March 4, 2013, 11:02 a.m.
March 4, 2013, 11:02 a.m.
"NYADA – New York's Premier Performing Arts High School", the pamphlet Burt's sister handed him stated. Burt looked through it yet again and sighed before he looked at Kate.
"I'm really not sure about this. It's awfully far away and Finn and Kurt are finally starting to get along."
"Burt," his sister put her hand over his, "if it's already this bad in Junior High, do you really want to send him to High School here?"
Burt knew Kate was right. His son had been bullied in school for years now, but whenever he complained to the principle about it, nothing happened.
"Besides," Kate continued, "Kurt's music teacher said he's incredibly talented and he would gladly write him a recommendation for NYADA. The people running the Columbus Summer Arts Academy have been saying the same things. If you get him out of Ohio now, you won't have to worry about him getting hurt in school and he'd already have an advantage when he applies to Drama College after High School," Kate listed the pros again.
It wasn't the first time, Kate suggested sending Kurt to a school other than McKinley next fall, but it was the first time she brought up a school out of state.
"What makes you believe I could afford this NYADA? You know how we looked into Dalton Academy, but couldn't afford it in the end?" Kate nodded, but her smile didn't falter.
"But NYADA gives out scholarships for students who couldn't afford to attend otherwise. All we would have to pay is room and board if he gets in."
"But what if he doesn't? I can't send him to Carmel either, because that's all the way up in Akron."
Burt put his head in his hands. His son hadn't even officially come out yet and was already being tormented at school. As much as it pained him say it, his sister was right. Kurt would be much saver in New York than he would be in Ohio.
"Let me at least send them Kurt's tapes. You don't have to decide anything right now. School won't be out for another two months," Kate reminded him.
Burt finally agreed and signed where Kate wanted him to before handing her twenty dollars for the application fee. He didn't want his not even fifteen-year-old son to live in a boarding school in New York, but he was running out of options.
Later that night, Burt went online and looked up NYADA's home page. The school, situated on Amsterdam Ave between W 64th and W 65th street, seemed to be in a save neighborhood and was surrounded by other arts institutes. He knew it would be a dream come true for a kid like Kurt.
The web page explained that the school housed two dormitories - one for boys and one for girls and were governed by older students who acted as dorm monitors.
Burt wasn't really afraid to leave his kid unsupervised. Kurt had only been eight when his mother had died, and had mostly raised himself afterward because Burt had to take care of the garage.
What Burt was really interested in was the mission statement that boasted the school's achievements in music, dance and performing arts as well as their strict anti-bullying policy. If he was sending Kurt to a school all the way in New York, he had to make sure his son would be save there.
He klicked through some more page, looked up the different programs the school offered and shut the computer off with a sigh once he was done.
Kate was right, he didn't need to make a decision right now. What was important at the moment, was getting Kurt through the last two months of Junior High unscathed.
Five weeks later, Burt picked up the mail and quickly brought it inside when he saw it contained a letter from NYADA. He and Kurt had talked about the school after Kate had applied for him, and while Kurt wanted nothing more than go there, Burt still wasn't sure.
He and Carole would get married in September and he didn't want to send his son away, just as the Hummels and Hudsons were becoming a real family.
Fate had other plans this after afternoon though, because no more than five minutes after he opened the letter that invited Kurt to study at NYADA, Burt received the phone call, he had always been afraid to receive one day.
He rushed to the hospital as soon as his hands stopped shaking, Kurt's letter buried deep in his pocket. One of Kurt's only friends, Mercedes, was sitting in the waiting room, looking pale with red-rimmed eyes.
"Mercedes, what happened?" The girl looked up at him confusedly for a few seconds before she seemed to recognize him.
"It was Karofsky," she finally whispered. Burt furrowed his brows. Wasn't that kid in High School already. He must have said that out lout, because Mercedes nodded.
"He had to repeat 8th grade but he's a freshman now. I saw him and Kurt argue about something and than he pushed Kurt hard against a dumpster and Kurt hit his head and there was a lot of blood and Karofsky ran away."
The poor girl was rambling now and Burt wished Carole were here. She would know how to calm Mercedes down. Fortunately, he was saved by Mercedes' parents rushing into the waiting room. After quick introductions, a nurse finally approached to tell him he could see Kurt now.
His son was sitting up in bed, looking even paler than usual. His head was wrapped in bandages and a young looking doctor was standing next to the bed, looking over Kurt's CAT scans.
Ignoring the doctor for now, Burt pulled Kurt into his arms, careful of his injury. He didn't even realize he was crying until he felt Kurt's hospital gown get wet against his cheek.
Burt discreetly wiped the tears from his eyes after he let go of Kurt and took a few deep breaths. It had to be done. He never wanted to get a call from the hospital again, especially not one about Kurt being admitted with a head injury.
He pulled Kurt's NYADA letter out of his pocket and handed it to his son.
"Congrats, kiddo. You're moving to New York.
Up Next: Kurt's first day at NYADA.
aww but what about mercedes??? i bummed it seems like shes not going to be in this story... sounds good so far though. =]
Mercedes only plays a minor role ... so it's actually canon compliant ;) But she does appear in nearly every chapter because she is the link to the Lima part of the story :)