Wes patted his leg before he elaborated. "He might have agreed to go on a date with Chandler after you didn't ask him out after he basically told you he's in love with you. Not even you can be that dense."

"I know what he was saying but I couldn't. It didn't seem right." he forced out while his heart was telling him to run to Kurt this second and tell him how he felt just to get him away from Chandler. Why couldn't Kurt see that the older boy was bad news?

"Well I hope your happy now, because you had your chance and Kurt it seems is not going to wait for you any longer." Wes told him as he left the room and left Blaine alone with his thoughts. He knew he had to stop Kurt somehow, because after what Chandler had said about Kurt, he definitely didn't trust him to treat Kurt right.

He just had to decide how much he was willing to say to keep Kurt safe.

Bryan Ryan asked Kurt to stay behind after voice class again and Kurt panicked a bit because he had totally forgotten to pick out another song for his assignment. Fortunately, his teacher didn't ask for a new song but handed Kurt some sheet music instead.

"Bohemian Rhapsody?" he asked his eyebrow raised. It wasn't that he didn't like the song, but he just didn't see himself as someone who sang Queen songs.

"After that Melencamp debacle I thought it would be better if I assigned you a song to work on. I want you to perform it on Monday and then will see how you can improve."

Kurt quickly agreed because he could feel his phone buzzing in his bag and he had a feeling it was his dad who he had forgotten to call the last couple of days because he was busy with school and boys.

As soon as he reached the hallway he pulled out his phone to be greeted with his dad's face on the display.

"Hey dad," he answered the call. "Kurt, I know being at a new school in a new city is exciting but we have a deal – you call me every second day. Understood?"

His father sounded more worried than angry and Kurt felt a bit bad that he had neglected his family. He hadn't really talked to Finn since he moved to New York because all he ever wanted to talk about was Rachel and Kurt wasn't exactly her biggest fan. He and Carole at least talked once a week because she wanted to make sure he felt like he was part of the family even if he lived in another state.

"Sorry dad. I just got a bit busy with the school musical and Vocal Explosion," he apologized. His dad sighed.

"And you are sure you are not taking on too much? I want you to have time for a social life as well. You're only fifteen, you don't need to work so hard."

Kurt knew his dad didn't really understand all that art stuff as he called it, but Kurt knew he had to work hard from the beginning if he wanted to make it as a performer.

"Don't worry dad. I made friends here and I even have a date on Saturday." As soon as the words left his mouth it he slapped his hand over it and cursed his lack of filter after another exhausting day.

"A date?" his dad repeated and Kurt gulped. "Yes, her name is Brittany and she's a freshman too. So you have nothing to worry about."

He wished he could just tell his dad the truth but he was still scared of his father's reaction. What if he took Kurt out of school and moved him back to Ohio if he found out?

"What time will you be home?" his dad asked after a moment of silence. Kurt breathed out a sigh of relief when his dad bought his lie and sat down on the floor, his back against the wall.

"Dad, you know we have to be back at ten on weekends." He had no plans to be back so early on Saturday because they would go out for a late dinner, but what his dad didn't know wouldn't hurt Kurt.

"Alright, alright. Go and have fun. But I expect to meet the young lady if you're still seeing her when we come up for Thanksgiving." Well, Kurt had no plans to still be in a fictitious relationship with Brittany when his family visited.

"It's just a first date, dad," he reminded his father, but his dad just chuckled. "You're a nice boy Kurt, anyone would be lucky to date you."

Again Kurt noticed the lack of personal pronouns when his dad talked about Kurt dating, and not for the first time he wondered if his dad didn't have his suspicions about him.

He shoved the thought to the back of his mind and asked his dad to tell him about life in Lima instead. Luckily his dad caught the bait and they chatted about the garage and life at home for a while.

He did miss his family a lot and secretly hoped he didn't have to wait for Thanksgiving to see his dad again, but he knew money was tight and his dad couldn't just hop on a plane whenever he wanted.

So he just promised to call regularly again before heading to the library to finally pick a play for his acting class assignment.

Kurt had been successfully avoiding Blaine for the past couple of days after completely humiliating himself by confessing his crush on Blaine and promptly getting rejected, but his luck ran out Friday after Vocal Explosion rehearsal.

He was staying back a bit, so he didn't have to talk to either Blaine or Chandler while others where still in the room, but when he made his way to the door, he saw that Blaine was waiting for him, handing him a water bottle as he approached.

At first, Kurt refused to look at Blaine, studying the floor instead.

"Can we talk, Kurt?" Blaine asked when it became clear that Kurt wasn't going to say any thing.

"What's there to talk about?" Kurt shot back. Unless you want to humiliate me further, Kurt thought, still avoiding Blaine's eyes. Blaine's next words caught him by surprise though and he couldn't stop himself from looking up.

"Kurt, please don't go out with him. Have you forgotten the party?" Kurt didn't know what Blaine wanted from him. Why did he care so much who Kurt went out with if he wasn't interested in Kurt in that way?

"He was drunk and acted inappropriately and he apologized for it. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't go." If Blaine liked him after all, wouldn't now be the time for Blaine to confess, to stop Kurt from going on a date with another boy.

Blaine's expression was pained but then he squared his shoulders and answered – and all Kurt wanted to do was slap him.

"I don't want you to get hurt; he's a senior." "I don't know why you're so hung up on this age crap but I can take care of myself. I don't need you to baby-sit me." Kurt nearly yelled in Blaine's face. He wasn't a child anymore and he had been dealing with bullies for year, so he knew how to take care of himself.

"Come to the movies with me then," Blaine suddenly suggested, but Kurt didn't want to hear it. He wanted a real date, not another movie night with a guy who flirted with him and then told him they were just friends. He was done with Blaine leading him on, only to be dropped once feelings came into play. At least Chandler was upfront when it came to telling Kurt what he wanted from him.

"No. I've told you how I feel and you shot me down. You don't get to ask me that because someone else is interested in me and you don't like that person. I don't need your pity date."

Kurt didn't wait for Blaine's reply, which would surely just contain more excuses for why they couldn't be together. He was done with Blaine and it was time to move on, before he could hurt him even more.

Blaine was in the school gym pounding his fists into a boxing sack. He had taken up the sport after he got beaten up at his old school, but he used it mostly for stress relieve nowadays.

He had just wanted to help Kurt, but in the end he had just made it worse, because now Kurt seemed to hate him. And according to Wes it was all his fault, because of his stupid morals. Now Kurt would go out with Chandler who had god knows what plans with Kurt.

There was one last thing he could do though to stop the date and he quickly stripped of his gloves and took a shower before walking over the girls' dorm.

He didn't have to ask around long until someone told him Santana's room number and walked over to her door. He had seen Kurt hang out with the girl a lot and he hoped she was willing to help him.

He knocked on the door and was told to come inside after a moment. Santana and another blond girl, Brittany he remembered, were cuddling on a bed and Santana raised a perfectly styled eyebrow when she caught his expression.

"If you want a show, I'm going to have to charge you for it," she drawled and Blaine could feel his face flush.

"I'm gay," he told her, but she just smirked. "Relax hobbit, we know you are. I've seen the way you look at Kurt." Seriously, was he really that obvious? No wonder Kurt was pissed when he shot him down.

"That's why I'm here actually. I need your help. Kurt has date with Chandler tomorrow night and you have to stop it."

Santana turned back to toying with the blonde's hair and Blaine felt like he was intruding on a private moment.

"I'm sorry hobbit, but if he wants to go out with the lying creep there's nothing I can do to stop it. I am, however, willing to go on a spying mission with you, if you pay for dinner."

Blaine stared at her. "You want me to spy on Kurt's date. Do you want him to hate me even more?"

The dark haired girl just shrugged. "You're worried, Kurt can't handle himself. So take my offer or leave. If you do, pick me up here tomorrow at eight."

Blaine really didn't trust Chandler especially after what he had told Blaine before he punched him and so he agreed in the end, because he needed to know Kurt would be safe. He could deal with Kurt's anger if they got caught.

"Deal," he told her and then quickly left the room when Santana and Brittany started making out on the bed.

If anyone would ask him, he did not spend three hours trying out all his clothes to find the perfect date outfit. He also didn't spend half an hour on his hair, no matter what Jeff said.

In the end he went with tight black jeans, but not too tight because he didn't want to give Chandler the wrong impression, a white button down and a black vest with intricate patterns and hard to open buttons.

Chandler was already waiting for him in front of the dorms when Kurt came outside and together they started walking in the direction of the restaurant Chandler had picked.

For a moment he thought he saw Blaine and Santana behind him, but he must have imagined it because why would those two hang out alone?

Chandler led him to a nice looking restaurant close to Central Park and Kurt had to admit he was enjoying himself. Chandler was easy to talk to, they liked pretty much the same musicals and the older boy kept complimenting his fashion choices.

As far as first dates went, it was pretty much perfect. And now that he had spent some time with Chandler, he knew that Blaine just didn't want him to go out with Chandler because he was jealous, because the other boy was nothing like he had been at the party. It was Blaine's own fault that Kurt went on his very first date with Chandler instead of Blaine.

After sharing vanilla ice cream for dessert Chandler asked Kurt to come along to a bar where he knew they didn't check IDs, but Kurt declined because he still had a lot of homework to do the next day and he didn't want to have to do it hungover.

Chandler looked disappointed but Kurt knew it was for the best. He had experienced first hand that Chandler and alcohol didn't mix well and he didn't want a repeat of the party.

"Can I at least walk you home?" Chandler asked when Kurt told him again that he really had to get back home.

"That would be nice, thanks," Kurt answered and they left the restaurant together. Before Kurt knew it Chandler had his arm wrapped tightly around Kurt's waist, but even though that was moving a bit fast for him, he didn't say anything because he didn't want Chandler to think he was a baby who'd freak out at every touch.

"You sure you don't want to go anywhere else tonight? It's only eleven," Chandler tried again and that was when Kurt realized they were walking over to Central Park instead of NYADA.

"Where are we going? I told you I wanted to go home," Kurt told Chandler and tried to move away but Chandler just tightened his hold on Kurt.

"Seriously Kurt, I love the whole innocent act but it's getting a bit much. You didn't seriously expect to just go to dinner with me and that's it? I think I should get something out of this date as well."

Shit. He was suddenly really afraid because he didn't know what Chandler would do. Kurt wanted to go home and forget all about it. He should have just listened to Blaine, but he was so happy that someone was finally interested in him and when Blaine rejected him, he couldn't say no.

"Let me go," he told the older boy, trying to push him away, but suddenly found himself pressed against a wall. Chandler grabbed his face and pressed his try lips against Kurt's and Kurt suddenly felt himself transported back into the Lima Middle school locker room in 7th grade.

Kurt had enough of being pushed around by Dave fucking Karofsky. He had rejoiced at the end of sixth grade because he thought the bully would start high school in the fall together with his other bullies Finn and Noah, but to his shock the jock was back in eight grade at the beginning of the school year and became even more ruthless during the last couple of months and Kurt had enough.

He picked himself up from the floor, checked that his phone was still working and his clothes didn't rip when he hit the sharp edge of the locker before running after the older boy.

He found the jock in the empty school locker room and for a moment Kurt considered just turning around and walking away, because the fifteen year old was already quite tall and looked like he weighed twice as much as Kurt, but he squared his shoulders and marched into the locker room.

"Why can't you just leave me in alone? What have I ever done to you?" he yelled into his bully's face, who looked surprised for a moment before he sneered.

"You shouldn't be in here. Girl's locker room is next door." Kurt hated that his bullies called him a girl because just because he liked fashion and hung out mostly with Mercedes didn't mean he wasn't a boy.

"And you shouldn't even be in this school and I don't care what a dumbass who has to repeat 8th grade thinks," Kurt yelled back, because he was done being a victim.

He knew he shouldn't aggravate the bully and when he advanced on Kurt he flinched and took a step back only to realize he had backed himself against a row of lockers.

"You are really hot when you are angry," Karofsky suddenly leered and Kurt froze. "What?" he stuttered out and tried again to get out of the way, but the bully was suddenly right in front of him and before Kurt could stop him, Karofsky grabbed his face and pressed his lips against Kurt's.

Kurt tried to fight off the jock but he wasn't strong enough and when he felt the other boys tongue trying to find a way into his mouth Kurt panicked and struggled harder but to no avail.

Instead of letting go, Karofsky pressed even closer and Kurt tensed up even more when he realized that the older boy was getting turned on by this. Just when he lost all hope that Karofsky would ever let him go, the door of the locker room further away from them opened and Karofsky jumped back as if he got burned.

Kurt didn't wait around to see who his savior was and sprinted to the other door, barely making it to the girls' bathroom before he emptied his stomach.

Chandler's lips on his neck brought him back to the present and he realized that he must have stood frozen in shock for a while because Chandler seemed to think he was enjoying this, completely ignoring Kurt's lack of participation.

This couldn't be happening again, Kurt thought and he finally unfroze and tried to move away.

"Chandler please," he pleaded as he tried to turn his face away, but Chandler just licked his earlobe and whispered, "I like it when they beg."

God, he was so stupid; he hadn't listened to any warnings and now he would get a repeat of the locker room and who knew if someone would come along to help him this time or if he was at Chandler's mercy unless he managed to get free himself.


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aww poor kurt... (cuz blaine turned him down) also im glad kurt stood up to blaine even considerig the situation... i just wish hed push chadler the heck off of him! guess ill fid out soon enough...

Kurt needed to prove to Blaine he was not a baby. And Chandler ... *sings* he had it coming, he had it coming...* ;)