March 4, 2013, 11:02 a.m.
March 4, 2013, 11:02 a.m.
Let me start by properly introducing the main characters.
Kurt Hummel, OH, freshman: Hates that everyone immediately assumes he's gay when he hasn't even come out yet. Fashionista, Star in the making.
Jeff Sterling, IL, freshman: Loves that his girlfriend's school has uniforms. Dancer.
Brittany S. Pierce, NJ, freshman: Promised her cat he could move into her dorm room once he quits smoking.
Santana Lopez, NY, freshman: Is hiding razorblades in her hair the Bronx way.
Quinn Fabray, CT, freshman: Loathes her uber-religious parents who'll send her to a school run by nuns if she gets into trouble again.
Nick Duval, OH, sophomore: Thinks he is the most talented dancer in Vocal Explosion.
Sunshine Corazon, (international student), sophomore: Originally scouted by Vocal Adrenaline but didn't want to move to Ohio when she could have New York.
Blaine Anderson, OH, junior: One of only three mid-year transfer students ever. Tries his best to make his distant parents proud of him.
Wes Montgomery, MI, senior: Can open doors for you … and not just figuratively.
David Thompson, PA, senior: Main choreographer for Vocal Explosion.
Sebastian Smythe, MA, senior: Doesn't get rejected. Period!
Chandler Kiehl, IN, senior: Best friends with Sebastian. They have a shared motto: I can always get what I want.
Alyson St. James, PA, senior: Captain of Vocal Explosion, Diva in the making, hates Sebastian and Chandler. Her younger brother is the leader of Vocal Adrenalin
Bryan Ryan, OH, voice teacher: Did unfortunately not make it on Broadway, but at least he's not teaching Spanish.
Shelby Corcoran, OH, acting teacher/ director of the school musical: Rumored to have moved to New York after adopting the baby of a student from her former school Carmel High.
Dakota Stanley, PA, dance instructor: Brilliant choreographer with lousy people skills
At McKinley
New Directions
Mercedes Jones, freshman: Kurt Hummel's best friend and best-dressed girl at McKinley. Future star.
Tina Cohen-Chang, freshman: Once convinced a teacher she was a vampire.
Artie Abrams, freshman: Future filmmaker.
Sugar Motta, freshman: Spoiled rich girl. Can't really carry a tune, but fun to have around.
Joe Hart, freshman: Devout Christian, was home schooled.
Rachel Berry, sophomore: self-proclaimed star.
Sam Evans, sophomore: Transfer student, football player.
Matt Rutherford, sophomore: football player and dancer.
Mike Chang, sophomore: football player and great dancer.
Finn Hudson, junior: quarterback with two left feet.
Noah 'Puck' Puckerman, junior: Self-proclaimed badass and sex symbol.
Harmony Pearce, junior: The star of Sandy Ryerson's glee club.
Dave Karofsky, sophomore: closeted, bullying jock.
Will Schuester, Spanish teacher, Glee coach: Once had big Broadway dreams.
Sue Sylvester: Best cheerleading coach in the nation. Santana, Brittany and Quinn have all attended her camps.
Emma Pillsbury, guidance counselor: Only teacher who gives a damn.
1x02: Auditions
When Kurt and Jeff got to one of the rehearsal spaces in their dorm, Brittany was already teaching Santana and Quinn the Spice Girls' choreography to Wannabe. "Seriously, why do I have to be Scary? I don't want to rap?" Santana complained as Kurt dropped his bag in a corner and joined the girls in the middle of the room.
"It's because of your lovely personality," Quinn commented dryly, looking bored again. Kurt, by now, was questioning if she had other expressions. "You don't hear me complaining about being Ginger or Kurt about being Baby Spice." Kurt scowled at Quinn. He had complained at first but the other four had ganged up on him and had deemed him the most baby-faced of their little group.
"Can we stop fighting about this and get on with it. No one hears me complaining about being Posh. I don't even get my own lines," Jeff interrupted Santana and Quinn's bickering and eventually everyone settled down.
"Okay, let's just sing through it once and Jeffy and I will show you the steps again while you're singing," Brittany explained before back-flipping into her place behind Santana. Kurt was standing closest to the CD player and he quickly pressed play before Santana and Quinn took a step forward and launched into the song.
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, (Santana)
So tell me what you want, what you really really want, (Quinn)
I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, (Santana)
So tell me what you want, what you really really want, (Quinn)
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.
Kurt could barely contain his laughter as he watched Santana and Quinn acting all gangster in the costumes he had found for them all. Then Brittany pushed threw Santana and Quinn and dragged Kurt with her.
If you want my future forget my past, (Brittany)
If you wanna get with me better make it fast, (Kurt)
Now don't go wasting my precious time, (Santana)
Get your act together we could be just fine (Quinn)
They were all laughing hard once they were done. They had tried to follow Brittany and Jeff's instructions as best they could, but they hadn't been very successful. Kurt was glad he was still alive after stepping on Quinn's toes a few times in a row.
They weren't perfect yet, but Kurt wasn't worried. They still had a few more days to prepare before they had to perform in front of Mr. Ryan again, and they all had fun rehearsing together.
"So are you all gonna audition for Vocal Explosion on Friday?" Santana asked as she flopped down next to Brittany, who was showing off her flexibility, not realizing that his roommate, who had a girlfriend, kept egging her on so he could ogle her. Teenage boys. Kurt elbowed Jeff before telling the others what his audition song was.
To his surprise, Quinn offered to play it for him on the piano in the corner of the room so that Kurt could have some feedback. He had expected to be surrounded by backstabbing divas at this school, but so far he had made more friends in half a week than he had in all of middle school.
Two hours later Kurt was on his way to the dinning hall, sans Jeff who was still on the phone with his girlfriend, when Chandler came up to him. Kurt eyed him warily but decided to at least listen to what the older boy had to say.
"Listen Kurt. I need to apologize for Monday night. I wasn't exactly sober but that doesn't excuse my behavior and I'm sorry for that." Either Chandler was a really good actor or he was actually sincere. Kurt hoped it was the second one, because it was nice that someone was interested in him for a change.
"Can I ask you a question about Blaine?" Chandler nodded. "Are he and Sebastian…?" "Dating? Yeah, they've been together for about a year, but Blaine doesn't really like to broadcast it at school because if the teachers find out, he and Sebastian will have to follow certain rules as well."
So he had been right about that. It didn't surprise him though. Blaine was gorgeous and he supposed Sebastian could be quite attractive too if he wiped that constant smirk off his face.
"You don't like Blaine, do you?" Chandler asked, and for a moment Kurt thought he could see a flicker of the creepy smile back on Chandler's face, but it was gone a moment later, and Kurt wasn't sure if he hadn't imagined it. Unfortunately he couldn't stop the blush that was appearing on his face as he quickly denied it.
"No, of course not. I was just curious." "Good, so how about I take you out Friday night after your audition for Vocal Explosion?" Chandler suddenly asked. Kurt didn't really know what to say to that. After all, he had never been asked out on date before.
"Can I think about it? I'm not sure if this Friday is such a good idea. I promised my friends we'll go to the movies together." Well he hadn't agreed to it yet, but he wasn't sure if going out alone with Chandler was such a good idea.
"Sure, just let me know what you decide. And it doesn't have to be this Friday. I could try to get us student tickets for Wicked for next week," Chandler offered and Kurt's eyes widened. Wicked was he's favorite musical and seeing it live on a Broadway stage would be a dream come true. If Chandler wanted to see it too, maybe they had more in common than he thought.
"I, I have to meet my friends now, but I'll tell you soon," he stuttered mentally cursing himself for acting like a baby. Chandler just gave him one of his blinding smiles and left Kurt after he squeezed his arm.
Kurt remained frozen on his spot until he's phone rang and Jeff demanded to know why he wasn't at their table yet. He hung up after telling Jeff he was on his way and quickly made his way over to the dining hall, trying not to analyze his talk with Chandler too much.
Dinner was spent with Jeff gushing about his girlfriend and how insanely hot her school uniform was while Kurt kept staring over to Blaine who was sharing a table with two boys Kurt had seen during the Vocal Explosion performance as well.
Sebastian was sitting with Chandler and Kurt wondered why he wasn't sitting with Blaine when he remembered Chandler telling him they wanted to keep the relationship a secret. Would he do the same if he were dating Blaine? He wasn't even officially out yet, but so far no one at this school seemed to care if someone was gay or straight.
He was on his way back to his dorm when he heard someone call his name behind him. He turned around and came face to face with Blaine. "Hey Kurt, how are you?" Kurt was about to answer when he saw Sebastian behind Blaine glaring at him.
"I'm good, but I have to go call my dad, bye," he said in a rush and nearly sprinted off to his room. Sebastian clearly didn't want his boyfriend to talk to Kurt and Kurt wasn't sure if he could spend time with Blaine without making an even bigger fool out of himself.
Apparently Blaine didn't give up easily, because he stopped Kurt on the way to math the next morning and asked if he wanted to get coffee with him, so they could talk about how Kurt was settling in and offered his help for Kurt's audition again. Luckily the bell rang before he could answer and he gave Blaine an apologetic smile and ducked into the classroom.
He didn't understand why Blaine was so keen on spending time with him. It was probably out of pity for the boy that got drunk after his first day of school and had to be "rescued" at a party. What other reason could there be.
Sure he was making friends at his new school, but Blaine was older and had his own group of friends. Kurt was just a stupid freshman, after all.
The rest of the day he successfully managed to dodge Blaine before he could get even close to Kurt, but he knew he couldn't hide forever, because he had his audition on Friday and Blaine had already told him he would be there for it.
He just had to tell the butterflies in his stomach to stop fluttering whenever Blaine was around, because he didn't have a chance with him. Maybe than he could be Baine's friend or whatever it was Blaine wanted from him.
"So if I got this right, there's this guy who wants to talk to you, like all the time, but you don't talk to him because you like him and he has a boyfriend." Kurt nodded before remembering Mercedes couldn't see him. "And then there's this other guy who you don't really want to talk to because he does like you?"
"Yes, but Chandler's … I don't know intense. And he wasn't that great to be around when I met him." How was he supposed to tell Mercedes what was going on when he didn't want to tell her about the party and the alcohol. Mercedes may be his best friend, but she was also the biggest gossip he knew.
"Well, you can either keep pining after a guy who's taken or you can give the other guy a chance and see where it's going. Or…"
"Or, what Mercedes. Help me out here. I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never been in a relationship before."
"Well neither have I. And you don't have to be in one just because this guy likes you. There's nothing wrong with being single until you're ready to date or find someone you really like instead of dating the first guy who is interested in you. We are fabulous and we don't need a man in our life to prove that right?"
Kurt laughed. Mercedes was the only person he had ever come out to before Jeff and only because she had had a crush on him and he didn't want to lead her on. It was back in 7th grade when a lot of their class mates had started dating, when they had decided that they didn't need that because they were fabulous on their own.
"Alright, enough about me. Tell me about New Directions. Maybe if we both make it to Nationals we will compete against each other … if they let me join Vocal Explosion."
"They would be stupid not to," Mercedes assured him before she told him about the new club members they had now. Kurt was surprised to hear that Finn had joined since he and Mercedes had last talked, and had even managed to convince a few guys on the football team to join as well.
"Well Rachel is not too happy, we have all those new people?" " How come? You needed twelve people to compete and now you have them." He knew Rachel hated competition because that meant she had to fight for something for a change, but this was show choir and you had to work together to create something unique.
"Well, last week she convinced Mr. Schue that she should get to be the female lead because she was a sophomore and the rest of us are freshman, when he gave Tina a solo." "She didn't! What does it matter what grade you are in, as long as you're talented?"
Kurt had heard from Nick that everyone in school was allowed to audition for school plays and musicals regardless of the grade they were in, only lead roles where given to seniors and juniors if they auditioned for them as well.
"I don't know. But there was this girl, Harmony, and she was the star in Glee last year and Rachel hated her. There were rumors she transferred to Carmel and when she didn't audition for Glee and wasn't at school last week, Rachel thought she was the oldest now and convinced Mr. Schue to instate this new policy."
"I hear a delightful twist coming up." He just loved the way Mercedes told stories. It was too bad that the computer she had at home didn't have a web cam because he missed seeing her face when they talked.
"Harmony came back yesterday, and Rachel went crazy, because per the newly instated rule, Harmony was now the female lead and would automatically get all the solos unless she decided to give them to someone else."
Oh snap. That had to piss Rachel off. She had thrown a fit once in middle school when Kurt had been given a song she wanted to sing even though she was a grade above him. Mercedes was talking again and he focused his attention back on her.
"… it was actually Harmony who told the principle about Mr. Ryerson inappropriately touching his male students even though she was a star. So everyone likes her already because she got us a new choir teacher and she gave Tina her solo back."
"I'm actually jealous right now I missed that," Kurt waved at Jeff as he came into their room and disappeared into their shared bathroom.
"Oh don't be. I'm sure there's enough backstabbing going on at your school as well. Enjoy what you have right now, while you can."
"Alright, I have to go now. I still have a ton of homework to do and Quinn has agreed to rehearse my audition song with me again later tonight."
They said their goodbyes and Kurt opened his math book with a sigh. It was only the first week, but apparently the teachers wanted to prove that their school hadn't just an excellent arts curriculum but was also academically challenging.
Blaine had been trying to talk to Kurt for the past two days now, but the younger boy seemed to be avoiding him. He didn't understand why though. He had been nothing but nice to Kurt ever since they met, but Kurt acted as if he wanted nothing to do with him.
He had planed to invite Kurt for coffee, after he had refused to let Blaine help him with his audition piece, to make sure Kurt was doing okay after Monday night and was doing okay at school. He himself had been glad when Wes and David had taken him under their wings shortly after his transfer, and he wanted to do the same for the boy with the beautiful blue eyes.
Friday in voice class, Mr. Ryan asked them to sing the song in front of the class with which they had auditioned for NYADA so he could tell them how they could improve it. Kurt delivered, what he thought was another flawless rendition of Defying Gravity to the astonishment of some of his classmates when he hit the high F.
His teacher looked impressed as well, but asked him to stay behind after class so they could discuss his performance. Kurt wasn't really worried because at least half of the class had to stay behind for the teacher's notes.
Brittany, to the amusement of the class, sung a Britney Spears' song, proving again what an amazing dancer she already was when she included some of the original choreography.
Santana surprised them with a soulful rendition of Amy Winehouse's Back to black and Quinn borrowed Santana to sing Popular, also from Wicked. Kurt thought it was the perfect song for her, because she, without a doubt, must have been one of the most popular girls in school and she managed to give a fun performance without sounding arrogant.
Kurt was impressed with the talent of all his other classmates as well. All together there were forty freshman who were pursuing different interests and in addition to the five of them there were ten other students in this class.
Jeff was the last to go and he did a hilarious rendition of Uptown Girl, dancing around the girls in class and twirling Brittany around him as he finished the song.
Once class was over Kurt waited for his turn and approached Mr. Ryan once he called his name.
"I was very impressed that you were able to hit the high notes in the song. From what I've seen on the tapes you sent in, you are very comfortable with higher notes. " Kurt nodded, because it was true. He was a lot more comfortable singing girls' songs because high notes were easier for him to sing.
After a pause, Mr. Ryan continued. "Our goal will be to expand your range. So for your next assignment I want you to chose a song outside your comfort zone. It doesn't have to be immediately perfect. You do your best and we'll work on it together."
Kurt wasn't sure if he would be comfortable "butchering" a song in class, but wasn't that the point of attending NYADA; to train his voice so he could expand his repertoire. If he wanted to be on Broadway one day, he needed to be able to sing songs written for tenors, because there weren't many roles for countertenors outside of the opera.
Kurt thanked Mr. Ryan for his advice and hurried back to his dorm to get changed for his Vocal Explosion audition.
Jeff and the girls were waiting for him outside the auditorium, having auditioned already. He waved at them before making his way into the auditorium, past the current members of Vocal Explosion who would all watch his audition.
He handed the piano player his sheet music, went into the middle of the stage and took a deep breath when the music started.
If someone stood up in a crowd
And raised his voice up way out loud
And waved his arm and shook his leg
You'd notice him
If someone in the movie show
Yelled "Fire in the second row
This whole place is a powder keg!"
You'd notice him
And even without clucking like a hen
Everyone gets noticed, now and then,
Unless, of course, that personage should be
Invisible, inconsequential me!
Kurt couldn't make out much of the audience, but he spied Blaine giving him an encouraging smile before he launched into the chorus.
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
'Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there...
I tell ya
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
'Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there...
He held the last note as long as possible, fixing his bangs that were threatening to fall into his eyes as he did so. Once he was done he went of the stage and hurried back outside before Chandler could catch up with him. He figured not talking to him either would tell him that Kurt didn't plan to go out with him tonight.
Compared to Monday night, the weekend had been quiet. Santana had shown them around the city and they had discovered a small coffee shop called the Lima Bean. Kurt had been surprised to see the name, but had felt incredibly stupid when Jeff had asked if they had coffee from Peru. He hadn't even known that the capital of Peru was called Lima as well.
So much for public school education, he thought, once he was sure none of the others had realized that he had thought the shop was named after a city in rural Ohio. The coffee shop was only a few blocks away from the school and they quickly agreed that this would become their after school hang out spot.
Later that night they went out to go to the movies, but Kurt begged out of it when Santana wanted to drag him to another college party afterward. He didn't want to run into either Blaine or Chandler at a party again.
Sunday was spent on blankets in central park, where Jeff's girlfriend joined them for a picnic. As promised he spent a good hour on the phone with his dad while wandering around in the park later that same afternoon, telling him all about his classes and his audition for the school choir.
On Monday, Kurt had his first class with Shelby Corcoran, the school's new acting teacher. They spent most of their lesson playing warm up games, and Kurt was a little confused what this had to do with acting, but he had to admit, that at the end of the ninety minutes, he didn't care so much about making a fool out of himself in front of his classmates anymore, because they all looked and acted ridiculous during some of the games.
Before class let out, Ms Corcoran told them to stay for another couple of minutes so she could make an announcement.
"Auditions for this year's school musical will begin the following Friday. This semester we will be doing "Spring Awakening", she added after a brief pause.
People around him were cheering, but Kurt was surprised they would be allowed to do that musical in a school. As if she could read his mind, Ms. Corcoran elaborated once the class had quieted down.
"This being a school performance we of course will have to cut certain scenes, but the other teachers and I are working together to create a school friendly version of the musical without straying to far away from the original."
Kurt had never seen the musical life, but he had watched it on youtube and was exited to be able to participate in a musical about young people.
"Alright, everyone can audition, but if we have juniors or seniors auditioning for the three lead roles they will be picked over freshmen and sophomores. All other roles are fair game. The lead roles will be double cast however, and we'll alternate performers, so go for them if you want to."
There was no way Kurt would audition for a lead role, so he didn't mind the arrangement.
"We'd prefer you to audition with a scene and a song from the musical, but you don't have to. You can also asked a fellow student to help you with your audition, if for example the scene you are doing is a dialogue. If you have anymore questions please ask one of the older students in school."
Most of his classmates were excitedly jumping up and down and Kurt wondered for a moment if he should even audition. There were only so many roles for the 150 students at school.
He told Jeff as much who just laughed at him. "It's not like everybody will be trying to get into the school musical. They are also doing "A midsummer night's dream, a concert and the more ambitious dance students will perform the nutcracker for Christmas. From what Nick told me, it's mostly the people in Vocal Explosion who audition for the school musical."
Well that was a relief. He'd just have to get a copy of the libretto and find one of the smaller roles to audition for.
Only week two and life was already getting stressful. They had to perform their Spice Girls' number the next day in class, he had to work on his own assignment and if he got into Vocal Explosion he would have rehearsals with them as well.
He had no idea when he was supposed to do homework when he still had to eat and sleep. Adding the school musical into the mix would mean even less free time. But if he wanted to be a performer one day, he had to get used to work under pressure.
Kurt woke up Tuesday morning to a text message telling him to come to the auditorium at five where Vocal Explosion would announce their new members. Kurt had been surprised that not everyone would get in because all the students were so talented, but Alyson had explained that they were looking for people whose voices could replace the seniors that had graduated in May.
The day dragged on, but after their Spice Girls' performance, which went pretty well if he could say so, Kurt, Jeff and the girls made their way to the auditorium. Once everyone was inside, Alyson went up on stage with a list of the new members.
"Alright, thanks everyone for auditioning. If you didn't get in right now, you can come back next year. I'll be gone by then so I don't care if you blame not getting in on me." A few people were laughing around him, and Kurt felt himself immediately relax. If it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be.
He was already a student at NYADA; that had to mean he was talented.
"Sarah Brightman, Quinn Fabray, Mark Greyson, Kurt Hummel, Christina Jacobs, Thomas Lang, Santana Lopez, Christopher Miller, Brittany Pierce, Jeff Sterling; congratulations – you are the newest members of Vocal Explosion.
Before he knew it Brittany pulled him into a hug before kissing him square on the lips. Santana immediately pulled her back and Kurt could hear her tell Brittany about boundaries as he wiped his mouth with his shirtsleeve. Was it impossible for him to get kissed when he actually wanted to be kissed?
He couldn't be mad at Brittany though, who in her excitement had kissed Jeff and Quinn as well. When he turned around to pick up the bag he had dropped during her ambush, he saw Blaine standing close by, eyebrow raised. Kurt could feel himself blush and busied himself with looking for his water bottle in his bag.
"Congratulations. You were great." When he looked up, Blaine was suddenly standing right in front of him. "Thank you."
"So are you auditioning for Spring Awakening?" Blaine asked, falling in step next to Kurt as he walked away from the auditorium. Kurt nodded, trying not to look at Blaine too much.
"What about you?" "I'm definitely auditioning, but I'm not sure if I will go for a lead or not." Kurt looked up in surprise.
"You should, you are really good." Great and he was so blushing again.
"Thank you. Who are you going to audition for?" "Probably Ernst, because he's shy and naïve, so …" Kurt trailed off. No need to tell Blaine about his insecurities.
"Don't sell yourself short. Who would you want to audition for?" "Hanschen. I like how he goes after what he wants. But I'm not sure. Isn't he the one who is ahm on stage." He was definitely not going to say masturbating in front of Blaine.
"Yeah, but we're doing a PG 13 version. I wouldn't worry about that. Do you need help with your scene?" Kurt shook his head. He had been singing the song he wanted to use for years; he could do it in his sleep.
"If I'm going to audition for Hanschen I'm going to sing I'm the greatest star, to show I can be confident." "Mhm." "What?" Did Blaine think that was a bad idea?
"Word of advise. Use a scene from the musical to show them what you would be like in the role you're auditioning for. There's this one scene in act two that would work for you because there's a little bit of dialogue and you get to sing. I could play Ernst in the scene if you wanted."
How could he say no to an offer like that? Blaine clearly wanted to spend time with him, so maybe it was time to stop avoiding him, and figure out why Blaine constantly asked him to hang out. And if he remembered correctly, the scene Blaine was referring to involved a kiss. It wouldn't even be cheating if they did it on a stage.
Three days later, Kurt and Blaine went onstage together and Blaine explained why he was here too, before Ms Corcoran told them to start whenever they were ready.
Blaine stretched out on his back next to Kurt and Kurt started the dialogue part once he was comfortable. He was fighting the blush that threatened to appear each time he had to scoot closer to Blaine, before he took a deep breath an started the song.
Come, cream away the bliss,
Travel the world within my lips,
Fondle the pearl of your distant dreams…
Haven't you heard the word of your body?
O, you're gonna be wounded,
O, you're gonna be my wound.
O, you're gonna bruise too.
O, I'm gonna be your bruise…
Kurt leaned over and quickly kissed Blaine on his cheek, wishing he could kiss him for real. He barely paid attention to the next part of the conversation and was glad he could remember the words before he leaned over and kissed Blaine on the cheek again.
"On my way here this afternoon, I thought perhaps we'd only … talk." Kurt knew it was selfish to wish that Blaine would audition for Ernst. He nearly missed his cue again, and if he wanted to get that part he really had to focus now.
"So, are you sorry we-?" Had it been out of line to kiss Blaine's cheek? They hadn't discussed how the would handle the kissing scene. Blaine had only decided that they wouldn't do it. He probably didn't want to cheat on his boyfriend, even with a stage kiss.
"Oh no – I love you, Hanschen. As I've never loved anyone." Why couldn't Blaine say Kurt instead? "And so you should." So you should indeed.
They sat as close together as possible as they sang the last two lines together.
O, I'm gonna bruise you.
O, you're gonna be my bruise.
Maybe he should accept Chandler's offer after all. If he kept pining after Blaine he would only get his heart broken.
He was startled out of his revelry by Ms Corcoran who had come onstage to talk to them about the performance. "The two of you have great chemistry. Too bad Blaine has already auditioned for Melchior and I quite like him," she winked at Blaine who blushed.
Kurt smiled at Blaine, because he was sure Blaine would make a great Melchior, regardless of how much Kurt wanted Blaine to be his kissing partner. If he got the part he just hoped the other guy wasn't ugly or secretly homophobic.
Blaine had gone to grab a bottle of water after Kurt's audition and when he came back he saw Chandler talk to Kurt yet again. He had to make Kurt understand that Chandler was no good for him. If he couldn't date Kurt because of their age difference, then the eighteen year old senior was definitely too old. Besides, he was a huge asshole and Kurt deserved better. Someone like him, just in Kurt's year.
At least he had sabotaged Chandler's attempt to become Kurt's scene partner. Chandler had bragged to Sebastian when he thought no one was listening that he had auditioned for Hanschen so he could kiss Kurt, who would surely audition for Ernst, all the time, if Kurt wanted to or not. Blaine thought Kurt would be great in either role, but after what he had overheard he had made sure to convince Kurt to audition for Hanschen instead of Ernst..
Ms Corcoran hadn't been too happy about Chandler's audition either because she wanted to give the underclassmen a chance to show off their talent in the smaller roles. If all turned out how he wanted, Kurt would get Hanschen, and Chandler wouldn't even be part of the musical.
He waited patiently, until Chandler had left before he approached Kurt and handed him a bottle of water, earning him a grateful smile.
"I don't like you hanging out with him, you know. You're too good for him." Kurt narrowed his eyes and Blaine nearly took a step back. Was Kurt really going to defend the asshole? "Why?" Apart from the fact that he tried to molest you at a party?
"Look, Chandler chases people until he gets what he wants and the drops them or he waits until something shiny and new shows up." Blaine could tell that Kurt still didn't believe that Chandler was pure evil. He sighed.
"You know Alyson, right?" Kurt nodded, looking confused now. "She and Chandler started dating at the end of their freshman year and it lasted all summer, but then sophomore year started and he broke up with her in a text when a freshman caught his eye."
"But I thought he's gay. Maybe that's why he broke up with her? Because he realized that." Blaine shook his head. "Chandler's bisexual and he's done that with a lot of girls and boys at this school since then and it is rumored that alcohol is quite often involved in the "seduction."
"Oh, I thought bisexual is a term gay guys used in high school because they didn't want to admit to be fully gay," Kurt explained and Blaine couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Kurt. "Really?" Kurt blushed adorably, clearly embarrassed by what he had said.
Kurt quickly finished his water bottle before he spoke up again. "I don't want to be just another conquest. I like romance." "Then don't." Kurt was studying the floor in the small theater as if it offered him a solution.
He looked like he was holding back tears when he finally reacted to Blaine's advice and Blaine hated that he nearly made Kurt cry.
"What if that's the best I'm going to get. At least he's interested in me." Blaine's heart broke a little, and he was tempted to confess that he was interested too, but he couldn't. He would just have to make sure that Kurt stayed away from Chandler, so he could find a boyfriend his own age.
Blaine would rather see Kurt happy with someone else than being corrupted by Blaine. But he would try to be a mentor or even better, a friend, for Kurt.
Up Next: 1x03: Spring Awakening. Duets and discoveries.
Let me know what you think, and please excuse any spelling mistakes I might have overlooked.
ugh blaine get over it and date kurt already!!!!! other than that im happy with the story!
Blaine can be so frustrating. But fortunately he has people in his life who will knock some sense into him ;)